PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, TEXDIiETON, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191. EIGHT PAGES. ' AX lM.'Kl'KNnK.NT XKWSrArEll. rubilBlu-J 1 i i y ami Soml Weekly at Pen ulti.'ii, iiivs.m, by the EAST OKI. i, OMAN ri'lU.lSUlXU CO. Sl i'.Si Kli'TlON K ATI'S. Dally, one year, hv mail Fix ii.. mils, ty mull .... ..". no i . 2.50 ltiitlv. tiii4 main t lis. hv mull 111. lail'v, one inomli, hv innil 50 thing to do because the Issues involved lS!ij: r ibh.'Ser': I::::: l?2 the Cldwelt-Pver. ult are of great t ally, tliree luoiiihs. by carrier importance to Pendleton and Vmatilla Lially. one mouth, by larrier ti-j . Ocaii Weekly, one yiar. by mall 150 county as well as to the Indians and Broil-week .t, sU months, by mail "." . , , . . Beiul Weekly, tour nioutbs. by mall... .50 f"r further reason there are in- MfRiN,r VDrd 1rega Agsoclatlon. jdlcntlon that someone somewhere is seriously renrss in his duty. The lallv Kant Oregonlan la kept on aala , at the Oregon Xewa Co.. SJ Morrlaon On other- Indian reservations in "'.i!'""'" re?,on- ., . the west the right of the Indians to Northwest News Co., Tortland, Oregon. C'niragn llureau, 009 Security llulUllng. the use of water for irrigation pur Washingtnn. U C. bureau, 501 Four- J . . tftnth c reet. N. W. poses has been established through a Entered at the nostofflre at TendletOD, Oregon, as reconu class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and Count) Paper. INDIAN SlMMKli. When you and I would fare a way, October said, "I'll be your squire. I'll lead you where the sumachs burn And warm you with the fire. Upon a couch of russet leaves I'll bitl you sit and gaze Where from a hundred wig wams curls A lazy purple haze. I'll puff my cheeks and you shall hear The nuts come rattling down And little children's voices shrill From out that haze-hung town. The red haws in our lap I'll pour From horn of the red klne, And in a wicker basket heap . The wild grapes from the vine. We'll catch the squirrel at hi3 tricks And count the n?sta on high And sumach berries from the hill Will set the teeth awry. Then you and I will slake our thirst From gourds held to the lip. Filled to the brim with juices caught Where cider presses drip. And in that draught we'll pledge our faith For happy days to come. And when the frost has sealed the creek May hearth fires lead us home:-' Belle Owen. O It would have been better politics had President Taft gotten mad sooner. "Guilty but not proven." might have been a very fitting verdict gambling cases. in those Taft newspapers do not like the Journal's straw vote which showed Ls Follette to be about a ten to one favorite over Taft among the republi cans of this state. It is natural they do not like it, but it is there just the fame, W1IV CKITKISM IS MADE. Friends of John McCourt complain th.'.t the criticisms made of the United ,t it'-s district attorney by this paper '' '" f"t:.-tru"d as attacks upon Ms L t'-r.ty v ho Is t I a r 1 attorney a- ar atl Thi.s may be true but if so ' I'.n."? I rrii:g to th Unite -1 .States t!.is. paper 1ms elapsed him lie nti'l has incidentally re- called th- fact that when named to present position he was serving ;:. attorney the livers milling company. Hoth statements seem well f"tind"d and were worthy of mention in connection with the story of the The Ware That Wears - Guaranteed 15 Years It doesn't pay to buy cheap ware that soon peels, cracks, leaks, tarnishes, rusts, or wears out. Even at a lower cost such wear is the most expensive because it is dangerous to health and unreliable in service doesn't last. "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware is guaranteed for 15 years. There is practically no wear out to it and scientific investigation proves it the most sanitary cooking ware made. Particles can't chip off and cause chronic troubles nor spoil the food. Germs do not breed on its smooth surface and odors can not be absorbed by it. v You'll have better food and save trouble, time and fuel by using j& only "1892" Pure Spua Aluminum Ware. Look for trade mark ca every piece. Geo. W. Proebatel, Caldwell-Fyers suit. Rut as to the motives of Mr. MoCourt In cntuuK'tiim with the Cnhlwell-Hyers suit, thi ! iapir -knows nothing bad ami has said nothing had. The tffoils of the East Ori-gonhm ii- connection with this important suit have boon confined to giving as much publicity as possible to facts relating t i the suit. We have been ringnig the bell, figuratively speaking, with a view to attracting the attention of jH ople to the subject. It is the right 'suit that was carried to the supreme court of the United states. For a year past, so the Kast Ore- igonian is informed, efforts have been , I made towards getting the govern- ment to establish the rights' of the Umatilla Indians to the use of water from the Umatilla river. But no satis factory action has been taken. It is true the United States district attorney answered a complaint before the state water board and therein set uj, the lights of the Indians. Bui that was pot sufficient action, as any lawyer will admit. The adjudication suits will not bo heard by the water board for a year. Then after the wa ter board acts the case may be tried out in the circuit court and then in the state supreme court. It is a pro cess that may consume many years and accomplish nothing. Meanwhile the Indians are dying and the develop ment of the reservation is being de layed. ' Why does not the government go into the federal court and prove the rights of the Indians as was done in the Montana case and as William .Caldwell is striving to do here? Why jdoes not Mr. McC'ourt do for all the 'allottees what Mr. Caldwell is trying 'to do for a few of them? Why dilly dally with the state water board when the Indians are losing out right along because their land is not watered? ' ! Maybe the delay is due to sources "higher up." If so then the people should be informed so they will know whom to blame. The East Oregonian is looking for information that will throw light upon this subject and will bi glad to publish a statement from Mr. McCourt or from any other offici al of the government. j Meanwhile the bell ringing process will be continued and the people will be invited by this paper to see what they can see. PIXCHOT'S Till I'M PH. It lit more tnan iu,iiCrous to see the 'manner in which the Taft administra- ... n and administration orir.ins hjive tiikcn up the policy advocated by Glf- ford Pinchot while Pinchot himself has been crucified because of his con servation ideas and the courage with which he has held to them. Two years ago pinchot and others of his school declared the "Cunning ham coal claims should be cancelled, that the Alaska coal should be re- jti'ined by the government and mined ! under a leasing system that would protect the rights of the people. For his views he was thrown out of office b; President Taft and every Guggen- h imer in the country spat upon him it: scorn. JialUnger was exalted, pc-t- ud, pampc-red and whitewashed. 1'ut what a cliff eren-.e just a few y make, llallingc-r is now out of office and his place was given to u man who was tiubliciv announced as being of the Pinchot sort. The Cun- ningham coal claims were cancelled at Pint-hot Insisted they should be. Now .secretary Fisher .submits a plan for the leasing of the Alaska coa! fields and for the operation of some i. a L u ujumFnaanvp FOR SALE BV Weston, Oregon coal mines by the government itself. President Taft approves the plan and the administration newspapers like' the Portland Oregon Ian yip, yip in ap proval. It is a great triumph for Gifford Pinchot and it must be gratifying to him to see the whole administration column trailing after him. Of course the administration forces won't admit they do, but the public knows It. NOYEMPKK 2 IX HISTOUY. 1610 Richard Pancroft died; chap'ain to Queen Elizabeth. Bishop of London and Archbishop of Canter bury. 1759 Charles Hanbury Williams an English poet and ambassador, died. 1840 Anthony Carlisle, eminent! English surgeon died. Ho was pres-' ident of the Royal College of Sur geons. 1870 Franco-Prussian war, Armls t'ce of twenty-five days proposed, to allow the French to hold elections for a constitutional assembly This was the result of M. Thiers interview with Count Mismarck. 1S70 A vote was hiken in the city of Paris on the question of endorsing the French provisional government. 1904 General assault on . Port Ar thur continued by the Japanese with unabated fury, sound of big guns was heard in t'heofoo all day; entire Jap anese fleet in blockading. 1!)9 The sentences tor the Am erican Federation of Labor leaders for contempt cf court were affirmed by the District of Columbia court of appeals. 1910 Premier Ur'and of France r signed from his cabinet. AI5T AX1 AIMKtTIVKS. When the pa'nting of Mona Lia disappeared from the Iouvre, an In ternational chorus of walls went up. Some of the wailera had thought, up to that time, that "Mona Lisa" was a play by Maeterlinck and couldn't see why it should be in a picture gal lery, anyway, but it is good form to play Fo'low-the-Leader All the newspapers took to uoting Vasari and Walter Pater, sandwishlng these paragraphs in between Meulah I!!n ford and the Marquis of Queensbury. The Xew York Times even went so far us to tell how a door had once been cut through the canvas by a well known barbarian; obvloualy confus ing this life-size portrait of a lady with the great "Last S upper"execut ed in Milan by the same Leonardo. As a climax, .some one has written this description of the missing por- Every -woman's heart responds to the charm and sweetness of a baby's voice, because nature intended her "for motherhood. But even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is regard ed as a period of sufTerinrj and danger. Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much discomfort and suffering, and their systems, being thoroughly firepared by this great remedy, are n a healthy condition to meet the time with the least possible suffering and danger. Mother's Friend i9 recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers ; it is in no sense a remedy for various ills, but its man- years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from it3 use. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but sim ply assists nature to perfect its wor!:. Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre vents caking ot the breasts, and in every vrav HI. contributes to strong, healthy motherhood. Mother 's Friend i : cold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Co. TIIK IlABVS IIATII should be in surroundings that lack nothing In sanitary measures; Everything In the bathroom should be such as can be CLEANED WITH THE (iHKATKST COXVKXIEXCK Ab plumbers, we have given special attention to bath- rooms. If we install thte a plumbirfg, your house will al- wayH be in Hanltary condlti- J on. We perform Job-work promptly. tJl'IfK ACTIO.V COMPKKS. I KIOX C OC KS. ? This is the only plumbing shop In Umatilla county that keeps this latest 'and most up-to-date device. It saves time and trouble and many plumb ing bills. Beddow& Miller Pendleton's Only Exclusive PlumlXTS. Court and Garden Streets. Phone Black 8556 Stops Falling Hair and Destroys Dandruff Makes the Hair Grbw Long, Heavy and Luxuriant and We Can Quickly Prove It If You Wish to Double the Beauty of Your Hair at Once, Just Get a 25 Cent Bottle and Try This Surely try a Dandcrine Hair Cleanse if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair with little trouble and at a cost not worth mentioning just moisten a cloth with a little Danderiue and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments you will be amaed. i our hair will be rlutTy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance, the beauty shimmer of true hair health. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderiue dissolves every particle of Dandruff i cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right vo llie roots, invigorates and strengthens them. . It's e'i!!arating, stimulating and life-producing proper tics cause the hair to grow abundaiitly long, strong and beautiful. It at once imparts a spatkling bril liancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few weeks' use will cause new hair to sprout all over the scalp. Use it every day for a short time, after which two or three times a week will be sufficient to complete whatever growth you desire. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, an I l.its of it, if you w'!l just get a 25 cent bottle of Kiiowlton's Dandcrine from any drug store or toilet counter and try it as directed. trait for those who have not seen it in the Louvre: "A stupid, coarse, lower middle c'aFs woman, without distinction, frr'ns a pale, weak, wlshywushy, in effectual, idiotic grin. All the fly catchers gape In ecstacy. The 'An epIus' by electric 1 ght and surround ed with red plush was -not received more religiously in Brooklyn. Why doesn't the floppy sentimental school I have spasms over 'the archaic Greek ! sm le.' tiuite as 'mysterious' as the Louvre's stupid grin?" Xo doubt he who signs him-'elf "Artist" at the end of this letter is disgusted with the insincerity of much of the art cant Indulged in by the immature. He adds, at any rate: "The man that has taken this nui sance, bore, and humbug from the gaze of the idiot multitude is a public benefactor. He has done more for art than anybody else has done In one hundred years." , There is animus here Probably "Artist" has not found a Francis J. FINE TAILORING Fit, Style and Workmanship Guaranteed Ladies Work of all Hnds a specially , Repairing and C eaning Neatly Done V3. 815 Main Street. For the Man ( r.. z'mi coPYHioHti! Ml iMii i, j rffi'x$k WHERE TO ? Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland : Leave Pendleton 1 :30 P. M. - V Arrive Portland 8:10 A. M. Northern Pacific Railway Tho Pioneer Line. First class trains. Close connections. Good leaving time. Good arriving time. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO atrfv Ask about EXCURSION PARES for these events: Nation Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30. 'if v 1 U t wavy, and -s, i. to purchase his pictures. Forhaps be hopes to sell the Louvre a Mona Lisa of his own to fill that gap In the wall of the Salon Carre. Rut what' a mas terful piece Leonardo's portrait of the Lady Is, to have provoked such abus ive eloquence three centuries after! W. 11. Plake in November Lippin sotts. Not a Itlot. "What's the troub'e?" asked the foreigner. "Do you have bread riots here, also " "Xo." replied the iha'rnvn of the reception committee, "that isn't a mob. Those are citi-ens tryin.; to see the baseball scores on a bulletin board." TIiIm l The Season. He We'd have won the football game If our captain hadn't lost his head. She Mercy! Was it so bail as that? I heard It was only an ear. Hoston Transcript. 5' W & f K' I W MM f I. ; CLINK Next to Eilers Music House Who Knows there's nothing like a rich, jfiley beefsteak no bird's nests for his, If there's one thing we'ro partic ular about (we have a care for every ounce of meat leaving these premises), it's our beefsteaks . porterhouse, sirloins, tenderloin nnd all. We keep a keen eye on tho market and give you every benefit of a shade in pricing. Centra! Hcai Market Phone Main 33. 108 E. Alta Street. ( Arrivo Seattle .8:15 A. M. Arrive Spokane 9 :55 P. M. Through Tickets to all Points East or West Secure tickets and full information from W. ADAMS, AGENT N. P. RY., PENDLETON. Hotel St. George mr GEO. DAUVEAC, Proprietor .Pendleton's Popular Gentle men Resort Anheussr-Busch's famous BUDVEISER on draught, 5C g'a88 Electrlo Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Car and Grill In connection A lM Carte. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FIH9T-CLASS SKItVICK The Quelle Cafe and OysLsr House Heals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 2 MAIN STHF.ET The Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for "Your Good Health" HEM EMBER THI S WHEN XOU HAVE rHESCKIPTIONS, Oil WANT PURE MEDICINES HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturer and Distributors of tb Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggist of East ern Uregon. t j ST. PAUL'S I SCHOOL :: Opens Sept. 14 j: Boarding and Day ' f Schnnl f r? : -1 . . v,,, IB J Primary, Intermediate, Ac- t I ademic Special and Post- Graduate Courses. Depart- t mcnta of MnaJn X t and Art ' f FERSONAIj ATTENTION I t REFINING INFLUENCES I I TlIOltfit'--n i.. X J, " v' 1 n unit T f Nettie M. Galbraith I mncipol f X WATT. a nr.... . T BEER J"" """H WASH. T