East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 24, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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-"''C'-A ....--. : , , m-rnm nmmmr nmr .win
i E
That's w
MAIN 30.
iv those dosiriiiii criverios
'squaiv'' meal always
for an appetizing and
ask ''Central'' for
OITAMTITV 1 HltAI ITV . rxrrnv
vw""1 ollu V l t U1 C.VLM Ed candi.into f.n- ir.vMii, .c v-wV,i... T'nlv orsltv of Oroiron T'r.i.lrteh 1
h purchase at the 18 ton' ls in tn '"l,i'i' ln cuniitc- ! aft paes'itg through Etiscne. made a I
HS tion with the injunction suit boiiis special stop nt ' tho ' university for a
... luUI I.UUII, j i . . n i. i . .- mill .t n. , j l 1 1 1- Pill'
dents, and Henry George, Jr., the New"
, ' Dog Coca to .lull. I Voi k couple sman and oronoiniat, aJ-I
j Officer Kearney last nlsrht arrest.-! 1 dressed the students at the I'niversity !
ja shecphorder for being drunk ami I 'as: night. Senator Oore, of Oklaho
jwhen he' was taken to Jail, hia faith-!", "the Hl;nd Orator Eloquent," is!
! ful shepherd do refused to leave him. ' to address the students next week.!
Ljrhm.'eMJwnJt-F. 1 Wi" uii, M'jWEAwgLk whj . i. .., K K i i svmnnthv the officer itllowe.i the i and many other prominent men are
'PgaMCTgaaaBM J animal to go to jail with its master 1 'lieduled to visit the Unlvcrity dur-i
" ' I n n I nnnarenttv It is nulte hannv in its! '"K the present year. Owing to the!
(narrow confines.
q wi WW A WVW ' 9
: of Pendleton :
Tlmv Drunks .tailed.
Three more occupants were secur
ed for tho city Jail last night when
John raker, D. K. N'iles and Wallet'
Loro were arrested for being drunk.
They all took jail sentences 'this mor
ning after pleading guilty before
Judge Fitz Gerald.
Democratic Warhorso Hero
Col.inel Dunphy. well known at
torney of Walla Wa'la and frequently
mentioned us the next democratic
candidate for governor of Washing
ton, is in the city today, in connec
tion with the injunction suit being
tried in the local court.
Washington t-tood on the Palisades
i pposito, weeping as he saw his sol
dier., tiring slaughtered.
Several skulls have . been dug up
in this field by men work'ng for
Penal.! & Marry, vbt aro converting
the land lilt i a park. Arms, legs,
th!rh hones and other human bones
have been dug up during thr four
month that the contractors have
been working there. Innumerable
bullets have also been found scattered
nil over the fields, many of them
burled in treei; and In stumps . and
the workmen have, unearthed many
arrowheads which belonged to the
Indians who helped In the fight.
ij jp """
line down from the east end of the
unty this morning to represent the
water club at the league meetin"
at the press
Freewater Times
t'VliKV TP..UN liltlNC.S
"m.itilla County Press Association
Will be lrimM at Paiupiet To.
uiulit Willi tominirci.il Clubs and
Development lA'airue.
V:II Snrvi"y Hatchery Site.
i Frank Hays will leave earlv In the
morn'nir with a crew of three men I
for Gibbon where he will survey th
j laini wanted by the state "fish and
i game commission ns a hatchery site.
The land has only been surveyed once
and that very bad'y thirty years ago
and, as a result, the commission has
experienc:ng difficulty in de
scribing the land.
vi!n th
,t for t!-.
1" -i"
wlvi :
of Cue
'. 1 ready
ie city
iOSO of'
i . ianon ,
ie with '
al clu'a
mniiT- ;
V :'.!-'
:id o !i- '
l 1- red Und ot Athena, nn.1 Pol
I'l.srk Viw,i of Weston are to arrive'
on the 5 o'clock train from that di-1
re, ilon as is also r.ruce Shangle of
1 Miltnn XT 11 .-. i "... - .1. . ..!
i j.i.oi v.siijf in tcno anu ; been
: .i. i-. .iic.iaiuis oi fiiot itock are al-'
I so expected bv evening. I
j Visiting newspapermen and de-: rtivlns Men Aro Hero.
; vi lo;;iH'i:t league representatives are Five representatives of the Warren
! re.pieste, to be nt the rooms of the 1 Construction company, which is un-
("i iiur.ereiul cluh at 6 o'clock for the ; der contract to jiave Alta. Cottonwood
purpose of holding business meetings ' and Webb streets In this city, are
I ok" the respective bodies. At 7:43 the here today to make preliminary ar
v;itor. will be entertained at a ban- i rangements for establishing their
met to he riven at the Quelle and at plant. They state that their plant will
wl-i.-h the Commercial club tnauagers be here within a few duys and thai
: u i 1 be the hosts. j work will commence immediately on
its arrival.
fact that Eugene is on -the main trunk'
line between Portland'and San Fran- !
Cisco all the prominent men coming '.
to .tho coast generally find time to
s op for a short visit nt the state uni
versity of Oregon.
that the big Closing-Out-Sale of the
BostonStore is a genuine effort to
go out of business. Being overloaded
in MeiV Union Suits we purpose
changing them into money at a great
sacrifice. . V We have specified them
in lots to mike easy selling and your
convenience in buying. Lot numbers
and sizes are marked plainly.
111,'. !".;' 4
.:re til-
ii n I C.
ot the
up on
.r ibis
71 1 y o.inie
morning and are
i.b-a "f forniing
ssoci.itlon. Potli
vee.pm-nt league
. t'.'.eir r".-i:cctive
Gloving Picture- for Friends.
W.i -liiiit'ton. P. C. Oct. 24. The
-i:-. : : ;n Federntbm of Labor today
ii-', ;: ir-'s ti'p.t i;s pli'.ns of exhibiting
:. -vlng pictures to provide funds for:
Mi- ic1ue.:!ra defense, I "humillatln-;
i r.-'i-t-ssary." The pi'-tures. portray- '
irg C'ic arr-.st of the M'-Xamars. the i
sirtroom s-'eiH-s and view? of their'
prison life, will bo exhibited around
i':. eourtrv by the federation. I
Innrnnco .Men Here.
John Knight, manager of the
Kninhts of Pythias inurance il
part:uent for 'regon find 10. P.. Haw
kins, manager for Washington, were
gnes's of Damon lod;e Xo 4 at a so
cial session and smoker last evening.
Mr. Hawkins was formerly in cluiige
of the insurance work in Oregon and
iius been here often in the past.
that is nee..lt-d to have half or so
he supreme court decisions re-j
d is a highor appellate court, i
don't Kiwy.-rs work for that? j
- ?: i :i. p s rra ? ; ? j a
R. 5 U. 00.
1 rv,
! .12'':
.it t'xri-n
lures aii'l
riants. ('
!: 1
-i i'
( Hi!
i '
i !1
v tlK-
ural CVileire.
(jrain, Pnul
, iii i I will lo
L'ather jirae
If-il stllijects.
ilorrow a n l
jNt, aii'l will
iftnvi -, aii'l aHen 1 the meet-
; fr"!ii the Oivpm Aurieuli
.li'!!!'iii,-trai'Mis on Livestock,
'ii-ervati'n of ha-tiire, etc.
y f"f farmer? ami oth'-r- t
i-M''i"i"!i "ii llie-e and kiip
nt. LeaL'ue of (iilliaui,
Arliao'ii en Octilor :
i; i.-!..:
T Agent,
nd, Ore.
Iluiiters ;ct l'our Doer.
George Heddows, Ed Hayes, II. E.
Kramer and Jim Maikham are bac'.i
from a deer hunt in the Camas creek
country and in token of their prowe.-H
the carcasses of four fine bucks are
hanging in cold storage today. They
i t port deer plentuul in mu uusiri i
where th-y hunted. One of the
prong herns" which they brought
back bad tiro bullet holes in one ot
its shoulders not two inches apart
ihere Kramer and Hays shot it at the
same time.
Captain Pa Id win to Keep In Touch
With World on Xoxt Vojrn
Mare Island. Calif. Captn'n Edwin
I'aldwin of "dash to tho pole"fnme
is preparing again to invade the Ice
fields of the north. This time ho ex-,
ports to carry with him a wireless out
fit and through the wireless stations
recently established by the govern
ment in Alaska keep in constant com
munication with the outside world.
Captain Paldwin tva th guest of
Captain H T. Mayo-at Mare Island
nun' yard today and inspected the
wireless stations. Through arrange-1
nients made with Lieutenant K. H. :
Dod.I, in rhargo. of the wireless. Cap- j
tain Paldwin (s plann ng to furnish j
the world with dully reports on his'
tux; battle with the lee fields. j
Vast possibilities have been opened .
bv thet wireless, according to Capia n'
, Paldwin, and he believes that with u
i wireb s outfit he wi'l be oh!f to
! if rich the north pole and talk to the
I rest of the V orld from "dead center. "-j
i inly -hi- in tallation of the higher,
power stations in Alaska has made'
this possible.
Capta-n Pa'.dw'n has not announc-'
j ed tlie date on which he will sturt hi;
I ni I Genuine Cotton 1 P C
BaUl B in two colors nat- I rV g
Worth $2.00 ural and Gray l? B U W
I f Dark Gray Worst- fikA rt F
LOT dm ed and Cotton " H T
Worth $2.50 Mixture ll j U U
I ftf Q Blue tint and nat- A Q fj T
LUI O ural light weight f 41
Worth $3.00 Worsted jlSJ La U ll
" A Heavy Gray PC!
B-lfl JT Worsted Lightly
Wcrlh $3.50 Fleeced L . U U
LOt 3 Assoited Pink ffc P
Splashed O
W(Hth S5.00 Heavy Worsted B 3
I. ad
.McCimas P.nys Indian I.and.
K. W. McComas. the well known
grain buyer, has just purchased eighty
acres of Indian land about a mile
southwest of I'ayuse. A forty acre
piece was secured from Mary Flush,
formerly Ta-ma-e-licht, and her huJ
band, Charles Flush, for $1200 and
the other forty was bought from Huvn
fjilnian formerly Itosu I.yman. for
merly Ah-ta-noon. and her husband.
Walter Oilman, for $1000. The deeds
were pluced on record today.
W ho .Itiimicil from Fire IVsonne
In Serious ("finditioii. IS
xiiiHiiiiiii'u, oi j. ivi-siey .titii- c
iner, eleven years old. lost b:s arm j
the rt su't ot" a gamo of follow loader i
in which he jumped from a fire en- 9
cape s.niie days ago. '
His arm wits broken by th fall of I
twenty-five f.-e', and after a fnw days!
gangrere devt-lopr . To s:tv his lifo I
Dr. Frank W. I.ockwixid of East Or- j
ange deoi.'ed that an amputation was1
necessary ainl tlio arm was Binputat-i
(a) in Si. Mary's hopsital.
Ten o her boys were f dlowing M-.r-t'uner
when lo; made the bap, but
they did not follow htm.
The surgeons my. lie may rcover
but that hM condition Is serio.ua.
As'"sWir Isot. . Moiistaelie.
C. P. Strain, county af-scssor and
Icity councilman, Is today minus the
j hirsu e appendage which has adorn
, ed his upper lip for these ninny years
i His friends stare at. him in surpriso
and wonderment for his appearance
; indicates that he has found the
fountain of eternal youth, llic may
or 3rd other councilman believe that
th"ir colleague w'll bo seriously
h.indlcapped in the fu.ure dolibera-
ticii-5 of the aldemanto boay as It is
a wtll known fact that Mr. f-.train
ha-! nlways been accustomed to lo
bis be t arguing while twis'wij hs
"Star Pitcher Wins Itiide," Is a head
line. Half the Kills ln the country
would marry a etar pitcher on ton
minutes' acquaintance.
K 8a labia Remedy
Ely's S; earn Ba!m
An opportunity of rare oc
curance. Get your entire win
ter supply now. Did you
ever wear
once tried always worn by
95 out of a hundred, ask a
Union Suit Wearer.
U 11 1 0 11
,-wjaaaw'ac53f.aaaiB,aii niin iimi hbmi n n'dHnua inn tr
parpily Liquor Store
7 1 1 Main Street.
Phone Main
A Splnivlii! Cotton Display.
The Peoples Warehouse has In one
of its windows a display which Is
at'.ractini? considerable attention from
the public. It consists of cotton In
Its various BtaKcs, on the plant, the
raw material and tho finished pro
duet. A large cotton plan' was se
cured through Roy Puchanan. head
of the lu'Jies' department, from his
former home in Texa.s and many peo
ple are thus ntioruea near nrsi
sight of the great southern product
as it grows. About it are large rolls
of cotton as it is when ready to be
made into cloth and draped along
the sides and back are many bolts of
cotton fabric ready to be made Into
Banks Pay You Interest on What
You Save.
We Pay You Interest on f
What Yon Spend With Us f
When trading at this store always ask for cash register receipts 2
and save them. They represent a saving of 2 1-2 per cent on each
and every purchase. They are as good as cash ln exchange for gro
ceries. Call and loam how.
A fine line of Nutmeg Musk Melons
Just Received. Phone Your Order
is o-i'ckb absortod.
Give lit..:! si One,
it clean es. soothes,
leals Had protects
Uie ci.-ensed uicra
'ir.ico requiting from Catarrh and drivei
tar.iy a Odd in tbeliead quickly. Kestore
litt Senses of Tate and HmeU. Full si
iO cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid
3rearn B.tlm t-jt use in atomizers 75 cts.
ilv brothers, 5G Warren Street. Hew YotK
: Without Lines
infhp. w .vision1
ST ft W
""1 Ui Ssj n.
rn i i i
: Lens va;:
: Notice Kryptok :
: Advertisements
To Pldo AiTif State:
II M Averlll. broth' r of Deputy
Oarne Warder Averlll, and Hoy M )ts.
tramplon steer ioptr of the nrth-;i!-l,
will leave in .h- rrirning hi'iJ
t -i- k on a ride across ihr- state. rr.
v.ii. leave by way cf Pi'o Hock nr.d
re.ui for Priueville, ttfte. which t'niy
v i I i ros-i the moun a ris by via of
i.'iter Lake and 3n 1 up m Ciury
county In the extreme south weste-n
part of tho state. Pesides their
mounts they will take two pai k
li orses and expect to meet no diffi
i iili.ir-s in their Journey. They
licve they can cover the distance in
less than three weeks.
ni it i: volition p.i:maixs
Phone Main 174
612 Main Street
Poim-h of Washington's Soldlep Dug
'p in Nenv York,
New Tork. Workmen who are
preparing that part of the Isham es
tate which the family has given to the
'ity for a park, at Broadway and
207th street, found a complete human
skeleton about threofeet under the
It ls believed that tho skeleton la
that of ono of General Washington's
soldiers who was killed In th re
treat from White Plains. Perhaps
ho was killed In the battle along the
river front near this point, when
In the following magazines:
Saturday Evening Post, Liter
ary Digest, Outlook, Colliers,
Everybndys, McClurcs, Cosmo
politan, Review of Reviews,
Worlds Work, Scrlbners.
KItYPTOKS are perfect in
construction and clearness, and
are the best lenses made for all
requiring double focus lenses. J
No seams or cement, no edges s
to become rough or Jagged in
cleaning. Just : perfect sight
with tho unsightllneas and dls-
comfort left out. Of course J
they must bo fitted right. We
fit them to give you comfort
and satisfaction. s
With Ilanscom TUTE
Pendleton, Oregon. 2
The Cash Market Handles the Cel
ebrated Seal Shipt Oysters, also
Clams, Crabs, Schrimps land Fish as
well as Groceries and Meats.
Pendleton Cash Market
Cor E. Court and Johnson Sts.
Phone Main 101
American Beauty Embroidery Outfit
Complete- outfit with American Beauty Embroidery Tlosa
to complete the desipn.
Pillow Tops 25 and 50
22 inch Center Piece 25
. Library. Oval - . - 75
Library Cover : $1.00
Complete lino of American Beauty Embroidery Floss and
1). M. C. in white and colors, 2 skeins for 5.
: ' ' ---The Store for Thrifty Pooplo.