DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PE-NDLETOX, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1911. PAGE THREE. ' BETTER FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR OH, 5M.TJ.OR FILLS, AS ft SWEETENS AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY AND 14 STRIKEBREAKERS AT UMATILLA SHOPS CRITIC OF CHURCH IN HORNET'S NEST IS FAR MORE PLEASANT TO TAKE. ElOIIT I'AtJES. 13 iMt IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE, AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. in tfie Circle, on every Pacftaf g of the Genuine. ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS SELL THE ORIGINAL AND CENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR, ALTHOUGH THEY COULD MAKE A LARCER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA TIONS, YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE, BECAUSE fIT IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE GOOD OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINES, SUCH DRUGGISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH, AS YOUR JJFE OR HEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DEPEND UPON THEIR SKILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN BUYING Note tiioM Name of tho Gompanti rjlll.l.lUIBjrji'l.lll.TT.fV in-ill jiri. iiaimii'iii'jaii n.niinuii.nirii,riv,Tr PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS. M AR THE BOITUM. AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE, OF THE GENUINE, ONE SIZE ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING 0RUCC1STS. REGULAR PRICE 60c PER BOTTLE., Hi Ml jtpHJSi ill! ("I'&EUxiilsfS i: I 05ENNAlf !i! It ACIiHT. OP AI.COHOlAH If,!' li IT .m. mm p , I'fti'1 1 "hauTtuai cosnno, s! I'jjjh y wmmmmm THOUSANDS OK TON'S OP ALKALI' A SHIPPED Ititcrier or CTiun-li Rcdix-oruted Lusiiiivs firm Movca Stow Xow Transfer Llnei Slard Lyceum Course Arrungtil for Hiver Town. (Special Correspondence.). Umatilla, Ote., Oct 26. It is said that the O.-W. It. & N. company have about fourteen strikebreakers work- Spokane, Wash., Oct. 23. David C. Coutes, commissioner of public works in Spokane, might us well huve pounced upon a cluster of hornets' nests as to attack the Christian re ligion in lis present-day practices o! the profit system, which he dlscussei at a meeting of working men at Car penters' hail. The replies of the preachers, headed by the Very Rev. William C. Hi ks, dean of All Saints' Ing in capacity of builermakers, ma- Episcopal church, are full of barbs chinlsts and car men in ineir piani ForMiclieliri and aE oilier Envelopes here. Everything !s quiet and the MUIfMMANGSYRlTC? 3 MINIATllKF. PICTURE OK PACKAGE SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE, ECAUSE IT IS THE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS IN A NATURAL, STRENGTHENING WAY AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM. WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTER-EFFECTS AND WITHOUT IRRITATING, DEBILITATING OR GRIPING, AND THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS OF WELL. INFORMED FAMILIES, WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO CET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE; MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, HAVE NEW PARK CITY to rn.i ACRES OX TWKXTV OK PROJECT LAX D Acting vltv Cliy I JUKI Oim-ior of Reclamation Cuts Petition In Twain Accepts Smaller Parcel for Kivmill'Mi Spot. Ser Ulld of (Special Correspondence.) Hernilston, Ore.,-Oct. 20. In re ply to a li tter in which this city mnue application to the reclamation ser vice to make entry to the XK 1-4 of the NV 1-4 of Section 10, Township 4 N, R. 1!S K. V. M, which is locat ed n.ar the city nnd desired by the city for park purposes etc.. Attorney J. T. Hinkle, of this city has received a letter from Acting Director J. M. McKiuncy, in which the official sug gests that the city modify its petiti on, to Include only one half the par cel fiisl requested, to be used for a reservoir and park site. Acting on the suggestion the city authorities have forwarded application for tho smnlb-r parcel and it is the general opinion that the reclamation service will grant the land, through the reg ular filing method with the local land office. The site Is considered a very valuable piece of land and is under the government Irrigation project, and will make a beautiful fite for a park. The October report of the Recla mation Herald states as follows In re gard to the t'nialllla government pro ject: "Weather conditions were, fa vorable throughout the month. Tho maximum temperature being 94 de grees nnd the minimum being 30 de grees Delivery of water was car ried on until the middle of the month without difficulty, when the water was turned out In order to begin tho cement lining of the Oistrlbtarles. At the close at the month the avail able storage in the reservoir was 14, 000 acre feet. Kour thousand aero feet of water were turned out of th reservoir to the distributaries during tho month and 345 acre feet of wa ter was diverted from tho river through the Maxwell canal. Water right applications have been received for 13,200 acres of land. Three crews were employed on placing lining In the distributaries and another crew was engaged in clcanirg out ditches and truing up nnd seeding tho banks of the ditches. Office studies and computations for the west extension were carried on. Test pit and dia mond drill work at' the site of the proposed dam was completed. Mrs. Silbaugh, the temperance lec turer from Seattle, spoke to a 1'irgc number of people here last evening, under the auspices of the Young Toa dies Temperance League at the M. K. church. , The Maxwell Iind and Irrigation company have received from Port land several books of fine pictures of the project. These will be used by the salesmen of thLs company and are the best that have been taken of the products of the project. Mr. Otta Helnl made water appll latlon today, as attorney in fact for the Terre Haute Orchard company and the German American Fruit company, for land In Section 29, Tp. 5 X.. It. 29 K. V. M.. purchased re cently of the Maxwell Land nnd Ir rigation company through its sales-! man, Mr. C. I Morgan, Mr. Robert Fletcher was a visitor on the project today. In the interest of the Fast Oregonian. While hero he spent the early morning hunting ducks. Mr. Watson of the Western Land and Irrigation company of Hermiston, spent yesterday at Echo on business. Pr. Waldo Coe If a visitor here. He will stay n few days In the interest of the Orchard company, of which he Is president. Clifford L. Morgan spent the day at Hermiston from Pendleton yesterday. He will start back east in the near future In the Interist of his company. l John Pedale, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. James, peilale of Hermiston, arrive''. t here a few days ago nnd will make this his home In the future, merchants report no Uecrsa-e in bus iness. Ship 4000 Tons of Alfalfa. About 4000 tons of alfalfa was ship ped from this section to the stock yards at Portland during the month of October. Inter or tlinrcli Puiulcd. Mr. J. Dawson has completed his contract on the painting of St. Pat rick's church which adds much to the interior appearance of the church. The ceilings are done In blue and the wal's cream and the pillars in back of the altar are done In a light shade ot blue and sliver, wh'ch are very pret ty. Prominent Visitor Hero. Prof. Herr Luclgw, assay ist of j Cambridge, Ma s., was here during I the week looking over properties In this section. It is said his visit may i d much to bring many settlers on j the- banks of the Columbia near Uma- i tilla. T veenm Course's.. The Social club has made arrange-; ottl r places monts with the Menelcv Lyceum Bu-illunian agents reau of Chicago to give I'matilla a cours,. during the winter months. The open'ng lecture will be on Monday evening, October 30. when Col. John Sobioski, the famous Polich-Americnn orator, will open the course. Closes l'j P.U' lness. The Ohormley company has closed up Its store here and moved to Wal lowa, j New Transfer. j W. H. Catherman. the former ,'tiilj well known agent here has g'ne in-I to the transfer business. I Stone Work Complete. The stone work on the new dine block i-i now completed and the steam Titers and carpenters are bus- i ily engaged in finishv.ing up the in- i terlar of the building. I Pei'Minal Mention. j Mrs. F. L. Ci.rkendall and fam'.ly of: Portland, were visitors here the week-! end. City Recorder Pnylor is a business vl iter in Portland. Captain Stanfield Is in Portland this week. T. J. Kgan. superintendent of the Jones-Scott company of Walla Walla. was Here during the week on an in spection tour' of the company's prop erty. F. K. Welles, county school superin tendent, was here during the week. H. X. Dryer was a Pendleton visit or Sundny. Mr'. W. S. Xelson has returned from a v'si. to her former home in Weston. Mrs. K. W. Mack has returned frun a visit with a sister in Portland. Rev. C liutler he'd services in St. Patrick's church Sunday. Mrs. Kuny.ic Is visiting her daugh ter in Pendleton. M:ss Jewel Franklin has gone to Portland to attend school. Mrs. Franklia was given a farewell dinner by her girl friends at the residence of D. C. R.rownell shortly before her departure. Dr. It. Monkman as a visitor here during the week. and the end is not In sight. Mr. Coates, who was at one time I lieutenant-governor of Coleirado, de clared In his address that the church Itself was the chief stumbling block to a Christian life. He charged the church with responsibility for social and economic environment of the day, which, he said, kept men nnd women from leading Christian lives He also flatly accused organized Christianity of beln mercenary in its attitude, saying It supports the profit system because this means money. "If all the money in the world, multiplied a million times, were spent and ull the pastors should preach without ceasing it would not alter ! conditions," he asse rted. "The mod ! ern church, so-called, is dead. U has j nothing to offer the man who works j with brain and brawn, and still the preathers ask why thinking men do not attend church. Th church de- ! pounces the saloon, but It does not jiriak" a move to eradicate the sys tem which makes the saloon and possible. It harbors the responsible for these evils and places the hand of com mendation upon their heads." Mr. Coates referred to the union revhcl meetings in Spokane recently, '. hen Gypsy Smith, an F.ngllsh evan gelist, conducted the services, adding in closing: "T-nt just,.e takes the place of charity, tho church will not fulfil its mis-inn, ami it will remain n stumbling block ill the way of Christian lives." IN The majority of mofor ists throughout the world are satisfied users of Michelin Inner Tubes. They are the best judges. Ash them. toe fT (Sf " Hut tig lW1! i IilV f IM garagt STOCK BY Pendleton Auto Co. 821 JOHNSON STREET. P.OI1REI) OF ST.") FOR "JOKE." ( ill PES THIEVES IX PRINT. Ail- Tenne-.s g:or Jackson. T( nn. Mark W. Taylor, a hedge and truck grower living in Truck (iarilciied Vents in Xews;iajvr "Ad." I he s ed f. thi. lor's n TIZ-Fop Soio Feet Tired, .Xrklng. Swollen, Smelly. Sweaty Pert. Corns, Callouses or Itiinloiis? I'' TI7 It's Sure, Quick anil Cerium. Thomas T.oyd has purehnsed 15. 35 acres of land of the Anthony Wayne Fruit company, this land being in Section i. Tp. 4 X.. R 29 K. W. M. J. H. Reld went to The Dalles this morning on the local. He has 20 acres of timber land close to that place. - mrls of the i it y, has introduc inn ivation i:i dealing with s. 'several nights ago Mr. Tay prpper patch was visited and a fiuantity of his cherished green pep pers were taken Instead of ordering the alleged thief to he j , . it under arrest, Mr. Taylor ln- jselt' 1 the fallowing notice In a local I paper, which injunction, written In jthe language of th' Apostles, will no idou! attract the attention eif the one it is directed: d To say to the thief giv hiiiu'clt' such a hearty wel my pepper pat -h last Sun stealing the fruit thereof, to do it no more; for verily, verily, I say unto thee, thou art known to me ami ! Peter, too, who was watching and is : now wailing at the gate to make it I hot for time, hotter even than the r( ppcr, wnen thou shalt meet hlr.i face to face over there." to whom "Wante Ing unto come In day and i Although .Money Is Returned to Him, Man Threatens. New Y'ork. A holdup and robbery planned and carried out as a ' joke," nearly caused senile serious trouble for a certain young man of Bayshore, L. I. Edward L. Valentine a merchant, closed his store shortly after mid night and started to walk home. In a dark section of Smith street he was suddenly confronted by a mini with a handkerchief over the lower part of his face. The man neiu a piiui ro Valentine's head and demanded his money. Valentine gave up t'u in cash and the man vanished. Valentine felt sure he recognized the voice of the man, however, and in I the morning he told his suspicions to his friends. They were contemplat ! iiifr police action when about 6 o'clock j last evening several young men called ! Valentine out of his store and engaged him in conversation. When he re- turned to the store he found the t"' iv:ng on Cue counter. I ' He hasn't yet seen the point of the j "joke" though, and threatens trouble j fo: those wiCl the overgrowth sens0 I of humor. passengers, who thrust their heads between compartment curtains and stared at her rudely. She alleges the conductor refused to give her time to dress. And worse Mrs. Burnhiel declares that the conductor found various ar ticles of adornment whicli fashion justifies, even demands now, known as "rats," "switches" and "puffs." which she had taken off on retiring. The conductor brought these to her and, on the way, jeeringly exhibited tl.em to Cue rude male passengers, thus subjecting her to intense shame and mortification. It takes but a trivial incident to jar officialdom- from center to cir cumference. It is al:no-t as. sensitive as capital. Eczema Also . . Remedy Washes CHILE SEES WAR W ITH PERI'. VARNISHED CAMVIES AND IRON I'lKiCOI.ATliS DOOMED Hr. Ill TPS liliMIKII INTO WATER Coat, WASHINGTON Ol II S SALOON WILD WEST TYPE it in l.'niiiv l'simr TV&. Tlio Most Pleasant Itemwly You liver tried ami Moreover, It Works. At last here Is Instnnt relief and tasting permanent remedy for feet. No more tired feet. No aching feet. No more Bmelllntf. sweaty feet. relief, Just use a sore more swollen, bad No more corns. No more bunions, wo more callouses no matter what ails your foef or what under the sun you've tried without getting TI7. ti7 is itnllv unlike anything else tr.r ih,. nuriiose you ever heard of. itm onlv foot remedy ever made hiei. nets on tho principal of draw lng out all the poisonous exudations which cause sore feet. Powders and other remedies merely clog up the nnrlu Tl Z cleanses them out and tceens them clean. It works right off. Tou feel better the very first time it Is used. Use It a week and you .an forcet you ever had sor feet. "There Is nothing compare with It. all druggists. rcct If you Rough pine Hoard Lhpior Emporium KreeVNl 0i(osUe FeilernI Treasury. Washington. Carpenters have been busy today throwing together a rough pine board saloon of the Dend Man's Gulch variety on a corner opposite the United States treasury, where a kyserapcr office building soon Is to be erected. The building Is to oc- upy the site of tho famous old Rlggs House, recently demolished. The mushroom drink emporium, which has stirred Washington from center to circumference, will be ready for business tomorrow. It Is about the size of a cowshed and Is support ed by posts designed to keen It from falling Into the deep excavation that will form the cellar of the office structure. A fight against a barroom license for the new building waged bv the Anti-Saloon League started the Wild West liquor refectory. One of tho popular barrooms of the city occupied the old Rlggs House corner, and re cently tho license was transferred to the prospective new tenant In great glee the attorney for tho Antl-Snloon League went to the dist rict commissioners nnd pointed out that the llcenso would lapse auto mntteally Nov. 1 with no bar on the premises and that no new one could be granted bocause there Is a school within 300 feet of the site. Colncldentally, however, the saloon ban got his workmen together and raised his shanty. He proposes to do business and hold the license intact The antt-saloonlsts have gone Into conference over the next move. Snvi',1 Eroni Flood. Makes Attack from Rear. South Haven, Mich William Ja cobs, a retired butcher, was hutted Into the water by a pet gnat he went to save from drowning during a heavy s iirm. The rain had converted a ravine in to a miniature lake and the goat, tied securely, stood up on a hummock with only its head above the waters. The owner waded out, and throwing a l' l'C over the an'mal's head, pui'ed it a hore. Stoop'ng over to pick up his lantern, he was struck In the rear by a tcrr lie butt from the goat, land ing him o four or five feet of water. Jacobs has sold tho goat. Wiley Stiffens I'.aekboue of Penn sylvania Crusade Aniinst m- ! pure Confections, Washington. As a result of a con ference between Dr. Wiley, chief of the bureau of chemistry and dairy nnd f. "d officials of Pennsylvania, it is prooalue tnat the confectionery man- j mc julacturcrs of the Keystone State will the j he required to change the coating of ! nlj. unlt'ietr Easter goods and also some o I , .. ' loi ir candies. ency. For some time there has been a -' arp conflict betfeea the State au- ! thorities and the confectionery traile, I but the officials, uficr their meeting ith Dr. Wiley, reacher the conclus- that the Pennsylvania rules were milder than those of the Federal Government Prepares for Attack Said to Ih- Planned by Neighbor. Valparaiso, Chile, via Galveston. Numerous rumors are In circulation regarding Peruvian animosity, and it is apparent that the Chilean author ities have reliable information that Peru is secretly planning to attack Chile next summer as soon as the battle ship Duply de Lome arrives or the Jeanne d'Arc is purchased from France. In order to avert such danger Chile i taking active military and naval but It Is now found out that lacks ammunition, com and modern artillery, while only is In a state of effici- i the s u res, army ?arlat navy on earth that can TIZ Is for tale at 25 cents per box or dl wish from Walter Luther Eire Loss Paid. It affords me pleasure to announce that my fire loss on hay and feed In the Oregon Feed Barn insured In the Horticultural Fire Relief of Salem, Oregon, represented by Coutts & Hays has been settled and paid in full. Tho Horticultural were the first on the ground and tho first company to adjust and pay losses In this fire. LUTHER RICH. ion c en bureau. The principal contention has been r.vr the material used in the coating of confections. Much of the sub stance lias been condemned by the Pennsylvania authorities as varnish. It is charged also that the coloring In many of the seductive I-.aster goods s due to iron rather than to chocolate. Two-thirds of this country's produc tion of these goods are made In Pennsylvania. Dodgo & Co., Chicago III. Tou can't ourn date and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 17S. for clean screened Rock SprlngB coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. Neuralgia of the fact, hands or feet requires a temcdy that will penetrate Ballard's Snow Liniment nhnulder, powerful the flesh. possesses that power. Rubbed In where the pain Is felt Is nil that is necessary to relieve suffering and restore normal conditions. Price 25c. 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Kocppen & Bros. Troops, however, are being concen trated near the Peruvian border to repel the enemy. The press is re joiced at the government's attitude and wishes that this time Peru's quarrelsome proclivities should be crushed forever. Pimples Avay Xo remedy that we have ever sold f r K' zem i. Psoria Is, and all other d'sea-es of the skin has given more till-rough s.'.tisfacCon than the D. D. I). Prescription for Eczema. A 2oc trial bottle can be secured at once. Our patrons find that D D. D. not oiiiy gives instant relief to the i:ch-ii-g. burning - kin. quickly driving out all tile d'scas, gel ms. but it also is the n-ist delightful wash for the com-, I'ieM n they ever used. Absolutely !i:i:iu'es.s and pleasant to use, D. D. II. cle.in--es the skin of all minor im purities such as rashes and pimples, fo.tr night, and leaves the skin clear and smooth as that cf a child. It is now generally known that nothing th;r can equal D. D. a, household remedy for all oub'es. no matter what they : r.el e P. a sk n t are. We ed of ourselves are s fully eonvine the merits of this wonderful remedy that we will charge you noth ing if the first full size bottle of D P. P. does not make good every claim Better drop in and talk it over with us anyhow. Tallnnn Drug Co. HARRY THAW'S RELEASE POVGHT BY GIRL VICTIM CHICHESTER S PUS 1 li: III MIONI IRAN f. (iOES TO ALTAI! IN SPLINTS. Not Broken Ann Slop This Woeldin Much. Westfield, X. J. Although sustain ing a broken arm in an automobile upset Monday night Miss Mabel Wil led refused to let this mishap inter fere with plans for her marriage to Raymond Edwards. It was the most brilliant social wedding of the year. "One broken arm, or two broken anus for that matter could not Inter fere with my wedding plans," said Miss Wlllett. She was a member of a gay family party that Journeyed to Washington, when the car skidded and upset. I,onK'H Slayer Is Convicted, rrinevllle, Ore. The Jury in the case of J. L. Riley, charged with the murder of Louis Long, a prizefighter, formerly of Oakland, Cal , returned a verdict of manslaughter. Riley killed Long Inst June, thereby Inter rupting a Joy ride which the pugilist was taking with Riley's wife. POWL-EAT1XG lOXY'S TASTE. TO CVKR A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture Is on each box. 26c. Lanie back is one of the most com mon forms of muscular rheumatism. A few applications of Chamberlain's liniment will give relief. For sale by all dealers. Turns Prom Turkeys to Chlvkens With Apparent Avidity. Denver, Pa. Fnrke Lutz, living at Brankslde, near this borough, has a pony with a fondness for poultry. Some time ago the little nag devour ed an entire flock of young turkeys. a dozen disappearing down his throat In as many minutes. Since then nn effort has been made to keep the pony and poultry separated. How ever, the pony found in his stall a hen with a brood of young chicks, and before they coulel be taken from the stall the pony ate six of the peeps. Boston Miss signs IMht Saying Stan for. I White's Slaver Rent Her Severely in Paris. I;1I-js. if Miss Ruth Lambert of Boston can help it, Harry K. Thaw who killed Stanford White, will not eat his Christmas dinner with hi family. Miss Lambert, who has liv ed in Paris for the last twelve years, L- armed with documents which, it is asserted, prove Thaw's insanity One of these is a statement put in legal form by Ponald Harper, an Am erican lawyer, reciting that Miss Lam bert was Introduced to Thaw in -Maxim's bv Count Ronl de Castellane and accepted Ills Invitation to drink a glass of champagne In his apartment. She was induced to go there, she say? on Thaw's plea that he wished to show her his flat. Thaw tied Miss Lambert's hands behind her back, the statement con tinues, whlpper her and poured hot water over her. By means of sheets and with the help of the concierge Miss Lambert succeeeleei in ma King ner escape, em Bays. A certificate signed by Dr. A. Per coustre describes the serious nature of the girl's wounds and bruises. The prinelpnl witnesses are Harry Rosenfeld of Paris, Eugene Cornicbe. manager of Maxim's and Miss Maude Lowell of San Francisco, f i.v.V rliU'l,.'-tt-r' iMumttt.d TtranilA (?'Li.K I'hl.in ll, J en l ...J r --u c V !;- '' "V 'll rf 1 rc .mil .", itnv f.f yii,r V I I (if "meet A f -t III.. llt.N.TTK R I . ih.wi r.ii i.:;vm en. I ... i. , t -. : ... . t SOLD 5V DRtGuiSTS EVtRiKERE Every Woman U Interested and thou: J know about the wonderful , MARVEL Whirling Spray The new vaginal Syringe. Best most convenient. It cleanses Instantly. Apparently tho Jackson club did not definitely decide who would bo the next president, or democratic candi date therefore. SOCIETY WOMAN SI ES FOR KVDEXESS OX A Pl'I.LM N Atlanta. Mrs. Mary Burnhiel, pro minent in society here, filed suit against the Pullman Car company. asking $10,000 damages. Mrs. Burnhiel charges that a Pull mnn ear conductor awoke her and compelled her, wearing a "nlghtl nnd barefooted, to leave her berth and walg to a berth in another car. This in the presence of many male SAVS r??Vei Ask your druggist for it. If he cannot su-.ic.y MARVEL, accept no cthei but send stamp for Illustrated book sealed. It elves full particu lar and directions invnlusMe to ladles. Irt 8VU CO . 44 Cast 23i Street. New i i " Easv to Get Rid of Dandruff Dandruff means that down near the roots of your hair there Is a vast ar my of little Invisible germs or microbes. And this army never sleeps; 1; wa ges a war of destruction nisht and day. It destroys the nourishment that the hair must have in order to grow vigorously and abundantly. PARISIAN SAGE now sold all over America will destroy these germs and at the same time furnish the hair roots with just the proper nourish ment to make hair grow lustrous and luxuriant. PARISIAN SAGE is guaranteed by Tallman Drug Co. to banish dan druff, atop falling hair and ltchin? scalp or money back. It U a delight ful hair dressing that wins Instant favor with refined women. Sold for mly 50 cents a large bottle by Tali Kan Drug Co. and druggists every where. Girl with Auburn hair on every carton and bottle.