PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OUEGOXIAX. FEXDLETOX, OREGON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1911. KIGIIT PAGES. A GOOD COOK DEMANDS THE BEST ! That'? why those desiring groceries for an appetizing and appeasing "square' meal always ask ''Central" for MAIX 96. THEY GET IT ! QUANTITY and QUALITY with EVERY purchase at the STAKD5RD GR0BE8Y GOHPAHY, INC. WHERE ALL ARE PLEASED. FRANK O'GARA, Pres. BERXAItD O'GARA. Scc.-Trcas. Newsy Notes i of Pendleton Ono Drunk III Court. Just one I ne ili'unk rami) up before Judge Fits Gerald in the police court this morning, he being J. H St. John. Ho pleaded guilty and paid his fine of five dollars. Quilting liirty a Success, The entertainment, "Aunt Jerusha's Quilting Party," given by the ladles aid of the Methodist Episcopal church Friday evening, proved a decided success. The parlors of the church were crowded and the entire program was generously applauded. Krido mid Groom Return. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collins (nee l'ortha Alexander) returned home ihs morning from their honeymoon tr p to Sound point? and Portland. They will make their home at the Charles Ferguson residence on ' the north hill. kl'K RESISTS CRACKSMAN. I S. F.vpeit Inutile to Penetrate Gram! RN 1. O. Steel. Grand Rapids. Mich. Four Inches of steel' protecting nearly the. whole local and West Michigan stamp sup ply, has for two day. foiled the efforts of an expert cracksman of the United States government. He says It may lie a week or more before he ts able to drill through the safe in the Grand Rapid postoffice. Oliver P. Morton, attorney for the reclamation service and prominent In the suits to adjudicate the water rights on the Umatilla river, is here today from Portland. XOTU'l OF STREET MEXT 1MPROVK- AFTEffl SUPPER SALE SWEATE m unci OF SID AH ACRE LAND : Slaron to Vudoriro Operation. Councilman J. L. Sharon is at pres ent In one of the Portland hospitals and writes to R. W. Fletcher that on Has anyone in th';s section of east- . in his burn and thinking that one of Wrn Oregon a tr.ut of 100.000 acres ; his $1000 team of trotters had become 1 they wi-l sell at $10 an acre, ill in Irs stall, he went to the barn up several times on the telephone by some unknown persons and told that he would have to put up $200 or be Monday he will undergo an operation ;ne up.' for tne renloval 0f a cataract from He says that he was called up twice one of his eves in the evening but that whoever was Ltomg the ta.k:ng hung ud before he I couKl learn more. About 11 o clock he heard a noise of !an.: If so they may be abte to find a tuer in Chicago. William McMur ray. general pa-senger agent for the O.-W. U. ti N., is in receipt of a let tier from W. G. Neimeycr. general iigent in Chicago from which the following is an extract: "A svndicate in Chicago is endeav oring to locate IOO.OmO acres of land charge of assaulting Constable Cra in one tract if possible, which can ; :iur of Sr.usalito with a revolver and and was unlocking the door when three men assailed him. One dealt him a terrific blow on the head. Dates, who is a large man, then commenced to fight and felled one of his assailants, after which they all ran away. i Cities is awaung a hearing on a be purchased for ltss than $10 per -acre, which they propose to subdi vide into SO-acre tracts, break up five .Teres of the land,, build a house on -same, furnish two horses and a wa .gcn and .-ne cow and then sell same on the installment plan." is now out on $1000 bonds. THRASHES HUNGRY THIEF. Hwp Rattle Reins Rag"!. At the time this paper went to press a fierce battle was being wa ged on the gridiron at Round-Up Park, the high school football team and eleven al! stars being the con testants. A good crowd was watch ing the struggle which early resolved Itself into age, experience and weight against speed and team work. LAND SHARK'S EASY TREY. Woman Findin: Hiiu nt Refrigerator j it3 orlin .minis i it-sources to Law, Danville, Pa. With the price of foodstuffs soaring skyward, an epi demic of refrigerator robberies in Danville is considered as a matter of no small importance. Every morning one or more is reported. When Mrs. Pharlos Kmerll tuuuiDi oi iui3 ui.. "-s i morning unlocked the sold lor improved nuiuung lots' at fancy prices, according to a state Origin of Fire Unknown. Mrs. John Peebler, whose home on the Echo Meadows was burned down Thursday, states that the report that the blaze was caused by careless handling of matches by children Is Incorrect as the fire started in the attic while the children were down stairs. She is at a loss to account for -Worthless Land Sold for Lots in Town. Milv-lle. X. C. Timber Improved land two ment made by Receiver of Taxes Doo ming who i being beseigej by s'.ran :gers and letters from all sections of the country inquiring the valuation of their properties. A Philadelphia .speculator who came here this morn ing said that he recently purchased forty-three "building lots" on "South Hiph street" front a Philadelphia areaity company for $11,350. The man was almost overcome when told that the lots are In the woods between Milville and Dividing creck. He produced a map which -contained about 1800 "lots." The sup posed streets were named the same .-as those in the city, and pictures of the main city thoroughfares were on the outer cover. The investor told Cooling that the company had in formed him that he was assessed $5 taxes for each lot and requested him tto come here for the personal inves tigation. "The whole plot of ground." said "Dooling, "is assessed $10. S3." He said he has been informed that other In--vestors had paid $1 taxation to the company for each lot. A few days iigo an inve-tor from Canada cime "here tj look over what he supposed io be lots in the ecnter part of a thriving manufacturing city. He left on the next train s-.veirir.g vengeance. door opening on the back porch she was confront ed by a man Just arising from an ex amination of the contents of the re frigerator. The man ran up the Philadelphia & Reading tracks, with Mrs. Smedley in pursuit, and when she caught up .with the thief she belabor ed him well. While Mrs. Smedley recognized the thief, she will not prosecute him, deeming the thrashing she gave him as ample punishment. LOUD EATER IS REBUKED. Man EXTORTION VICTIM, HE SAYS. ."-taiiK-ilito Resident Tells Strang story cf Attack Mail - at Midnight. Sin Rafael. Calif E. M. Dates, fire, comrni-sioner of Sausalito and al "" one of the wealth it st residents of -.he place, told to the official.? of this "ounty a Strang,., story of attempted -'Xtortion and a murderous assault. Pennsylvania Justice Lectures on Table DejKirtment. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. After making so much fuss while eating In a res taurant that he had started a quarrel Walter Gordon of Durycar, was lec tured severely by AHerman John F. Donohue of this city, and told to re turn home and learn better table manners. "There are a great many fellows like you." said the alderman, "who come to this e'ty and make themselves of-f-nsive to others by teir lack of ta ble manners in public places. They drink their coffee as if they were donkey pumps and eat their food w ith a nois,.. like a concrete mixer at an 1 asphalt plant. j "You ought to be sent to the coun ty jail where you could eat your beans with a knife and drink your soup with a fork. Next time you come here bring a handout with you. put it in a horse's nose-bag and eat it on the river bank." Silver Tt-a to Ho Given. A Silver Tea for the benefit of the Church of the Redeemer, will be giv en Friday evening by Mesdames Le ona Thompson and Mrs. Lee Moor house, at the Moorhouse home. Sev eral special features are included in the program. Furnish Reservoir Empty. E. P. Marshall, manager of the Fur nish Irrigation interests, left on the local this morning for Coe where he will inspect the Furnish dam and res ervoir. The reservoir is empty now for the first time since it was filled. Ordinarily, it would have been drain ed in September but some watr was kept in it for working purposes until this week. A:c Tding to h i story, he was called' f-tndleton If eng east, or west or south, have tickets routed Northern Pacific fcv. Close count ctions at Pasco with !1 through train.?. W. Adams, agent. The Cash Market Handles the Cel- I ebrated Seal Shipt Oysters, also f Clams, Crabs, Schrimps and Fish as' f wei: as groceries and Meats. Hound-Up In Policy Gazette. The Police Gazette, the great na tional jiinkpaged sporting magazine, this week contains a page devoted to the Pendleton Round-Up. A picture each of Buffalo Vernon and Jesse Briscoe bulldogglng a steer and one of Vernon roping and hog tying a steer are reproduced from photo graphs taken by Beryl and are very plain. The pictures were sent in by President Roy Raley and give the lo cal show much good advertising. Presbyterian Church. F. J. Milnes, minister. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.; evening worship, 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. MERCHANT GOING TO POT. At Ln-t Moment, Piece do Reslstjuu-o Slips Cannibal 20-Cent Rends. New York Emii Van Baelen. a Belgian rubber merchant, arrived here on the steamer Vaderland. While he was In the Congo Free State, he said he was captured by a party of cannibals who built a big fire- and mado ready a large pot to stew him. Rut when Van Baelan slipped the canniba!s a 20-cent string of beads his bonds were cut and he was al lowed to slip away. Van Baelan pre. fi.-rs Mexico to Africa, and some time 'hid week he will start south. PervJleton Cash Market Cor E. Court and Johnson SU. Phone Main 101 I'nwnry Merchant! Fleeced Again. Centrailia, Wash. Another worth less check artist has swindled sever al Centrailia merchants out of a con- Md'-iriblij sum of money. A man known as Henderson came to this city last week and deposited a small sum at a local bank. He then pro- c'cded to circulate checks for many times the total of hla deposit, his plan being to cash them at the vari ous stores, receiving merchandise and currency in exchange. The matter was not reported. 9 Wvt' i'tVW aanks Pay You Interest on What You Save. I t 'p. Wq Pay Yen Interest on Whit Yen Spend With Us When tradlr.g at this ptore always ask for cash register receipts end suve them. They represent a saving of 2 1-2 per cent on each an4 every purchase. They are as good as cash in exchange for gro ceries. Call and learn how. A fine line of Nutmeg Musk Melons Just Received. Phone Your Order Phone Miu 174 612 Main Street SELFISH INTEREST. "You seem to be developing a great interest in conservation?" "I am,' 'replied Mr. Cumrox. "If thry kerp cutting down the trees down there won't be any wood for me to take to when mother and the g ris get up these rounds of social gayety." Washington Star. Governor Wilson travelod; Presi dent Taft is trave'ing; La Follette Is going to travel; who next? Rheumatism 3 A Constitutional Disease. t m-inifff t.i Jt-eif in l.jcal nche and in Ins, luil.imed joints and stii'f mus- '. but It f imi.ot b.? cured by local r,rillt at loni. I, re'i'.i: i s ,ccr. I 'i 'it ional treatment, od tl.e I, . I CMir: o' lir- Kfeut . o! .u'.f iiv 'i'.i'l ioi.U i:i' .i. !v: !. rieid e. ,;;;-;.; 0f : re' til -;i:i i t' :li v.iH.-o ia lierhv civen. that the I Common Council did on October 25, 1911. pass the following resolution, I and that the surveyor's estimate of j the proportion of the cost of the im- i provement as mentioned therein, to 1 be charged against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, is now on file I in my office, said resolution being as : follows: to-wit: Whereas the city surveyor did on October 25. 1911, under direction of j the Common Council, file plans and specifications for an appropriate ini- j provement of Washington street from a point H0 feet east, of the east Ilie; of Garfield street to the west lino of! Cla'ne street, Blaine street from the north line of Washington street to a ' point 200 feet north of the north line of Washington street, together with ' the estimates of the work to be done j and the probable cost thereof, togeth- I er with a statement of the lots, jaris of lots and parcels of land to be ben efited by such improvement, and per centage of the total cost of the im provement which each of such lots, parts of lots and parcels of land should pay on account of the bene fits to be derived therefrom; and Whereas, the Common Council has examined such plans and specifica tions and found the same satisfactory and the estimates for the work to be done in accordance with the probable cost thereof; and Whereas, the property recommend ed by the city surveyor to be inelud- i od within the boundaries of the dis tr'ct benefited is. in the judgment of the Common Council, properly to be included within such district, and no property is excluded therefrom which should properly be included therein; and Whereas, the Improvement of the hereinabove de-crlbed portions of sa'd streets by grading and constructing sidewalks and crosswalks along the north side of such portion of Wash ington street and the west side of such portion of Blaine street where there are at present no sidewalks or where the sidewalks are not con s'ructed accord;ng to the ordinances of the City of Pendleton, the same Is, in the judgment of the Common Coun cil, at this time necessary; therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Common Council of the City of Pendleton that It is expedient to improve and It Is hereby proposed to improve Washing ton street, in the City of Pendleton, from n point 100 feet east of the east line of Garfield street to the west line of Blaine street, and Blaine street from the north line of Washington street to a point 200 feet north of the north line of Washington street, by making excavations and fills there on and rolling the same with the city road roller, so as to make an even and compact surface upon the estab lished grade of said streets and con structing sidewalks and crosswalks along the north side of such portion of Washington street and the west side of such portion of Blaine street where there are nt present no s'dewalks or where the sidewalks are not con structed according to the, ordinances of the City of Pendleton, nccordlng to the plans and specifications there fore prepare, by the city surveyor and filed with the recorder of the City of Pendleton on the 25th day of October, 1911; and Be It Further Resolved, That the plans, speclfleat'ons nnd estimates for such Improvement, as so prepared by the city surveyor and so filed on the 25th day of October, be and they are hereby approved. Be It Further Resolved, That the cost of making such Improvement shall be a charge and lien upon nil lots, parts of lots and parcels ot land especially benefited by such Improve ment, proportionately as so benefited. una ine owners or such lots, parts of lots and parcels of land so specially mmr-inp,! snail be liable for the pay ment of the costs thereof In propor tion as they are so specially benefit ted. And Be It Further Resolved, That an assessment district Is hereby cre ated, embracing the property to he assessed ror tbe payment of such Im provement, which assessment district than Include the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land lying nnd being within the district bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the center of Block 4, Llvermoro's Addition to the City of Pendleton Oregon. Thnhce north along the center line of Blocks 4 nnd S In sa'd addition to the center of Block B. Thence west along the center line of Blocks 5. 2 and B In sa'd addition to the southwest corner of Lot 3 of said Block B. Thence north 60 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 3 In said Block B. Thence west to the northwest corner of Lot 3 In Block 6, Cole's Addition to the City of Pendleton, Oregon. Thence south to the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 13 of said Cole's Add tlon! Thence east along the center line of Paid Block 13 of Cole's Addition and Blockj C, 3 and 4 of said LIvermore s Addition, to the place of beginning And Bo It Further Resolved. That p copy of this resolution, together w'th a notice that the surveyor's p- nnate of the proportion of the cost of said work to be charged against each lot, part of lot and pajcel of 'fnd, ii on f Io In the office rf th t ity Recorder be pub'l hed for a period of ten days In the East Ore gor.'nn, which newspaper Is herehy designated by the Common Council for the p'lblbnt'on thereof. THOa. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. White, coat shape, shawl $7.50 For collar, special tonight $59 5 Gray worsted, coat shape $5.50 For Oxfords also, special $L45 Gray, also Maroon, coat $5.00 For shape, special tonight S3. 9 5 Assorted styles and shapes S3. 50, $4 and all colors, spc'l tonight $ 2 3 S BOSTON STOR.E GRAND THEATRE VAUDEVILLE and Picture Theatre A good clean Pendleton's Only . . . . High-class performances afternoons and evenings. show for the old folks and children. . j Matinees 15c. Evenings, Adulus 25c Children 15c I THE GEA!. Pendleton'.' ISIr Vaudevillo Theater. For tonight and Sunday we offer four big vaudeville-acts In connec tion with our high clas motion pic ture program. The Reeves Musical Co. In three concert acts. Vocal nnd Instrumental soloists of real merit. A delightful evening with real artists. Songs, du els, quartets, army bugle calls and novelty musical numbers. W. P. Reeves, cornet and Fleugel horn so loist; Madam Constance, violin and emphorium soloist, and Leonora Elba the Lyric soprano. The Alfrey Trio, in "The Lady, the Lad and the Coon," a real comedy that will keep you laughing from curtain to curtain, no matter If you never laughed before in your life or not. Don't fail to see our big Orpheum act next Monday. Tuesday nnd Wed nesday nights. "Graham's Miniature Clrculs." The only show of Its kind with performing rats, cats and dogs. Wa'ch for the Grand's classy pro grams they nre going to be bigger and better than ever. We are Overstocked in I Hard Milled Lanolcn, Lettuce and Almond Oil Soaps, (tho 50c kind) which we aro closing out AT 25 Cents a Box It lathers nicely, washes away slowly, and it cleanses and softens the flesh. Koeppen's The Drug Store thai Serves You Best. For the Man Who Knows I rt ' It there's nothing like a rich, Juicy beefsteak no bird's nests for his, If there's one thing we're partic ular about (we have a care for every ounce of meat leaving these premises), It's our beefsteaks porterhouse, Birloins, tenderloin and all. We keep a keen eye on the market and givo you every benefit of a shade In pricing. Genlral Heat Market Phono Main 23. 108 B. Alta Street. I Pendleton Dye Works CUT PK1CES FOR OCT. LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED Vl.0 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED l.n MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED 2. MEN'S SUITS PRESSED 75c Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to- date methods. (' Phone Main 180. 106 1-S E. Alta. Wo havo ono store situated at tho corner ot Main nnd Court street where we sell what the people want at prices they are willing to pay. We buy what wo want and sell Good Merchandise at a Low P rce Which Is the time measure of value. Ladles fleeced vest and pants for -23c Dark Outlnng Flannel ..6 1-4C Good dark and light outing for 8 l-3o Best dark and light outing lOo Men's Overcoats $0.50 Ladles Coats ...$3.00 to $15.00 Men's Heavy Mackinaw Ct. $3.08 Hope Muslin 8 l-3c Good Percale 0 l-4c 42 Inch Pillow Tubing llc 3 lb. Cotton Cats 1..0DC THE WONDER STORE The Store for Thrifty Tcople, .i.e .ii