f.f. ..-i 1 J. ; ) .ill i I il.M.riniim li"'T''f!f.:f" ''t -- .. w EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOMAV, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, XOTOIHKR 7, 19U. PAGE THREE. Bond B GIVES ROBBER ALARM Houston, Texas, Nov. 7. Although gaged and bound upright In his chair, with his hands behind him, and look ing down tho muzzles of a couple of 4ri's, W. L. Qood, a phono operator of Farmers' Ilnnch, Texas, kicked a switch on the bottom of tho hoard, which rank every phono in tha vil lage, nipping in the bud a daring bank robbery. Tho robbers rode In town at mid night, two of them going to tho phone vxchango, taking possession of tho l)oard, whllo tho others entered tho liank. Oood ws "covered" and told Sarsaparilla Krrullcntes scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, nukes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. G"t it today in usual llrpild form or chocolated tablets culled SarsatabSt TP I wife Wm"&-2S "wn i WWittV0yZ ,fl!Vd genjni;nGfwyrJt MVcp of ftenjanin CIotles Quality, more than any other single feature is n vV --- U M - T M But, with most people, probably yourself, quality doesn't count unless it is reinforced by style. So, every J'x'iijaniin Overcoat reflects authentic New York style. Iook at and try on as many suits or overcoats as you wish and you'll find in each that pleasing and undercurrent of correctness that underlyinj; character without which no clothes are worth while wearing. Surely, Benjamin quality, plus authentic New York Style, phis a moderate price will induce you to inspect our recently arrived overcoat, models. $'0.00 and upward. roth to keep bis hands off the board. To make sure lie would not give the alarm he was gagged ami bound, but allowed to remain in his chair. Though silent as the tomb Good edged his foot to a switch, slowly pressed it on, setting jingling every telephone in tho town. This aroused the sleeping village and frightened the robbers who fled before the townspeople, .exchanging shots as they ran. They secured about J 1 500 but left $50,000 in their haste. UKOOK TIJOl'T M Mill VliUV 1JAI'II GUOWTll Spokane. Wash Fifty thousand brook trout, hatched from egg supplied by lakes In Wisconsin and Rhode Island early In 1910 and plac ed In Lost lake, near Chesaw, Wash., made a growth of from 15 to 17 inch es in 19 months. This is a greater growth than has yet been reported for any species placed In local waters. J. A. Uhllg, fish and game warden of Spokane county, and S. S. Drew, su perintendent of the state hntchery at Dnrtford, near hero, arc arranging to secure 2 500,000 ggs from these fiHh this fall for p'nnting in tho Spo kano river and other streams In eastern Washington early next May. Altogether more than lo.oou.000 fish will be liberated during 1912. More: than 350,000 eggs already havo been taken from tho lake, some being sent to the department of fisheries at Washington, D C, the University of Oregon and other colleges in the west. Drew and Uhl'g express sur- I i h i responsible for the present-Jay reputation of ome Pendleton's Leading er& CLOTHIERS prise over the remarkable growth of the trout, saying they developed more rapidly than native trout or any oth er species ' of oa,stun fish plamej in Washington waters. Put a porus plaster on the chest and take a good cough syrup inter nally if you would treat a severe case of sore lungs properly. Get tho dol lar size BALLARD'S HORF.HOUXD SYRL'P. With each bottle there is a free HERRICK'S RED PEPPER POROUS PLASTER for the chest. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. , Farmer a Suicide. Chehalis, Wash Pete Tauschcr. living on school land which ho and his nephew, Leo, leased on the north fork of the Xewaukaum river, was found ,dead in bed, a rifle lying at his side'and tho top of his head was blown off. A note was found which the sui cide left stating that he had lost the only girl In the wotid ho cared for. There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is used. This remedy has won Its great reputation and extensive pale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can he re lied upon with Implicit confidence. For salo by all dealers. Iaoad:iinl,(, Milton street. Milton, Ore. Tho "ommerclal club and the city council have decided to maoadamlzo the main street of the city, work to commence as soon as a (rusher can be procured. It has been arranged ui:h tho officials in Wa'lu Walla to loan the stea mroller from the county to complete the work. "I do not believe there Is any other medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy " writes Mrs. Francis Turpln. Junction City, Ore. This remedy is also unsur passed for colds and croup. For sale by all dealers. saw Severs Roy's I'fivsers. Clayton, Wash. The y-year-old son of Gohn Gouletto yesterday stum bled and fell against a wood saw in full motion during the momentary absence of his father, who was oper ating the machine, and severed the thumb and two fingers of his right hand. Drs. Wry and Slater of Deer Tark were summoned. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe and may bo taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and for reg ulating tie bowels. For sale by all dealers. Stop coughing! You rack the lungs and worry the body. BALLARD'S ITORKHOl'ND SYRUP checks irrita t'on. heals the lungs and restores comfortable breatlrng. Trieo 25o, 50c and Jl 00 Pr bottlo. Sold by A. O. Koeppen & Bros. VALUE OF BIROS MAY ESTABLISH IMIESEItVE I OK FEATIIKKY HORDES Department of Agrkulttir,. TelU of ' Against Insms by Protecting ami i:iicoiiru','iiig Little Willed Visitors. (F!y Frances Morelancl.) The tide swma to beturnlng in fa vor of the birds and every impulse j that affords enthusiasm In th.it direc. t'on should be hailed with hope for , the millenial when the feathered tribe those harbingers of Joy, shMl pit in the trees and vines, not afraid of their human (humane) brothers. There is encouragement in the fact Bnan ,WrT T' '' of Denver, Colo., went to Conconu..y, ' Wash., to inspect the re-ervoir of the government Irrigation project with a view to making recommendation to : he department of agriculture, which he represent, concerning the es.tab- ( lishment of a bird preserve in the vi- e'nity of the reservoir Af;er a thnr- , ough examination of the condition!?, j Mr. Dilie raid that he would rocom- j mend that the government take hold f of the propagation of the various: n,i r n..i .v,.. .;., ,,,... Kinds of bird? thLt will tnr ve in that cl'mate. in addition to the protection I of the hundreds of other varieties ofj the feathered tribe to be found there. Recently a man in Klamath county. Oregon, deeded 300 acres of wooded land to be maintained exclusively and permanently as a b'rd preserve. The establishment of bird pre serves is good news for the farmer and horticulturist. William L. Fin ley, a prominent writer on the sub ject of American birds, says in a re cent article in Success Magazine, that without the help of our wild birds farming would be impo'.s.-dble. No other farmhand couid accomplish the work entrusted to the birds. The wild b'rds of orchard, field and for est are nature's check up 'n the in crease of inject life. With the reat handicap of bird de- ; structinn in our prts"nt day the ln.-s ; from in-ect and rodent pests in the . fnited States the present year is es- tiinated to be JSOO.000 fiOO This loss ! can be reduced on'v when a public sent'ment is aroused for proper bird protection. The practical farmer cannot afford to Ignore the relations that wild birds bear to his crops, for they are part of the natural resour ces of any farm. Birds work more In conjunction with man to help him than does any j other form of outdo" life. They po lice the earth and air, and without their services the farmer would be helpless. Larks, wrens and thrushes search the ground for grubworms and insects. The food of the meadow lark conFist? of 75 per cent of injurious in sects and 12 per cent of weed seed, showing it to be a bird of great eco nomic value. narrows, finches and quail eat a large amount of 'weed seed. Prac ticallv all the food of the tree spar row consists of seed. Examinations by Professor F. E. L. Real of the Bio logical Survey of the department of agriculture, show that a single tree sparrow will eat a quarter of an ounce of weed sped daily. In one state alone tree sparrows will consume more than 800 tons of weed seed annually, thus saving the farmer an immense am ount of work. Chickadees scan every part of trunks and limbs of trees for insect eggs. In a day's time a chickadee will eat hundreds of insect eggs and worms that are harmful to our tres and vegetables. Fly-catchers, swal lows and nighthawks are busy day I and night catching flies that bother i man and beast. Hawks and owls art workings silently in light and dark ness to catch moles, mice, gophers and squirrels. A number of years ago blackbirds were exceedingly abundant through eastern Xebraska, and the farmers I believed they were damaging crops so they poisoned tho birds. In the year that followed, swarms of grass hoppers took their place and few fields of grain escaped damage and devastation. Where the birds were permitted to remain, fair crops were secured solely through the assistance of the birds. Hostrand, in his' famous play. "Chantccler," speaks for the birds: "O God of birds! Who breathed into our wings to make us light. JAnd painted them with colors .if h!s s K , All thanks for thi: fair d.iy. r im and drink Sweet sUv-born water caught in of stone. Sweet hedgerow berries washed dust with dew. And thanks for these good litt ev of ours That spy the unseen enemies of man, And thanks for the good tools by thee bestowed To aid our work of little gardeners. Trowels and pruning-hooks of living horn, Tomorrow we will fight borer and Grows Hair at 65;: Years of Age Dear Sirs; 'I heard of PARISIAN SAGE and as my head wou'd itch a good deal, I thought 1 would try it. I novt r used any remedies before and was bald on top of my head 1 am using the third bottle and l have a lot of hair where I was bald. I would like you to see the new hair sprouting from my head. The itch ing in my scalp quickly disappeared. 1 am 63 years old and have been at tho Bazaar 51 years. Wm. A. Hopper. Auctioneer Hark ness Bazaar, Ninth & Samson S:s., Philadelphia. Pa. I.irge bottlo of PARISIAN SGK. 50 cent. Guaranteed by T.illrnan Drug Co, for dandruff, falling hair and scalp itch. Puts life and beauty into faded hair and Is a delightful hrr dressing. Motile: No youn? woman, in the ioy of coming niothtrhood, should neglect to prepare her system for the phys ical ordeal she is '.c undergo. The health of both she and her coming child depends largely noon the care she bestows upon herself during the waiting months. Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's sys tem for the coming event, and its use makes her comfortable during all the term. It works with, and for nature, and by gradu.-expanding all tis- sues, muscles .. . "" involved. and keeping t od con dition, brings the , ' " '' necrisi3 ja splendid physical condign. The baby too is rnore apt to be perfect and t vhm Vm mother ha3 thu9 Ppaed herself for-nature's supreme 1 1 . x- . , f action. .o better advice could be lven a young expectant motherthan that she use Mother's Friend ; it 1S a medicine that has proven its value ia t llOU S a n d S of cases. Mother's JTfiy ""M0 Friend is sold at X'aUiIlCJLw j ru stores. T J Write for free FT I T(l Q0 for exr)ect. JL. JL lA. t ' " ., - ,,,t, ant motners which contains raucn .. , . , valuable information and many sug- Bastions of a helpful nature. HHADF1ZID FSCVLATOIt CO., Atlanta, Co. US OF FOLKS USE ONLY CASCARETS Tliey Never Have Headache, ISIlious ncs. Sli:jrsli Liver or Bowels or a Sick. Sour Slonuuli, Xo odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uneom- fortable you are fr-m constipation, in- 't gcstion, biliousness and slugg sh in- te t ne you always get the de- sired results wl.h Cascarets and quickly, too. Don't let your stomach, liver and Bowels make you miserable another moment: put an end to the head ache, biliousness, dizziness, nervous ness, sick, Eour, gassy tomach. back ache and all other ditres; cleane your inside organs of all the poison and effete matter which is producing the misery. Take a Cascaret now; don't wait until bedtime. In all the world there is no remedy like this. A 10-cent box means health, happiness and a clear head for months. Xo more days of gloom and distress if you will take a Cascaret now and then. All druggists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the chil dren, their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. blight, Forgive thy birds tonight their tres passes. The stripping of a currant-bursh or two! Breathe on our bright round eyes and over them The triple curtain of the lids will close. If man, the unjust, pay us by casting stones. For filling field and wood and eaves with song. For battling with the weevil for his bread If he lime our twigs for us, if he spread snares, Call to our memory thy gentle saint. Thy good Saint Francis, that we may forgive The cruelty of men because a man Once called us brothers, 'My brothers, the birds!' " For pains In the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain's Liniment and bind It on over the seat of pain. There Is nothing better. For sale by all dealers. Till' I5A1WS U.YTU should be in surroundings that lack nothing in sanitary measures. Everything In the bathroom should be such as can be CLEANED WITH THE v. i;i:. test cox ykmf.ncf. As plumbers, we have given special attei'tioii to bath rooms. If wo install the plumbing, your bouse will al ways be in sanitary conditi on. We perform job-work promptly. l 1CK ACTION COMPRES SION COCKS. This Is the only plumbing shop in Umatilla county that keeps this latest and most up-to-date device. It saves time and trouble and many plumb- ing bills. Beddow& Miller Pendleton's Only Fvcluslvo Plumber. Court and Garden Streets. Phone Black 3551 i ' . ' 1 i rtSKV ' i i is i: