.. id rAGE four. DAILY EAST OMSGOlsiAN, PENDLETON. EIGHT PAGES OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1911. ax imi:i i:mi:nt XEWsrArEU. rib,li-!id ldl!v itml Semi Weekly at l'en iliciita. ituvi'ii. by t lm EAST Kill liUMAX lTltLISlllNU CO. srnsci:n-nox kates. DI1t, one joar. hy mnll latiy, hx humiiIis. by mail luily. iniee mouths, by mull laily. uiie mouth, by oiuil I'atly, one jcar. by Vainer lily, fis n .mil's, by carrier tally, throe anmths. by canter .... Iily. one month, by earner Ki-ml ei'kly, one yoar, by aiall Heoil Wei..v. bis niiiui lis. 'by luail ... feenil eekiy, four months, by wall.. about the subject of local Improve ments? Does he favor better streets and bettor sidewalks for Pendleton or does he think conditions are roo.I enough now? Jioes ho favor carry ing on improvements with u view t piomnting the ndvancoment of the city or will his chief zeal, if elected, be directed towards keeping property owners from having to spend money? What does Mr. Candidate think about saloon regulation? Poos he fa vor a proper enforcement of the sa loon ordinance with a view to pre serving peace and decency within the Member lotted l'resa Association. Th liaily l jint Oresonlan Is kept on tale at the Orecon News Co., 3-0 Morriaoo treet. l'ortlaud. Oregon. Nortliweat New Co., Portland, Oregon. Cbirai;n lltireau, tost Security Ilullilluc Washington. L C, Uureau, 501 Four teenth f ieet. N. V. Filtered at th postofflo at Pndion, Oregon, as wond-class mail matter. Vejenboce Main jr.oo 250 1.23 ,.iO 7.5'J a ;.i 1.05 1 50 elty, or does he favor returning to th '.SO Pon town conditions? How does Mr, OfflcUl Cltj nd Conntj Taper. Candidate regard the ' public utility corporation such as the Pacific Power & Light company? ! es he consider that the city exists ! for the benefit of that concern or is ir his conception of -things that the I electric corporation should serve the I city? Does he think that the big I j wooden poles and the overhead wires jon Main street add to the Brace and , ! beauty of that thoroughfare or does he W1IF.KE THEY STAY. I. Flo u. Mister Winter Wind toss the leaves on high! Put the stars are shinin steady, and the sn comes up the sky, And though not a flower is bloomin", we are havin' holiday Pefore the great oak fires, where the dreams of Win ter stay. II. Blow Mister Winter Wind: We're thlnkin" that we know The reason that you're hurry ing around the country so; . You want to find the summer that's flown so far away. But you'll find It by the fires, where the dreams of Winter stay. Frank L. Stanton. think they are a disgrace and should be ordered removed? If he is elect ed will he be an agent for the elec tilc trust or will he make honest and vigorous efforts towards being an ajrent for the people? These suggestions are made, not lot the benefit of any one proposed can- dldate. but for them all. The sug- gestions are made in the hope of pro- i nioting full publicity as to the aims and purposes of those who may run ( for mayor and other offices , , Be frank centlemen. the neonle are entitled to know where you stand. ' ; , l I i ! NOT A SEKKH'S DF.rECT. There is no occasion to worry over the typographical error that has been 'discovered in the commission charter petition. The error Is of such a na ture that it does not in any wav in- -to IS THERE? Is there any significance about the klay of the government in trying to establish the water lights of the res eivation and the fact that E. W. Mc- Comas, "Heir Apparent" to the Byers ! mill. can central county? validate the petition, it won't inter fere with a vote being taken upon the commission plan, nor will it serve t invalidate the commission charter, should it be adopted. Should the error be allowed to stand it would mean that the citv authori- .!!... i imuir-iei , A f riend of Appetite and Digestion Ccttolene agrees vith the stomach because it contains no indigestible hog fat It is made from choice, refined cotton oil, which modern physicians recommend as being fully as healthful as olive oil Goes one-third farther than butter or lard. For shortening or frying there's nothing to equal Cottolene "Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" Taj?ZJ2?KWT& Made onlv bv THE N. K. FAIHEANK COMPANY NOYEMKEU IX IIISTOKY. lJ29 The treaty of St. Louis, bv which the Indians ceded to the Unit ed States lands north of the Missis sippi, and east, was concluded. 1832 John Leslie, eminent Scot tish chemist, niatmematician and natural philosopher, died. He was the inventor of the differential ther mometer. IS 40 St. Jean d'Acce bombarded by the allied British and Turkish fleets. 1S54 Louis Xapoloon withdrew his interdict to the journey through France of Mr. Soule, the American tics would have greater latitude than was intended' in reference to street improvement assessments. But it is is the chairman of the republi- committee for Umatilla WHERE DO THEY STAND? 'inconceivable that any set of officials J would abuse a privilege given them in I such a manner. So the error would not be serious at the worst. Eut there is no occasion for the er ror to stand. It may be corrected by an initiative measure, if the lawyer.? think such a formality is necessary. Mayoralty candidates are now be ing discussed locally. Thi are many back room conferences and sidewalk and tnls can be done before the new- consultations as to the fitness of this charter becomes effective, or that aspirant. ". .. Parties who have hoped to see the "Why not have this discussion in the ! commission government move held open so that all may hear and under- UP b a nuke are doomed to disap stand? The people of Pendleton are pointment. The commission plan tj select the mayor and he will be tHI ne voted upon by the people and the indications are hey will adopt the new charter. elected to serve their Interests. Why not let the public in on some of the arte-election conferences. It is their business. If Tom Jones wants to be mayor of Pendleton let him come out and frank ly tell the people what he will do and what he won't do if he is chosen Then r,. onle will h ahi . r n i district. Often in such a section there ..... 1Jt uLftJ a.". 1J1 ill ail' ii.'tellicent or,ini,,n .n t,, th i1" plenty of water for irrigation but 1IEHMISTOX WATEK. How to secure good wholesome wa ter for domestic purposes is usually quite a problem in any new irrigation 1904 Japanese captured addition al important forts near Port Arthur, took trenches of inner forts by storm but were repulsed in attempt to take forts themselves; Cheeloo reports de clared stronghold's doom is sealed. 1905 Presidential election. 1909 Commander Peary's polar records were approved by the Nation al Geographic society. 1910 Changes we're made in the Brltfch cabinet. " best judgment in the Interest of the country." The President of the United States does not look like an English king i'i a veto performance. He is greater than tin English king whose veto power slipped away long ago. It is not the veto power which Mr. Taft needs to beware of. What should concern him is the judgment with which that -power is used. Was it good judgment to sign the l'ayne Aldiich bill and then veto all meas ures for its correction when he had admitted the need of corre.tion? New York World. The principal crop that some peo ple want to raise Is sometimes given a name beginning with H. Sf. George Cafe and Oriil i Hotel St. George mr CEO. DAUVEAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mexa Reaort Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER on draught, 5C 8 'a8 i Electrlo Mixed Drinks Served at thla Bar. Finest Wines, Liquor Clgari. and Distributor of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whlakejr. First class Cafe and connection A Li Grill In Carte. When you want TIIE AUTO CAB: PHONE MAIN' 408. Z- The OREGON MOTOR CO. I I 315 E. COUKT ST. t DR. GRAY I THE PAINLESS DENTIST. W NOW AT $ I THE BOWMAN HOTEL $ WILL IlEMAIN ANOTHER S 9 . WHITE COOXS, SERVICE FIRST-CLASS Open Day and Night Prices are Reasonable Hot Merchants Lunch Daily 1 1:30 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. js French Dinner every Sunday from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Entrance on Webb Street or through Hotel Lotby WEEK. The Dr. has already .operated upon numbers of Pendleton' citizens, all of whom wilt tell VOll th.lf hi Annm ,-.!.. n 1. ( - ' " " " i.aiw ua II. . " ! $ TODAY'S ItlHTHDAY SKETCH. hit, candidacy. What does Mr. Mayoralty Candi d?te think of the commission plan of government? Is he for it or against it? What does Mr. Candidate think of the water problem? noes ho favor a mountain water system, a filteration ! e;-stem or does he think it wise for Pendleton to remain content with the i vatc-r plant now in use? It Is an im- . portant subject and the people are ' entitled to know his views. They I should be given freely and without1 fluttering and the candidate should pf-pared, if elected, to live up to lis profession.". j What does Mr. Candidate think ' none fit for household uses and epi demics of typhoid result. At Hermiston, however, the people Jare undertaking the solution of this I question so early In the game and with such vigor that they should be able to avoid the evils that have been i encountered elsewhere in the north west. The city has voted a bond Is sue to provide $35,000 for a city wa ' ter system and the contract for the I construction work was awarded yes terday. Hermiston is going to do the best. it can and here's hoping the water sys tem will answer tho needs of its peo ple. Cleanliness is a means of salvation. COUGHING AT NIGHT BAD FOR CHILDREN HARD ON PARENTS Stop it with COMPOUND Acts quickly and has a healing anoSsoothing effect on the inflamed membranes. All coughs have a tendency to grow worse at night. Children with whooping cough and bronchitis always cough worse at night and a cold in the head with tickling in the throat and coughing grow3 worse at bed time. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will stop the coughing and soothe the irritation in the throat. Contains no opiates, does not constipate, is the best and safest for children and delicate persons. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. For Sale By All Druggists Henry George, Jr., congressman from the Seventeenth New York dis trict, is forty-eight years old today, for he was born in Sacramento, Calif., Nov. 3, 1S63. He was educated in the public school and entered a printing office at the age of 1G. Klnce 1881 he has been steadily engaged in news np and magazine work. In 1906 ho was a special newspaper corres pondent In Japan. On the sudden death, of his father, Henry George, during the mayorality campaign in New York city in 1897, Henry Georgo Jr., was nominated to succeed his father on the ticket as the candidate of the Jetfersonian !n. .-.yi was de feated at the election. He married Miss Marie M. Hitch, of Chicago, in 1897. In 19H9, as a special corres pondent, he mahe a tour of the world and a special study of the econoinic conditions existing in the countries through which he passed. He Is the author of several books, Including a lite of his father, Henry George. He U serving his first term in. congress. Congressman James P. Maher of New York, is forty-six today. Congressman Hannibal L. Godwin, or North Carolina, was born Novem ber 3, 1S73, and is therefore, thirty eight today. He ia serving his third U rm In congress. . FINE TAILORING Fit, Style and Workmanship Guaranteed Ladies Work of all kinds a specially Reparing and Ceaning Neatly. Done Wl. CLIR3E( 815 Main Street. Next to Eilers Music House For the Man Who Knows The Pendleton Drug Co. ia In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN TOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES KVERYWOMAN. IJverywoman starts before The last act is half ended, To get her things on, though the door Ky watchful men attended, Will not be barred ere they who stay To hear the last word of the play Have had the chance to leave with out Engaging in a frantic rush; Hut Everywoman, filled with doubt. And, wishing to avoid the crush, Oh, haply fearing that some great 111 might befall If she should wait. Puts on her hat and dons her stole. And, like a runner at the tane. With wild Impatience In her soul. Prepares to leap. Tis true escape Might be a simple process, should She wait serenely in her seat, Instead of spoiling everything The author's lines, the actor's art, The moral, ere 'tis understood, Jlls temper who, endeavoring To hear and see, permits the heat Of passion to Invade his heart, And wonders, since she Is so keen To be the first to reach the street. Why she has stayed to spoil the scene, Thus Everywoman rouses Ire And does not care and feels no shame, Because she lacks the sacred fire, And Nobody is to blame. I V z' I there's nothing liko a rich, juicy beefsteak no bird's nests for his. If there's one thing we're partic ular about (we have a care for every ounce of meat leaving these premises), it's our beefsteaks porterhouse, sirloins, tenderloin and all. We keep a keen eye on the market and give you every benefit of a shade In pricing. uehlral f.leat Market Phone Main 83. 108 E. Alta Street. l Seattle ? WHERE TO? Spokane ? Portland ? Arrive Seattle .8:15 A. M. Leave Pendleton 1 :30 P. M. First clas3 trains. NOT POWER J1CT Jl'DfiMENT. President Taft is becoming bellig erent In defense of his tariff vetoes, and this is his privilege. He has been acting within his constitutional rights. As he said In a .South Dakota speech: : "If I don't like a bill I am going to veto It, whether I look like George HI. or any other king; but that power Is Imposed upon me by the Constitu tion and I am bound to exercise it, and I am going to exercise it with my Arrive Spokane......9 :55 P. M. Arrive Portland 8:10 A. M. Northern Pacific Railway The Pioneer Line. Close connections. ClnnA loo Good arriving time. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Through Tickets to all Points East or West Secnre tickets and full information from W. ADAMS, AGENT N. P. HY. PENDLETON. Ask about EXCURSION FARES for these events: Nation Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole ilanufectnren and Distributors of tht Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Dniriflta of Eaat era Oregon. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL I Opens Sept. 14 t Boarding and Day ; School for Girls. J Primary, Intermediate, Ac I ademio Special and Post- : : : I Graduate Courses. Donnrt. ' ". I menta of Music, Expression I : X and Art I . t PERSONAL ATTENTION Z - REFINING INFLUENCES t THOROUGH WOHK T Nettie M. Calbraiih Principal J WALLA WALLA, WASH. J t