East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 03, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    page Kicnr.
Eianr PAGES.
Just what our name implies, every article purchased
from our new stock of staple ami fancy groceries will
!e founj of the HIGHEST ST AX DAI D.
Fresh and Priced Low
lies! des we are just as careful in filling phone orders
as if you made the selection yourself. New stock arriv
ing daily at the
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Another HfotTlrt Plnm-r.
The cafeteria dinner given two
weeks ago by the ladies of the Pres
byterian church proved so popular
that another will be given tomorrow
at the old Creamery building on Main
street at the noon hours.
! Annual Mooting f Civic iJidlos. (
j The annual business meeting of the
' Ladies' Civic association will be held
i tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in
the assembly room of the city hall
,'nn,i nil members are asked to be
I present.
gex'i pass agt. or s. p.
Oil;t-r Changes in Official Family of
l'ailniail AnnoiiiHixl In Accordance
With Program Arranged With Ad
vent of ISccopt Ii"or"iuiiiatiou rian.
John M. Scott, assi.-tant general
passenger agent for the O.-W. U. &
IV. and well known in Pendleton, has
"ecn made general passenscr agent
if ihe Southern racific, Portland dis
trict , The announcement to this ef
fect his just-been made and is in line
'Vith the gt nerai ihin of reorgan-
by ti-.e Harriman reople in the north
west. Other changes announced along
with the promotion of Mr. Scott are
ns follows:
I l'. w. tampoeu, assistant general
manager of the O.-W. R. & ., with
headquarters at Seattle, appointed
general superintendent of the South
era Pacific, Portland district.
II. K. Lounsbury. assistant general
froight agent of Portland, Is made
general freight agent.
T. W. Younger will take office as
superintendent of motive power.
S. L. Purkhalter is district engineer
and a, B. Hutchinson, purchasing
Scott Is Capable.
Before coining to Oregon Mr. Scott
was. chief clerk in the office of J.
C. Stubbs, director of traffic of the
Harriman sysiem. Mr. Stubbs first
made l-im-eif known as rate clerk
in the Vnion Pacific of:'ices at Oma-
Father Duman of the Catholic',
i ..v... ....v. i,.,. ... .:v.il n eonsltrn
V .lull 11 lin.l n
ment or postal cara piciures ui mc
handsome new edifice now under con
! st ruction. The pictures are made
1 from tho plans and show the church
! as it will be when finished The
cards will bo sold and the proceeds
ad Jed to the building fund.
Odd Follows Install Lamp.
After a lapse of several months
s'nee the last of the many street
lamps was put in place, the Odd
Fellows have fallen in line and today
I are having one of the artistic Iron
' posts and clusters set up in front of
the Alta street entrance to their hall.
Nothing Doing" in Court.
Once again this morning Police
Judge Fitz Gerald was not called to
, his bench to administer punishment
' to mall offenders, the peace and
quiet of the city having been unbrok
' en during the last day and "night and
consequently no one appearing to an
swer to the question "Gu'lty or not
! Court Sits ns Fqunliaation Hoard.
j The county court at 2 o'clock this
r.fternoon resolved itself into an
equalization board to adjust the as
' sessments made on property owners
i under the recently created drainage
j d strict at Stanfield. Many Stanfield
residents are in attendance to enter
their complaints.
and &0
j Noted Muslelnn May Come Here.
Chauncey Haines, noted band lead
er and famous composer of music, Is
still thinking of making Pendleton his
homo, according to members of the
Hound-Up Hand who were in Walla
Walla Tuesday night and who saw
h'm there. Haines was here la-t
spring and met with members of the
Commercial association with a view
to interesting them in the rejuvena
tion of the local band and the organ
izing of it on a paying basis. He
states that he yet has hopes of taking
tho leadership of the cowboy musical
organization and local musicians are
devoutly wishing that his hopes will
be realized. '.
UCCESS is what you aim at.
You want your pies, cakes
and other kitchen creations to be as
delicious as any woman can bake in this
town. They have the right to be. All
depends on materials you use.
ALL your kill in a t ry-i a ak i n r, ieeincr, frosting.
Licri'liiiL', filling .'.ml baking will not lit-lp you if .your
mince meat, raisin? and other material are not ex
actly as tlicy shoukl b.; absolutely the best for their
We have gained much knowledge from our customers on
litis delicate matter and have stocked only the most successful
articles in the line An inspection of OUR stock is invited
Iwfore you agiiin buy those poods that inspection will surely
snake you a regular customer.
Fancy Mince Meat
Rome Beauty Apples
New Nuts of all kinds
October Uglit Month.
According to the report just com
pleted by Harry Rees, assistant post
master, the month of October fell
slightly behind October 1910, in vol
ume of business at the local office.
The receipts for the past month to
tal $2190.65 whereas during October,
1910, the receipts amounted to $2,
237. Mr. Reese is at a loss to ac
count for the falling off in view of
the fact there is abundant evidence
that there are more people in the
city than there were a year ago.
Horse Cored by Wild Steer.
Bert Whitman, well known young
butcher and stockbuyer, had an ex
perience yesterday with a wild steer
that almost cost him the life of his
valuable saddle horse and which
made him do some rapid thinking
about his own safety. While driving
a few cattle along south Main street
one of the steers, wild and fractious,
kft the street and ran Into the yard
at the J. B. Perry residence. Whit
man followed on his horse and, in at
tempting to turn the beef animal, the
latter became Infuriated and charg
ed upon the horse. Its sharp horns
gored the steed In two places, one
of the wounds being an ugly and dan.
gerous one. It is thought, however,
that the animal will recover.
ha. At present he is considered, per
haps, the best-informed man on pas
senger rates in the northwest. His
early experience in railroad work was
in the offices of the Burlington, Mis
souri Pacific and Grand Trunk Lines.
Amons local railroad men ho is ex
ceedingly popular.
Mr, .Scott Is of Scotch birth and
ramn to this country ns n youner man.
New Fi
Why Not YOU ?
Why shouldn't you hnvc a keen
appetite, (orffct digestion and
active bowels?
Iins lirlpod other will help
you too. Try it and see.
Tfc Men Shre
SATURDAY-They are giving
away $500 worth of merchan
dise and all is being sold at less
than regular pricesthat's why
they are doing such a big busi
ness. They are -getting trade
" from Milton, Umatilla, Meacham,
Pilot Rock and other first-class
cities, and every patron gets more
than his money's worth.
.silver Tea.
The Ladles of the Parish Aid will
hold a silver tea at the homo of
Major and Mrs. Lee Moorhouse Sat
urday evening, for the benefit of the
sidewalk fund of the Episcopal
lir.f acres, 20 in alfalfa, 60 acres
ready to seed to alfalfa. 8 acres or
chard. Plenty water for irrigation.
Snap for some one. Only requires
$2300 cash, balance easy terms. See
Teutsch & Bickers.
For Sale.
I have an extra fine piano left with
me for sale. Will take good horse as
part payment If taken this week.
Pendleton's Pioneer Piano Man.
(Special Correspondence.)
Helix, Oregon, November 3.
Miss Alberta Rush entertained a
few friends at dinner Sunday in hon
or of Shannon Sharrebb and AlexMc
Kenzie who leave In a few days for
their homes in St. Louis, Mo., and
Bristol, Tenn. Those present were
Arthur Parker, Edna Potts, Bessie
and Blanche Lewis, Alex MeKenz'e,
John and Arthur Lewis, Shannon
Miarrett and Lulu Thorpe.
Mrs. M. L. Morrison is visiting in
the valley for a few days.
Miss Myrtle Curts of Walla Wa'.la
has arrived and will spend the winter
with her sister, Mrs. Art Orover.
Mrs. Casey and son Abo are visit
ing relatives in Tacoma, Wash.
The Hallowe'en party given by the
young ladles of Helix at the M. L.
Morrison residence, was a huge suc
cess. Ghosts and witches were sta
tioned at gates, doors and windows,
and the customary Hallowe'en games
were played. After lunch was served
all were seated on the floor with only
the light from a hideous Jack-o'lnn-tern.
Ghost stories wsre told till the
fateful midnight hour. Those being
present were tho Misses Stockton,
Leila Norvell, Tena Lampke, Edna
I'otts, Bessie and Blancho Lewis, Min
nie and Etta Kormly, Elizabeth
Glaser, Emma Harriman, Frelda Carl
ston, Alma Hutchison, Peary Clay,
Haz;'l KeKndall, .Mr. Edgar and
Letcher Norvell. Carl Engdahl, Arth
ur Lewis, Ernest Knight, Claud Lar
son, Grover Temple, Will Pierce, Ray
Pierce, Sveretto King and Orvillo
Potts and Will Pyser.
M. L. Morrison, Will Potts, Charlie
Logan, Will Albee and Arthur Lewis
went to Walla Walla by au'o to at
tend the funeral of James Doren In
that city Tuesday, OcUber 31.
New Arrivals
Side Frills
Fichui Collars
Dutch Collars
,35c and 50c
35c and 65c
Tho Store for Thrifty Teople.
The Cash Market Handles the Cel
ebrated Seal Shipt Oysters, aso
Clams, Crabs, Schrimps tend Fish las
well as Groceries and Meats.
Pendleton Cash Market
Cor E. Court and Johnson Sts.
Phone Main 101
Banks Pay You Interest on What
You Save.
We Pay You Interest on
What You Spend With Us
When trading at this store always ask for cash register receipts
and save them. They represent a saving of 2 1-2 per cent on each
and every purchase. They are as good as cash In exchantjo for gro
crlcs. Call and learn how.
A fine line of Nutmeg Musk Melons
Just Received. Phone Your Order
Phone Main 174 612 Main Street
New White Enamel Equipment Electric and Automatic Appliances
Most Up-to-Date Office on the Pacific Coast
Lady Attendant