PAGE TWO. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DAIL EAST OREGOMAX. PE.VDLKTO.V, OKEGO.V, Till HM) AV, CKTOBKIt 28, 1911. EIGHT PAGER. o o o o o 9 O 0 o o 9 9 9 O 9 Q O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A UTUMN o o o UNDERWEAR The keen air of Autumn brings up the subject of underwear. Mens underwear is specialized here. The study of the par ticular and different requirements of men is well understood, and has received ozr most careful attention. Middle weights up to severe cold weather underwear in choice unshrinkable wool and cashmere. Merino mercerized cotton, silk and wool Etc. There's a right underwear and a wrong underwear for every man, and understanding fully the different sorts, it would be our pleasure to prescribe just the proper weight, size and material suitable for your particu lar requirements. AT 30c v.e hv tin- l-t '.'an:i-i!t in IVn- i It-ton. f;iil v.-i-ii:!.'. n.q ;! ;:n I)r- hv ririri, jiijj ri7-. f-c-ni. aiil blue. X-i:)l lwll.ilil !.-;r.'i.-r iiii'i 1--U.T AT 50c ve have an fU-'-ct- liiitil jrani:;.ii!. Uifi-i than ii-i j a 1. AT SI. 00 we r-an Aiow vr,i a fir,,- aii'l wool i!iixf-! ir.irim-.'ir, ci:li.-r rilil-l r flat, MnIo or doitU: Ln-a-t.vd. A! .out jt-r tint wool, -.laktvi an exccpti-nally irwl wearinjr rimkrwc-ar. AT S1.23, ju-t the thini: f-r ( '.vf-ath-r. heavy fli-tff linel I Jr. Wright's underwear, or heavy flat weave v 1. S." H-r cent wool. A nice looking and exceptionally serviceable parrntnf. AT $1.50 we -how a very fin.- wool gar ment, all vno, natural gray ami tan, li'-avy weight or mi'lhim weight. The famous Win-ted underwear. Nicely fin ished and made for service. AT $1.75 per garment we will show you the greatest line you ever saw. Ileavyj medium ami liirht gray, tan ami white, cot ton, li.-le anl wool. Derby ribUl Coopers ami Lewis ami flat weave Winsted's ; gar ments with more real value than any other store in Pendleton can show. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS HERE FOR THE CELEBRATED LEWIS UNION SUITS These suits are so constructed that they loitively do not gar in the seat and crotch. They are the most comfortable fitting gar-' ments in America, very elastic and non shrinkable. Entirely satisfactory in every respect; sewed throughout with pure silk thread. AT S2.00 we have a pure Maeo suit, very elastic and jrf-rfect fitting. Natural color. AT 93.00 we show a Derby ribbed, SO per cent wool suit, in stouts and. regular sizes, from 34 to f0. A most satisfactory suit, good wearing and perfect fitting. AT $3.50 we show our special pride, made by the Lewis .Mills, a good heavy weight suit, in a blue gray color, full fashioned, vann, serviceable and comfortable, the best fitter vou ever had on, non-shrink-able. AT $4.00, light weight, pure wool light gray color, full fashioned, non-shrinkable. just the thing for early fall and early spring. The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade o o 9 o o 9 o o o o e o 9 0 9 0 a 9 9 9 O 9 9 3 c G O 0 . Q Q Q 9i Si 8 9 9 9 9 $ 9 C 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 O 9 9 O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 AT THE PICTURE SHOWS OriJwiim. Edison f-ature for Friday anJ Saturday. I. "The Hattle of Trafalgar" Of aH the spectacular p c ur.-s the Edison company ha.i made, thi will rank, no l at the top. Historically, it is f rreet in every detail. Thi-t wan the trut battle fought by I-tJ Xclsoti as. i rst he combined fleets of France an.i Spain. October 21, 1S05. an.l r ;u: el Ir hi; liath. The Lati'.e .-( rn board the "Victory" and the f-itv. sh'. thar. k'lled Nel-on are won I-Tiul -n thc-ir realism, v.hile the !euh s.n.; i (!f i fu'l of dignififd r-th . I: U a film that no one can tii' ti! to misi. 2 "A Quaker Mother." Vitagrarh. An e.fti"nal drama An evidence of i.a'ernal influences as a guide through life. A beautiful picture of i:; -ther!y '. -ve and selicitude. The '. i fa.-tionul kind that ' exercl-es the ct-t intljence and makes the world -"I t-vr. body in it better. 3. "A Wc'Wn Memory." Pathos. A rrr.arkab;e Jtory of western life with ( love S'.cry all through it. 4. "A Corivent-nt Burglar" Bio-P!".-f . Mrs. Cay piar.ninir to visit i-itl th? b- ;.-j in sigh:. W,fey. how- j s prt .er.tej rrora going just as arrives a: the raiiroad station, ar. I catohes yy ju-t as he is about t ieave for ".he rvf garden. S7he en- - " " Oay"a friends from escaping. This fi.'.-r.J pret r.i- tj be a burglar and tay -fts i-u; by t.iking the supposed i urslar to the police ( . Hoof gar r'. n now f -r theirs. However, Gay .-tiys auay o. lone and gets in bad. 3. ' When Wifey Holds the Purse ' Stains--." Bieeraph. Mr. Ooodhus- o & m aw Makes your hair grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can prove it moe Gt a 25 Cent Bottle Now and Forever Stop Faliir.t- Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus trous and Abundant After a Dandcrir.i Hair Cleanse P-i-.J ri:ic i i to tlie I air what frr.h showers r f a::J r.n!i..liiiic arc to vi K't il'oii. It .t. -c; ri; l-.t to the roots, invijroratri and ' th'-'in. Its cxliil tiaiit T, stinmla sr.d li.' hicmiT mo;.riticJ ;m-c the 1 lir to r-ri'W a'.usi-.lanlly .n;r, strong and -"it'fol. It at nin e ini;.:irt a SKitklitii; bi'.'.'.'.-.'.ry ar.d vulwty noftr.i-j to t!.c lu zr.l a f;rw wcrkj' s;-.ioiit all over t!ie : will t.nisc nnv hair to :iip. I .e it fvrry nay ; pear, ii.l itching there will )c no ban I i f' reed to hand over every' -,r a iiuirt titm-, after wtr -Ii two .r t!iree t'm-3 a w-.-rk v. ill l:c si(:i lent to comjilttc .v' I'-Acr t;ro.viIi vim ilijire. I Ii ':rieilijr iifti r aripUinfj a little Dan- :-::-c a'.! da!.!-i..f will ili t'..; :-.i!p will cr:: e asd ::.( n loue or filling hair. If v''-.i wi. !i to i! n;l!e the be.?t:ty of your ri;r iii ten mini:', s ii:n-iy trv this moisten a i oth with a little 1 '.i-ilcrine nti.l c!:;iw it carrf'illy ti.ronh ymir hair, one small f .uiid at a time, this will clear, e the luir of i..jt, ili.t or ar.y exrc,,ie nil I it a few ::. , ncr.U your iiair will he "ivy, l'i:tfy and at.I pi :, ! an iti ' !e soft- -s lu-t-i a".! Iu-.tiri.ince, the heauty and of trite Itrir hra'tii. If you rare for hratil-.l, suft hair ritid lots i-tlv ;ret a J5 rt-t t l.--tt c .f kttowl- mmm WW Mm It Ci . l.fc'fi -nt of h s salary to wifey. He is al- ! mr.'s Uander-ne f ; ' "ii any tiro:; ttture ot e '.vi i t.ity cents tor spenJing now j iren-'rous. Ho meets fume of his 1 ft. i nds and th-y stick him for a large i bill. f..r hich he gives his "I. O. U." S toitcl c;ji.;t - k surnn. auail:: vou. : v") Ml. ) He later pi ins to pay this by "losing" his wife's watch and having her ad- ; vcrttse acj offer a reward for Its re- I turn. The scheme would have work- ' el if his accomplice hadn't been dis loyal i I Vitagraph comedy. "Don't let your j Hon leading to recovery of above de forgetting get the better of you and scribe,! animal. Leave word at Tele- Miss the Miss." The best lauirh of phone Stable- or address Pant K'i.M the season. O090009OO9009909909999000990090009099990 The Coy. For Wednesday and Thursday, two "torles of great heart-Interest, a western comedy drama and a good comedy. "Palx." Kelianee. A story of two homeless boys who lived with a not ed thief in a hovel and were forced t.j Meal by their master. But when a lady dropped her purse they re-, turned it to her Later, one of the j boys runs away to escape a beating, and fail n; as.eep on the lady's s'air. is taken in and fed. The thief fees this and he plans to rob the J hou-e. thinking the boy will aid him. J But the kid, at the risk or his life) t-.i rned for help; the thief was WIIATS THE HKASOX? Many Pendleton People In Poor Health Without Knowing the rmiio. Th-re nre scores of people who dr.-ig "ut a miserable existence with ou r'-alizing the caue of their suf fering. Pay after day they are rack ed with backnthe and headache; suf fer from nervousness, d'zzlness, weak rieKH. languor and depression. Likely the kidneys have fallen behind In th-lr worn; of filtering the biood and that is the root of the trouble. Look to your kidneys, n!t them In their work Kive them the help they need. You ran use no better remedy than Jioan's Kidney Pill. Below is grateful testimony from a sufferer In thl locality. Mrs. Frank Pike, 101 Greenwood treet, La Grande. Ore., says: "Doan' Kidney pills were used In our fam ily and proved very effective. The person who to'.k this remedy had weak kidney and suffered a great deal from bachache. Stooping was dlff cult and sharp twinge often darteil through the loins. Doan' KldiKy Pill were used on a friend' advice and It did not take them long to bring relief." F r sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New York. ole agent for the United State. He member the name Doan' and take no other. caught and the two pals found a "real home." "In the Chorus." Thanhou'iC-r. The "Thanhouser K'd" is seen in this fine story. The young widow left her child at an Institution and Joined the r-horu-" The child ran away and was found and cared foe by a kind old couple, and her mother received word she was dead. Ten years later a the f. rlcal manager Induced the girl to go to the city and she Joined the fame troupe her mother was in. Recogniz ed by a birthmark, the mother in duced the girl to return home and without revealing her identity left hoping some day to be worthy enough l reveal herself. "The .Stolen Horse." Champion. A western comedy drama. When the new tear her arrived all the male "fixed" up for her and all promptly fell In love, but In a month only two remained at her heels, Hank and .'ed One day Hose got hurt and Hank t-ent his man for a doctor and when Nej came along with a lame horse and wanted to get a doctor. Hank wouldn't tell him he had al ready sent for one. Xed, in despair, went to Hanks barn and took a horse and Hank to be mean accused Ned of stealing the horse. The girl told Ned to put his horse in Hank's barn and say he had "swapped" with' ifank. The cowboys on finding that Ned's hor;e was really in Hank's barn let Ned go. "The Phoney Ring." Sola. Mr. Franklin gave the pcrub woman at his office a fake diamond ring. HI wife found the ring and, thinking It was for her, took it. She showed It to all her friends, who told her It was paste. Mr. Franklin rushed out to get a good ring which he put In place of the burn one His wife, not knowing he had changed the ring, threw the good one out of the win dow. After many experiences she got the ring bark and was happy. IIII'I"! HI I 'I'! IX Till: AMKX COKXKK T'nion Presbyterian church are using soothing lotions as a result of 10 min utes of lively fisticuffs over church affairs. Tn the Tght the panor was thrown from the window. iJr. Rudolph, with a number of his friends, were pitting quietly in the rear of the auditorium of the church while tru't.-es and other church workers arraigned the pastor in et '.re terms for attempting to retain rouses-Ion of the church after he had resigned from the board of govern ors. Then a motion was carried to go into executive sesMori in a room ad joining the c hurch and the pastor ami his friends, inferen-ally, were invit ed to absent them-elves. -Mr. Rudolph, however, led his co horts around to a back door and en tered the room. A fight Immediate ly became general. Women in hys terics bolted Into the open anr, while a dozen or more men punched at each other In grim and almost silent ear nestness, several of them becoming enraged while attempting to act as peacemakers. The Pastime. Where the best in motion pictures are shown. "MeKee P.ankins, '49." Selig McKee llankin made this story of '4'J a relic of bygone days, as famous in its day as Mr. Jefferson's Rip, and it was considered one of the most perfect characterizations of the cities in America, and it was received with eijual applause in the foreign tours made by Mr. Rankin, where its truths and natra!ne-s won Instant apprecia tion. "The Senorita's Conquest." Lubin. Sheriff Ralph Duncan had determin ed to wipe out a gang of Mexican Krigamls on the Texas border. Do lores, daughter of one of the robbers, told the chief she would bring him i into their midst. She accordingly ap peared at a ball and displayed her charms so that the sher'ff fell hope lessly in love and offered to accom pany her home. But Dorlores' heart was also strangely moved She loved the handsome sheriff. She returned alone. The chief then compelled her to write a decoy letter. The sheriff came quickly as a lover could and .Vcji captured. Doljres later helped him to escape and he in turn arrived with a strong po.'se Just as the chief was about to kill the beautiful girl. "The Radge of Courage." Kalem. Little Tom, who had a terror of the sea faints when his father tries to take him into the surf. Fifteen years later Tom has not overcome his ter ror. He meets Jane Mayfield and they become betrothed. They both Join a merry party at the seashore. While in bathing Jane is carried out to sea. Tom rushes to the water's edge but his old terror returns. A number of bathers nuickly go to the rescue of Jane. She calls Tom a coward. Later, when they return to the city Jane is locked In her father' office when It catches fire. At the risk of his Hfe Tom saves Jane. Ex planations follow and the past is for gotten. "Over the Irish Vitagraph." This is an extraordinary novelty, telling the story of love, courtship and marriage .Simply through the actions of the hands and fet without displaying the features. It Is without doubt the most unusual picture ever produced. "The Tired Absent Minded Man." NO CASCARET USER FVER HAS HEADACHE A til-Cent Itox Will Keep Your Liver, Slomucli ami ISowcIh Clean, Pure aiM Fresh for Months. Ten Dollars Rcwnril. Strayed from my place on head of McKay creek, one bay gelding brand ed R L on left shoulder, star in fore head, two white hind feet. Will pay above reward for return or lnforma- l'endleton, Ore. The dove of peace seems to have acquired spurs. The only thing to do Is to appoint everybody deputy game warden and even that might not work well. C.IRL i:KA RTIIS OAItXKTS. Presbyterian l istlmffs in Church and I'uxtor Thrown from Window. Denver Rev. W. S. Rudolph la nursing various cuts and bruise and a number of other member of the She Finds Some l ine fiems in n Wa ter Trent -Ii. Hulmevllle, pa Fine garnets have been discovered on a hill near here, where a trench had been dug for wa ter pipes. Miss Blanche Pennington was the first finder. .Several of the gem were sent to a Philadelphia lapidary, who pronounced them gen uine and of the Turkish quality, pre vious to this garnets have been found along the Neshamlny, but they were not transparent enough to be cut for Jewelry. Ills IM'ltLS $1.VI IXTO THF. HAY. Sudor Throws Away Money incna, want to Safeguard. Vallejo, Calif. Rather than sur render his funds to two friends for safe-keeping, Paul C. Reagon, a sail or attached to the Maryland, tossed $4 50 In gold overboard rom a launch In which the men were coming ashore. The friend had attempted to pre vent Reagon from landing with the money whllo Intoxicated. Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver, decayed fermenting food In the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged In the Intestines, Instead of being cast out of the system In re-absorbed Into the blood When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue It causes congestion and that dull, throbbing, sickening headache. Salts, cathartic pills, oil and pur gative waters force a pa-sngeway for a day or two yes but they don't take the poisons out and have no ef fect on the Hver or stomach. Cascarets Immediately clennse and regu'ate the Btomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food anil foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the decompose,! waste mat ter and poisons in the intestines and bowels. A Cnscnret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10 cent box from your druggist means inside cleanliness and aclear head for months. Ask any of the millions of Cascaret useds If they ever have hendache. One Hundred DRUMMERS' SAMPLE BLANKETS Full sizes, fine heavy wool and also cotton Blankets Now on Sale at THE HUB Pendleton's Big Drummer's Sample Store East End Grocery The most popular trading place in town is now agent for the Celebrated Seal Shipt Oysters J. W. DYER, Prop. ' Phone M, 536 A SNAP FOR $2500.00 7 room modern house, atone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. ' ' Call at once a bargains of this character can't last. Must Me It to appreciate It. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 R Court Street. Other Property of Bvery Description. ( Money to Ioan on City and County Realty. Born with the Republic" fl AMES. E. PEPPEjD J WHISKEY Oldest distillery in America and the best Whiskey eTer mndo in Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Sole distributors in Pendleton. TIEIiMAN PETERS, Prop.