EIGHT PAGES. tAGE taGirr. DAILY KAST OKEGOMAV. PENDLETON. OIUCGO,, AVKDXKSDAY, NOVEMnKU 1, 1911. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Just what our name implies, every article purchased from our new stock of staple and fancy groceries will ho found of the HIGHEST STANDARD. Fresh and Priced Low ISesides we are Just ns careful in filling phone orders as if you made the selection yourself. New stock arriv ing daily at the STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY, INC. : imiom-: maiv siu. WliEKE ALL ARE PLEASED. FKAXK CVGARA. rres. r.EUNAKD O'GARV, Sec-Treas. Will Fur in hi Kntenirlso. K. J. Muir. who has Veen fanning !n this country, has leaded a 900 acre wheat ranch near Enterprise and is leaving today with a large amount of livestock, farming implements and household goods for that place. Happy" Day Ouno Here. After a season's work here laying cement sidewalks and curb. "Happy" Day departed last evening for Pen dleton where he has an extensive con tract at the same kind, of work. La Grande Observer. Dug WVll at lixr I'ariu. V. X. Stevens, the well digger, has Ji'st finished the discing of a well at the county hospital. It is located aiiout 200 feet from the main build :n and is said to have a targe flow of water. CAMPAIGN IS ON Tf.i.'.v- marks the beginning of the eviicgi listie campaign to be led by aSvangelisi J. J!. Holmes at the Chris rtio:i church. C. F. Slander is to OTake the opening address tonight and everybody is invited to hear him al though he may not speak directly al ong evangelistic lines. Th Assistant Evangelist, C. M. 32idi'nous. is to arrive tomorrow and rill meet the chorus in its opening work. All who sing, whether mem bers of the Christian church or not iire invited to take part. Mr. KidLiiour is yet a young man, "V-it is possessed with rare ability, al- c-r.g musical lines and his work is K really strengthened by his very I pleasing manner. t 'n t riiiay night the c nnstian peo ple are called to assemble at the church for the first real conference relative to winning the lost. Mr. Holmes is a great organizer and he is to address this meeting, giving an outline of his plans and taking such steps as will insure the hearty co operation of every Christian in Pen dleton. He is not at all narrow in his relation to the other organiza tions and every church in the city will share in the benefits that will be sure to follow his work. He assures the public that not an unkind word will be spoken by him concerning the faith of anyone, and desires the eo-operation not only of all the other ministers but of their members as well. Sunday is to be the first day of evangelistic effort and the publio is a-ked to keep ii in mind and plan j to auenu. Divoreo J ltofmed. Circuit Judge C. AV. Phelps has handed down a decision in the divorce case of Hose Coppinger vs. J. AV. Cop pinger, refusing a divorce to either party. This was the case submitted V the court last week and the testi mony in which was highly sensational. by being late. That's what they got for not being prompt. Don t forget that SALE PRICES are being made on 1911 fall Overcoats at Hack to tlh Oltl Country. George Xeuman, the Ukiah stock man who yesterday sold 320 acres on Camas Creek with twenty head of cattle and eight head of horses to Jo seph Z'pperer, will leave In a week for Germany, his native land, which he has not seen since coming to Am erica 2S years ago. Mr. Neuman has spent the past twelve years In Uma tilla county during which time he has been engaged in the stock raising bus'nos. After a visit in the father land he will probably return to his adopted countr;-. SOCIETY IS VERY BUSY AT STAHEIELD MI SICAI.E AM) II U.I-OW K EX PARTIES ARE NIMEROIS and fsgsps. SsS. UCCESS is what you aim at. You want your pies, cakes and other kitchen creations to be as delicious as any woman can bake in this town. They have the right to be. All depends on materials you use. ALL your -kill in pat ry-inakin.fr, ieeiiur, frosting. Liui'lir,?, filliiv.' ami linking will not help you if your minw meat, raisins anl other material are not ex actly a they tli.iiM Lc absolutely the best for their purpose. We have gained much knowledge from our customers on this delicate matter and have stocked only the most successful ani'-hs in the line. An inspection of OUIt stock is invited Ju-fure you a ".a in buy those jroods that inspection trill surely int.ke yuu a regular customer. Fancy Mince Meat Rome Beauty Apples New Nuts of all kinds New Figs 11 'r f Heal Estate 'Transact ions. The following transactions were placed on record with Recorder Bur roughs today: 100 acres on Despain Gulch from John Laurilta to Alfred Somppl for $2700; ten acres in west end of county from Inland Irrigation company to Sylvanus S-Uth, jr.. of Essex, Miss, for $1125; 193 -M-100 acres five miles west of Wenaha springs from John Picard and wife to Frank J. Beale for $2000. Cubbnxo Hill Display. That Cabbage Hill is a fine agri cultural section is shown by some vegetables that are being displayed at the Bentley & Leffingwell office to day. Cabbages weighing as much as 14 pounds and potatoes that tip the scales at three and a half pounds are to be seen and have been an object of interest. The vegetables are from the Huddeman and English ranches and were grown without irrigation. Inspector Condemns, Fruit. S. J. Campbell of Freewater, coun ty fruit inspector, has been in Pen dleton for the past two days during which time he has inspected the fruit being sold at the stores and by ped dlers. He found a good deal of in fected fruit and promptly condemned it. Mr. Campbell always conducts his inspections unannounced and declares that unless some of the more persis tent of the violators of the law cease selling wormy and scaley fruit, he will arrest them and see that they suf fer for their wrongful deeds. Gamblers Escape Punishment. Andy Rothrock, Wes Noble and Bert Lydee, arrested yesterday on a gambling charge, were discharged from custody yesterday afternoon af ter a trial in the police court, Judge Fitz Gerald holding the evidence in troduce against them as Insufficient to constitute a case. The prosecu tion charges its failure to convict the men to the 'double cross" given it by Ed Pearson, a negro, who was the principal witness. After telling the officers a story which would make a plain case against the accused men, he took the witness stand and denied the substance of his confession. With out his testimony, the prosecution could not prove that the men had been gambling when they were playing cards and Judge James A. Fee for the defense had little trouble in getting his clients off without punishment. It transpired at the trial that the game was played In a residence house instead of In a s-aloon. For Sale. I have an extra fine piano left with me for sale. Will take good horse as part payment if taken this week. JES.SE FAILING, Pendleton's Pioneer Tiuno Man. KM yiuo. Grocery C'linnce for Two Days More. The people of this city will have two nvre days to select their oriental rugs and buy at very moilerate prices, Mr. Sarkis has added some new fine pieces to what he had and will be glad to rtioiv them Thursday and Friday at Baker's furniture store. Lost Bunch of keys on ring, In Pendleton post office. Finder return to this office. AKll Stanflelil Woman Succumbs and Is Hurled at l-X'hn Irrigation Com pany President Visits and Inspects Inland System. (Special Correspondence.) Stanfield, Ore., Nov. 1. A compli mentary party to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Cue was given Tuesday evening by Mrs. Frank Sloan and Mrs. E. N. Wheeler at the residence of Mrs. Wheeler. Abzout forty of their friends were present. The evening was pleas antly spent with an Informal musical program consisting of piano solos ren dered by Prof. Archer; violin solos by Prof, Carru.h and Dr. Ueid; and vo cal solo j by Mrs. Wheeler. After the program a delicious supper was serv ed. I.nst evening was the occasion of a delightful Hallowe'en party given by Mrs t'. C Can- to the young married couples of Stanf!eld. The scene of the party was appropriately decorated in keeping with the event and the "newlyweds" enjoyed the evening In Hallowe'en games after which the hostess served dain'y refreshments. A very enjoyable Hallowe'en party was given last evening by Myrtle An derson to her fellow high school pu pils. The following were present: Marilla Dunning, Julia Huggman, Mary Anderson, Areta Howard. Helen Wheeler, John BeBavert, Clement Howard, Glen 'Wallace, Floyd Brum field, Harold Wheeler, and Edwin Frederickson. The many friends of Chas. Hoggard will regret to hear of his great loss in the death of his mother, which oc curred at a late hour Monday night. The deceased was 78 years of age. The burial was in the Echo cemetery today. John Towers re'urned yesterday from a visit of several weeks to his former home, Fargo, X. Dakota, and says he is pleased to be back to the delightful climate of Stanfield. Chas. E. Webster, who was former ly auditor of the Co'umbia Land Co., and Is Interested in residence and business property here as well as In an orchard tract near town, arrived from Fargo last evening and will re main here for awhile looking after business matters. Schiller B. Hermann, who Is con nected with the Inland Irrigation company, Is spending a few days here on business of that company. W. J. Furnish, president of th In land Irrigation' company, Is spending a few d.iys here 1 loking after his bus iness Interests. J M. Hodges was a Tendleton visit or Monday. Mrs. Buthholz returned from Ten dleton la.-t evening after having vis ited friends there the past few days. Frank Sloan transacted business at Hermlston today. Mrs. E. X. Wheeler went to Port land this morning, where she will re main for a couple of weeks visiting relatives and friends. DALE ROTH WELL, OPTOMETRIST Glasses fitted to correct vision, arrest nerve waste and assist nature in the cure of sick and nervous headaches, dizziness, aching eyes, blind spells, cross eyes and all other deferta that can be remedied with glasses. el With V Hanscom THE J -weler, Pendleton 0 i-fci iTfc Bailey appeared. He found a trim l'ttlo figure bending over the stove, while savory dinner odors arose. "Will you be mine " he cried. "Jut taste my pie first," she re plied. . An hour later they were married by the Rov. S. D. Co'.yer. Doc Cook has learned a new styba of the game at Copenhagen, and it doesn't amuse, though it -may Inter est him. New Arrivals Side Frills Fichui Collars Dutch Collars Cascades 35c. 35c and 50c 35c and 65c 35c SKK OUR WINDOW. THE WONDER STORE The Store for Thrifty People. .1X1) NOW IT'S MISS BAKtflt WHO MAIil'.S A HOME UL'.V Answers "Ad" for Wife, Filters Lock ed House. Cordis Dinner and Is Promptly Wed. Waba-h, Ind. William Bailey re cently advertised for a wife. Mabel Blanche Baker, twenty-three, of Xorth Manchester appeared hero in answer to the ''ad." Bailey did not know she was coming. When she arrived at the Bailey home the doors were lock ed and Bailey was not at homo. Was she daunted? ' Well, not quite. Finding an old ttove poker she forced open a side w!n:low and climbed 1,1. Removing her hut and coat, she start ed to cook dinner While the meal cooked she straightened up the house. Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR OCT. LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED S..4i0 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED II OI MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED 2.M MEN'S SUITS PRESSED 7SC Have your clothe cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to- PhoneMalnl9. ., ' ."i If Banks Pay You Interest on What il You Save. We Pay You Interest on ft virri a T its i f r.i r fJ trtr v mi nonri iAirrt i t i . VV AlUL A Vi-fc VJPJ11VI ALIA S O vieii iiuijjiig; ui una cinie oinuys uk tor uu.iii ri gisicr receipiH and save them. They represent a saving of 2 1-2 per cent on each and every purchase. They are sb good as cash In exchange for gro crles. Call and learn how. ftfts la mm mm Q I A hne line or INutmeg Musk Melons Just Received. Phone Your Order CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street h r........ ..r-:. ;x::v-xvrj.... - . Tf-faemnirfMMiyiinriftannmrirw mm mm ,ii i i niiiiT iii.nu rTiiiiniiU ii iiiriiii.nn ZHZIZZ DENTAL OFFICES RENOVATED New White Enamel Equipment Electric and Automatic Appliances Lady Attendant Most Up-to-Date Office on the Pacific Coast -M. S. KERN, DENTAL SURGEON ROOM 15 JUDD BUILDING PENDLETON, OREGON mm-rjrrra