PAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE EIG1I1. A GOOD COOK DEMANDS THE BEST ! That's why those desiring groceries for an appetizing and appeasing "square'' meal always ask '"Central" for MAIN 96. THEY GET IT ! QUANTITY and QUALITY with EVERY purchase at the STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY, INC. WHERE ALL, ARE PLEASED. FRANK O'GAJtA, Pres. BERNARD O'GARA. Sec-Trcas. il Newsy Notes of Pendleton : Ono Marriage License. County Clerk Saling today Issued a ; marriage .license to Frank McNally and Katie T. Kelly, uoin oi mis cuy. Frvowntor Lot Sells. Alice A. Johnson and her husband Frank J. Johnson, have sold to Charles F. Otto lot 17 of block 63 of the town : of Freewater for a consideration of $2400. Mve Into IVniUeton. Mr. ami Mr.-. Roy Beagles, who have been living in Helix for some i time past, arrived in Pendleton this morning and will make this city their home in the future. They have rent ed a house at 560 Blaine street. Arjruo Water Case Saturday, i Judge Phelps will listen to the ar guments in the case of Taine Pros. .vs. the Hudson Pay Ditch company on Saturday. Testimony in the eas; i was taken on Monday and Tuesday. L JOHN" E MONTGOMERY APPOINTED BY MAYOR proprietors of the new St. George Cafe and Grill put in their applica tion for a liquor license and will prob ably secure the coveted document. The council last night authorized the grading of Monroe street as ad vertised for some time past. The matter of constructing stone steps up the Bluff street hill was re ferred to the street committee. , Loses One Out of 2l. j Captain Kldd. well known McKay creek stockman, is In the city today. I He states that during the past season he ran 260 head of horses on his large range and that at the round-up only one was missing. City Engineer Makes Final Report on Cost of Paving Alta, Cottonwood ami Webb Streets Will Grade Other City Thoroughfares. GIRL BAFFLES BURGLAR BY STRATEGY AND A KICK Fights With Robber N'early Half Hour and Then Escapes to Summon Po lice After Feigning Uncon.sclous ness. Mount Pleasant, Pa. Miss Clara Carabaugh, aged 17, pretty and ath letic, awoke at 1 o'clock to find a John E. Montgomery succeeded to the aldermanic toga which his elder brother has hist doffeil when Mavor Murphv appointed him to fill the va- niasicea Durgiar ransacKing ner room, cancv in the council from the second was alone In the house. When w.irri p.msp.i hv the resignation of T. 1 the burglar saw her oen her eyes he liasoball Magnnto Coming, Bob Brown, formerly a baseball ce lebrity of this city and now manager of the Vancouver champions of the Northwest league, is scheduled to ar rive in Pendleton Saturday en route east. While here he will confer with Tracy Baker, who was farmed out by the Boston Americans to him in time to finish the season with the pennant winning organization. You Know That Old Josh UNDERWEAR AT UNDER PRICES Well That's What it is a": the Suit Dusiness, Closing: Out Sale ST Last spring we bought very liberally of MENS UNION SUITS and Underwear and this for a six months selling season but as we are going out of business we must sell the entire stock at once therefore you will notice . we are quoting prices accordingly. See the Window Display G. Montgomery, who recently left for Portland to make his home. The ap pointment was confirmed and the appointee qualified for the position. Final Assessment Made. At las; night's meeting. City Engi neer Kimbre'.l submitted his final re port on the cost of the paving of Al ta, Cottonwood and Webb streets and dragged her from the bed and chok ed her. Miss Carabaugh plucklly fought back, biting a good sized piece of flesh from the thief's face. For nearly a half hour she fought him. Realizing she was becoming weak. Miss Carabaugh resorted to strategy and to this she owes her life. As she was feigning that she was becoming the report was accepted. In it is em- j unconscious tne Durgiar rorced ner bodied the amount of the assessments on the beJ- For a minute he held aga nst each 1 t. part of lot and par- ! her by the throat to make sure she eel of land in the two districts and : was unconscious. Suddenly Miss . ' inhniip h tnretv ner Tper lin nna these figures are now on file in the office of the city recorder. Oilier Business. The council last night passed a res olution for the grading of portions of Washington and Blaine streets and for the building of sidewalks on the same sheets Jean Laurent and Verne Waddell, York York Chinese Doctors CAN POSITIVELY CURE YOU -Those who are suffering from dis eases which many other doctors have pronounced Incurable, now have re lief in sight. York & York, the fam ous Chinese doctors, are now located In Walia Walla. These men, after years of study and research In China, were granted diplomas by the Emper or, to pursue their practice of medi cine. For centuries the Chinese have been acknowledged leaders In the practice of medicine, and many wealthy peo ple annually go to that country In search of relief for ailments which doctors of this country have pro nounced incapable of permanent cure. York & York use nothing but power ful roots and herbs of demonstrated medical value. These roots and herbs act gently on the system In direct contrast to medicines usually given They can be consulted without cost. Those residing out of- the city can end for symptom blanks and a free diagnosis will be given. YORK Jt YORK MEDICINE CO., 22 W. Alder St., Walla Walla Wn. kicked the burglar in the face with terrific force. With a groan the in truder fell unconscious to the floor. Miss Carabaugh threw a cloak over h( r shou'ders, ran out and called the police. When policemen arrived the burglar had revived and ha barricad ed himself in the room. While the police wrere trying to force the door the thief jumped out of a second story window and escaped. Aunt Jerusha's Quilting Party. Sirs. Jerusha Dow invites you to her quilting party in the Methodist church tomorrow, Friday evening With Mrs. stubb-s the gossip, and many other unique characters, you will be assured a delightful pro gram. Male quartet, Mrs. Landers and Mrs. Owen will assist. Admission 25 cents. Build Fine Bungalow on Farm. C. F. Daniel is one of the Umatilla county farmers who believes in mak ing his farm his home, and, in ac cordance with his views, he has just completed a fine, modern bungalow on his ranch eight miles north of the city. He has installed all of the conveniences of a city home and he and his wife now feel they are equip ped to enjoy life. Roosevelt Gets Pendleton Blanket. Malabqn Camp of Spanish War Vet erans has Just shipped to Col, Theo dore Roosevelt a magnificent, six col or Pendleton Indian robe, made by the local mills and designed especi ally for the order of which the hero of San Juan Is a prominent member. The robe was shipped yesterday and will soon be adorning the house of tho ex-president. WANTED. A Traveling Salesman for Dr. Koch Vegetable Tea Co., of Winona, Minn. Applicant munt furnish a good team and suitable wagon. Trade establish ed. ' No capital necessary. For par ticulars, write or call on G. O Rich ardson, Adams, Ore., or address the c 'mpany. Four Morn Inebriates. Wild Bill, notorious Indian "booze fighter," broke his period of abstin ence again yesterday and it cost him five dollars in the police court. An th jny, another redskin w-ho loves his firewater, broke into jail last night and will remain there three days. John Doe and Walter Bomson were both arre-ted and eharged with be ing drunk and both will stand trial this afternoon. i CANAL RECEIVED IVE FIRMS COMPETE FOR STAN FIELD CONTRACT Diiwtors Defer Granting of Contract Until Tlioy Can Go Into Submitted Bids More Fully Will Try to Com plete Construction Next Spring. f'-l-ilngi'r Suit Not Decided. After listening to the story of the domestic infelicities, of Rose Coppin ger and J. W. Coppinger, Circuit Judgo Phelps is today deliberating before handing down his decision. Both par ties want a divorce but they differ in their ideas of a property settlement. The wife began the suit and the hus band In his answer denied her allega tions and set up an affirmative cass himself. Coppinger Is a merchant of Echo but was formerly a wheat raiser. Dou-ctivo Exonerated. Seattle, Wash. City Detective Joe P.lanehi, who Friday killed Frank Harris fin the street in broad daylight when Harris refilsed to halt, was jus tified in the killing, according to the' coroner's Jury. Harris was suspected of trying to sell stolen goods. Blann chi shot a man last fall. r it x TV 1 renaieion uye worns CUT PRJCES FOR OCT. LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED V.0 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED ti.0 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED 2.M MEN'S SUITS PRESSED 75 Have your clothes cleaned at an' up-to-date place and by up-to-date method. Phone Main 19. 2 l- E. Alta. New Dry Goods Mnnogor. A. F. Zoeliner, formerly a dry goods man of this city and well known to local people, has been made head of the dry goods department at the Alexander store and began upon his dut!es yesterday Mr. Zoeliner Is an experienced storeman and will have the position that was made vacant by the departure of E. K. Kirtley. Until recently Mr. Zoeliner has been in business at Provo, Utah. Banks Pay You Interest on What You Save. Wa Pay You Interest on What You Spend With Us When trading at this store always ask for cash register receipts and save them. They represent a saving of 2 1-2 per cent on each and every purchase. They are as good as cash in exchange for gro cries. Call and learn how. A fine line of Nutmeg Musk Melons Just Received. Phone Your Order CORK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street Charter Committee to Meet. Members of the commission gov ernment charter committee' are to meet this evening at 7:30 at the office of Judge S. A. Lowell for the purpose of hearing the completed draft of the charter that has been drawn, It Is announced that as soon thereafter as possible a meeting of the entire Mu nicipal League will be held for the purpose of submitting the charter to the membership. At the meeting of the city council last night City At torney Raley presented an Invitation from the chairman of the committee that members of the council submit any views they might have regarding what should be incorporated In the charter. However, no recommenda tions were made by the councilmen. (Special Correspondence.) Stanfield, Ore.. Oct 26. Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock was the hour set for the opening of the' bids for the construction of the drainage ditch for the Umatilla drainage district at this point, there being five bidders presented. The proposed ditch is to bo a little more than two miles in length, the outlet being at a poln'. on the Umatilla river just below the town. The plans and specifications call for a 30-inch concrete pipe line about 0000 feet in length at the low er end of the ditch, this pipe line to bo covered Several of the bid ders were unprepared to submit fig ures on the cost of the pipe and for this rca.-on they were allowed to bid on the job exclusive of the furnishing of the pipe. The bids submitted were j as follows: Jahn Contracting Co., or I Portland, $31,290.6(1, exclusive of the ( pipe; Eschbulh-l.ruee Co., North Yakima $16,585 92. exclusive of the pipe; Bidwell, Hayden Co., Portland. $16,699 exclusive of pipe; Palmberg & Wentjar, Astoria, $20,754 50 exclu sive of pipe; Foley & Gleaon Co., Aitkin, Minn., submitted a bid of 24 cents per cubic yard for the earth ex cavation, of which there will be about 72.0CO cubic yards. As some of the bids were submitted in a manner not in exact conformity with the bidding blanks prepared by the directors of the drainage board, it will require a few days for the directors to go Into the various points included therein so as to enable them to award the contract. It is their desire to close a contract on the work just as soon as possible as it Is of great Importa to those interested in the drainage to have the work completed as early during the coming spring as is pos Bible. The time limit for the comple tion of the work is April 1, 1912. There are about 1500 acres In the district that will be greatly benefited by this drainage. Mrs. R. X. Stanfieid was In the city yes-terday and went to Pendleton on the evening train. Harry liaumberger of Hermlston, was here yesterday visiting his moth er. J. M. Hodges, our efficient city marshal, was in Pendleton yesterday on official business. Olen MeCullough returned from i-oruanri yesteraay where he was loaned a few days since because of the Illness of his sister. Miss Stella MeCullough. C. O. Palmberg of the contracting firm of Palmberg & Wentjar. Asto ria, is here today and will leave this evening for his home via Portland ERRORS OF REFRACTION Are often the cause of Eyestrain which results in Sick Headache, Ner vousness, Dizziness, Aching Eyes, Blind Spells, Etc. These are )ften symptoms of eye strain which quickly disappear when PROP E R L V FITTED GL A SSES A E WORN. We can refer you to hundreds of peo ple, whom we have fit- fed, who will tell you that our Optical Work cannot he improved on. DALE R0THWELL, optometrist With Ilanscom THE Jeweler, HE2EZKC For the Man Who Knows Silver Set for Florida. Washington In accordance with the usual custom of states, when a United States battleship Is named after their commonwealth, the people of Florida arc going to present the officers of the new dreadnaught with a silver service. The navy depart ment has appointed Rear Admiral Lueien Young to receive the service at Pensacola, Florida, on December Id next. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science baa been able to enre In all Its mages, and that Is Catarrh, nail's Catarrh Cure la the only positive enre now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrb being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, nail's Catarrb Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mncoua surfaces fit the sys tem, thereby destroying- the foundation of the disease, and tdvlng the patient strength by building np the constitution and assist ing nature In doing Its' work. The pro prietors have ao much faith Is Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that If falls to enre. Bead for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY a CO.. Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75e. Take Uall'a Family Fill for coastlpa- i ra r rrff II J .it r J iT7 t , lit there's nothing like a rich, Juicy beefsteak no bird's nest,, for his, If there's ono tiling we're partic ular about (we have n- care for every ounce of meat leaving these premises), It's our beefsteaks porterhouse, sirloins, r tenderloin and all. We keep n keen eye on the market nnd give you every benefit of a shade In pricing. Genlral Heal Market Phono Main XS. 108 E. Alta Street. Some lawyers make average and common sense "laymen" tired. THERE IS SOME REASOX THE GREATLY INCREASED TENDANCE AT THE FOR AT. - -v Pendleton THE SCHOOL OF MODERN METHODS. The beat systems, Individual lnstruc tion and a personal Interest In each pupil are the reasons for the rapid advancement and the short time re quired to graduate in our school. UP-TO-DATE IN EVERYTHING. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Shorthand and all business, shorthand and Eng lish subjects thorough and practically taught. Our Instruction Is Individual. Our students have the privilege of taking any number of subjects with out extra cost. ENROLL NOW. Day and evening classes. We assist all our graduates to good positions. Fees are lower than In most schools. M. L. CLANCY, B. A. Pre. Independent Meat Market We have re-opened the Fanners' Meat Market on east Court street and will carry .a fine and fresh line of FRESH AND CURED MEATS, SAUSAGES AND LAUD. POULTRY EVERY SATURDAY. KURRLE & SON Phone Main 445. Prompt Delivery. The Cash Market Handles the Cel ebrated Seal Shipt Oysters, also Clams, Crabs, Schrimps rand Fish as well as Groceries and Meats. Pendleton Cash Market Cor E. Court and Johnson Sts. Phone Main 101 We have one store situated at the corner of Main nnd Court street where we sell what the people wunt at prices they are willing to pay. We buy what we want and sell Good Merchandise at a Low Pr ce Which Is the time measure of value fleeced vest and Ladles for Dark Outlnng Flannel Good dark and light for pants .... 25c .0 l-4c outing 8 1-Sc Best dark and light outing lOn Men's Overcoats $0.50 Ladles Coats ...$3.00 to $15.00 Men's Heavy Mackinaw Ct. $3.08 Hope Muslin g i-3o Good Percale 9 l-4c 42 Inch Pillow Tubing 19c 3 lb. Cotton Bats eo WONDER STORE The Store for Thrifty People. 8