DAILY KAST OKJKGOXIAX, rEXDLETOX, OHEGOX MOXDAV. OC-TOllKll 23, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE EIGHT. A GOOD COOK DEMANDS THE BEST ! That's why iWe iWirini: srrocories for an appetizing and aiivasins: "suare" meal always ask "Central" for MA1X 90. THEY GET IT ! QUANTITY and QUALITY with EVERY purchase at the STftEiDARD GROCERY COMPANY, INC. Newsy Notes : of Pendleton : Files Final Account. Attorney Will M. Peterson, adminis trator of the estate of Honry C. Ad ams, ex-president of the Athenn bank, today filed his final account in the estate. key prairie road to La Grande. Such' a road would provide a highway from l,a Grande to Lehman, 40 miles In hngth and would insure much La Grande patronage for the south end resort. Mr. McNeil is also busy at this time having two additional cot tages constructed at Lehman. They will be used for rooming purposes in connection with the resort's hotel. I WHERE FRANK O'GARA, Pres. ALL ARE PLEASED. BERXARD O'GARA, Sec.-Treas. 1 rurnl-.li Keifs to Crow. I According to a deed filed today. John W. Crow, well known farmer, has purcha ed from J. W. Furnish 156 acres near the mauth of the south fork of McKay creek. The consid eration is not mentioned. One Joint ltoo in Court. This morning was an unusually quiet one in police court for n Mon day morning, only one John Doe be , ing registered on the docket. He was i accused of being drunk and forfeited ' his bail of five dollars. PART! FOR YOUNG LADY OF t KIHIo OF QUILL 10 BE GIVEN FEAST i: FRY XEWSPAPERMAX IX COVXTY EXPECTED K. of P. Smoker. This evening the members of Da mon Lodge No. 4 Knights of Pythias j will enjoy a stag social and smoker Kansas in regard to their opinions on,al their lodge hall. An entertaining the right of a probate judge pro tern time has been arranged and the af to marry a couple. The law seems fair promises to be well attended. to be vague and there is a great dif- ; , tYi tive of opinion among the Judges, j !ostoii RcMaurant He-opens. It is considered important for the; jack Kvan. who purchased the reason that probate judges are said ; foston Restaurant on Main street at to be marrying mow couples than the a .sherifTs s;lU, recently, Saturday P.caczicis uaous. in many in- , lllornlnK re-opened that eating house :.uic I'.rentl Breaking to le Followed by Perfection of lVrniancnt Organiui-I settle lion anil Arrangement for Future Gatherings, vary judges So out of respect to the good folks who continue to get married in Kan sas, the probate judges will attempt to the question at their coining convention in Tepeka ne.t month. If they cannot agree here they will probably lo.k around for come couple willing to get married bv a probate At a banquet at which some spec- ! judge pro tern, so the .-tate can bring be introduced! 'l'L LU 1 "ier. ;r me supreme court ciecieietl tne couple is not legally married they will have to remarry if they are in love. If thy are not in love they may be rewarded for their sacrifice and trou ble and ether y."ung folks in Kansas a ill have their warning. es theoffices are held by tempo- to Uu, publk.. 1Ie has niado the place very clean and inviting and is already receiving a good patronage, tatu'.ar features may the newspapermen of the county to paher with the representatives of the commercial organizations of the vari ous f.'-wns will be entertained here to inoirow evening, the banquet being fcivtn at the Quelle commencing at 7.45. The can for the meeting of the press men was sent out several weehsi ago and following several requests for j ovi-rlaml Travelers Drink of Prison such a meeting from editors in van- j t.(1 Sl,Pill all(l Are stricken. ous parts or tne county, a meeting ui gan Bernardino, Cal the Commercial club representatives most pitiful tragedies of the Majave bad also been slated tor aooui me srne time and as some of the edi- nmthors Mnrry Sisters. County Judge J. W. Maloney this morning said the ceremony which united in marriage two brothers and two sister-. The grooms were Curl and Walter Ingram of Baker, while the names of the Inkles are Jcsie and Lulu Locard, residents of this coun ty, according to the affidavit. TRAGEDY OF DESERT OV7KTAKES FAMILY East End Prirty Sells. By deeds filed today with the re corder, Clan nee Mason has sold to G. V. napp five acres in the Milton Freewater country for $1500 and has purchased from Lois E. Bixby seven and one quarter acres in the same district. tors were to attend the development league meeting also it was decided to h-ld both meetings on the same date. Foiiowing-their arrival here tomor row evening the journalists will meet in the rooms of the Commercial club for the purpose of holding a business meeting. At that time or later in the evening an organization will be per fected and arrangements made for fu ture meetings. A meeting of the de- desert in recent years was discovered in Inyo county when a rarty of team sters on their way across the hot, san dy wa'e came upon the family of George McDernrott. McDermott and his family, con s sting of his wife and five children, :tai e l overland several weeks ago for Mill Valley, I'tnh Becoming , short of water it is thoug.lt they drank I from one of the numerous poison j springs on the desert. Their horses i and cow first became sick and the Buffalo Vernon in City. Buffalo Vernon, champion bull- One of .the ' dogger of the world and noted Round- L'p performer, arrived in Pendleton yesterday enroute from Spokane east. He will go into vaudeville during the winter but declares he will be back for the next Round-l'p. (Special Correspondence.) Kobe, Ore., Oct. 23 Mrs. Alex .Malcolm gave n very pleasant party at her home on Dupont street Satur day night In honor of her daughter. The! ma, who celebrated her sixteenth birthday. A large number of young folks were invited and the evening pleasantly passed with games, etc. MrV. Guy Jonas of Athena, return ed home last evening after spending the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Francis Scrivener. F. W. Hendley was up from Iler mision Sunday to spend the day with his family. Mr. Numa Lee, who conducted a general grocery store in Stanfield the past two years, has disposed of his interests there and returned to Echo w'th his family. Mrs. John Bryant returned Satur day evening to her home in Pendle ton after several days spent here with her daughter, Mrs. Kd Horscho. Mis Bertie Baker of Pendleton spent yesterday with hor sisters, Mrs. J. T. Hoskins of this place, returning home in the evening. Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Lewis have sold their Hermi ton farm and last week moved to this place, where they will make their home. Mrs. Kd Horsch "ent to Pendleton this morning to spend the day. Mrs. Rose Copplnger is a business, visitor in Pendleton this week. She i- accompanied by her daughter, Miss Bene Webb. Mrs. Anna Young went to Stanfield this morn!ng to spend the day with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Sloan. Mrs. M. K. Baker of Pendleton, is visiting here this week with Mrs. J. T. Hoskins Mrs. Jos. Haaga and Mrs. Voss Tul- f i )!!. were passengers on the motor i Pendleton this morning velepmtnt league will also be held at cow died. Then McDermott fell ill the association rooms during the early evenir.?. At 7:4.") the gathering will adj 'tirn to the gut lie wh-re a han :Uet will be served with members of the Commercial club managing board as the hosts. Dan P. Smythe. presi dent r.f the Commercial club will serve .-.- : ..i-tmaster and a toa.n program t:.K-;U up at tne ( 'on elusion ot !.';;i"t. Various subjects relat the v. elf;, re of th : county will ii-e.3. ... from the sjeakir.g program "side" events will be ir.tr duee l e purpe.se of enlivening the oc- A' to the csr.ct nat :t - f the program d.-ep intoned. V i. the (rile for t: Ivi'i of this recy is ami iied six days later. The distracted widow an mother then took up the reins and drove the nearly dead horses for miles over the desert in search of water until the, too, was stricken and fed by the side of her husband. It was a: this moment that the par-j v ty of teamsters came upon the fam ily. Mrs. McDermott and the chil dren were piaccd in the wagon of Peter Blackburn pnd rushed to Mill valley. Blackburn who returned to Sun Bernard no. i sports that Mr-. McDermott could sc-irci-ly live until i". ac hed Utah. T"te ehibiri n. it was thought, would :v-co V'T. Baldwin Itotiniios Lawyer. Edward D. Baldwin, well known here through his former service as private secretary to exCongressman Fills, has been given a degree of bachellor of laws by the Law School of George Washington University of Washington, D. C Baldwin receive J the degree of master of arts at th- university on February 1, 1009. He is also a graduate of Whitman College Walla Walla. I Dances at Echo. : Arrangements have been made for :. i.f dance.? at Echo this fall nn 1 winter to be given under the iui-pii es of the Echo fire department, th.e first of which will be given Oc tober jtjth. The Kr ho fire laddies are ro' 1 f ,r tbe'r successful dances a -.. 1 as for the'r ahili y as fire fight r and the p irt'e.s will bo attended 1-y many y:;u:i,' people from this tit i 1'e'i :. -a i'nit' d Orche-tra w furnish th.i. mu.sic. that the big Closing-Out-Sale of the Bo t 31 Store is a genuine effort to go out of business. Being overloaded in Men's Union Suits we purpose changing them into money at a great sacrifice. We have specified them in lots to make easy -selling and your convenience in buying. Lot numbers and sizes are marked plainly. I ft I Genuine Cotton I 1 PC EuUI I in two colors nat- I Hv I Worth $2.00 r uI and Gray 1? I U U I n 0 DarkGr&yWor8ti Al 0 r LU I ed and Cotton I N 8 K Worth $2.50 Mixture VJ B U U I Okli O Blue tint and nat- Of LOT O ural light weight TV A Worth $3.00 Worsted V L U U I n A Heavy GrayCilO PC LIS I T Worsted Lightly TV f W0rlh$3.50 Fleeced Hjl L m U iJ OTHER H. R. 11ROTIIER1IOODS TO STRIKE X EXT MONTH Los Angeles, Oct. 23. One thou sand members of the Los Angeles lo ll of Brotherhood of Locomotive En- gitieers anj F retnen. Order of Rail way Conductors and Enginemen and the Order of Railway Telegraphers, will strike November 2nd, according to II. 1). Vancy chairman of the Los Angeles advisory board of the Sys tem of Federation. "They are striking out of sympathy for us,' Yancy. not said AMERICAN- PRINCESS SEES FOR DIVORCE IX LONDON' London, Oct. 23. Princess Hassan bet', r known as k.U Humphpy, a California sir', is h're seeking a di vir, e from her prince who is a firs cousin to th" -live of K'-typt. She said ;-he marr ed him for love and got t'red because he guarded her too and ordered her about. Lot 5 Worth $5.00 Assorted Pink Splashed Cream Heavy Worsted S3.45 An opportunity of rare oo curance. Get your entire win ter supply new. Did you ever wear elosrlv .TliOrSAXDS MAY IiE ILLEGALLY" WED GOING INTO JAIL 1 1 E Rl NS. Probate Judges Question Ceremonies I'erf irini-tl by Them in Kansas. T - ' K-? S'vta! thousand n.-r-ricd t e'.p'e in Kansas may wake up ' so;.;.- bright sunny :ti -rr, ing ;in i i'n 1 out thf-v "'ire never U-si.'-i'y v.-And1 i"s .- 1 'fiUF,- the proba-e juices of Kana have taken a n t'en to cr'"!" a re. ; t in law. ' J s W. W. r?rkr. probat" judge of Lyon county, started out from his , v:n of Emporia the oth'T day iPT ohr pridiate jndges in . Ccart Dedan s That's hrc Coiniit td sl.ciiff Will Lrins l'i. H".rris. sbrriff of v es fo'jn .1 guilty in p t'Tiitting It'i -.' indicted f T . r.nel'.sburg, i'.i. i'llll'-ll enurity, who '!' cross negligence Sip-y, a prison- s-.n, to escape, Celebrate- Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. l)o:i aid Mc-Donnld. pio !!. rs of tiiis county now living in Wal la We'.ia, .-tunl:'V ceb bratc-d their Jefferson i ...ith v.etltiitg a nr. ' l .-ary anil a:I of I a): Kills Wi: , 'let. iod iv .- ho' deiilde and Self. C'ommoiloi'e" Gary a a 1 kil ed his wife barreb-d shotgun. He has tnoir children were present for t!;e tendon. Tie s- Inelud-d Mrs. Capt. Sccl.-y, Mrs. K. A. Dudley, Mri. An M.n Woods, Victor McDonald, Mrs. ci.tirct! bail fT his appearance at the will M. Peterson and .Mabel McUon January court for sentence. The aid. Mr. Woods. Mr. Dudley, Mr. court said that part of the sentence ; i t- i son and Mrs. Vic tor McDonald would be imprisonment in the county f ere also present to c dc brute with the jail. ' r'l'l couple. native Read the want ads. ti I ThjE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER, Prop. PENDLETON, ORE parpily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 711 Main Street. T.cyal Boys in Class Contest. Former Pendleton high school stu dents played a very prominent part in the first annual Fre-hinan-Sopho- more contests at the University of Oregon last Saturday. In the 1 nf) yard dash, Tom Boyl'n. Nat Kimball and Donald Racier captured the three places, Boylen and Rader were mem bers of the winning relay team, and Fne'k Dickson f'ni-hed first in the sack race. l he sophomores won an overwhelming victory, the score being 113 to 48. atfe tin. t i a then went into the yard and told the neighbors t all the officers. lie lioni jut th,.. sun butt against a wail ill" barrel .mi.. i. si h s clic-st and fired. . died instant'y No cause is io , n for his at"s. ill i 1BDBB Siifs? of dcKtr bis.- PovttT Plant Destrojfl. cattle, Oct. 23 The power plant the Sell wager and Xettleton lum eiiil on til,, west waterway was 'ed by fire vj. terday with a f $2.'i,0()0. Itivigiiiiiion Received. Washington. Oct. 23. -The resia tion of Federal Jiult" Grose upp Chicago, wa.- rweive 1 at the nil t nouse today It was forwarded io President Taft. MOhliL .MAX" ELOPES Willi MARRIED WOMAN" Banks Pay You Interest on What I You Save. I I We Pay You Interest on I What You Spend With Us j $ . $ When trading at this store always ask for cash register receipts j W and save them. They represent a saving of 2 1-2 per cent on each and every purchase. They are as good as cash in exchange for gro- g if cries. Call and learn how. j:-i'". I'ilVJ -.'J. ii Hi S1 g I A fine line of Nutmeg Musk Melons I lust Received. Phone Your Order J ,i I CLARK'S GROCERY 612 Main Street I iJ Denies I'ire Was Ineeiullnry: C. P. Barnett. owner of the Oregon Feed yard, which was recently burned to the ground, denies emphatically that the fire was started by someone having a grievance against hlrn as certain reports would lead the public to believe. lie a.-se-ts that the origin of the fire was in the skating rink and declares the O.-W. R. & N. engi neer who sounded the alarm will take oath that here was no fire at any place but in the rink when he blew his whistle. Mr. Bennett declares he has no enemies and scoffs at the theory of a fireburg. j RoiiikI-I'p Ilfliiri to Walla "Walla. j Manager R. W. Fletcher of the Round-L'p Cowboy Band this morning received a telephone communication from Walla Walla asking that Pendle ton's noted musical organization be In the Garden City to furnish melody for a great Hallowe'en Mardl Gras which Is being planned In that city. The Round-Up Band played in Walla Walla during the Fourth of July cele bration and this new engagement Is evidence that Its music was appre-clted. I'.clalhos of William ltouker and Mrs, Fanny Smith Admit They Left Together. New York. Mrs. Fanny Smith and William irowker, 3d, of Bloomfleld, X. J have not been heard from by their relatives and it is admitted by the father 'if liowker and the husban of Mrs. Smith that the couple went av ay together. Mrs. Smith, before leaving home, told her husband, Norman, that he need not look for her, as she woulc never come back. Smith would not allow his wife to read a newspaper unlets it was a religious periodical. This caused her to visit the W'ntsesslng Library, where she and Bowker met. Bowker was considered ono of the best religious talkers in the state, and was held up by mothers ns a model for their sons. He was a member of the official board of the Methodist church. Smith is prostrated and refuses to let his daughter out of his sight, fearing his wife may come and kid nap her. once tried always worn by 95 out of a hundred, ask a Union Suit Wearer. BOSTON Phone Main 174 From La Grando to Lehman. Frank L. McNeil, proprietor of Lehman springs, who is in the city today enroute to Spokane, is endeav oring to have a road constructed from the springs to the edge of Starkey prairie bo as to connect with th Star- and killed it IJLACK SXAKE CHOKES CIIILT. It IIUIh on Her front School Rafters and Almost Kills Her. Now Philadelphia, Ohio. Choked Into Insensibility by a five-foot black snake, Lillian Porcher, 8 years old is in a serious condition at her homo at Port Washington. With a com panlon she was playing in a building In the Port Washington scTiool yard when the snake dropped from the rafters on her head and quickly coll ed Itself six times "round her neck The other girl's scrams attracted the attention of the teacher, who after much difficulty, pulled off The. reptile The Cash Market Handles the Cel ebrated Seal Shipt Oysters, also Clams, Crabs, Schrimps land Fish as well as Groceries and Meats. Pendleton CashjMarket j Cor E. Court and Johnson Sta. Phone Main 101 American Beauty Embroidery Outfit Complete outfit with American Beauty Embroidery Floss to complete the desifrn. Pillow Tops 25 nnd 50 22 inch Center Pieco 25 Library Oval ' sv Librriry Cover 81.00 Complete lino of American Beauty Embroidery Floss and 1). M. C. in white and colors, 2 skeins for 5. THE WONDER The Store for Thrifty People,