tlWt PAGES. PAGK TWO. DAILY EAST OUKGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OKBGOX, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER i, 191 L - -'S " 'j,-V ' CMi? WE A DON'T wait tor an attack of the Grippe to force you to buy your Heavier Under wear. Get it now and be ready for the drop in temperature. We've gathered a fine stock or all the good kinds of Underwear, the kinds that you want, the warm, com fortable, servicable kinds at prices that cannot help but please you. Come here with any particular notion you may hate in regard to your Underwear. We'll please you. Women's & Children's Underwe'r Our stork of underwear is very large, but naturally as the clays go by the" styles and sizes prow fewer. Wouldn't it be well to "take time by the forelock'' and make and early preparation for "Old Boreas'' for he is sure to come soon. In women's underwear we have white un ion suits of silk and wool, all wool, cotton and wool, mercerized cotton, fleeced cotton and srauze cotton, sizes i to i) at from SI to So Separate pants and vests for women in every weight and material from the gauze lisle to the finest silk and wool, sizes 4 to !). from .. Gray union suits in cotton and wool, sizes 4 to It', from 75 to $3.75 Children's Union Suits Children's all-wool union suits in both white and grav, sizes 'J to 1, prices $1.25 to $2.00. Children's cotton fleeced union suits, both medium and heavv, white and gray 65 to 75?. Children's separate pants and vests, white and gray wool, silk and wool ami fleeced cotton, kt garment from 25 to $1.00 25 to $2.50 Men's Underwear Our stock is the largest and best in East ra Oregon. It comprises all the wanted naterials, cotton, wool, silk, lisle, cotton and wool mixed, maco, etc. DERBY BIBBED, comes in ecru, sal mon, brown and blue, heavy weight lightly fleeced, an excellent garment for warmth and wear, sizes up to 48. Price 50 FLEECE LIXED, natural gray cotton, heavy and warm, all sizes 50 FLAT WEAVE COTTOX AX I ) WOOL IIXED, heavy weight and a very fine wear er, extra full cut, and a very satisfactory gar ment in even- resjioct $1.00 BIBBED COTTOX AXI) WOOL MIXED, medium weight, natural gray, all sizes, a beautiful garment and a perfect fit ter, very elastic $1.00 EXTRA QUALITY FLAT WKAVJi. double back and front shirts, extra well made and fashioned, heavy winter weight, will give the most service for the least monev. ALL-WOOL, FLAT WEAVE, natural Cray, a very soft fine garment, one of our largest sellers $1.00 TUB BEST LINE OF ALL, light, me dium and heavy in weight, gra.y, white and tan, lxth flat and ribbed weaves, the best fin ished, best wearing garment von can bnv. Each $1.75 The Famous Lewis Union Suits These suits positively do not shink. They are so constructed that they do not gape in the scat or crotch. They are reinforced on the shoulder seams so that they can not come down over the shoulder points as so many union suits are inclined to do. They come in maco, wool, mercerized lisle, silk and wool, etc., gray, blue and flesh col or. Sizes o4 to both stout and recnilar. Per suit .'. $2.00 to $3.00 SPECIAL' Women9 s Coats Sacrificed Caricul and Sealette Coats, the season's latest and most popular dress coats. Lined with Satin of self and contrasting shades. Trimmed with fancy buttons and silk braid frogs. The new shawl collars. For three days Thursday, Friday and Saturday these coats will sell as follows: S12.50 Caracul and Sealette Coats will 20 for $9.88 $15.00 Curacul and Sealette Coats will eo for $11.25 $16.50 Caracul and Sealette Coats will tro for $12.39 $22.50 Caracul and Sealette Coats will so for $19.78 $25.00 Caracul and Sealette Coats w ill co for $20.75 $27.50 Caracul and Sealette Coats will en for $21.89 $30.00 Caracul and Sealette Coats will cro for $22.50 $33.00 Caracul and Sealette Coats will so for $21.75 $37.50 Caracul and Sealette Coats will cro for $29.50 Crockery Department in connection with Our Model Grocery. See some of our Pat tern dishes in show case in vestibu e in front of our store. Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery In Our Model Sanitary Basement ALL OTHER DEP'T MAIN 22 Green Olives, pint 35 Sweet Pickles, pint 20 Sour Pickles, pint 10 Dill Pickles, quart 20 Choice Mince Meat, 3 pounds. 50 GROCERY PHONE MAIN 17 Fresh Eastern Oysters, p'nt 50 ( cans choice sliced Pineapple $1.00 Freh shipment Johnston's Candies; Hunt lev A: Palmer Wafers Fran Fran. etc. India Reli,., pint 25 Rijie Olives, pint 25 ITS WKLL WORTH YOUR WHILE TO PAY THIS STORK A VISIT AXD SEE THE GRAXDKST DISPLAY OF PURE FOODS IX THE XORTJ INVEST I IAXDL ED FXDER THE MOST POSSIRLE SANITARY CONDITIONS. The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieiim. Good program for Tuesday's change. 1. "The Voyager." Sellg. Sir Har old Drayton and hN slater were on a visit to Canada. While there she met a voyager and becamo Interested In him. Her brother begged the inter ference of Mlgel Hardle, who was in command of the post, and the voyager was sent away. Soon after Ilardie'a guests started to Quebecf accompan ied only by two canoemen. Thoy were captured by a band of Indians and the voyager, who was trapping near by, saw the empty canoe and suspecting the fate of the party, crept to where they sat tied to trees, and cutting their bonds, bade them wait for night. They escaped and Jessica then bravely told her brother that her life belonged to the man who had risked all to save her. 2. "A Sight Seeing Trip Through Boston." Selig. The first of an Ed ucational series of travelogues through the principal cities of the world. 3. "The runchers' Law." Essnn ny. Against ihe background of a great western cattle round-up show ing thousands of famous Texas steers, th's delightful drama will please all who view it. The story is vital, the acting fine and the photography of the usual high standard. 4. "Love and Silence." American Pathe. A couple of chums are in love with the same girl, and, of cour-e, one is lucky and the other Is not. Sometime after the marriage a robbery Is committed in the bank where the chums work. Though the husband Is guilty, spicion falls up on the friend, and rather than spoil the happiness of the girl he loves, this friend i-uffers Imprisonment in rilenee. Five years later the husband dies and leaves a confession of his guMt and all ends happily with the final reunion of the innorent sufferer and the heartbroken widow. 5. "His Gil lie " Lubin. Hetty and Ralph were in love but father said "Xo wedding bells." The young folks concocted a scheme whereby Hetty should be kidnapped. Before it was pul'ed off father took Hetty away on a trip, leaving a 3oung mar ried couple in charge of the house. Kalph was In despair but Betty etole away from her father. It was Just a step to the parson's and when fath er arrived an hour later he had to surrender and give them his blessing. fully for 20 years. So he and his family moved to the country. By a strange turn of fate Joe found him self able to dictate' to the company who had fired him and he, was in a position to humble them if he saw fit. A finely told story. "Porethy's Family." Imp. Com edy drama. Dorethy found It hard to choose between suitors, so as a test she invited all the poor children to visit her and introduced the kid as her admirers. One whs angry and left; the other did all he could to amuso the kiddles, showing a kind heart, so Dot choose him. Tlit. I'astimo. Only the best in motion pictures. Program for Tuesday's change: Xo. 1. "Lost Years." Ks-anay's great drama. P.rown. a workman, quarrels with Walters, the foreman Walters accidentally falls into the river, is captured by r'ver pirates and shanghaied to a strange port. Brown is believed to have killed Wulters and is sentenced to a life term In the penitentiary. Thirty years later Walters, now a farmer, reads of Brown's Imprisonment and obtatns his release. The old man is then giv en a home on the farm to enjoy the rest of his days. Xo. 2. "The Fickle Fiancee." Am erican. A homeless girl is seen faint ing by the roadside by a young far mer who takes her home where his mother cares for her and restores her to feealth and strenfth. . The weeks pass and the fellow fulls in love with the girl and hopes to marry her. but she being fickle is not faithful to her lover, who sees her accepting the at tentions of another. The picture has a touching appeal. Its scenes are beautiful and Its players graceful and pleasing. Xo. 3. "Arizona ' Bill." Kalem. Arizona Hill was discharged. An In dian stole a horse and at Arizona Hill's house quietly changed horses. H'ss Is falsely accused of horsetheft. He knocks his accuser down and es capes on the stolen horse left by the Indian. One of the boys follows him out over the desert and captures him. Bill's wife sees the Indian, recognize-) the horse and in the nick of time ar rives to save her husband. No. 4. "A Cure for Crime." Edi son. This is a comedy showing the power of mental suggestion. A vag rant becomes good because he Is made to believe that it is impossible for him to do wrong. This is an interesting and unusual plot. Xo, 5. "Lionelly, Contortionist." This picture shows a clover vaudeville stunt. Xo. 6. "A Trip in the Island of Marken." American. A great scenic picture. AT THE OREGON THEAM "The ;)ldcn Girl." One of the delights of the coming season will be the introduction of a latest craze, "The Frisco Frolic." This phenomenal dnnce will be shown to the people of Pendleton at the Ore gon theater when the "Golden Girl" opens on Friday evening, Nov. 10. Some people may confound this dance with one of the vulgar touch but such Is not the case. It Is simply an artis tic and eccentric dance put on with the best lighting effects and under the various titles is appearing with great success In productions now play, ing in Xew York and Boston. The dunce done in the Golden Girl was put on by Mr. Virgil Bennett one of the first exjMinents to the latest craze. When .the theatecr-goers see the two well-known artists, .Miss Virginia Drew and Mr. Corless the Frisco Frolic, they will have nothing but the highest praise and greatest admira tion for the new form of two-step. Jcntui,. Tofl.T In "The. Whit,, sister." All women enjoy a good love story in which the fate of the lover hang in the balance anil Is spiced with a little danger that Ib one of the great est reasons for the remnrkable suc cess of "The White Sister" which Is billed for Sunday. November 12. at the Oregon theater, with the mag netic American beauty Jeanne T"v ler in the stellar role and a superior east of supporting players. The White Sister" was dramatized from Marlon Crawford's latest novel of the same name and the action of the play occurs In Sunny Italy, the home of romr.nce. love, poetry and music. It is an 'nten e'y human story in a re ligious setting ami that Is why It Is so strohgly endorsed by the church, al though In its development it is amusement and entertainment ,,f the purest quality. It Is handled in an uplifting manner and carrier a con vincing lesson.. Tile role of the Nun (the White Sister) makes exacting de mands upon tho emotlonul powers of tho actress and It is lier powerful n terprctatlon of the rolo und her strik ing appearance in the character that has earned for Jeanne. Towler tho rep utation of being America' most beautiful emotional actre-s. Nearly every character In the phiy la a star part and requires a company of un usual quality to do it Justice. The stage pictures arc realistic and hand some, while the Interpolated music which permeates the play Is sweet and soothing. "Tho White Sister" will probably crowd the theater and un doubtedly bo one of tho most genu ine treats of tho season. Unite Drowns In Jar. C'oquille, Ore. While Marlon Clin ton's 18 months old child was play ing out In the yard It fell Into a 10' gallon jar which contained about one gallon of water and was drowned. The child was evidently trying to play In the water when It fell head first Into the Jar and was dead before it wa discovered by its parents. Full From Cycle Fntnl. Eugene, Ore. Homer A. Sears,, aged about 60, died at his home on Onyx avenue from Injuries received' when he fell off his tricycle on Wil lamette street yesterday afternoon,. The axle of the tricycle broke and his head struck forcibly on the pavement. If Diaz were younger, come back before long. he might FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR COMPOUND For over three decades a favorite household medicine forCOUGHS. COLDS, CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH. BRONCHITIS. HARD andSTUFFY BREATHING. Take at first sign of a cold. Quick, safe and reliable. The Bee Hive on the carton is the mark of the genuine. Refuse sustitutes. Mrs. Anna Polzer, ssid Jefferson St., So. Omaha, says: "I can recom mend Foley's Honey & Tar Com pound as a sure cure for coughs and colds. It cured my daughter of a bad cold and my neighbor Miss Ben son cured herself and her whole fam ily with Foley's Honey & Tar Com pound. Everyone in our neighbor hood speaks most highly of It as a good remedy for coughs and colds. FOB SALE BY ALL DEALERS. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Tho Cosy. See the great five-round prize fight In the Parson and the Bully. Wednes day and Thursday. Also three other great reels. Head them over: "The Parson and the Bully." Nes tor. A great five round prize fight is shown in this picture. The bad man decided that he would not allow the young minister to stay In town and kept breaking up meetings. Finally ne cnanengcd tne parson to an open fight, whoever won was to keep quiet forever after. In n stirring five-round bout the parson sco-ed a knockout and upheld his honor and the cause. "The Western Doctor's Peril." Am erican. The doctor in answering- a call passed the station Just after a bandit had held up the agent and shot him. The agent's brother, find ing his brother dead nnd seeing the doctor riding away, thinks tho doctor Is guilty, so a posse captured him. To mako things worse the doctor picked up a money-bag the bandit dropped. The boys wanted to lynch the doctor and decoying the sherirf away started for tho Jail. The child of tho mob leader being badly hurt the sheriff's wife liberated the doctor, so the boys found nn empty Jail. While answer ing the decoy message tho sheriff caught the real bandit, so all was made right. "Back to Nature." Thanhouser. a ne siory or a bookkeeper who at middle life found himself discharged by tho company he had served faith- THE GOLDEN RULE STORE Wo arc proving to rlic pul.lic our full worth of operating n store in lVndleton whore every ImmIv is pleased, and show their i.pi'ivoiatioii ,y trading where they save -JO to T.O per cent. Several eases of children's underwear just unpacked. r.xtra heavy fleeced union suits .19f Kxtra heavy ril.hed union suits 39 I.lldies' heavy fleeced hose J5 Ladies' heavy fleeced hose 23 Ladies' cotton hose, ;.')( value 12 l-2 Men's and hoys' lined mittens 2."i and up Ll'o "f "u'"'s M,iH $-1-98, ?5.00, $8.90, 0.90 Our prices are always regular; no mark up and down GOLDEN RULE STORE A SNAP FOR $2500.00 room modern house, stone cellar, barn, wood toilet, shade- and fruit trees. 1-2 block ermmH . Call at once aa bargains of this character can't last It to appreciate It. shed, hath, Must sea MARK M00RH0USE CO. 1,'none JVlain 83. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and 117 E. Court Street County Realty. VjKAIMU THEATRE 1 Pendleton's Only . . . . High-class performances afternoons and evenings, show for the old folks and children. VAUDEVILLE and Picture Theatre A good clean Matinees I Sr. FvanSnwe JII..I... 4C. rtLi i w -&, Humus cue un aren "V2VY , "w-"ww PILES Cl'ItED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. lOo. The I Known For Its Strength I First National Bank PENDLETON, OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER 11101 U010.00 SECURJTY