1 KIU1IT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOXIA.V, PENDLETON, UKEGOX, AVEDXESDAV, XOVEMHEIl 1,1911. PAGE FIVE. LOCALS; Past'me pictures please all. I C Snyder, ch'mnoy sweep, n 3812. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Coal and wood, phone Main S. For rent Front orflce In Judd building . rr'l' to P. E. Judd Everybody goes to tne orpheum to ee the best and th clearest pictures. For Rent Nleely furnished rooms. 813 S. Muln. Phono Black 2451. For Sale New Steel range. In quire Schlffler Tailoring Shop. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn. 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. Best rooming 'house In Pendleton. See about It at once. Teutsch & Bickers. Wanted GO head of horses to pas ture near Helix, Oregon. Address, W. H. Albeo, Helix, Oregon. Lost Saturday afternoon' or even ing, a Knights Templar charm. Find er return to this office for reward. For Rent Three furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire 213 West Webb street. If you have property for salo or wish to buy, see Teutsch & Bickers the Real Estute men. wantea furniheu house or housekeeping rooms fo'.' two. Apply "M" at this office. Try the Cash Market for fresh Poultry, also remember we keep gro ceries and meats. Phone Main 101. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo kane. Loaves 1:30 p. m , arrive 6.55 p. m. Tickets from V. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. If you waht to move, call Penland Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large1 dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. A Japane-o cook wants Job In ho tel or restaurant. Harry Akly, Box 428, Pendleton. For rent Nicely furnished room with buth, furnace healed. Apply 621 Willow street. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos and all kinds of Job work, phone Malnn 461. B. A. Morton. LofI Lady's hand has, contains sinno money ami owner's name, Mr. Jennie V. Fletcher. Liberal reward for return to this office. For Salo 5 passenger Franklin, run but little, cost J2II00. JG00 will take it if sold this w-jek, owner go ing awav. J. W. Davis. 700 E. Webb. Wanfd Kishi per cent money on first cinls alfalfa nnd fruit land se curity, loan to run from 3 to 5 years Write to II. E. Hush. Nyssa, Ore. 5 acre tract 4 miles Enst of Pen dleton, houso and barn. All fenced tilth hotr wire. A- dandy place; only $650. 00. See it today. Teutsch & Bickers. If C ns east, or wen or so;ith, have tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Close coam ctlona at Pasco with a'l through trains. W. Adams, agent, I cn Jlcton. To Portland or California, take Northern I'aclfic, via Pasco, nnd S. P. & S. Ity Leave 1:30 p. m., ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. Seo W. Ad ams, agent nt passenper Matlon, for through tickets and oil arrangements. PERSONAL MENTION E. (.'. Day of La Grande Is register od ut the Bowman. H. M. Duncan of Vale !s among the out of town visitors in the city, Mr. and Mrs. Q. F. Jones of Nye are visitors in Pendleton today. M. C. Hannum of Walla Walla was over from the CJarden City last eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Smith of Pilot Rock, ."-pent last evening In Pen dleton. D. C. Brownell, prominent Umatilla booster, Is transacting business in the city today. Ash Pierce of Hermiston was an arrival from the west end of the pounty yesterday John Peebler of Stanfield, came up (rum the irrigation belt yesterday and spent the night in the city. Dan P. Smythe, president of the Commercial association, returned this morning from a business trip to Port land. Mrs. E. C. Skiles, formerly of this city, came in this morning from Spo kane to be the guest of Mrs. A. J. Mc Allister. Mrs. E. M. Newberry and Miss Irene Rhea visited in Walla Walla last night, returning on the local this morning. C. T. Godwin,- formerly an attorney of this county, now practicing In Ba ker, is here to attend the session of tho supreme court. Mr. Geary Haylor returned on the local this morning from Walla Walla, where she had been visiting her mother, Mrs. I. N. Prater,. William Evans of Portland, is In the city, the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penlnnd, and is seriously considering making Pen dleton his home in tho future. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. ODaniel will leave this evening on the extended trip to sound'polnts and to Califor nia. Enrnute they will visit with their daughter In Hermiston. Edmund Mabie, manager of the lo cal station of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company, was among the I'endli toniaiis attending the Mar di Gras in Walla Walla last night. J. L. f'aviness, one of the early I'mutillu ranchers, now engaged in farming near Island, is in the city as n principal in a water suit appealed from the circuit court of Union coun ty. R. W. Fletcher, manager of the Kound-l'p Cowboy hand, and young son, Wesley, returned this morning from Walla Walla, where they assist ed in furnishing music for the big lialiouc'in Murdl Gras. HALLOWE'EN WAS OBSERVES AT ECHO (Special' Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Nov. 1. Hallowe'en was appropriately observed here last evening by the Epworth Leaguers who held a t-oeial at the League rooms of the M E. church. The room was lighted by weird Jack-o'lanterns. Ghos's and hobgobb'lns were not un welcomed visitors. A merry time was had by all present. The winners in the guessing game) received delicious old fash'oned pumpkin pies as prizes. The Juvenile members of Echo so ciety also celebrated the evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. Miss A. Stltes of Traver City, Michigan is here on a month's visit w'th her sister, Mrs. J. W. Reese. This Is tte first time In twenty-four years that the s!sters have met. Mrs. Reese's mother, Mrs. Stites and Mrs. Tucker, both of Walla Walla, are al fo visiting at the Reese home. Fewer acts of vandalism were com mitted last night by the rougher ele ment than were the past two years on account of the marshal break'ng up the gang early In the evening and landing two members in the "cooler" for the night. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boyd returned here the first of the week from an extended trip through the east. Mrs. Boyd went on to her Portland home yesterday. J. T. Hosklns was a business visitor In Pendleton today Mr. and Mrs. Kit Hayes returned to tho'r Pendleton home this morn ing after a three weeks' visit here where they were attending the death bed of Mrs. Hayes' sister Mrs. Pear son. ! A. B. Thompson returned this morning from Pendleton. i Mrs. Sidney Walton transacted bus iness In Pendleton today. A REPUTATION FOR. Good Merchandise is one of the essentials of our successful I A .! 1 ? ana consianuy increasing Business OUALITY--is the Builder of refutation ft Z the degree of estimation in winch this store is held in our community is indicated by the "degree" of our customers like is hound to attract like. and this prestige is no mere matter of sentiment, but its the outcome of giving the best in style and quality VAL UE IX ITS TRUEST SEXSE. fIHa Jn-.tt'iro I.uml for Salo. For sale 360 acres good pasture land on Cabbage Hill, 15 miles south cast of Pendleton. Good grass and plenty of running water and springs on place Address. W. H. Bell, Pen dleton, Ore, or call on Bcntley & Leffingwell. l'or Sale. Trouble of a private nature com pels mc to sacrifice my beautiful new piano as I must raise some cash at once. For particulars address P. O. Box 522, Pendleton, Ore. Tou can't ourn slate nnd gravel! Don't try it. Phone Dutch Henry. Main 173. for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean nnd goes further. Chance Rogers of Weston, Ore., will have a big sale of registered nnd grade horses, farm implements, com bine, etc., etc., on November -15, 1911. See bill elsewhere. We are Overstocked in Hard Milled Lanolen, Lettuce and Almond Oil Soaps, (the . 50c kind) which wo aro closing out AT 25 Cents a Box It lathers nicely, washes away slowly, ar.d it cleanses find softens tho flesh. Koeppen's The Drug Store that Serves You Best. l'or Sale. Leaving city, have left my new bih grade piano with Mr. Jesse Fall ing for sale. This piano must be sold within three days nnd no rea sonable offer will be refused. F. T. CLINTON. RAY .K.OXAKI) MAY . CiO ON BENCH AGAIN Miniature Circus ut (.rand. Children and lovers of animals found great delight in Graham's min iature circus, the headliner on this week's bill at the Grand. As the curtain went up last night, nn amusing scene was ' revealed. There sat a dog, with a cat sitting on the dog's head, while a rat sat on the cat's head, and a tiny c?yi sat on the rat's head. The dog didn't offer to bite the cat. nor did thn cat seem to he offended at the rat's perching on his cranium. The children rolled with laughter at t!i;.s comical and unusual spectacle. while the grownups enjoyed it, too. Graham showed 40 animals on the lage at once, including a black dog, i white angora and an ordinary gray cat, and all sorts of rats. The rats and cats perform wonder fully on a tight wire strung across the stage. One at goes over this wire on four legs, another r.U on three legs, and another rat on two legs. The biggest part of the act is v. here Graham puts n number of rats at Intervals on the tight wire, with the white cat in the center, nnd then the gray cat Jumps over each rat and the other cat in turn. Not a rat drop ped off, and the two cats noted finely. The Roma Dun delighted the au dience with their high class sing ing. They made a deciOed hit in tho prison scene from the grand opera. "L'l Trovatore." The Glowworm and R se song were sung beautifully. Hughes & Dunn are very comical in their German comedy, their imi tation whistling acts are very good. This is a very good bill that every body should see. This will be the last night for these acts. Tomorrow entire change. ' The Musical Walter In music and dancing. The Watson & Keith Co., in comedy, etc. Your Winter Underwear Needs supplied here with the Merode hand finished acknowledged the world's best make. Your Glove Needs . . supplied here with the Famous Perrin make -a perfect fit and satisfaction always. Your Corset Needs supplied here with the celebrated KACO make. In the cor set world "Kabo" means first in stjde, in comfort and in economy. " Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money ' OF U OVERCOATS I 8 m I If So, She Will Probably Petition County Court to Don Man's Clothes Atfuin! Which She Wore for 20 Years. Ijehnnon. Ore. Ray Leonard, the "woman shoemaker" who ran a shop In this city f,ir 22 years and whoso real sex was not discovered until a few weeks ago whon she was taken to the insane asylum at Salem, Is said to he much Improved and to have been promised that she. can return home in the near future. Fhe has ex pressed herself as wanting to return to man's clothing, and it is reported she will petition the county court for tho privilege of dressing in man at tire nnd again to run her shoe shop as formerly. She was a fine cobbler, and if she opens her shop here in Le banon will no doubt get nil her old customers back whether she dresses as a man or woman. Two Hurt i" Collision. Hillshoro, Ore. Peter Lorsung. a citrpenter, ond D. C. Stokesberry. a cook, were seriously but not fatally injured when two sections of a P. R & N. work train collided at Bux ton at 9 o'clock last night. The title "admiral" Is derived from an Arabic phrase meaning "ruler of th sea." WW1 I' L.PWW.WJHIIJIJt'HHW.IIIl Why Not YOU ? Why shouldn't you have a keen ppictitS pei-fift digestion niul active lxmols? HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS I in IicIimmI others will help, you too. Try it niul see. After speeding a great deal of time and persistent effort, dealing direct with the largest facte' ies in the United States, and paying spot cash, we have gathered together the Greatest Overcoat Values Ever Displayed in Pendleton Our big corner window (the largest show window in Eastern Oregon) is crowded with nothing but Overcoats and every one represents a saving of from $P.00 to $20.00. Rain Goafs, Graveneffes, Slipons, Ovorcoats and Fur Goafs, Don't take our word for it, come see for yourself Workinemeivs Clothin c Co. MAIX rt-XD WEBB STREETS, PENDLETON", OHE in rf'rrTiwrwMgm rrarn I Another BigDay in the DRESS SKIR.T SECTION at Our GREAT $20,000.00 DISSOLUTION SALE 39 more Dress Skirts added to the small lot left XheV All G fit ) -95 !!!Lndlis5J Price . ...frfe F. E. LIVENGOOD & COMPANY THE BBSflSW ' V ' ' '". .'V.'J ,