East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 28, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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pace six.
Tobacco rpnp Tc
is on!y another name for the
dull, listless feeling that too
much smoking gives.. You get
it from rich, black Havana
cigars, but you can smoke a
light domestic blend all day
long. Try the
Gen! Arthur
-i r - f t
M. A. Gun st cs. Co., Distributors
Now York. Oct. 28. Han Johnson,
provident of the American LenRtie. Is
still anxious for an official probing
of the ticket scandal In connection
with the world's championship games
, here. He declares that lie "has evi
dence in his possession that will throw
liKht on the muddle, and Is willing to
tell the name of an individual who
' helped speculators to get hold of many
j In his opinion John T. Brush, pres
ident of the New York club, has been
kept in Ignorance of the facts.
I "Mr. I' rush had no part in the sale
tickets to speculators, said John-
"He knew nothing about the
matters wore handled by a cer
tain nerson. who for the present
shall remain unknown.
brilliancy at times which kept the
large crowd In great enthusiasm.
I', of O. will now be a ftrong contend
er for the championship, being rated
superior to the O. A. C.
lmls to Cleveland.
Cleveland. Oct. 28. Harry
Is. first baseman of the
II. Pa
Preewater, Ore. Miss Catherine H.
Heikos and George Shortridge of Sun-
HVsi1e were innrrttvl in Wnll Wnll-i
at the parsonage of the First Metho- champion Athletics, and ieutenant of
.ik, ,,-., v.. r,.. n- t.-!.v,,..,,i Connie Mack, their manager, signed
... . it u . v .1, k,'CJhtJ,.l,,.j-l.lilft'tl,l.
a contract to manage the Cleveland
team of the American league in 191.'.
I He r.rrived here from riiiladelphia
and immediately went into confer
ence with Tre-ldent Charles Comers
, and Vice-President E. S. Barnard, of
the Cleveland club.
Pupil Is Hurt at Football.
Lapwal. Idwho. Oct. 28 Alvln
Foote, a pupil of the Fort Lapwal ru
ral high school, was seriously Injur
ed Internally while playing football.
This accident may result In a discon
tinuance of football at the school.
Oakland A, Portland 0.
Oakland, Oct. 28. Oakland captur
ed the second game of the post-series
game with Portland yerterday, 6 to 0,
the misplays of me northerners be
ing responsible for the one-sidednes
of the score. The champions piled
up six errors and failed to group their
seven hits off Pernoll in a wav that
would bring in runs. The series now
stands one and one, with three games
yet to be played.
Oakland .
and Mitze;
Sea ton
R. II. K.
6 5 1
7 3
After Spending Thousands of Dollars
and Consulting the Host Eminent
Physicians, Uo Was Derpcrate.
Becker, of 1 34 Van Curcn St., a
well-known wholesale dry goods
dealer, states as follows:
"I have had catarrh for more
than thirty yoars. Have tried
everything on earth and spent
thousands of dollars for other
medicines and with physicians,
without getting any lasting re
lief, and can say to you that I
have found Peruna the only rem
edy that has cured me per
manently. "Peruna has also cured my
wife of catarrh. She always keeps '
it in the house for an attack of
cold, which it invariably cures in
a very short time."
Walla Walla H. S. Games Off.
Walla AValla. Oct. 2S. .Meeting in
I special session yesterday afternoon
Who does not know the value of r tne purp0se of investigating the
sage and sulphur for keeping the trup orulse anj just punishment for
"hair dark, s ft. glossy and in good tj,e action of certain high school stu--condition
As a matter of fact, sul- uonts ln burning their principal. F.
phur is a natural element of hair, and c Heck in effigy on the high school
vi deficiency of it in the hair is held i.nvn sPVPral nights ago. the burning
ly many scalp specialists to be con
nected uith loss of color and vitality
oi xne n;ur. i nquesiionauiy. mere
is no better remedy for hair and
scalp troubles, especially premature
grayness, than sage and sulphur, if
properly prepared. The Wyeth Chem
ical Company of Xew York put up an
ideal remedy of this kind. called
Wyeih's Snge and Sulphur Hair Rem
edy, and authorize druggists to sell it
under guarantee that the money will
we reiumiea it it Ian; I'J uu exacu
as represented.
it you have dandruff, or if your
"hair is thin or turning gray, get a
bottle of this remedv from your
ceremony being preceuen ny a mociv
trial, and followed by a street dem
onstration, the school board passed
the following resolution:
"Resolved, that the football sched
ule of the Walla Walla high school be
withdrawn for the balance of the
present semester, and that the team
be instructed to turn in their foot
ball suits and paraphernalia to the
athletic coach at once."
Oroiron Pefimu W. S. C.
Pullman. Wash, Oct. 2S. A great
surprise was given W. S. C. support
ers yesterday when the speedy Ore
gin University football team scored
iruegist4oday and see what it will do j a 6 to 0 victory over their idols. Ore
tOr yfiil. I gon was rated strong but Pullman
"Tlhis preparation Is offered to the i had hopes of victory until their line
pub'.it at fifty cents a bottle, and is J was finally beaten down by the Web
recommended and sold by special j footers. The game was close and
agent, Pendleton Drug Co. hard-fought, both teams displaying
V. W. IVfents Milton.
Walla Walla. Wash., Oct. 2S. In a
muddy game between the local High
and the M;lton team on Ankeny field
yesterday afternoon, the locals" walk
ed off the field with a victory with
27 points to their credit, while the
Milton eleven were content to wend
tliirr way homeward with a goose
egg to show for their trouble.
ter," (Essany-. A dramatic West
ern feature. Thrilling to the lust
foot. Exceeding Interesting In every
Hotel McFeeSy
The Only Strictly . First-Class,
Modern Priced Hote in the City
New House. New and Bemtifiil Furniture. Hot
and Cold Water in Every Room.
Rates SI. 00 and $1.50 Per Day
Corner Alder & 4th Streets
Opposite Keylor Grand Theatre, Walla Walla, Wash.
Excellent program for Sunday and
1. "Her Awakening," Blograph. A
pretty but dutiful daughter has one
fault, vanity. She Is ashamed of her
poor old mother, who Is decrepit and
lamo. Working In the office of a
laundry, she meets on social terms
one of the customers, who, becoming
quite attracted by her, is considered
her sweetheart. Ashamed of her
home and mother, she has never let
him visit her, preferring to meet him
outside at a trystlng place. One day
v hen walking with her sweetheart,
she meets her mother, but denies her.
Her awakening comes a few minutes
later when she sees her poor old moth
er knocked down by an automobile.
Her mother dies from the effects of
the accident and the poor girl's grief
knows no bounds .as she fondles the
old cane so long carried by her dear
mother. Her future does not remain
hopeless, for the young man still loves
her; but what a bitter punishment she
had suffered for vanity.
2. "The Death of Nathan Hale,"
Edison U. S. History Scene. This
turn tells the story of the battle of
Long Island, with Washington's mas
t.rly retreat, and Nathan Hale's at
tempt to do his country a service, re
sulting ln his execution as a spy. At
the close the scene dissolves Into the
statute of Nathan Hale In City Hall
park. New York City.
3. "Memories of the Past," Ameri
can Pathe. A young man and woman
are engaged to be married; they an
nr.unce It at a fancy dress ball on her
birthday. A famous painter decides
to paint her picture, this leads to an
other love affair, and the girl finally
marries the artist. Tears later the
rejected suitor's nephew falls In love
with the daughter of this couple. The
nephew gains his uncle's consent to
their marriage through the striking
i resemblance of the- daughter to the
portrait of the old sweetheart, who
been the only real love he ever had.
4. "Her Hero," Vltagraph. Did
you ever meet the man who tells you
how brave he is and who hasn't gol
the backbone of a caterpillar? Here
is a chance to get a good look at him
and have a Jolly good hearty laugh,
too. It reaches 150 In the shade on
the "humorometer" of the laugh
circle. John Bunny, the Vltagraph
funny man supplies the mercury and
keeps it bubbling all the time.
Tho Cosy.
In accordance with our promise of
a higher grade film service for this
house, we present the first Install
ment for Friday and Saturday with
a full feature program Including a
Shakesperlan masterpiece, two fine
comedies and beautiful and scenic. In
future we will show the cream of the
Independent output.
"Komeq and Juliet," (two reels).
Thanhouser. A superb Thanhouser
feature In two full reels, 2,000 feet,
depleting ln pictures the famous
Shakespearean masterpiece. Every
one Is familiar with this beautiful love
story, replete with thrilling adventures,
noble self-sacrifice, and splendid hero
ism. The acting is perfect, the cos
tuming Is beautiful, the settings are
grand and the photography Is fault
less, making this one of the finest
pictures ever produced. Exquisitely
tinted and colored.
"Hot Springs, Arkansas," Imp. An
educational picture, showing ostrich i
farm, alligator farm and views lo and
about the . famous health resort, and
on the same reel, "lira Royal High
ness," comedy. The antii of an es
caped lunatic masquerading as a
prince, the plight of the real prince,
the love dreams of an- old maid in
love with the crazy man, and the re
sulting complications nnd mixups
which occur, are laughable In the ex
"Mutt and Jeff and the German
Band." Nestor. Our two friends saw
a band of strolling musicians and not
ing that money was freely given, de
cided to form a band of their own.
Mutt takes the trombone and Jeff the
big bass horn. Prof. Schmitz adver
tising "Music taught In one lesson"
caught their eye, and after taking
the one lesson they started out. What
happened to them? Come ln and see.
Imiwriall llnnd ltell Itinars.
The Epworth League, from press
notices throughout the U. S. and
England have secured an attraction
that any city might be proud of. The
Wakefield (England) Musical Union
says. "Generally It may be said that
the' possibilities of bells are limited
to the performance of simple tunes,
but Mr. Giggle showed what splendid
effects could be produced in music
of complex character, the manner In
which the 'Norma' and 'Tannhauser'
selections were given being in the na
ture of a revelation to those before
unacquainted with what a good band
can do."
Are often the cause of I LrfcfflT !"1T 1
-. - i i n a l I s. : I I 1-1 I
lvvesiram wiucii rtsiuis
in Sick Headache, Ner
vousness, Dizziness,
Aching Eyes. Blind
SkTi, Etc. These are
)f u n symptoms of eye
strain which quickly
ir.ppe:ir when PKOP
l'j 11 1, V FITTED
"YOIiX. We can refer
von to hundreds of pco-
' , i v i1:.
1". vhot'i ve nave in-
ted, who will tell you that our Optical Work cannot be
improved on.
DALE ROTHWELL, optometrist
With Hanscom THE Jeweler,
"Born with the Republic"
Oldest distillery in America and the hest Whiskey ever
made in Kentucky. Established in 1780.
Columbia Liquor Store
Sole distributors in Fendlcton.
The Pastime.
Where only the best ln motion pic
tures are shown. Program for Sun
day :
"The Big Dam," (Edison western
drama). This is a story of vital In
terest and being played ln Colorado
on the very spot of a big earthwork
construction contract, gains a very
valuable amount or atmosphere.
Young Bedford Is accepted by a girl
who loves and marries him. The rival
suitor for her hand Is vitally disap
pointed and inclined to" be revenge
ful. 1'oth men ure contractors and
both put In a bid for a large dam to
be completed In one year under a
fr.rfyit of tweut-five thousand dol
lars.' I'.edford gets the contract, thuS
making his rival, Dillon, still more
vindicative. Dillon throws everything
possible, in Bedford's way lo make
him Ioomc his contract, but with the
help of his plucky little wife, Bedford
wins out.
"The Snare of Society," (Lubln). A
throbbing domestic drama that re
volves around a beautiful diamond
ring. Wealth, love and youth com
bined to make Author Williams and
his young wife extremely happy.
Author was a self made man nnd his
wife a society leader. Ono day he
presented her with a beautiful ring,
for which she had expressed a wish,
loiter, in playing bridge, she lost a
large sum of money, and accepted a
loan from Jack Ueed giving the ring
as security. Author saw Jack ex
hibiting the ring at the club. Ha
saught a quarrel with Jack. Then
hurried home and asked his wife to
explain. .She refused to do so. Instead
slio visited Jack's apartments with
a revolver, well she rr-gained her
ring. A Mory that will appeal to all.
"Disappointed Old Maids," (Ameri
can comedy). There is much ex
quisite humor ln this picture.
"Whiffle's Hard Lurk Stories,"
(American). Whiffles being In
"tralahteried circumstances decides to
raise a Utile money Just how ho
di.es It forms a picture that ! guar
ai t"d to raise the risibility of every
"The Millionaire and the pfjtiat-
Chlnn bivI Ymnj Americans.
Shanghai, China. Several years
ago the American consuls In China
cautioned young men and women ln
the United States against coming hith
er with the hope of securing clerical
or stenographic positions. Inquiries
are again being received as to such
openings, and It Is well to repeat the
caution. The custom of roreign firms
here is to fill all important and well
paid positions with persons whom
they bring out under contract so that
a per.-on arriving without such doc
ument stands little chance of secur
ing positions that pay living wages.
Minor situations are filled by clerks,
stenographers and typists who live
in Shanghai, at salaries ranging from
$25 to 575 United States currency per
month. The cost of living here is
not less than ln the states and the cli
mate is not uniformly suitable to foreigners.
Lady in Goodwater Describes Her
Distressing Experience and
Tells How She Was
Finally Relieve!
Ooodwater, Mo. ''Ever since I was
a little girl," says Mrs. Riley Laramore,
"I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia.
I suffered misery after eating, and had
terrible heartburn.
I thought I had to suffer this way as
long as 1 lived, but when 1 began to take
Thedford's Black-Draught, in small
doses, every night, the heartburn was H
gone in a few days, and I could eat
without distress.
1 took two small packages in all, and i
although that was some tine ago, the
dyspepsia has not returned.
I speak a good word for Thedford's '
Black-Draught whenever I have the op
portunity." If eating causes distress, we urge you
to try Thedford's Black-Draught. ;t
cleanses the system, helps the stomach to
digest its food, regulates the bowels, and !
stimulates the liver.
It acts gently and is without bad after
effects. Try it. Price 25c.
If Your Neighbor Has
Electric Light
and you have not, just step into his house some even
ing after dark and compare ita light with jour own.
Study each point of convenience, cleanliness, clear
ness, beauty carefully, and then f igure out for your
self if it would not pny you well, to have your house
wired for electric light at once.
Electric Light Today is Cheaper
and Better Than Ever Before
since the General Electric Company placed its
MAZDA lamp on the market We have arranged
to supply our customers with the G. E. MAZDA
lamps on very favorable terms. These lamps give
two to three times as much light as other lamps us
ing the snme current.
If your house is located on any of our distributing
lines we shall be glad to advise you about having it
wired and will give you more facts about the efficient
electric lighting of your home.
Pacific Power & Light Company
"Always at Your Service'
Known For Its Strength
The First Nafiona! Bank
Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland !
(Arrive Seattle 8:15'A- M.
Airrive Spokane...9 :55 P. 1L
Arrive Portland 8 :10 A- M.'
Northern Pacific Railway
The Pioneer Line.
First class trains. ('lose connections. Good leaving time.
Good arriving time.
Through Tickets to all Points
East or West
Secure tickets and full information from
Ask about EXCURSION FARES for these events:
Nation Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30.
Farming Demonstration
Train ot the o-w. r. sn.co.
A corps of experts from tho Oregon Agricultural College,
will givo lectures and demonstrations on Livestock, Grain, Poul
try, Forage Plants, Conservation of Moisture, etc., and will be
a splendid opportunity for farmers and others to gather prac
tical and scientific instruction on these and kindred subjecta.
Tho Tri-County Development League of Gilliam, Morrow and
Sherman Counties meets in Arlington on October 31st, and will
enable tho members to enjoy the lectures, and attend tho meet
ing at tho same time. ,
General InssinKcr Agefti
rortlaml, Ore.