East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 03, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I C Snyder, ch'.mncy sweep. II 3812.
raHt'mo pictures please all.
Main 178 fur coul and wood.
Coal and wood, phone Main 8.
For rent Front office In Judd
building. rr'j' to V. E. Judd.
For Rent Nicely furnished rooms.
813 S. Main. Phono Black 2451.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
ee the best and the clearest pictures
Thono Dutch Henry for dry wood
and Rock Spring coal. Main 178. -
Dr. T. M. Henderson has returned
And resumed practice.
For clean coal and dry wood, phone
Main 6.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
Wanted 60 head of horses to paa
ture near Helix, Oregon. Address,
W. H. Albee, Helix, Oregon.
Lost Bunch of keys on ring, In
Pendleton post office. Finder return
tu this office.
Indies, have your coats refitted and
rellned at Wohlenberg's See Plciser
the tailor.
Chance Roger will soil the beauti
ful Percheron Cilendlve, registered, at
the big tale November 15. See bill
elsewhere. 25 other horses.
Save yourself fuel troubles by ui
lng our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly,
lien L. Durroughs, phono Main 5.
160 acres Irrigated land, paid up
water right, only $60.00 ucro. Teutsch
& Bickers.
For Rent Three furnished house
keeping rooms. Inquire 213 West
Webb street.
Wanted Furnhca house or
housekeeping rooms foV two. Apply
"M" at this office.
Try the Cash Market for fresh
Poultry, also remember we keep gro
ceries and meats. Phono Main 101
Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo
kane, leaves 1:30 p. m, arrive 6.55
p. m. Tickets from W. Adams,
Agent, Pendleton.
If- you want to move, call PenlanJ
Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street.
For rent Nicely furnished room
with bnth, furnace heated. Apply 621
Willow street.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos and all kinds of Job work.
phone Mainn 461. 13. A. Morton.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Hock Spring coal
at Dutch Henry's. ,
For Sale 6 passenger Franklin,
run but little, cost J2900. $600 will
take it if sold this waek, owner go
ng away. J. W. Davis, 700 E. Webb
Wanted Eight per cent money on
first class airalfa and fruit land se
curity, loans to run from 3 to 5 years
Write to II. E. Bush. Nyssa. Ore.
6 acre tract 4 miles East of Pen
dleton, house and barn. All fenced
with hog wire. A dandy place; only
1650.00. See It today. Teutsch &
You can't ourn slate and gravel!
Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry,
Main 173. for clean screened Rock
cnriniri enal either lump or nut. It
burns clean and goes further.
A. X. Sal's of Ontario, Is In the city
today on a business mission.
O. 1. Toel, Echo landholder, is a
visitor in the city today.
Mrs. Mass and family of Umatilla
were In the city yesterday.
Mis. Kmrnett Hees and Infant son
loft" this noun for their home In Helix.
T.' II. Ghormluy of Helix, was am
ong the visitors In Pendleton yester
H. C. Fisher was In from his home
at Alba yesterday and remained over
Mr. and Mrs. c. W. Doering'of Ir-
rigan aro registered at the Uofman
R. X. Stanfleld Is here today from
his ranch In the west end of the
P. Pendleton Is In Pendleton and Is
registered at the Hotel St. George
from New York.
Hr R. Beckham of Athena, came in
from his home yesterduy and spent
the night here.
R. R. Lewis came up on the motor
this morning from his home on the
C'matllla project.
F. U. Stewart, proprietor of the
Stanfleld Hotel, was a visitor In Pen
dleton yesterday.
WHl Xor Dean, well known ball
player and merchant of Weston, spent
last night In the city.
Mrs. E. Baum has returned home
after a visit in Portland with her dau
ghter. Miss Sadio Baum.
Mrs. Henry Peterson of Stanton
came In on the Northern Pacific lo
cnl this morning.
Ernest Knight, young rancher of
Helix, wns an Incoming passenger on
the X. P. local this morning.
John Wynn, well known McKay
creek farmer, has been transacting
business in town today.
James P. Xeal, city attorney of
Freewater, came down this morning
on the local to transact legal business
Mr. and Mrs. J A. Bishop of Salem
Pre in the city, the guest at the home
of Mr. Bishop's brother, C. P. Bishop.
C. A. Barrett, joint senator from
I'matllla and Union counties, came
In from his home at Athena this
W M. Rlake!y left th's morning for
Portland tn attend a stockholders'
meeting of a company In which he Is
f'nanelally interested.
Col. J. H Raley and Ham R.
Thompson left today by auto for the
goose haunts north of the city. They
win return tomorrow evening.
W. M. Furnish, prominent capital
ist, anil E. P. Marshall, manager of
the Furnl.-h interests, left on the local
for the west end of the county this
O. L. Hurd, editor of the Stanficl.i
Standard, is among, the "residents of
the Stanfield country appearing . be
fore the board of equalization pass
ing on the assessments in the recent
ly created drainage district.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson, well
known residents of P''ot Hock have
been spending the pant few days in
(Special Correspondence.)
Stanfleld, Ore., Xov. 3 F. L. Sher
wood, tho well known land nian and
colonizer, whose headquarters are at
Spokane, has been at Stanfleld this
week looking over the Furnish pro
ject preparatory to opening up a sales
campaign to dispose of tho unsold
lands In the project bolonglng to tne
Inland Irrigation Co. A photograph
er, in .company with Mr, Sherwood,,
has also been on the project taking
views of the lands which will demon
strate the improvements that have
been made therein.
Ttm Women's Ktudv Club held their
semi-monthly meeting yeBterday af
ternoon at the home -of Mrs. J. E.
WhartnnTL. West of West & Owen
Co., of Portland, was transacting bus
iness here Wednesday.
Mrs. F. A. Baker was an Echo vis
itor Wednesday.
L. Y. Stayton of Tacoma, was in
Stanfield Thursday.
Dr. G. E. Watts of Portland, has
been in Stanfield this week looking
after business in connection with the
orchard of the Hazel Investment Co.,
In which he is interested.
P. C. Holland, the Hermiston land
man was a, Stanfleld visitor Wednes
day. Frank Sloan is transacting business
in Pendleton today.
F. B. Stuart and F. M. Smith were
Pendleton visitors yesterday.-.
Dr. Henry W. Coe was a passenger
on the le al this morning to Portlan.1.
Directors Baker and Wheeler of the
Umatilla Drainage District are In Pen
dleton today attending the meeting of
the board of equalization which- has
under consideration the assessments
against lands within the district for
drainage benefits.
Attorney A. W. Cray Is attending
to business at the county seat today.
G. L Hurd, editor of the Stanfield
Standard wr.3 a motor passenger to
Pendleton this morning.
V'' ;. rV&j
Former CliU-nBrt Woman Seeks to
Jlavo Two Men SupiK)rt llor.
New York. Is a woman entitled to
receive support from more than one
husband at any one time? Mrs. Es
tel'e Werner, who obtained a divorce
from T.oiilx Pelletler. in Chicago in
19112. and later married her present
husband, Charles Werner, is trying in
the supreme court here to collect $4,
269.13 back alimony from Pelletler,
who is now a salesman in this city. He
says that he and his wife agreed at
the time he filed suit for divorce that
he would not defend It provided she
would not ask for alimony. It now
appears that tho Chicago decree pro
vided that Pelletier should pay $40
a month alimony to his wife.
Opposing Mrs. Werner's claim. John
X. Johnson, attorney for Pettetier,
declared that public policy If nothing
else, would seem to be against a wo
man receiving support from more
than one husband. Mrs. Pelletier
married Werner four weeks after the
final decree of divorce was granted to
Just R.
eceived "r.Bl!
THEM are
Velvet, button at . . . $4.00
Suede, button at ... . $4.50
Patent button at ... . $4.00
Gun Metal, button at . . $3.50
Patent Leather, blucher at . $4.00
Big girls high top, button at . $3.50
Vici, Blucher, lace (Easy Walker) at
Misses' and Children's Foot
Form Shoes and Gun Metal
The Best Shoe Made: This
shoe the children want, it
means style and comfort.
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods fcr
Less Money
- ..
. .r
For Sale.
Leaving city, have left my new j
high grade piano with Mr. Jesse Fall- ;
ing for sale. This piano must- be
sold within three days and no rea-,
sonable offer will be refused. ,
If all people knew that neglect of ,
constipation would result' in severe in- j
digestion, yellow jaundice or virulent;
liver trouble they vould soon take
Dr. King's Xew Life Pills and end It.
its the-only safe way. Best for bil-,
iousnes, headache, dyspepsia, cnius
and debility. 25c at Koeppens.
To Portland or California, take
Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S.
P. & S. Ry. Leave 1:30 p. m., ar
rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad
ams, agent at passenger station, for
WirUU&U UUhCia Uiiu Oil at "b'-"' j
Read the want ads.
Glasses fitted to correct vision,
arrest nerve waste and assist
nature in the cure of sick and
nervous headaches, dizziness,
aching eyes, blind spells, cross
eyes and all other deferts that
can be remedied with glasses.
Hanscjom THE J.weler, Pendleton
Itl Orplu-uin Circuit Act Now on at tl.o Ornml Thcfltor.
We are Overstocked in
Hard Milled
Lnnolcn, Lettuce and Almond
Oil Soapa, (tho 50c kind)
which wo are closing out
25 Cents a Box
It lathers nicely, washes
away slowly, and it cleanses
and softens tho flesh.
The Drug Store that Serves
You Best.
... i
Pendleton and will return to their
home tomorrow morning.
A Oifoterlii Dinner.
The ladles of the Presbyterian
church will give another cafeteria
dinner In the old Creamery building
on Main street tomorrow between the
hours of 11 nnd 2.
The steel trust is surprised: It sup
posed it was a large part of the gov
ernment itself.
wmiiii mnnv ho Injured" If the
weather bureau should froze up per
Morgnn nnd Rockefeller can bring
on or stop a panic at will, any day.
Fir InamU uid Ctildien,
frj KRYm Have Always Bougi
Hnar tha
is to be found our greatest
Suit and Overcoat offer of the season
tifrdflv After stra&er a
j -
Buy a $20 Suit or Overcoat and
We'll Give You
V 1 il . Urn- )!
It means a $20 Suit for
It means a' $20 Overcoat
If you will notice, we don t say $20 value, but instead, we mean that we will
sell a regular priced $20 Suit or Overcoat (sold elsewhere for $25) g gg
Saturday after supper for - - - mM
Workiiigmeft's Clothing Company
MAIN and
i 1 1
r i l M i
i J
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