PAGK rOCR. DAILY EAST OliEGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TIU'RSDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1911. KlGltt PAGES. AX IMEPEXLEXT NEWSrArEtt. rub;itlif-d VmJly and Semi W-kly at refl ation, uregiu. br the AST OREGOMAN ri "l.LISHl.Wi CO srr-scKiiTiox rates. Pally, one year, by mail Li.j. ix tuou'.hf. by mail IwilT. tlu-ee nioctii. bv call IaiO oct niitih. by csil tl.j-. e: j ear. br Iwiiy. nrutthn. by crrier Lvtly. tbree nii.nihs. by carrier ... any. one nit mil, by carrier Sni W.kiT, ,ne year, by mail.... Sml-eek j, aiuiiiUs. "ly mail .. Beml eet:j, four nioutbs. by mall. .S3 00 . :w " l'?2 S 75 1 9j .60 1.5U .75 .50 Member United lYeta Association. The lialiy East Oresonlaa is kept on sale t the urvtfon Nns Co., 3-9 Morrison treet. I'ortiacd, Oregon. Northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon. Chicaco r.ureau. SHS Security Building. VVasbiuptnn, L C, Bureau, 001 Kuur teenth street. N. W. Entered at the postoffice at Pendleton, Oregon, as second-class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. OCTOBER. Clouds hang low Over the fields Kissed by cold Autumn winds; Gold-laden boughs Swing to and fro. Lashed by the rod Boreas wields. One lonely rose Adorns the waste, Jiingling Its red With brown and gold; And far and near The weary year Laments because 'Tis growing old. David Irving Dobson. THEIR CAUSE IS JUST. It is entirely natural that the sheet that wipes shoes for the 1-yers mill ing company should fly to the rescue of that company by deriding the ef forts of William Caldwell to establish reservation water rights. It is natur al that sheet should have words of scorn for the rights of the Indians and for those who would see the res ervation irrigated and developed. Yet the rights of the Indians exist just the same. The government f ic ed the Indians to make their homes on the reservation and gave to e.wh tribesman a small allotment of farm ing land. By all the 'rules the allot- ments should carry the right to the ; -use of water from the reservoir that flows through the reservation. .j If the Indians are to continue to i exist and live as the government is' The Portland Oregonlan, dlsgrunt teaching them to live then it will be ( !ed and discredited organ of stand absolutely necessary that their right ! put! m in Oregon and chief speller to irrigation water be established. No1 for th late assembly, bawls forth a lot Indian can make a living, such as he o" rot because this paper has criti l. told to make, for himself and fam- ci-ed the plain attempt of the assem- Guard the Family Health Health is often endangered by unsanitary cooking utensils. Physicians have found that cancer is caused by enamel ware chipping off and irritating the stomach. If you have children or invalids in the family beware of cheap cooking utensils that crack, scale, peel off, tarnish and rust Disease germs lurk in the worn places and there is further danger of tainting the food. Health is too precious to take risks with it Be safe. Use "1892" .Pure Spun Aluminum Cooking Utensils which are guaranteed for 1 5 years constant service and will never spoil food nor endanr;' health. This new ware is featherweight, beautiful, easy to clean does not tarnish nor rust The slight extra cost is more than made up by long service and absolute safety. ' Look For Trade mark on Every Piece The Maltese cross with the words Pure Illinois 1 892" Aluminum the original, insures that you get the genuine. There are imitations, to be sure this trade mark is on every piece. For Sale Geo. W. Proebstel, 'i! from a dry land farm of from 40;ily brigade to commit this state to! I 160 acres. White men who farmlTafta renomlnatlon before the presl- n the reservation declare they can ; d nothing with less than a section : held. of land and most of them want more "The presidential preference prlm than a section. Why expect more'ary law provides for the creation of fr.iin the Indians. jsuch committees," says the Oregonlan. If the Vnited States government Is' Wow! Wow! be honest and consistent In Its dealinc? with the Indians it Is abso lutely up to the government, through i:? I-eal officer, to see that the wa t. i ri-ilits of the Indians arc cstab li.-ht-d. The United States district at-j man iind his organization should be t-rr.ey. or a special officer, should be j used to f,.ist ascertain candidate upon instructed to fight and fight hard for: the numbers of a party. On the con t!.e rishts of the government's wards, j trary the taw looks to a fair and open I- the government fails to do this itiace In which the members of a party will prove itself an unnatural guard!-may express their preferences. a- and unworthy of the respect of ! r: v-n-Mi or white men. ! In discussing tliis subject the East ; Oregonlan Is actuated by no ill feel ing toward the Byers milling company. This paper has no more animosity 'toward that company than it has townrls a fir tree. Our business re lations with that company have ever In . n pleasant. Nor has this paper any special love for the Umatilla Indians or any other Indians, The cau e at issue is one wherein a :ic. 1 and well intrenched corporation is taking something that rightfully b. to others. It has been doing th's f .r years, not because the thing is rls)t or legal, but because those lm I -d upon have been ignorant, dumb and helpless. It pleases the East Ott goniun to champion the cause of the helpless because their cause Is just and because the case is one v. hi rein the interests of the Indians an 1 the interests of the people of Pen dl'ton are identical. It so occurs that the bottling up of the Umatilla li'tr l.y the Byers' company has Kvarfed the settlement and develop ment of territory trlbutaiv to Pen- dl-ton and has seriously retarded the!cause Mr- "" wwner and , growth of this city. II so occurs that nothing could be better for Pendleton a. this time than to have Jlr. Cald well win the suit he is waging. That ;.uit is Hie golden key that may unlock the door to the development of the '.reservation and to corresponding , s r osperity for Pendleton. The plea that the government should 1 ;:s-ert itself towards properly pre enting the rights of the Indians to ti e use of water on rest rvation lands is a plea In which every loyal local jnsident should join and a plea to i which no newspaper that stands for justice and for the welfare of this city jn 0ijject THE SAME OLD STUNT. By Weston, Oregon deatial preference primary has been Tut Ihe presidential preference primary law does not call for turning the party machinery in a state over to one particular candidate. It does not say that tiie national commlttee- The presidential preference prim ary law is a good law but the assem blyites who are backing Taft's fight in this state are trying to abuse It just as they tried to abuse the direct prim ary law last year. They are violating the law in spirit if not in letter. When a committee was named to work for Taft why was no committee named to forward the candidacy of La Follette? Why arrange a one man race? The simple truth about the matter Is that the "high brows',' are again trying to say to the republican voters, "We know what is best and you should do as we say." Are the republicans of the state go ing to swallow the dose that has been provided? THE .101 i:.i.. The announcement that a beautiful eleven story building Is to be erected in Portland for the Oregon Daily Journal Is evidence to the effect that the fading evening paper of that city and 0;' the northwest is succeeding. It is. an announcement that will be especially pleasing to local people lie- pub Usher of the Journal is a Pendleton- lshyl ian. By all the rules of the newspaper game the Journal deserves to succeed. Mechanically it is thj best and most modern appearing paper In thowest. It gives its readers a first class news and editorial service. In its treat ment of people and of public questions the Journal is fair and reasonable. It 1.. generally on the side of justice and the public welfare, and it is a good fighter for the people It is not an organ of Plutocracy and Toryism as is its morning competitor. The Journal is a newspaper sutlt as the people of Oregon have needed and still need. If it serves them in the future as It has done in the past it will continue to grow and prosper1. OCTOBEK 20 IX I1ISTOKY. 1800 Earthquake at Constanti nople destroyed the royal palace and many other buildings. 1SJM Emmet, the Irish patriot, ar rived in America. mi' It was ordered in the Neth erlands that the national language al one, the Dutch or Flemish should be ! used in the schools, t 1825 Canal celebration at Albany, I 1S29 A steam vessel made Its first voyage from Dublin to Bordeaux, at the rate of ten miles an hour. . 1 S 3 1 Cholera first appeared In England at Sunderland. 1837 Harlem, X. Y. railroad com pleted. 1845 Disturbances and civil war in Hnyti, the Dominicans surprised ths Haytian garrison at Laxaron, the chief llrontler town on the cape side of the J siand and alter killing 128 men took i the fort, which they soon after evac uated. 1850 The northwest passage dis covered by Capt. McC'lure of the In vestigator. 1852 A violent storm at Athens; 'ne of the columns of the Temple of Jupiter Olympus overthrown. 1S."4 Two additional asteroids dis covered by M. M. Goldschmiilt and Chacerman In Paris and named Tolymonla Pornami. 1S64 The United States Internal revenue report showed an increase from that source of 1500,000 a day. IS 70 Franco-Trussian war; Mar shal Hezalne surrenders Metis and 150,000 men, including 20,000 wound-J fd; also 53 eagles, 1,341 guns, sixty-six' mitrcilleuses and 300,000 stands of arms. fJreece recognizes the French Re public. 1884 The reported massacre of Colonel Stewart and his party of Ar abs at Merawl was confirmed by of ficials at Cairo. 183!) Admiral Dewey received the keys of the house which was present ted to him by the American people. 1500 Lord Roberts formally pro claimed the Transvaal to be a part of the British Empire. 1 904 Russian Admiral Rojestven sky arrived at Vigo with part of Bal tic fleet; declared he thaught he was attacked by Japanese torpedo boats In North Sea. 1906 Under order of C.overnor Hoch, 513 cases of beer and 6,000 bottles of whiskey were publicly de stroyed In the courthouse square at Fredonla, Kans. 1908 In the Canadian elections the Liberals were retained In power. 1909 Prince Ito, Japanese states man assassinated by a Corean at Har bin, Manchuria. 1910 Balloonlsts Hawley and Post landed near St. Ambrolaso, Quebec, 1,350 miles from St. Louis, their starting point, establishing a record fpr balloon ascensions. Know how Is a valuable as-et In farming; as well as In other Industries. I' ww III, wjpim ii i .i pAClpi Rata - hi ALCOHOL. 3 PKK CENT. AYcgda'ou? PhrpamttonrorAs-sirailaiiiiSihcFoodandRfMa-ling ilie Sicnarhs andBwds H' Rnmotcs DigcstionJCkerfuH ncss and Rest.Con!ains ncidw i OpiunLMorphinc norMaeraL XOTNAnCOTIC. j Puriila Sm.' ' frf ft rvminl - . KiAtfKui'tUmr. Aprrfccl Remedy forConsfipa tion , Sour Stomacli.Dlairtwca Yonis.rop,'in!sioiis.KnTrislv ncss andLcsSOi' SLEEP. , fcc5k:!c Sijnaniw of j NEW YORK. Guaranteed under vta Foojla: Exact Copy of Wrapper, WHY NOT, IXI)KKI. Elilnr Kast Oregonlan: Why inn ue the moving pictuns to portray the hifihest and most no ble of human nature? Is there nnt as much good in the world today as there is of bad And if so, why not ix.-ilt and magnify the good instead of the opposite If a mother or fath er were going to teach their son the binkiii! business, would they first leach him all the mistakes and pos sible pleasure of embezzlement, or would they teach him the right way' t. carry on the banking business. Or, if tlit-y were V"ing to te.veh the daugh ter to be a good housekeeper and cook would they first teach all the mis takes along those lines, or would they Kach her the right wnv to do those duties? Then why not teach the right In regard to moral ciuestions? Is it ne- cessary to embtie the young mind with I nil tb- wrong side of life In order to get our girls and boys to do right, is it not rather more necessary to teach them what is upright and pure than what is wrong and low? E3H u 011 d :t not be more profitable to I the expected expansion In manufac teach our young ones the purity and turlng and Jobbing." hoiu-ay that is a far better shield than " all the teaching of sin and wrong I TUB HOrXD-l l. coul, 1 ever be? Is not purity nnd vir tue after all the best possible protec tion for our boys and girls It sterns to me that we are begin ning at the wrong end of the ques t;on and that it would be better to teach them what nobility, purity and honesty will do rather than what sin and wrong will do. Can wo accom plish anything by frightening the loved ones Into being good, or Is It not better to teach them to do good because they love good and because all right m'nded people love good. ONE WHO IS INTERESTED. FROM MII.K TO MILLIONS. "S'uddcn riches, the transformation o! milkmen Into mining millonaires. the spectacular enrichment of indi vidual apple grower' in a few Fea sons," says Walter Woohlke, writ ing of Hie Inland Kmplr", Washing ton, In .Sunset Magazine for Novem ber, "the e are skyrockets that cause humanity to gaze at their glazing flights with adnvrattin and envy. The dramatic clement is strong In them, but contemplation of their fiery rise i: of small profit to the tolling multi tudes The skyrocket leaves no -path which 'he average man might travel ixeept in an airship or by running the risk of a financial explosion at the star'. Tint the trail of the plodder i . jila inly marked upon solid ground. It can bo followed without leaving the enr'h. Take, for instance, the arer of a poor Spokane milk man who;.' Itradstrcet rating gradually, little by little, reached full seven fig ures Th's man had no better start th-tn a hundred others in the same busintss, but Instead of taking up ii Ining in a sldt line he devoted all his energy to the dairy. He studied every lacteal possibility of the cow, introduced modern dairy methods, The Human Heart The heart '- n wonderful double pump, through tne action o! v ! '1 'lie blood stream is kept sweeping round and r .nod through the body at the rate of seven miles an hour. " Remember this, that our bodies will not stond the strain of over-work without Rood, pure blood any more than the engine can run smooth ly without oil." Alter many yenrs of study in the active practice of medicine, '.'r. U. V. Pierce found that when the stomach wui c. t cf order, the blood impure and there were symptoms of general break down, a tonic made of the glyceric extract of certaia roots was the best corrective. This he called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Being made without alcohol, this " Medical Disccvery " helps the stomach to assimilate the food, thereby curing dyspepsia. It is especially adapted to diseases attended with excessive tissue waste, notably in convalescence from various fevers, for thin-Moodcd people and those who are always " catching cold." Dr. Pierce's Corrmon Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of 31 one cent stamps for the French cloth-bound book of 1008 pages. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, No. C63 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. HI mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years The ckntauh company. nw to city I his products a little better than I those of his competitors and broad I ened out from year to year until his 1 wares were a familiar byword In all j the northwest. The progress of his I hera from its modest start to Its pres ent position is plain even to the dull est eye, but travel along Its trail is light The glare of the ore and ap ple skyrockets is still dazzling the multitude. Therefore those undra matic products such as bu'ter, milk, cream, eggs, poultry, beef and pork bring high prices in the Inland Em pire. They are scarce. Trainloads of them have to be imported from other parts of the country for the consumption of the cities and of those who .specialize in wheat and fruit ex clusively. All the year round the de mand for these proasaie staples ex ceeds the supply. ThTe Is money !n dairying, in the chicken cooj 1 inl in the piggery. For products the mar- ket is close at hand and this homo market will increase rapidly as Spo kane's recent victory in the long con troversy for more equable rates on westbound freight from Chicago, St. j Paul and other points brings about People returning from their visit to Pendleton's annual big show are emphatic In expressing their approval of the entertainment offered and of the exceptionally capable manner In which the citizens of Pendleton cared for the big crowds. Sleeping places were provided for all and no diffi culty was experienced in securing good meals. Moreover, no extortion ate rates were charged for either bed or board. The pleasant frame of j mind in which the visitors returned home will result In a preatly Increased crowd at the 1911 Round-Up. If the enterprising people of Pendleton can continue to withstand the temptation to consider Its show only an Income producer, each succeeding Round-Up will be greater than its predecessor and Pendleton need spend no money in other publicity lines. Town and Country. Generally. - I "It took Uranscomb six months , to make up his mind concerning the kind of an automobile he would buy." i "Yes, and I understand that he had known his wifo only two weeks before they were married. 1 "Well, buying an automobile Is a serious thing." 1 Chicago Record Herald. , 1'ltorior Motives. Owen Tail king about suffrage, I know what the antl.s are after. : Hen What are they after? Owen The uncles Baltimore Am erican. Pel I laps by Much Practice. The Lady (reproachfully IIow can- you drink so much? The Stew (modestly) I don't know it siirpri.-cs mo even. Just luck, I i suppose.. Newark Star. VJr Hotel 71 St. George ! Bar GEO. PAKVEAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mer.a Ilejiort Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow WhtBkey. opI:n DAY AM) NIGHT FlKST-CliASS SERVICE Ihe Quelle Cafe and Oyster House Steals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in tha Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., C2fl MAIN STIIEET M I t ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL I Opens Sept. 1 4 Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ac- f I adeinic Special and Poet- S I Graduate Courses. Depart- X X ments of Music, Expression X T nrwl A V PERSONAL ATTENTION i REFINING INFLUENCES TIIOKOCGll WORK Nettie M. Galbraith Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Solo Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated s TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. TaHman & Co. Leading DragpiBta of East ern Oregon. Ihe Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES