- T. 4 A EIGHT PAGES. PAGE SIX. DAILY BAST OREGOXIA.V. FKXDLETON, ORKGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1911. KiridifiaunTtlcrthcs. H AMD TA1UrD MX WOL ,1 v .-W i it 3 IE r 'J .1 0 0 0 r'4 'S r 1 A, ASKS GOVERNORS OF WEST TO CONGRESS WASHINGTON C1IIE1-1 BOOSTS COINT11Y LIKE MEETING IVaturo of Spokane Program Is Ar ritnsroincnt hy YlxLtlng tliief Exihhi tlvos of SmiVs ' West of Mlsskwippl 5 - i U5iH From oil palitiru of the H rases of Parliament. London. The Kirschbanra mode Li shown re-dins from left to right) are the Waldorf CoavprUtile-Co.lr Overcoat, the Pixie Suit oni the Dixie Overcoat. TK TO two clothes makers I j are equal in the style and distinction of their product. Running this store on the progressive plan we do, we are bound to o for our supplies to the one best source. , Curious how a certain maker will achisve a supreme expression of the prevailing mode to which dl ethers must bow. This eeascn it is Kirichbaum Clothes. They have the distinguishing excellence that commands the attention of the clothes-wise man. All Kirsehbaum Clothes (Cherry Tree Brand) are "5M-VopI" All are hand tailored. The Kirschbauci label, the identification mark of the best clothes made, guarantees this. Our offerings in these splendid clothes are remarkable : $15, $18, $20, $25, $30 and $35 give a rane of styles and fabrics to please all men. The Kirschbaum Waldorf $15. $18, $20 and up is the highest development of the convertible collar coat it can be changed from a dress coat to a storm-collar coat in an instant. Voikingmen's Cbfhing Csmpany COrtNEIi MAIN AND WEBB STS. v Spokane. Wash.. Nov. 3. Governor Marion E. Hay advised the local com mittee of the Spokane chamber of commerce today that he will issue in vitations in a few days to governors of the states west of the Mississippi river to attend the opening of the first annual Country Life Congress in Spokane on November 23 The visit ing executives will have charge of the program, and it is expected that most of those in attendance will remain until the clse of the sessions on No vcmber 29. Governor Hay will open the congress. Bankers in the northwest also will be Invited to meet here during the week to discuss the advisability of es tablishing farmers' educational clubs throughout the country to work with the state bankers' association. J. V. Clise of Seattle, chairman of the ag ricultural committee of the Washing ton Hankers' association, will issue a call to the state bankers in a few days. H. M. Gilbert of Toppenish, says in a letter to W. D. Vincent of Spokane, that the bankers and far mers In central Washington are in sympathy with the movement. The topics to be discussed at the sessions of the congress, which will meet In the state armory include the following: "How to Make the Farm Home the best in the World." "The Redirection of the Rural School," "Development and . Improvement of the, Rural Church and the Young Men's Christian association," "How Can the Farmer Obtain the Best Re sults from His Work?" "Farm Road- making and Transportation," "Im proved Conditions Surrounding the Marke'ing of Farm Products," "Wo man on the Farm" and "the Rural Social Center." Among the speak ers will be agricultural experts of na tional reputation, educators, editors and actual farmers from various parts of the west. READ for PROFIT . U foi Result FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Tbey nrk directly on the KIDNEYS, BLADDER and URINARY PASSAGES, nd their beneficial effect is felt from the start.- For BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM CONGESTION o! thej KIDNEYS, IN FLAMMATION of the BLADDER and nnoyingURIN ARY IRREGULARITIES they exercise a permanent benefit. TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULT J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., Steu bfnvlle, O., says: "For years I suf fered from weak kidneys and a se vere bladder trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and their wonder ful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good results as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, ex pressman, that alone is a great ad vantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It Is now a pleasure to work where It-used to be a misery. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." DOG SAVES FODMER 'HORACE STII.I.MAN. IIIUT, SENDS CANINE l'OK AID OLD TIME CUCEI.TY. Ono Time When Surgery Is OfUn Needless Torture. Many operations for piles are simp ly needless torture, for when It's all over the piles come back. The one fine way to be rid of plies for good is to use Dr. Leonhardt's HEM-ROID. It cures piles by doing away with the cause poor circula tion. $1 for 24 days' treatment at Pen dleton Drug Co. and all druggists. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. Leon hardt Co., Station B Buffalo, N. Y., Prop. Write for free booklet. 310VIXG riCTCKE IS REAL. 0Mby Ttun Director Out of Camp With Pistol Shot Arguments. Oxnard. Pursued by a band of moving picture cowboys mounted on tooreba'V and firing into the air and ait the t:re4 of his automobile, Direc or Charles Goodman of the Helies 2nim company, was forced from the picture camp, 2nuli, to this city. He latT left on the southbound in tL-.ke the matter up with the conn- to flee near Santa pany. Trouble started several days ago when members of the company ob jected to several stunts the director asked them to go through. PJT.ES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure an7 rAse of Ttehine Biind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. 50c Revivaling has become a systema tized business. Death Ends Romance. Milton, Or. Claud Hanson, living a short distance above Milton, died from an abscess which formed on his tonsils and broke, the poison going through his body and causing death in a very short time. The circum stances are doubly sad, as Mr. Han son had been married only a short time, having met his wife, formerly Miss Rosenburg, for the first time at the Peach Day celebration In Free water in August and marrying her the same day in Walla Walla. Shoot Self, Then Cuts Throat. Baker, Ore. A Japanese section hand named Hyashl committed sui cide yesterday by shooting himself twice in the stomach and then cut ting his Juglar vein with a razor. lie was about 25 years of age. At the coroner's inquest held today a ver dict of suicide was returned. You should have a jifem Pt J J mmm FARM mimmm n ... 11 V ill fZf-T(rjy '4,1 :. 'iirl ill ELEPHONE It costs very little to installyou don't have to pay a monthly rental you buy it out right it's yours. Think of the steps it will save you think of the convenience it brings. Vou can talk with your neighbors; call up the doctor; sell your farm products and ordor articles in town without going out of your home. You are never lonesome when you have a Kellogg Farm Telephone. Our Frca Bocks Tell -Everything J TBAOE Any person who knows how to noe a screw driver can set up a Kellogg Farm Telephone. You will find borne very interesting and valuable information in th FREE BOOKS we will send you. They are illustrated throughout and thoroughly describe everything. today and ask for Bulletin "N" KELLOGG SWITCHBOARD & SUPPLY CO. Animal Run Miles With Note and Loads Rescue Party lMU-k to Sxt Wliere Muster I.ny Helpless rroni Injuries Received In Runaway. According to a story in the Kalls pell, Montana, Times, Horace Still man, formerly a gunsmith in this city, and well remembered as the champion trap shooter of this section of the country, owes his life to the faithful ness of his dog. The following is a reproduction of the story as it appear in that paper: The faithfulness and intelligence of the dog has been the subject of song and story since the dawn of history. Given an opportunity and Carlo seems always to rise to the occasion, exhib iting sagacity and even reasoning pow er above his kind. Horace Stillman, of Pleasant Valley, has such a dog and no doubt owes his life to the fine intelligence and understanding of this spaniel pup. Wednesday of last week Mr. Still man hitched up a team to a light rig, put in h!s tripod and other surveying Impedimneta, and set out for the A. D. Stillman homestead, several miles distant, where he intended to run some lines for ditch or other utility. Of course his spaniel dog tagged along joyously. About half way to his des tination a deer ran across the road and set the horses going. They lung ed forward and caused Mr. Stillman to lose his balance ai he was occupied in holding the lines and the tripod. He nearly fell over the dashboard, and it would have been better, per haps, if he had. A foot and leg went through the forward wheel under the axle, locking t wheel with flesh and bone. The horses were running and it was impossible for the unfortunate man to extricate himself. The best he could -do was hang partly under the bed and wait for the team to stop. Finally he was able to get a twist on the hind wheel which event ually brought the team to a stop, but not until he was exhausted, bruised and bleeding, but fortunately with no bones broken. He tried to rise, but was too wjeak and dropped exhausted in the brusa. After a rest of about an hour, as near as he could Judge, Mr. Stillman decided to attempt to reach hte homestad and set himself to the task. The agonies he suffered are indescribable; he had been whip ped and torn by brush and roots us he swung to the frame a.id wheel un til he was flayed alive. He could not stand erect, but painfully crawled along. For five hours he ersayed to travel along this road of torture, fi nally reaching the clearing near A. D. Stillman's homestead, but he was so weak and exhausted he could not make himself heard, Now appears the brown pup in the story. He camo wagging himself fo:dijhly into his master's presence, expressing his sympathy and finally offering his assistance, for Mr. Still man bethought him of the expedient of ending a note back to his homo by the dog. He laboriously wrote of his situation in his note book, tore out the af and tearing a strip from his overalls, tipd the note safely and prominently about the spaniel's neck, then ordered him to go home. Dog gie capered about and refused until Mr. Stillmnn was in despair, but fi nally the right idea slezed the pup and he tore off home at top speed. Ho waj mighty few minutes covering the miles which separated the ranch from his master. Reaching home he de livered the note to Mrs. Stilln4in, watlently halt an hour while things were gotten ready to take enre of the injured man. then he started through the timber and took them direct to the wounded and fainting-master. Mr. Stillman was given all the homely aid possible and was doing well when Dr. O'Neill motored up there Sunday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christenscn, Miss O'Neill and Miss Peeler, all friends of the family, Mrs. Christensert sbolng a daughter of the Stillmans. The invalid seemed to rank second in importance to the ' brown pup which saved his life and they surely made much of that dog. PACIFIC COAST OF PICKS IS Koutb Wn'.l hi. Kobine Jx4 So. Lo. Angelet Lot Ancle CotTiplete Line Carried in Stock 88 FIRST STREET, SAM FRANCISCO GENERAL OFFICE CHICAGO Good Pasture Land for Sale. For sale 360 acres good posture land on Cabbage Hill, 16 miles sou h east of Pendleton. Good grass and plenty of running water and spring on place. Address, W. H. Bell, Pen dleton, Ore., or call on Bentley & Leffingwell. Stop coughing! You rock the lungs and worry the body. BALLARD'S HOUKIIOCND BVBUP checks Irrita tion, heals the lungs and restores comfortable breathing. Price 25c, C0; and $1 00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Big Horso and Implement Nov. 15 'II at Weston, Ore. The undersigned will sell at public auction on the Johnston Farm 2 Miles South of Town Over 25 head choice registered and grade horses, ranging 3 to 5 yrs., 12 to 1500 lbs. One of the .finest stallions ever taken into a show rin the registered Tercheron CJKudive, and two registered 'mares together with 25 young mares and geldings by that noted sire Kaglan. All to be saerifieed at this sale. A Holt 14-ft. combine, a new horse power and thresher outfit, cook house, feed rneks, tank and steel trough, har row, gang plow, and eart, 10 set double harness and 2 single; two-seated hack, ete., etc. This is a bona fide sale. . I am overstoeked and must nnd will saerifiee heavily in order to save further loss. Terms: Under $20 eash. Balance 12 months on ap proved notes S per cent. (3 years if desired on stallion). 5$ per cent off for cash. Sale Begins 10 a. ra. Free Lunch F. G. LUCAS, Auctioneer Hi A M. KEMP and F. 1). WATTS, Clerks. E. ('. (CHAXCK) 1IOGKUS, Owner. THE GOLDEN RULE STORE Wo arc proving to the public our full worth of operating a store in Pendleton where every body is pleased, and show their i.ppreciatiou by trading where they save 20 to M) per cent Several eases of children's underwear just unpacked. Extra heavy fleeced union suits -19 Extra heavy ribbed union suits - 39 Ladies' heavy fleeced hose Ladies' heavy fleeced hose - Ladies' cotton hose, 20e valuo - 12 l-2 .Men's and boys' lined mittens 23 nnd up Lanre a sst. of "men's suits ?4.9S, $5.90, ?S.90, $9.90 $12.50 " ()ur prices are always regular ; no mark up and down. GOLDEN RULE STORE Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR OCT. LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED 4iM LADIES' SUITS PRESSED MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED M.M MEN'S 8UITS PRESSED Tfto Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date method. Phone Main 169. . 1-1 E. Alts. Nature's Hair Restorer ; Restores-' Gray Hair to,? i i. Natural Coloi Sulphur is a Natural Element ol the Hair When there is not a sufficient amount cf sulphur in the hair, it loses its- life, color and strength turns gray, and falls out. There are many forms ot sulphur, but only cne kind that is suitable for treatment of the hair and scalp, and that is the kind used In preparing WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY. We Have the Secret, aad We Give You the Bcnclit el It at an Exceedingly Low Price For two or tliroe vcar4 Wv hair h.-wl Sm aui end pcttirff rjuile thin, tintil the trip of my head waS entirely bald. Ahrnit four month apo I commenced using Sage and Sulphur. 1 lie first bottU teemed to lo some good and l.kept wing it reffutarly. until now 1 have used four bottles. The whole top of my head is now fairly covered with hair, and it keeps coming in thicker. I shall keep on usinij it a while loncer. as I notice a constant improvement. STEPHEN BACON, Rochester, N Y. 50c. and $1 Bottles, W . - ttteW 1 WYETH CHEMICAL COMPANY 74 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK CITY.N.Y. MnVBa A 25e Cake ol Wycth's Saae and Sulphur Totlct Soap Prc u anyone LULL who will send us this advertisement wilh IOq iu iuipt to . Cu riLL ol wrapyinu and mailitm the soap. SOLD HY TIIE Pi:;;i)LET0N DKUQ CO BALDNESS CURED - "A t