PAGE FOCB. DAILY EAST OREOOXIAN, TENDLETON. OREGON, TI ESDAV, OCTOHKR 21, 101 1. EIGHT PAGES. SSlH icuiof JustllC Whltc w J 4111',. month; Justice Holmes AX IXPKl'KMT-NT XEWSIWrKU. Standard Oil case, was 78 years old. Ill he 66 next mes is Justice MoKenna 6S: Justice Kurton is 67 ami (Justice Hughos, the youngest on the lunch, is 49. Nearly nil the men who Published Ul!? ami snil WeoUy at lVn-"nro prominent in the worlj of poll- dlrton. Oregon, by tbe - tics, finance and business are -past CAST OltK.tiOMAX rTllMSllIMS CO .... . .. , , , .. , ill ni tile life and most of them are be- j j tul the Oshir limit of 60. I Nor is it impossible that a man may Srt.OO '-Mi lit: his best work after 65. To be sure no man of 65 could be expected ti J-5'jJiwork as hard as he worked at 35 or 1.05 '40. Put having riper experience and .tio ' 1.50 Judgment in other words being better 3 et.uipped he may accomplish with light effort that which he could not srusmmiox katks. Pslly, vne ynr. by mall tatty, aix muntltH. by mail lally, three months, by mall I Hilly, one mouth, by mall l'atly, one year, by carrier LtoJly, six trouihs. by carrier lally, tUree months, by carrier Daily, one month, by carrier r mi Weekly, otic year, by mail hml Week jr. mx mouths, by mall .... Kern! Weekly, four months, by mall... Hmher I'nlted lresa Association. ' ! do at all in his younger days. It is Tbe ll!y Kant Oregonlan la kept on rale ; .. , , . . . . . , at the tref..D Xe Co.. 39 Morrison ! l,osslbIe to understand how a big fl- treet, Portland. Oregon. regoi il.lln C, Bureau, 501 Four- cases, " however, when - a combination of directed and dil l used light will not answer. In a flour mill or a foundry, for example, where every thing is of the same color diffused light would be praetlea'ly useless; hut in a draughting room where all the objects requiring distinction are in one plane a directed light ca-ting shad. iws would be equally objection able. . To light the home with comfort and economy require a combination of low intensity. The lighter the walls ami ceiling are the more light they reflect to give the required diffused general illumination anfl so less dl- I rect light will be needed. As artifi cial llt'ht is deficient in blue and green rays, walls and ceilings of a bluish or greenish shade give them greater refecting power for daylight than for art'fical light whicb is generally de sirable. November Technical World Magazine. Northwest News Co.. Portland. Oregon. Chicago llureau. lHi Security Uulhting. Washington. l tcentb street, N. W. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as aecond elaaa mall matter. Telephone Mala 1 Official City and Conntj Taper. THE XEWF.U VISION. I nancier might do his most effective work after 65. His age will give him more wealth, a wider knowledge of the world and he will have the pres- I tige that goes with a long successful life. Therefore he may accomplish his greatest wonders in his declining years. The same thing might also nPDlv to a man in mnsr mnv nll no- J; If Dr. Benton means that a man may di his most effective work after 65 MAY DO SOME REAL GOOD. The world is not the dismal j his statement may well be credited, place ! i It seemed to him awhile ago; ! His sneer is banished and his I face With hopeful gladness Is a- glow. Scenes that he once thought dreary seem. As if by magic, glorified: The muddy pool, the sluggish stream. With limpid beauty are sup- plied. He claims a cynic's doubt no more, He sees the good in every- thing; Morose, unkind and grim be- fore, He laughs and is inclined to sing. His heart, long dormant, is awake; Deep pleasures lately learned are his; 4 A little child has come to make Him see God's good world as it is. S. E.Klser. At times in the past local business men have taken great interest in the . question of who should be the gov- ;einmenfs agent upon the reservation. Petitions and resolutions galore have bren drafted and presented to the In . dian department through our sena- NO TORYISM VAXTE1. Good municipal government de mands that authority and responsi bility be centered in a few men and th:U those be made directly answerable to the people. In other :rds the officials should be elected for terms of reasonable length so that the- people may have an oppor tunity to pass judgment upon their work. If they like their work they will re-elect the officials, but if the officials are not doing the will of the reople they may be supplanted by others whom the people believe will be more faithful. The move for commission govern ment is clearly a move for the better ment of municipal government in Pendleton. Put the move will go as tray if under the new charter the mayor and commissioners are elected for six years. Such terms" are too 1' ng and invite the very dangers peo ple are trying to escape. The six year term provision is an effort to inject Toryism into the new charter and Pendleton does not want Tory government. What is wanted is a government that will serve the people, serve them efficiently and terve the people only. tors or representatives. And it is not very important either who serves as agent so long as there is an official who does his work honestly and fairly. If local people really want to do something for the benefit of all red- inien and white, farmers and business men they should take steps to sug gest that the government, through the t'nited States district attorney or some one else, get busy and establish the right of the Indians to the use of wa tei from the Umatilla river for irri gation purposes. It would be the sal vation of the Indians to have their water rights established and it would also work greatly for the develop ment of this portion of Umatilla county. Why not act. Are we to work hard on matters of minor importance and pass up an opportunity to accomplish something really worth while? WELCOME VISITORS. ihls evening the gentlemen who constitute the "Fourth Estate" In Umatilla county will gather In the city for the purpose of organizing a coun ty press association and of being en Urtained by the managing board of the Commercial club. It will be noteworthy gathering in that it will be the first time in history that the newspapermen of the county have been brought together. There are great possibilities in a county press as sociation. The newspapermen of the county do much for the advancement and improvement of the county and quite naturally they may do best work by co-operating in behalf of worthy movements. Here's to the county press associ ation may it result In much good. WOISK AT 5 YEARS. President Kenton of the University cf Vermont has made the rather start, ling declaration that a man can do his best work after he is 65 years of age. It is a statement that many will question yet there are many thingi to support the contention. Of our hi? public men by far the greater portion are advanced in years s agf is ordinarily considered. Jus tice Harlan who died a few days ago and who attracted wide attention by his vigorous dissenting opinion in the ARE YOU FREE FROM Headaches, Colds, Indigestion, Pains, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dizziness K you are not, the most effective, prompt and pleasant method of getting rid of them is tc take, now and then, a desertspoon ful of the ever refreshing and truly beneficial laxative remedy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It u well known throughout the world as the best of family laxative reme dies, because it acts so gently and strengthens naturally without irri tating the system in any way. To get its beneficial effects it u always necessary to buy the genu ine, manufactured by the Califomu Fig Syrup Co, bearing the nam of the Company, plainly printed on the front of every package. If a "firebug" is operating In this city he is in rather dangerous business. The next man who hunts him with rifle may find him. When the Republic of China is es tabii.shed will there be equal suffrage in that heaven covered land? The Battleship Oregon is ready once more for a fight or a frolic. If it does not rain soon pome of our residence streets may blow away. LEARNING TO USE EIGHT. In these dayR when everyone has bo mm h to say about efficiency, illumi bating engineering is of tie first im portanee. In order that employes may work rapidly and well they should be protected from needless fa tigue. About the quickest and surest way to tire out a roomful of people Is to flood the room with a uniform light at high intensity. Where work is to be done by artificial light the general illumination Bhould be mod erately low with local lights of higher Intensity above the work bench or desk. And, by the way, the average desk light or reading lamp is too low. The color of th light, too, plays an Important par in tiring people out. Fatigue occurs far more quickly with orange and yellow rays at high In tensities than from green and bluish green light like that from the mer cury vapor lamp. Nothing equals the bluish white of diffused daylight. Shadows also have an important part to play. In fact one of the prin cipal aids In distinguishing objects Is the differences in brightness. If there were no shadows, but only a perfectly diffused Illumination of high intensity It would be hard to see clearly. In order to have shadows th-re must be directed light coming from all directions. There must be enough directed light to mark the edges of objects by shadows and also enough diffused light to enable one to see cl.-arly In the hadows. The directed light should come from above at a considerable angle with the horizontal so as to limit the length of the shadows. There are FORGOTTEN'. Spurred by one motive only. Forgeting as we go, We leave them weak and lonely Who need the care we owe; Neglect'ng them who guarded Us when our arms were weak, We will not be retarted In gaining what we seek; We hurry on, forgetting That they are growing old Whom we have left, and letting Our shriveled hearts get cold. Where strange skies spread above us We madly seek success. And leave the ones who love us To sit in loneliness. We hurry onward, leaving Those who have earned our care; With gray heads, bent and grieving, They wait and watch, back there Back there, where proud Ambition First whispered in our ears; Charged with a selfish mission, We hurry through the years. Forgetting how they need us To whom we weakly clung When Love urged them to lead us While yet the world was young. For pra'se from those above us We hurry and we fret. Forgetting them that love us Hut they will not torget. A EIJ1EXI) Oil TWO There's all of pleasure and all of of peace. In a friend or two; And all your troubles may find re lease With a friend or two; It's in the grip of a clasping hand On native soil or in alien land, But the world is made do you un derstand Of a friend or two. A song to sing and a crust to share With a friend or two; A smile to give and a grief to bear With a friend or two; A road to walk and a goal to win An Inglenook to find comfort in, The. gladdest hours that we know be gin With a friend or two. A little laughter; perhaps some tears With a friend or two; I he days, the weeks, and the months and years With a friend or two; A vale to cross and a hill to climb. A mock of life takes lilt of rhmye With a friend or two. A brother soul and the brother heart Of a friend or two, Makes us drift on from the crowd apart, With a friend or two. For come days happy or come days saa. We count no hours but the ones made glad By the hale good times we have ever had With a friend or two. Then brim the goblet and quaff the toast To friend or two; The fairest sight is a friendly face, Tho blithest tread Is a friendly place And heaven will be a better place For a friend or two. Children Cry for Fletcher' Tiio Kiatl Yon ll ivo AlwnyH Bought, and which litis bee in iiso iov over 30 years, has borne tho siynatriPO of ami has bon mnuo under Ms rer- &-f'y-Ju , soual supervision since Its hua.icy. Y, 44c4i Allow no one to deot lvo you In tl: Is. All Counterfeits, Imitations unci "Jtist-as-good' arc but Experiments that trine with and ondan-rer the health of lulauts and Children Experience against ExierLnieut. What is CASTORIA Castorlu is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro gorle, Drops and Soothing: Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, JMorphtao nor other Jfarcotlo substance. Its nge Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhtt-a and Wind Colic. It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tbe Stomach ai.d .Bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. Tho Childreu's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Hoter T St. George Bar i GEO. DARVEACj Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle men Resort . ! Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER on draught, 5c 888 Electrio Mixed Drinks 8ervd at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whisker. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over30 Years THC CFNTaU COMPANY. Tf M'.KBAY STRICT, NTW YORK CtTY. TODAY'S nilVTIIDAY SKETCH. He does not look it. but Governor O'Neal of Alabama, n.-ho, by the way, is the son of a governor, if fifty eight. He was born in Florence, Ala., and still makes that town his home. After attending the universities ot Mississippi and Alabama he took up the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1875. His chief politi cal service before his election as gov ernor had been as presidential e'ec tor nnd as a member of the democrat ic state executive committee. Three times he has been chosen as a presidential elector. He was tho I'nitd States attorney for the north ern district of Alabama during Cleve land's administration and a member "f the constitutional convention of the state In 1901. in 1 s t he mar ried .Miss Lizzie Kirkman VbUR CHILDREN MIGHT MEEDYour Money Some day ,W TV f f OPKN DAY AND NIGHT nil.ST-Cl.ASS SEItVICE The Quelle Cafe and .Oyster House Meals 25c aid up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 26 MAIN STKEET s No Out nee for a Poor Man. "1 tell you it's getting mighty hard for a man on a salary to make endj meet. I don't know where I'm going to get the money to pay for my coal th s fall." "You told me a couple of weeks ago that you had $75 saved up for it." "Yes, but I've had to use the mon ey for my wife's winter hat and my tickets to the post-season ball games." Sarsaparilla Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purines, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way builds up the whole sys tem. Take it. Get it today. In usual liquid form or In chocolate coated tablets called Sarsatabs. PUT .SOME IN THE DANI For them Now it will work for them in the BANK SUPPOSE YOU DIED TODAY, would you leave behind helpless little children? You will not fear for the FUTURE OF YOUR FAMILY If you have money In our bank. Make OUK Dank YOUIl Dank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent, com pounded semi-annually. The American National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY i 1 1 n i n 1 1 t m 1 1 1 1 m ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL i Opens Sept. 14 Boarding and Day School for Girls. I Primary, Intermediate, Ao ! aclcinic Special and Poat- i; Graduate Courses. Depart- ments of Music, Expreflflion 1 i ana Art, PERSONAIi ATTENTION f RE FIXING INFLUENCES THOROUGH WORK I Nettie M. Galbraith Principal 4. WALLA WALLA, WASn. I JOIN OUR NIGHT-SCHOOL We teach Shorthand, Typewriting, Dookkeceping, Writing, Spelling, Arithmetic. Our Instruction is In dividual. Our rates are moderate. Our students have the privilege of taking any number of subjects without extra cost. ENROLL NOW, and spend your fail and winter evening to good ad vantage. 7 77 M. L. CLANCY. B. A. Pres. WHERE TO ? Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland ! ( Arrive Seattle .8:15 A. M. Leave Pendleton 1:30 P. M. - Arrive Spokane.9 :55 P. M. t Arrive Portland 8 :10 A. JL Northern Pacific Railway Tho Pioneer Line. Close connections. Good lenvinc time. Good arriving time. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Through Tickets to all Points East or West Secure tickets and full information from W. ADAMS, AGENT N. P. UY PENDLETON. . Ask about EXCURSION FARES for these event : Nation Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30. First class trains, HEADOUARTEBS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacture!! and Distributors of tha Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. TallmaiY & Co. Leading Dragjpste of East trn Oregon. The' Pendleton Drug Co. I In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER TIHS ' WHEN TOD HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES