-if w'.t - 4 4 , jtf -i.atC(tnJ. "-' fight pace. r.ioE rem. DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TIT--IT. NOVEMBER 7. T : i i f I! i 7 :H:-l-H:i;SUf!GiCiSL OPERATION ; ; WHS SUCCESSFUL li.l T ONTR"!.. : : " : r. . , v ' - It. i't , - :. ; r -. i.i i - . v - , i ' i . . - 7 -) . .. .;'- i " I? n.--'- i ; i . - t r - ?" -7 ... . 1 -'-' ft X '1 LJ 5i.i ... J , : . 3 in,ji.-. tj j ... r . :. .r. r ; t t n y -ra- " v r-c -t . i.1 :r.j Ti. 1 ? ''w-tw i kept a - t ti o - . i-v Jiirrriaoa ;rt. I i-.-ii-l. "'rtfva. 16 iTf t y.-i" ir.i ihit J frvr.t ir.jurioi? n-.'..n-' y !.':' ;. th tirr. throt-J Lj t. '.:.v...-? il-jomjr V.-ut thfrm. ! baf.r-f V f;t to th: city M'-niar. -. , i t .. Ht! x. o i --r.- ?r city ;.-r the j-t x :r: :.:!- . t;r.i rj tie a-ek t:'.1i hrr m . ::-!" Mr L Lrj-ia . fr:c:i !r. M.'f.-n "lur.ne tfce fk. Mr. C 'M C-il'-f-y ar.i daugl'-tr 7 Fountain Head of Life 1$ 1 lit UL A n;E3 So fc tkI rd impilrtJ ttisich rr.J who doe not properly d-im fcn food vt-oa fcnj tat bi btooJ L become wt-ik J ia.poier.ti.t-d, nj Lilt ti wLje boy j iaiproperly koJ D.-. CCL3ZX TIEDICTiL CISCOVERY ciakts tje stoma. strttnt, promotes ths tlc! o? Cilcstire faiees, rr stores tae lost appst.ie, o:k:3 tssi.uilarioa perfect, ioxiioratts tie ii cr and purifies an J enriches fie blood. It Is the treat blood-maker, lU;b build-? end restcrjUre aerre tonic. ST makes me.t strong in tcdr, actire la mind sad coot in ludivmeot. TbX " EKtco ery " is pore, glyceric extract of Amertcan medical rooU, rol Jiely free frctn alcohol moi 'l iourio!, hba-lortoin(( drujt. All it intre4eau are printed oa it wrapper. It has no relationship with trcret Dovtrums. I: etery infredieoti esdoned by the leader la all tbe tttiooit of inediciae. Doo't accept a tecret oottrua a a ubtitu!e for thi time-proven reasedT or xvorf ccrosrra. At Toil neighbors. Tfcey mutt know of many core made by it during patt -40 year, rifbt in your own neighborhood. World' Dstpentary Medical Aooatioo, Dr. R.V. Pierce. Pre., liuffalo, N. Y. 7k AJ. 1 1 V ' K i8 some kkasox nm the i:htly ixcueased TF.XPACE AT THE AT- t:r.ir.i ha-". Mr.'. Cur.n.c?harn -mere r Suridiy. P.tr. Can- . ar. at fj-akr as-i , t ftrra.-n at tae A ! ' V.i.-. r i,:- v r. ft fc-. , - lr t'l t'r-hr-n church 1 V m flira Ha:' hlxh School leach- v. i r V5 It r. . i rrr '. t! Errn row :r-r. : E. :s rr'-at tru -v ir. th trurt li-.r rtniin -r-.i-in. S'i in' apt cf fsrther i.-J- ...t "riL T-.4t rrefr.-vJ - i - a; ; J X j tho r.rr.i.;r.- ! s ' J f-:-.h ;avor 0 ; so. :''-rctr 'f'---.-;-r 4-4i - - U ,t T. :.-: r -.-.v '.:-:t tv-ry err.' ;r.i-.i:i of . r; .;x. f-r t;.'vr. I a r-r.! . hr.t.fJ w "Jas- '""'.".'.ir.j-'ilor- teat a-i; fsr .i .'r r .: :-ir -. f .r c.r.-tru-.t.v .c.ri-.r.. t.-i f.r : r. : r. That tl.il 'i a.".f:-.r ir. 1 jro?rt? r .-f WttoB, tt:arr.i llr.iay fr-.m Pr:i.i-tr. hrr? she tir.t Satar-iay .3 J .jr.-iay ;in h-rr ; irtr::. Arh; llclttyr c-f AtieA, ts! . r. a .Sas-lay vctir.j 'I i 1 i r " 'j Mr. Ti V i!r. r -r rr. Arr.t-s ;jr.;'av w.'.h i. r sj r.t SAturJey her j;r-:.'.5 on ".he THE S HfHil. OP MODEItX MCTHODS Te t-l '!). IniivxJual Instruction and a personal lnt-rft in -ach t u;:! hr riv.ns for the rapil advancement and the hort timu rtsiuire.i t- graduate in our school. E-kk;.ir.?. .fhonhanl, Typewritin? and all bufintf. shorthand fit J English subject j racticaliy an-1 thorouith'y taught. Our in'-truc-t:'T. i Individual, fur 5tui-nt. have the i-rivilege of taking any num ! r of fuI.;k; without t-xtra cost. EXUOI-L NOW. lsy ar.i vc-sirg classes. Graduates assisted to good positi-uis. IV.'-ji ir- 1 tr than i.i iao,t schools. M. I.. H.AXt m', 15. A.. i M-iiir.;-: - r..in.j r.t ir.'.rt'. M : l. k I: of Ath' -. Pri-'r- U havir.z th? in- r-r: r J h - r 2rn"e r;- j -ri. Mr V'.'; e-r: I'; . : dj.r.z the work. Mr. Eaii !-ua'.'n r-t-rr.l Jfin !a it V.'u 'a V."a;'.. sr.ir": has t--n ; '-r-!;r.; -vr;ii dev- w.h h.. j.ir ef;ts. y.-. ar.l ; ; s. Jt HrU2i;n. Mr II A. M.I'.'-r. "r.. furniture 1 dJ-r ! .'-.-'-r.a. ji in V.'estca tht i.--Vt ot t. j-.r.'i. I Mr. !'.'. K.:z-.r- 4a in M'-nday fr -m the- r -'-rvation tvhert he : I work. ne for .:v..r. M.T.pson. - I v? A OK STKKXOTII. '.I it do to &::o-w the tr-j e f jtl w ay as to the extent ; '-rati .-r. hut r'.-v:-!- a ts e .'. g.v:f. the ?'-". -rr.T:e r j ow er . a"- the j,ri'.-e and the f-r.i'je' r o.-r.h;r;ari.r. er.i'a?-d in ir. J us- ' "nmiiif fat l' by f itlt'-r '.-.n.rnerce? ITXi SttiTT BEAEIfS BODY? ; J -.: t-:--t ; &t- . v,r tr.at v.-1. r.y n.atter of ri to r . -r.t r Jrofii ia-. ;r,-t, trie T.'. . i' n for of ar.y ra?-.- t:. It a-!uai!- . af.'.-r.tio-: i- , oter to th. r:?.'.t s-rt of it f re- ! Kivf-r Siij to I- Tlur. if I.iRriiifT. i; r; i'ai. The ba iiy dw-mposed h a. -rr'jr.i."-rn'-r.t would Injure : rerrja-M of a man were fund :n the e to th oon-urner ; rovided' th i Fea'h-r r:v r -n Haz-.-'-.u--h ranch. , i The h .-ly U i t j be that of Isr-o't t'.-ar Th. v-.::r. rr- . 1 r t -niri. J!'' n ' 'i0 ';r;'!"r a 'n:at2ri? ar-'! ( r;T ,!: , ,:aT;-are-l fr-.-m his m'ne ; ..".-r a-l.-r..f.i?nition but whieh t r-n th rr::dd'e fork of the W.iey river over f "jr rn .ii hs ago and of whom i: i tra' e v, a- found. Follow the Crowd AND YOU WILL FIND TllE GOLDEN RULE ST0UI5. Lrfllvs' Ouixu' Govi:?, .?!.:-.: v:luc-s ... A:.-, vhor c..-; l(c Or.;ir.r at Orr;".n City Ywx.l Kankets Ihui Mackinaw Coats rftn'r 11-avv Ptinporton Clir-ck Shirts Days Bib :, Overalls i)Sc 8 13i 91.0S S3.0S 73c and OS? S3? WE LEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW. . - - GOLDEN RULE STORE Hotel St. George (,i;oil(,l-; nAltVEAl'', I'rt)K-iur. European plan. Everything flrt clao. All modern conveniences. Hot water heated throughout. IJooma en isulte with bath. Ijirge. new aample rooina. The Hotel St. iorge l pro nounred one of the mml up-to-date hotelit of the Xorthwext. Telephone and fire alarm connection to office,. Pti'A hot and cold water running la. al! room. ROOMS $1.00 and $1.50 Block and a half from depot. See the bl electric flgn. nrt-cla". Grill and Cafe In connec tion A I-'i t.'arte. aaee- When you wan: I a i i i: THE AUTO CAB rilOXE MAIN 109. The OREGON MOTOR CO. 315 I-:. COURT ST. w ,: : i !1 diTgray I 'V THE I'AIM.ESS DENTIST, ! NOW AT ' THE BOWMAN HOTEL WILL. REMAIN ANOTHEU S ) WEEK. p The Dr. hns already cppratcl ft t) urion numbers of Pendleton's V citizens, nil of whom will tell ft w hi' h It rniitht '!' fairly well un!-r a visor 'a', pr-.gr---Mve adrr.lni'-tratlon. ..uer-tly oe,ur that at etlor. time a, Th4. Ckir. rM,el, have succeeded Jfldi D CC I ! Tl D V S H 2 S i ! G voter l r-.H.red to ma.e hi ' hoc;.-.. , ,a....jr;nff ikirssf and It I . ' . ' V' ..(,,-..,,., ,,r ire two of the ir.ort common cr.d nt'-st ci -- i Ai: j lutlor.s do riot lan Ion? even In the Urge coiinrrieH of the earth. from an i or. 2 tr.'-n Jr. ti.e i.on,.r..j io:t oi whom lie may have had no ;a:t. ;o'l governrn'-i.t U oft.-ri loore d'--j.-ndent u:-on ante-election work tha'i u;on woik done on election day. El ections are u-'Jally ex'lting and ome T.m'K extremely ho. and now and t.'.' n th re in goo i reaon for thi.-i jai-.-r,. . There may he vital i?u involved. j But ax a rule the important part J At 1;!, fharU-s Cunningham's 14 0, of the right is finished when it In de- I 000 U avenged, tided who U to run for office. Thi ! -vl-lent that the Mar is about over. ; tresu-..7r.f tnMlm u-A ... '. whii h shown that mod-rn revo- ' of much ill heairh. To ke-o vo'jr storrarii ! in a healthy and ttrong cot:diion ard to ?tt j the proicr nourishment f.-orn ti.e fod yw car, lax: The I'.ound-I'p election on Novem ber 14 hou! 1 be an event of Interest part of the campaign the public ne glect ar.l leav.-n to the settlerntnt of a few parti'B who have special lr.terentrf at stake: or who are In the j.ature of "busy bodiei!." Becognizirig thlrt situation and the etlia lial might remit from it th Eat Oregomuri ha arranged lla uraw election for tiie purpose of as certaining the public sentiment with rference to mayoralty candidates. Jf people will but take a proper ii.lertft and express their personal jreferen'es they will be doing much toward dciding who s.hall become mayor. No man want to run for mayor uniei- he feels be ha! the tupport of a large element of the pe.,pl..- and whoever comes forth aa the victorious candidate in the straw More rain would be "till better. THE I 'B ICS II Y SEASON. Bring forth the callow Freahy, lads The s'-ason 1-i at hand. When breaking bones and grewsome groans Beglad our fair young land. Come, gaily form the fiying wedge And s'art the college rush. And tramp upon his tender turn And muff! his manly much. Altogether now: Bi'e-his-eye; Kite-his-eye; Haw! Haw Haw! Chew-hie-ear! "hew-h!s-car! Chaw! Chaw! Chaw! Kirk 'im In th' turn-turn, Nick 'lm on th' knoh, Pir.g Mm In th' th'nk-tank. ' Gaff 'irn In th' gob; Biff 'im In th' bread-bag Jab 'im in th law. .iector v, ill have the best of reason , T,.a:a Fresh, Eta Fresh, Raw! Raw! j-.r goif.g upon the ticket In tecem-J Raw! h i. There are runt who profess to think the East Oregordan's straw election may work for the benefit of some particular candidate. But it wont lf friends of the various candidate tx rt themselves to the extent of voting tnd urging their friend to do like wise. The straw election will give a fair and open test of the popularity of the various men who are men tioned hn possible candidate. As far a this paper is concerned It has no favorite among those who are Ili-ted. If the East Oregonlan had a parti' uiar candidate It would be urging bis nomination and election und would not be asking for a straw v.te to ascertain the popular choice. The straw election Is Intended to brlr.g out in honest expression of Fruit Cake Htip t, M. Mar, J. Lincoln) Mix four cut sifted pastry flour, one level tenspoon soda, two level teaspoons mixed ( )" texcer.t cloves), one-fourth level tenrpoon salt nd two cups seeded and 0-isrtcred raisins. Add also one l alf dp nuts chopped fine. If you like. Blend .ne-l,alf cup f'ottolene with one cup brown sugar and one cup whits lignr, add one cup molasses, one cup milk ar.d then the flour mixture. Beat wt-U and bak In two pans. You will fmJ tlii fruit cake at light, moiit, flavory a any you ever made with butter. You save something, to ty uiing Cottolcne the perfect shortening. I Come, drag the freh young rooster I forth And stand hi mon his ear; His long neglected schooling must Be started now and here. We'll pour molasses down his back And rub his hair with glue. And give him boiling tar to drink And broken glass to chew. Everybody sing: Break-a-leg!Break-a-leg! Bow! Wow! Wow! Bing-it-to-'lm! Zlng-lt to 'lm! Zow! Zow! Zow! Biff 'im In th midriff, Mash 'lm In th' mug. Bang 'Im In th' bean-bag, Bam 'im In th' lug; Cop 'lm on the cocoa. Jolt 'im In th' Jaw, Beta Fresh; Eta Fresh! Raw! Raw! Raw! Come, sally forth, ye gallant Sophs, And bung the Freshy's nofe, And walk upon his prostrate form And gaily tear his clothes; And romp upon hU diaphragh And stomp upon bis spine, The Freshy is In season and The sport this year Is fine. Chicago Record -Hera Id. KEI COMPLEXION' LATEST RAGE Paris. The complexion of the Paris woman has changed this reason. East winter the prevailing mode was white with red lips. This autumn the out of door tint with a touch of dusky red In the checks has become the fashion. The leading hairdressers supply glistening ryes for the evening by four drops of a chemical formula. Duffy's Pure Ma!tVh!3ky u directed. It ii a form of food ilready digested, ar.d whep taken jut before a meal stimulates the mu coui iurfaces and little glands of the stomach to J healthy action, causing ufficient flow of tiie Gastric juice to digest the food and it pro rnoiej perfect atsimilafion. It a'.io excites the flow of saliva for the diestior. c-f star.d.v food, preventing fermentation in the ttr,;;aii and bowels. If these diseases or other sto-rach 'ro;;Vkt have already taken bold, Duty's Pur-; Ma!t Whiskey wiil quickly restore tl.s liiitiiv.i to their natural healthy ccnuiti-jn. Duffr't Pure Malt WhUfce7 i Uis orlr wMv her th la taxed fajr the Ooifernrrfit fin-a S 3.i I- (Lut:r'i!. ST--' ar: r.d dealers ir. unthiA T ! price l-00. If you can't procure ii, lt v. know and we will t.li youi how t- cr-Zitr Write fforfr'orfoctof aJvce a net booiicx.c;-K for table and sick room. The D-ff7 Halt W'.j Cr. Every Woman U Interefted and ihouic know boit the wonderful , MARVEL Whirling Spray Tbe btw Vaginal Syringe Brftoit convenient- It Cleanses instantlr. i i X I Dont Let It Slip 'X'KrouK your Fingers Put it i you that he does e:;act!y as he L1L11I113 n IM BANK 4r Aih rx THEN1&X7 will Have rr Wise old BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, when he died, willed Ja.OflO to the city of Boston. This money was to be put out at compound interest. One hundred years thereafter (In 1S93) this $5,000 unci the interest amounted to $131,730 nearly half a million. YOUR MONEY will grow lf you'll let us keep it for you. MAKE OUR RANK YOUR BANK. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent com pounded semi-annually. The American National Bank Ask youf drutfifistfor lu If be canaot iudqIv th. MARVEL, acceot no other? but send sump for Illustrated book sealed. It gives full partlcu lars and directions invaluable to ladifM. MAflVEl CO.. 44 East 23a Itrwt, Near I i The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for "Your Good Health" . Tbe East Oreponian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron age. It is the advertising medium of this section. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard J. A. BORIE LUMBER CO., Props. JUST RECEIVED Carload of Cedar Posts and two carloads of Cement. All orders promptly filled. Phone Main 7 Large and Complete Line of Lumber Carried. REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU UAYE PRESCRIPTION'S, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturer! and Distributors of tha Celebrated TOILET CRE.VM COLD CREAM TOOTn POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. TallmaiY & Co. Leading Dnigcrigta of Eart ern Oregon. ST. PAUUS SCHOOL i Opens Sept 14 Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate. Aw ; ; ademio Special and Tost- ; ; ; I Graduato Courses. Depart- ' ' " ment3 of Music, Expression 'i ' PKRSOXAL ATTENTIOX REFINING INITiUENCES THOROUGH WORK Nettie M. Calbraith Principal WALLA WALLA, WASn. Hll I ; 9 ' a