East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 26, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I C Snyder, chimney sweep. R 8812.
Past'me picture, please all. E w Wc8t ,s reglfitered at the st
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. ' Oorgo from Kenttle.
Coal and wood, phone Main 6. ' Xelson Ralnvllle and family of Ad
For rent Front office In Judd tims Bpent lust night In the city.
tmll.llng. Apply to F. B. Judd. j Dtputy sht.rlff Joe c!akcly 1s ,
Everybody goes to Uie Orpheum to the west end of tho county today.
ce tho best and tho clearest pictures. I cimrh-s L. Mav of Athena, came
Wheat land to exchange for Pen- down on the local this morning,
dh-ton residence. Teutsoh & Bickers. Mrs- B Ma8()n of Ione u a gue8t of
Irrigated land to exchange for Pen- the Cowman Hotel.
-aieton property. Teutch & Vetera. Mrs. Robert N. Htnnfleld returned
. c 0M retUr"ed frm h"'1 yesterday from a visit to Stanfleld.
vacation and has resumed practice. , ' x '
For Rent Nlcelv furnished rooms. F- A- Phelps came In this morning
: 813 S. Main. Phone Black 2451.
he was on an equal footing In the
battle for life he had need of his ear.
home at
on the motor car from his
II nlilnn
Special rates to horses boarded by i
the week or month at the Commercial! u- E- Leonard of Walla Walla, came
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. jln from the Garden City last even
Wanted Woman or girl to db lnff
housework by tho week. Call 212 County Ju.lne J. W. Maloney spent
Lewis street. Phone Main 654. yesterday on the duck grounds near
Try the Cash Market Tor fresh flL-U.
Toultry, also remember we keep gro-j J. M Scarborough, well known
series and meats. Phone Main 101. ' Hormis'oni.in, come up this morning
Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo- "" the m,)l,jr-
kane. Leaves' 1:3ft p. m, arrive 6.55 J'y Hurd of pilot Rock, was am
p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, ong the residents of that burg In the
Agent, Pendleton. city lust night.
For Sale 5 passenger
Tun but little, cost I2HO0.
take It If sold this wsek.
ng awny. J. W. Davis. 700 E. Webb.
Dairy ranch and cows for (-'ale.
Businets netting owner over $100.
Must seo about it today. Teutsch &
Franklin, Bruce Gilbert came In from his
$600 will home at Pilot Rock lust evening and
owner go- spent the nlht here.
George Schlegel and son, Harry
Kchlegel, of Pilot Rock are In from
the sheep town.
Miss Hazel Mean, formerly a pop
ular hinh school girl of this city. Is
Houson, Texas. Some time ago It
was announced that whaling was de
clared to be a profitable venture In
the Gulf of Mexico and that a Nor
wegian whaling fleet would attempt
tho work. However, the story of
wales In the Gulf was scouted along
the coast as well as in Norway where
caultal was sought to further the
However, It has just come to light
that great profits me being derived
from whaling near Buenos Ayres, the
work being conducted by a South
American syndicate. Capt. Carl Lar
son, who Is at the head of the work,
in making a voyage around the Horn
found the sea literally filled with
whales off the coast of Buenos Ayres.
At that port he prevailed upon a
wealthy man to form a company, say-)
Ing he could find the balance In Nor
way. However, his story was scout
ed when he told It In Norway and. he
was forced to return to South Am
erica to complete the financing.
The new company put out a fleet
of whalers and the venture proven
more successful than even the stories
of Larson predicted. As a result
Norwegian capital Is awakening and
whaling companies are being formed
for operation in southern waters. A
total of 29 companies have been or
ganized In Norway as a result and the
Industry will become genera) through
southern waters.
If you want to move, call Pcnland visiting here from her home In Uma-
Bi'os. Transfer, phone 3391. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 147 Main street.
Lot Diamond setting Owner
will pay liberal reward of returned
to this office. j
A .Snap Owner leaving Pendleton,
must sell good 9 room house, furn'sh
ed, three blocks irom Ma.n stree', nt
bargain; terms. Phon.; Black 2731.
If CO. tig cast, or west or so.ith.
have tickets routed Northern Pacific
R. R. Lewis, formerly a Stanfield
rancher, but now living at Echo, was
an Incoming passenger on the motor
this morning.
U. W. Fletcher, circulation manager
of the East Oregonlan, returned last
evening from a visit to the west end
of the county.
Charles Ovide Blakeslee and John
Uraden returned this morning from
the cast end where they had been
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Mar.-hall
have returned from a month's visit
to Victoria Seattle. Portland and
other coast points.
Secretary J. E Kcefe, Jr., of the
local Commercial club, is absent from
the citv today upon promotion and
trade extension work.
Ry. Close ennni ctlnns nt Pasco with giving music lessons
a'l tlrougn trains, w. Adams, ageni,
1 1 ndleton.
Wanted 50 head of horses to pas
ture near Helix, Oregon. Address,
W. II. Albee, Helix, Oregon.
F.r Sale One good saddle horse;
one bugi?y hore; rubber tired buggy
and harnei-s. Inquire 201 Garden
treet, Clarence Connor came In this
For transfer work, hauling bag-, Vansycle ranch to
gage, movhng household goods and f
Piano, and a 1 kinds of Job work, P ' hnrn h,m rccenU
phone Malnn 461. B. A. Morton.
Wanted Position as housekeeper Norman Sarkis, formerly a mem
In town or on ranch by experienced! her of the East Oregonlan. mechanical
woman with two children. Apply Dr. force, now In the oriental rug busl
I. U. Temple. Moderate wagas. I ness, came up from Portland this
j morning to visit with his family a
To Portland or California, take week.
Peniisvlvunian Has a Bird That Sur
passes Terriers.
York, Pa. A large game rooster
owned by William Reachard of North
Colorus township, Is attracting atten
tion all through the neighborhood by
Its proficiency as an exterminator of
rats and mice.
The lanky fowl stalks for hours
through the corn fields, watching for
the rodents to run ' from beneath
shocks of fodder, their favorite
haunts. Once In the open, the chase
has only one termination in all cases,
the rooster easily overtaking and kill
Ing his prey by shaking It like a ter
Reachard also declares that the
fowl. In its keeness for the sport, of
ten watches rat holes In the barn like
a cat until Its victims appear.
Wu.-Jiliigtoii Dentist Uses Machine in
Romance That Is Successful.
Washington. Who would think
that you'd find romance In a motor
cycle The fact that little Dan
Cupid never overlooks a chance was
evidenced when by means of a mo
torcycle ordinary pieces of unfeel-
ng machinery Dr. J. Bartlett Hills,
i prominent dentist of 1312 New
York avenue wedded MLss Edith
Asheton of this city.
Friends of the couple state that Dr.
Hills and Miss Asheton met several
months ago at the residence of a mu
tual friend, and after the usual intro
ductions the 'doctor had let it- be
known by inference that he was the
proud possessor of one of the cutest
little motorcycles that ever put-putted
down Pennsylvania avenue.
Promptly Miss Asheton showed her
courage by accepting an -Invitation to
cycle with him.
Then, amid the sweet-scented
dusks of late summer evening, down
the peaceful stretch of the avenue.
where the sparrows chlppered and
cheeped, the doctor and his fiancee
rode the motorcycle. Miss Asheton
rode in front and the doctor, ever
watchful of a reckless telegraph mes
senger steered.
Then Dan Cupid decided that as
there were two carburetors with but
a single thought and two cylinders
that beat as one he might as well take
a hand in the situation, and shortly
after announcement of the engage
ment was made public.
The couple were married by the
Rev. H. Schroeder and Immediately
after left for their honeymoon through
New York.
But, honestly, who would have
supposed that a motorcycle contained
all that romance?
New Today
Sailor Dresses of blue and
brown serge, size 14-16-18
Price $15.00
Silk Dresses of Messaline, . sizes
34 to 42. Price
$15.00 to $27.50
Children Sweater Sets and Rompers
The best made Underwear for women
and children-Compare Our Under
wear with others You'll purchase
your winter Underw ear here.
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Truin Kills Farmer.
Spokane, Wash. Overtaken by a
speeding extra consisting of an en
gine and a caboose, William Burrows,
a prominent Spirit Lake, Idaho,
ranchman, was Instantly killed, to
gether with his team, on the Idaho
Washington Northern crossing near
Upper Fish Lake.
Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and
P. & S. Ry Leave 1:30 p. m ar-,
rive Portland 8:10 a. m. ' See W. Ad-,
ams, a:cnt at passenger station, for,
through tickets and all arrangements.'
Aching Corns.
Will bother you no longer if you
use "ZONA," King of all Corn Reme
dies. Hee our wln'dow demonstration
all this week Let our chiropodist
correct your corns with "Zona." Price
25 rents. For sale by Tallmnn & Co.
Shaniko Mayor Dies.
The Dalles. Or. Mayor J. C.
Fowlte, the .Shaniko banker, cashier
of the Eastern Oregon Banking com
pany, died nt The Dalles hospital,
the result of being shot at Shaniko
by former Deputy Sheriff Del Howell.
Death followed an operation for the
bullet, which was a steel-Jacketed
one wUh a soft nose, that caused a
large hole in Fowlie's abdomen.
We are Overstocked in
Hard Milled
I.imolcn, Lettuce and Almond
Oil Soaps, (the 50c kind)
which we are closing out
25 Cents a Box
It lathers nicely, washes
away slowly, and it cleanses
and softens the flesh.
Koeppen' S
The Dmq Store thai Serves
You Tirst.
Gounod's Galllu.
Will lie given in the Presbyterian
church Tuesday evening, October 31.
by the Royal College of Porpora
choral soe'ety. under the direction of
('has. Ovlilo ltlake-lee, nccompanied
by piano, organ and orchestra. Gallia
Is a dramatic musical setting Illustrat
ing the destruction of Jerusalem. It
is considered ono of Gounod's great
DIM It BOY t riSI'.n BY FP.IC.1IT.
Accident Which Kills I'arcnt.s Gives
Son Shmv1i.
Warren, Pa. A Pennsylvania Rail
road locomotive passing Ptoneham,
near her, struck and Instantly killed
Dr. and Mrs. James Gass of Sheffield,
who were crossing the tracks In a
iiuto.noliile. Their S-year-old son
Fred, who rode in the car with his
arents. was hurled sixty feet, but
not severely hurt. Until the accident
he had never uttered a word In his
life, but as he scrambled from a ditch
.- ii.l saw his dead father and mother
hing near the wrec ked automobile, ha
screamed loudly for help. At the
emergency hospital here it is believed
lli.it the hoy will soon speak intelligently.
Captain of Steamboat Beats Her Mas
culine Rivals.
St. Louis, Mo. Holding a pilot and
master's license and with a thorough
knowledge of the Mississippi and Il
linois rivers, a woman at the wheel
of the steamboat Mary Is one of the
chief competitors for transportation
of the apple crop from the Illinois
Mrs. Willa G. Hulett, captain,
commander and pilot of the boat, be
longing to her husband, is the only
woman steamboat master in this sec
tion of the Mississippi valley.
Several years ago, when her hus
band failed In his examination for a
pilot and master's license because of
defective eyes, Mrs. Hulett came to
St Louis and passed with credits to
She took charge of the steamer,
and with the husband acting as the
engineer they have been successful in
competition for tho moving of the
heavy fruit crop this season.
Besides being proficient as a com
mander, she also Is a good mother, to
her two children.
A little boy of 4 romps and plays
on the decks of the boat, while a
daughter, 6 months old, is constantly
with the mother In the pilot house.
Chicago. Another prized accom
plishment Of childhood has been
frowned upon by science. No longer
will the boy who can wig-Wag his ears
arouse envy in the hearts of his
school chums.
J. Howard Moore, Instructor of zoo
logy at the Crane .Technical high
school, placed the ban on the flip
flopping by declaring such an action
was "violating a law of science and
merely giving strength to tendencies
operating against his proper evolu
tion." Translated Into schoolboy Eng
lish, Mr. Moore's tabooing of one of
the time honored amusements of the
scnooiroom means mat such an nc-1
complishment points to traits In the
possession of the wagger which usu
ally belong to the donkey.
"Man was once a wild animal and
contended unarmed with other -animals
for food and life. And so long us
X Ralabia Remedy
Ely's Cream Balm
s auickiv absorbed.
Goes Ref.:; si Onca.
t cleanses, soothes,
beals and protects
Jbe diseased mem
brano resulting from Catarrh and driva
iwiiy aCold in the Head quickly. Restore
&e Scutes of Txste and Smell. Full 8ij
50 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liqulo
'Jrejirn Balm for use in atomizers 75 cu.
Slv Brothers, CO Warren Street. New York.
A Pure Aluminum
30c Sauce
Pan for,..
Try one and see how you Can
cook without scorching or burning
food. It is light in weight and looks
like silver. It doesn't tarnish. No
enamel to chip off into the food.
Cooks in one-fourth of the time
ordinarily required.
The genuine "15y2" Pure Alumi
num can always be told by the
Maltese Cross. Every piece guar
anteed or your money back.
Ba sure and buy one from your dealer
today. FoF galm by
Weston, Oregon
Our Prices Speak For Themselves
Whsn It Comes to
Can You Beat or even Match These
Tor Specials For This Week
Good heavy fleece lined underwear, comes A 0J '
in tan; sisea 34 to 50, going at, per S 1C
7 5 c ii
garment , ,
Good heavy lambs-down underwear, regular
$1.25 values, all sizes, going at, per garment
These were bought by the case for spot cash and are the best bar
gains to be found in Pendleton. Come and see them.
Workingmen's Clothing Go.
nutt runt
Xcw Convertible Collar, much more comfortable ami stylish
than last year's Presto; larire assortment of patterns and styles.
S.OO Values Sf?4.9S
$10.00 Values 6.90
$12.50 Values $7.90
$15.00 Values $9.90
Men's Cravcnetts : $3.9S to $12.50
Hlnnkets, larire size, .$-2.50 values 81.49
Ulankets, all wool, $7.00 values S4.93
Blnnkets, all wool, $4.00 values S2.9S
; . 1
Friday and Sat rday at the Great $20,000.00
We will place on sale for these two days only, about 500 yards of Broadcloth in black, two shades tan, two shades
gray, dark brown, golden brown, wine, always sold at $1.50, $2, $2.25, $2.50 and $3 yard, 45-in. wide. 65 yards
Bear Clolh, plain and curly, Copenhagen blue, tan, golden brown. LJ IOE? HO 4 Fl "TV
wine, always sold at $2.50 to $4. Friday and Saturday Only, VHIJIOlI U Y A Fl U
Just the material to make childrens coats and ladies capes. No limit you can have all you want.