EIGHT PAGK3. PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, .NOVEMBER 1, 1911. I H t&TlfS. J i i3 V! -r' AN IXDKPHXPEXT NKWSPArEIL Pnbllnhfd I'Bliy nml Semi-Weekly nt Ten- un'i.'M. ouvon, by tli I EAST OKKUnMAX ITIl.ISlU.Wi CO si nscinrriox hates. Plly, one year, by mall $5.00 lail. tn mouths, by innll - .".0 lat!y. three mouths, by mall 1.25 li V. one rucuiih. bv mail .Ml laliy, one year, by carrier lily. six a-onths, by carrier I illy, three months, by carrier .... Itailv. one month, by carrier Krnji Weekly, one year, by mall t-eml Weckiy, six m. nu lis. by mail . .. fceinl Weekly, four mouths, by mall.. Member lalted l'resa Association. The liaily East Oresonlan Is kept on sale t the Orecon News Co., 320 Morrison treet, Portland. Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. Chicaco Itureau, !U9 Security nulMtng. Washlnjrto., D. C, Bureau, 301 Four teenth c reeu N. W. Entered at the nostofflee at Pendleton, Oregon, as eecond clasa mail matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and Count) Paper. THE I'XKXOWS MANY. Why raise a glass for the man whose fame Has Fprea 1 from coast to coast. Whose talents have served to place his name With those men honor most! ' i ! ! Why pive a toast to the lady fair Whose grace and charming ways Have set men marveling every where And won her kingly praise? Why raise a glass for the hero who Has won deserved applause. Who has done as the brave al one may do In a splendid, righteous cause? Why drink a health to the one whose voice Mankind shall ne'er forget. Whose beauty has made the world rejoice And left it In her debt? I raise my class to the silent horde Spread o'er the world's ex- pnnse. To the unknown manv who a might have scored. Eut were denied the chance. S. E. Kiser. Through the Round-Up and C. P. Jackson Pendleton has gotten upon the map. There are times when it is hard for a man to tell just what struck him or how many there were of them. It would be a splendid thing for the e Indians should their water rights be established and the possibility that the Indians mav not realize this fact Just now does not in any way relieve the government of Its responsibility in the matter. NO REELECTION INTENDED. Any statement that the commission I'lan charter proposed by the Pro- grre-ssive League is intended as a slap at the city's water commission or that the proposed charter is inimical to a gravity water system is false. The move for commission government is a move for improving our system of conducting municipal affairs and the move does not aim to change in any material way the status of any local question such as the water question. " As to the water question this pa-1 per would have 'referred to see the proposed charter drafted so as to continue the prent water board for four years so that it could work ou: Its plans for a mountain water sup - ply. This because the East Oregon - ian believes that Chairman Brown and his colleagues are sincere in try ing to serve the people by getting a mountain water supply which is vhat the pe ople want. But it must be admitted that in re Clity the continuance of the board could not have accomplished the construction of a gravity system wlth-'dtr out the approval of the council or' city commission. This because the' j,. ... i.,e v,.,vu oonu ,s- eue voted last spring is vested in the council Had the water board been contin- tied for four years the city would have had two boards dealing with one question as we have at this time, The two boards might have worked I There is Only One "Brosno Quinine'0 That is Laxative Bammo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO Always remember the full namo. Look lor this signature on every box. 25c. in harmoi-.y. They might have ills j.:sreed absolutely. - As the charter iwm ptanJ if ndI'toil the absolute I control of the water problem will J rest In the hands of the raid turn I mission of three men. Tw o members c tiiat board will he elected every two years ana so iae ooam miuuiu . directly responsive to public senti ment. If the people wish to have a mountain water system constructed their course will be plain. Let them elect to office men who will pledge l' ( themselves to work to that end. l.Ojj j L"ut friends of the water conimus j'siilsion and friends of the move for a I mountain w ater supply should no't be led to oppose the commission charter on the ground that it is a move an tagonistic to the water board or to a giavity system. The proposed char tti is not so intended and if adopted it should not work against a gravity system. As a matter of fact the con centration of power in the hands of a paid commission should hasten this Improvement and hasten other im provements. If the commission plan is adopted it will mean that we will abolish our present "jerk line team" method of government and supplant It with a method that cannot help bringing bitter and quicker results. A REACTIONARY MOVE. Edward B. Vreeland, congressman from New York is In the west making an educational tour for the promo tion of the Aldrich-Yreelnnd plan for a centralized bank. He sets forth reasons why there should be currency reform and upholds the Aldrich plan as a preventative for panics. . I But it seems improbable that the Aldrich-Vreeland plan will be adopt ed by the present congress. This con gress is progressive and the central ized bank scheme comes from reac tionary sources. The plan may em body some meritorious feature but there fs also the possibility that it has bad features. There are many who fear the thing is a scheme to place the country more firmly than ever in the hands of the money kings. This supposition may be correct Plutocracy may be preparing for the day that is surely coming, if not al ready at hand, when the doctrine will be proclaimed that the good things of the earth belong to all the peo- pie and not to a few who prove themselves the craftiest schemers or I the biggest thieves. I But the immediate objection to the Aldrich-Vreeland currency plan is ! that it is a remedy prescribed by doc- tors that have been discarded by the j country. La Follette not Aldr'ch. is jnow the leader of the senate, and a (currency bill drafted by the Wiscon- - ... ... , . . sir. man would be more likely of ad- opUon by congreM and of ap,,rova, ( by thj peop,e , TIIEY ARE BAD ACTORS. Massachusetts women have landed a swinging blow on bachelorhood as represented by Louis Forthingham, re publican candidate for governor. The following resolution has been passed by the Women's Homestead assocl- ation, representing approximately 100,000 women of the Xew England state: j "Resolved that no man should 'be. elected governor no matter what his ! party affiliations, who is a bachelor, J Bachelors shirk their duty to society, . They are failures, and they always have been, always will be and they J are not good citizens." A hard swipe and well deserved, of course. It will now be interesting 'to note the effect of the opposition to Forthingham by the women. As ( he is the standpat candidate and Massachusetts is rather insurgently ' irc,ine'1 ft is Probable that this one . ,,achelor wiU not becm a governor. i SIIOI LD PLEASE THEM. When the people adopted the char ter amendment last spring providing a new way of bringing about street improvements and made it necessary for 80 per cent of the property own era in a district to remonstrate in or t0 make thelr obJection effective many owners thought the provision unjust. It gave power to the minor- ,ty y asaerted and lt must be ad uted by a that thelr objectlon was logical. Under the commission plan charter that will be voted on by the people in December the percentage needed to constitute a successful remon- strance is reduced to CO per cent. The i CURE A COLD III ONE DAT. change If adopted will remedy mat ters and it should appeal to property owners who do not Itke ,e provision as it now stands. XOVEMRER 1 IN HISTORY. US3 Henry Stafford, Puke of Buckingham, beheaded. 1622 Surrender of Mannheim to Tilly. 1S55 About 50,000 perish in earth quake nt Lisbon. 1769 LuSulle arrived at the mouth of the Miami. 1795 French Directory chosen. 1S06 French occupy Hesse. 1S37 Constitution of Hanover ab rogated by royal decree. 1S61 General McClellan succeed ed General Grant, as commander of Armies of the United States. 1S90 The first Japanese Parlia ment opened. 1S94 The new "serum cure" for diphtheria announced by Dr. Roux of Paris. 1898 Emperor William dedicated the Church of the Redeemer at Je rusalem. 1902 Fifteen killed and 70 injured by explosion of election fireworks In Madison Square. Xew York. 1904 Russo-Japanese war; attack on Port Arthur still in progress. Jap anese the more active, but both sides sides hesitate to assume offensive. 1905 Republican National Com mittee announced that from private canvass, it felt certain that William Howard Taft would he the next presi dent of the United States. Statement repudiated by the democrats. 1910 Strike of expressmen in New York. It was settled eleven days later. ONE RAILROAD THAT IS SAFE. Chauncey M. Depew frequently deprecates the comparisons that are drawn between American and Euro lyan railways. "These comparisons are unfair to vs." he once said at a banquet in Xew York. "When I'm told how very saf the European railroad is, I think of the Xola Chucky line. "The president of the Xola Chucky line once waited on me to request an exchange of courtesies. I interrogated him, and he said proudly. "On our line, sir, not only has a collision never occurred, but on out line a collision would be impossible." " 'Impossible?' said I 'Oh, come. I know that the latest automatic safe ty devices are excellent things. But impossible is a large word.' " 'It's literally true with us, sir," he replied. "'How can it he?' said I. " 'Why,' said he, 'we own onlv one train.'" RIDS THE SYSTEM OF SCROFULA Scrofula is a disease usually manifested in childhood, though some who ere victim of the trouble reach manhood or ivcmGnaood be fore there is any manifestation of the trouble; but no matter at what age it shows, the disease germs are in the blood, and until they are re moved there cannot be a healthy condition of the body. The ordinary symptoms of Scrofula are swollen glands about the neck, scalp dis eases, shin affections, poor physical development, etc. S. S. S. has cured thousands of cases of Scrofula. It is the greatest of ell blood puri fiers, and by going down into the circulation and removing the germs and poisons, and enriching the blood by die creation of nutritive corpus cles, S. S. S. makes a permanent cure. S. S.S. is a purely vegetable remedy, made entirely of health giving roots, herbs and barks, and is perfectly safe for persons of any age, or those in delicate conditions of health. No one need fear to give S. S. S. to a child, following direc tions, and the health it will bring to frail, delicate children will be a bless ing to their parents. If you or your child have Scrofula, write for our book on the blood and ask for any medical advice; no charge for either. S. S. S. 13 for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Co. iimmm ttti Pendleton Planing Mill and . Lumber Yard J. A. BORIE LUMBER CO., Props. JUST RECEIVED Carload of Cedar Posts and two carloads of Cement. All orders promptly filled. Phone Main 7 Garge and Complete Line of Lumber Carried. 11 Absolutely Pure! To have pure and wholesome food, be sure that your baking powder is made from cream of tartar and not from alum. The Label will guide you Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime Phosphates j FINE TAILORING J Fit, Style and Workmanship Guaranteed j Ladies Work of ail kinds a specially 9 I Repariiig and C eaning Neatly Done EV3. 815 Main Street. fc "" --r-.-i.-m isr. -l vJl MILLINERY fc til) rk IIS TH Pattern and Trimmed Hats, Willow Plumes and French Plumes, Fancy Feathers, Kiblons, Velvets and Trimming ma ' terials all going AT COST All this season's new and most desirable merchandise. i Call and Investigate Our Big Bargains The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron ap.e. It is the advertising medium of this section. ?.,, GUNK Next to Eilers Music House SOW IX FULL BLAST AT E VOGUE Hotel St. George Bar r GEO. DARVEAC, Proprietor Pendloton's Popular Gentle mer.a Resort flnheuser-Busch's famous BUDVEISER BEER on draught, 5C Sa8S Electrlo Mixed Drinks Served t this Bar. Fifleat Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring rnd Old Crow Whiskey. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FIROT-CLASS SERVICE Ihe Quelle Cafe and Oyster House f.'eals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the NorLhwesL. LA FONTAINE BLK.. 2 MAIX STREET The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WREN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OU WANT PURE MEDICINES HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturer! and Distributors of th Celebrated & TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallmaiv & Co. Leading Druggists of Eiw era Oregon. I ST. PAUUS SCHOOL Opens Sept. 14 t Boarding and Day I ocnool tor Girls. X Primary. IntermrvlinfA A. I! ademio Special and 'post I! Graduate Courses. Depart- ; ; menta of MiiBic, Expression ! ! and Art PERSONAL ATTENTION ; ; REFINING INFLUENCES TlIOROITfJII vriir v a a-iBi I Nettie M. Galbraith rnncipaJ WALLA WALLA, WASn. I i i