EIGHT PACKS. DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAX, PEXDIjETON, OKEGON, Tl KSDAV, XOVEMBEIl 7, 1011. PACE FIVE. 7 iinSlill Hill mm M PromolcsDirfeslionOfcifiJ-1 ness and iSestXonlainsncittw Oputm.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic, i AI.COJIOL 3 JKK CfiNT" AVcQcfable PrepnTuiionfor. simiaiinSihcFoodarilRcijula ggrlnfants and Children. IPlls Kind Yob Have JafatforjastMi'amwm, IhnfJaa Si!' JlxJeoaa JhcMltMtt' AiiuSai ihrmSrd fanftn Suynr Vutaymti tlanr. Acerferl Rcmtdv forCortsflta- (ton . Sour Stnuach.Dbrrlioca Vornis .ComiilsioiislhTrish ncss wulLoss or Sleep. FjcSumlc Signature of NEW YORK. Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper, f.: m u u h 22S KB rut ccntauh comcanv, kcw yob city. WOMAN' i:ecogxi-es lost son ix ayayeakek Eugene, Ore., Nov. 7. Mrs. 0. E l.cllcrg, living f.O mill's up the Mac kenzie river from this city, claims to l.ave recognized, In a logger who ciimp Unit way and asked his way to 11 sawmill, her lost son, but who has thus far bt en unable to recall any part of his jiMst life. II" gives his name as George I "wis, nnil says he Is n logger, whl) Mrs. I.clherg, wlio Is it practicing physleiai!, cl.iims that bo Is her fin, )y a former mnrraigo, 1. civil engineer mid graduate of the Tnivelslty of California. The young tnnti appeared at tho home of Mrs. l,clberg, and when the woman, who I. it physician, claimed him as her son lie could not recall her or anything of his past life. Mrs. Ijolbcrg believes the younj man's story that he has been the victim of nn assault, nnd that the blow on his head has caused n lapse of memory. The yoiin man Is now In this city under observation of pnmo of the lending physicians, while Mrs. Iielberi; Is in Hillsboro In vestigating the story of the assault. NY I S( HOCtl; M KKS ax r.xci:i,M:T showing (Special r"orrespondtee. N'.ve, Ore., Nov 7. Tlie school In district 81 has been running six Weeks. The attendance has been good nnd school spirit excellent. Mr. Ton kin the supervisor has visited the school once, Those who have leen neither tartly nor absent as reported by Mrs. Stan ton, teacher, since entering school are flare Waldrnn, Mildred Judd, Kuby Judd, Fludy Adams. ix porxi). I PERSONAL j : MENTION : Albn Thomson of Echo, was a vis itor in the city yesterday. Mis. Maggie Wilson of Athena, was a v!s tor In Pendleton yeaterdaj. Mrs. Lizxle Jones, the Athena mil liner, Is a visit.. r in Pendleton today. Mr. und Mrs. C. C. Whltten of Eu gene are registered at the Hotel Pen dleton. Pr. J. A. Best returned last evening front a visit to the Butter Creek country, "W. C. Knighton of Salem, Is am- i LOCALS i : I Received Today, a Shipment of on? the visitors from over the state & Bickera I C Snyder, ch'mney sweep. B 3812. Past'ine pictures please all. ', Main 1 73 for coal and wood. For rent -Front office In Judd building Arr':' to I E. Judd. Everybody goes to trie urpheum to see the best and tho clearest pictures Photic Dutch Henry for dry wood and Bock Spring coal. Main 178. Dr. T. M. Henderson has returned and resumed practice. For clean coal and dry wood, phone Main G. 7-room house, only $800. Teutsch In 1 4 and 1 6 button fa I 1.1 height at . . . . The following described animal lias been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One bay pony, roached mane, knot on It ft knee, branded II on left shoul tlt r, weigh'ng about 800 pounds. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of them, costs nnd ex penses paid nnl they taken away within ten dass from tho date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 17th day of November, 1911, the said ani mal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and ex penses of making sale. Dated this 6th day of November, 1911. TOM GUP. DAN F City Marshal. In tlie city. J. F. Shaefer of Walla Walla, was a west bound passenger on the local this morning. H. H. Gilbert, well known resident of Pilot Bock, was among the visitors In the city last evening. I. ee Teutsch, real estate man and hog .raiser, left on the local this morning for his ranch, fi. T. Brown of Athena, came in yesterday from his old home and spent the night In the city. H. Thanhauser of tho Thanhauser Hat company of Portland, Is making Pendleton one of his regular business visits. Geary Kimbrell. county nnd city engineer, returned on the bal this morning from th ecust end of the county. County Clcik Frank Paling and Mrs. Saling returned last evening from Pine City in the Butter creek country where they spent a couple of days. Miss Paialee Hailcy, of Pendleton, will arrive lomorotv morning to be the guest of Miss Harrief fc-tine. 21C New ell street, for two weeks. Walla Walla Union. Mrs. Arthur Zoeiltu-r, wife of the new head of the dry goods depart ment of the AKxander Department Store, arrived this morning from Provo, Utah, to Join her husband. B. F. Kiikpatrhk and B. D. Sherry left today for Morrow county where they will hunt duck's and geese during the week. They will be joined by Deputy Game Warden Averill on Thursday, Fred I.ockiey, manager of the Pa cif'e Monthly, returned to his home in Portland this mo-ning on the lo cal after a consult ttion wlill the Kouiid-Cp tiirei t..rs regarding a story which is to appear in the popular monthly. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Trowbridge, re cently of Miles City, Montana, are visiting with Bev. and Mrs. Charles Qtiinney while en route to the coast along which they will look for a loca tion. Mr. Trowbridge was formerly foreman of the mechanical depart ment of the Yellowstone Journal and is an old friend of Bev. Qulnney. For Sale Fine lot of laying pulleta. ' Phono Bed 2072. .Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. 7-room house On West Court worth $1650, only $1100. Snap. Teutsch & Bickers. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Bock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly, i lil.IXTlOX IN MANY STATES. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 5. Vanted--FurnlKhea house or housekeeping rooms fov two. Apply "M" at this office. Try the Cash Market for fresh Poultry, also remember we keep gro ceries and meats. Phone Main 101. . Take Northern Pacific By. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m , arrive 6.55 p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. If you want to move, call Penland Bros. Transfer, phone 2391. Large iray moves you quick. Trash hauled ince a week. 647 Main street. For rent Nicely furnished room with bath, furnace heated. Apply 621 Willow street. For transfer work, hauling bag-! ?age, moving household goods and pianos and all kinds of job work, phone Mainn 461. B. A. Morton. j All kinds of good dry wood, also ' clean nut or lump Bock Spring coal at Dutch Henry's. j A two seated hack, cart, 12 sets of double and single harness, all go in that big horse sale at Weston, No- ; vembt r IS. See bill elsewhere.' Chance Bogers. j If go ng east, or west or south, ! have tickets routed Northern Pacific Uy. Close connt ctions at Paseo with ' i.'l through trains. W. Adams, agent, C'tncleton. I To Portland or California, take ' Northern Pacific, via Pasco, pnd S. P. & S. By. Leave 1:30 p. m., ar- ; rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad- i ams, agent at passenger station, for j through tickets and all arrangements, j 115 acres, 20 in alfalfa, 60 acres ready to seed to alfalfa, 8 acres or-, chard. Plenty water for Irrigation. ' Snap for some one. Only requires $2500 cash, balance easy terms. See Teutsch & Bickers. Tans in high tops for Misses and Children in sizes from 5 1 -2 to 2 it See the Boots for little fellows in Tan and Patent leather, the old fashioned kind, sizes from 5 to 9 ohlenbergDept. Store f; Better Goods For Less Money 6? (Continued from page one.) fidciit that both of the new states will be found in their column. THEATRE; W. Friday, November 10 P. CULLEN Presents the Best Musical Show of the Season The West Point Musical Spectcclc 66 200 Rights in Chicago Gold! 99 With Carlton King, Jessie Stoner (& Co. of Forty Special Cars of Scenery A $50,000 Production Magnificent Scenic Effects PRICES: Duxes and First Three Rows $I.50--Lcwer Floor $ I -Balcony $1, 75c--Gal. 50c Seats Thuusday 10 a. m. at Pendleton Drug Store Phone Main 20 Hearst vs. Murphy. New York, Nov. 7. Today's elec tion for assemblymen and county ami o;her minor offices has been preced ed by a warm campaign in which the Republican-Independence League fu sionbts have made numerous bitted attacks on the Tammany Hall nomi nees. William Bandoiph Hearst has led the fusionist forces In their cam paign against the Murphy regime. Eo-s Curries One Town. Avon, Mass., Nov. 7 (Bulletin.) Uovornor Koss carried the town by a vo'.e of 175 to Forthingham's 133. Kcfornis Are Ivsur. Cleveland, O., Nov. 7. The test of progressive strength comes today in the election of non-purtisan delegates to the constitutional convention to be held in January. Supporters of the progressive constitution hope to elect a majority of delegates plflged to the initiative, referendum nnd recall. The re-election of Mayor Whitlock Is pre dicted and Newton Baker, n tlemo cral as Cleveland's mayor. BOI ND-I P ANN! Al, Si'OCKHOI.D 1.KS' MliETINC For Sale. A well built, six room house, hard finish throughout. Seven large closets, 2 sets of drawers, bath room, built in china closet, wide stairway, 3 lots, on south hill, finest view lot in the city, to a responsible renter, only $10 per month. Address Fred Lockiey, care E. O. city. Another Oase Just Arrived We have, just received an oilier case of our S9 FAMOUS FLEECE LINED 0mm, Underwear "I am pleased to recommend Cham berlain's Cough Bemedy ns the best thing I know of and safest remedy for' coughs, colds and bronchial trou ble," writes Mrs. L B. Arnold of Den ver, Colo. "We have U"ed it repeat edly and It has never failed to give relief." For sale by all dealers. Tikis is tlie kind you pay r0e to 7."c for other places, hut we are S''nS to fit and please you FOR 0KLY 372C Garment Full line of sizes and the greatest Underwear harain that has ever heen LIVED W TO bv any Pendleton store. SEE US BEFORE BUYING AXV'oF YOUlt CLOTHES. Worfcingmers's Clothing Company Less Expense ami Bi"ht Buvinir Make Our Prices Lower. Wivstliiijr Mutcli nt the Grand. Sport lovers were last night enter tained with a wrestling bout at the Grand theater between d. W. Ban doiph and Boy Stewart, local mat ar tists. The former won the mat strug gle after a desperate battle wh'ch lasted the full time. He succeeded in pinning his opponent's shoulders to the mat in two of the three goes but had to exert himsent to the utmost be fore he could accomplish the trick. The two grapplers will meet again tonight nnd tomorrow night anil lov ers of the great American spori t should not fail to attend. J Besides the wrestling bout, thej '"rand is offering its usual high class; tonne Frontier! 0 ys Celebration BUDKINQ B'JFFALOS Feet of BUGXING BRONCHOS INDIAN WAR BAKGE For You to Coitspara vvilh Your "RCUHD-U?" FOUR DAYS moving pictures. On Tuesday evening, November I t in the assembly room of the city hall will be ht Id the Bound-Cp . Annual Stockholders' meeting, nt which time a complete report of the last year's business and the lflll show- will submitted for your approval Also at this time will be held the annual election of officers for tho ensuing vear. F.verv stockholder is urged to be there. J. H. GWINN. Secretary. MAINE WH.It STAY OX THE WATER WAGON Aurusta, Maine, Nov. 7. Maine re tains constitutional prohibition. Gov ernor rialsted and his council decid ed last night to accept the corrections In the vote of four towns, cast In the special election in September, thus re versing; the result as Indicated on the face of the first ofticial returns. Beturns on tho election of Septem ber 11. indicated a majority of about 300 against the repeal of the prohib itory amendment but the later official count showed a majority of twenty-six against the repeal. Four Believed Drowned. I Tacoma, Nov. 7. Four persons who left Olympia Sunday morning in ar. t open launch for a day's outing on j 11 irtstein Island ten miles distant, are believed to have drowned in the storm I which prevailed over the upper sound that afternoon. The party was com- ! posed of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Muck, I Miss Gertrude Boot and Arthur Kay ler. A searching party from Olym pia cruised about the island today but found no trace of the message from the boat or Its occupants. i i: ; Starting Thursday, Hovember 9 ;Q3iiSS!0H 25c State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County . Krnnk J. Cheney mnktw oath that be U lenlor partner of the firm of K. J. Cheney A Co., tiding buiilnesa lu the City ot Toledo. County anil State aforesaid, and that aald firm win pay me atim 01 u.iu aiiiur.u 1HU.L.AKH lor eacn ana every cne 01 ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot Uall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CI1ENEY. Sworn to before me and aubarrlfaad In my iireBeuee, tills uth day of December, A. 1., 18Ht). . ISealJ A. W. GLRA80N, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and acta directly on the blood and fneona anrfarea ot the system. Send for testi monials free. V. J. CIIENRY ft CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Drngfrtirta, 7ft. Take Hall's Family rills for constipation We are Overstocked in Hard Milled Lanolen, Lettuce and Almond Oil Soaps, (the 50c kind) which we are closing out AT 25 Cents a Box It lathers nicely, washes away slowly, ar.d it cleanses and softens tho flesh. Koeppen's The Drug Store that Serves You Best. WHERE TO ? Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland Arrive Seattle 8:15 A. M. Leave Tendleton 1 :30 V. M. S Arrive Spokane.-.!) :53 P. M. Arrive Portland 8:10 A. M. Northern Pacific Railway First class trains. Tho Pioneer Line. Close connections. Good arriving time. SLEEPING CARS FROM Throusk Tickets to oil East or West Good 'leaving tbac. PASCO Points Secure tickets and full information front W. ADAMS, AGENT X. F. KY., PlvN'DLETOX. Ask about EXCl'KSIOX FAKES for these events: Xation Apple Show, Spokane, Xoveruber 23-30. - - - - t t- t i J ! i t