(II MIMMII1WH HM IMIIIH1 PAGE FOm. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, Ot'TOHKIl 2:1, 11M1. EIGHT PAGES. A.N lXDUl'KXDUXT NKWSrAl'KIl. Publlstird l'nlly anil Semi Weekly at l'eu tllrtou, UreKuu. by the EAST OKKliOXlAN 1'1'HLISHIXU TO si tsch.ivtion uatks. Dally, one Jear, liy mail v.. iMIly, six tin. mils, by mail ltoll-r, three months, by mail Dally, one nii'inli. by mail lally, oue year, by carrier Dally, nix -Eoliths, by carrier lally, three months, by farrier ... Daily, one aiouth, by carrier Brail-Weekly, oue year, by mall.... Peml eeUiy, six mom In, by mall .. fceml Weekly, tour mouths, by mall. . S.YrtO . 195' . "! . .51) , Meaiber l altnl Press Association. The Daily Kast Orefonlan l kept on sale' at the Oregon Ncwa Co., 32U Morrison! , , . ., treet. Portland. Oregon. I -a" Diego, in the extreme Mii-th- SSS MnH' r "f l''10U Sa:"'" ll,,!nil, Wasliiugtoa. L. C, Bureau, 001 Four-! ions is the fivt-t of American cities to teenth street, X. W. . ! inaugurate a great forestry enterprise "Entered at the postofflee at Pendleton,!. . . .., i , ,, in,, i.wn Oregon, as seeond-fllass mall matter. : the expectation ot .speedily levell Telephone Main 1 Official City and County raper. NLYl.K CAN TELL." Never can tell what's a-comin' along; One day a sigh, and the next day a song. But the storm's passing by, And there's light in the sky, And the roses still bloom o'er the red thorns of wrong. Never can tell what the Future is keepln'; Gardens of Beauty where Love will go reapin'. Love leadin' us on Till the shadows are gone; And after the shadows the splendor of Pawn! Frank L. Stanton. 4 4k ' :i IKLM A SQUARE PEAL. Local people who wish to see a!tur who have been growing timber "square deal" given the Umatilla In- d'ans may work to such an end by urging that the government through the United States district attorney or a special attorney take proper steps towards estab'.lshing the right of the Indians to the use of the water of the Umatilla river for irrigating their al lotments. The question of reservation water rights Ts now before the federal courts end the fight for water is being waged single handed by one individual, Wil liam Caldwell This is not right. Mr. Caldwell should not have to make this fight alone. His personal inter est is as nothing compared with the interest of the 1000 or more Indians living upon the reservation. His in terest is small compared with the in terest of the white people of this county who wiil have to support the Indians if they become pauperized. From an ethical standpoint the In dians are plainly entitled to water for the irrigation of their lands. Their allotments are small and of little val- ue unless Irrigated. As dry land farms they produce but little and the In dians will be unable to sell the allot ments for much when they mature. Unless something is done it is inevit- ,ho w hfnro r, VMr, Scnre of i inAiur.. -m .m , o , i .1 a t. f.-,r our roor farm. The Indians have a just right to use of the stream that flows pat their homes. I It also seems clear that the Indian-- are legally entitled to wau-r under the terms of the treaty which pro vided for the establishment of the reservation. It is declared that the milling company which has long been using ail the water of the river and "bluffing out" those who have sought to take water from the stream is merely operating under a permit to use the water when it 13 not otherwise utilized by the Indians. Whether or not this contention Is correct is of course a matter for the courts to determine. But there can be no dispute as to the right of the Indians to have their case properly presented. It is clear that the govern ment through the United States dist rict attorney or a special attorney should make a vigorous effort to es tablish the rights of the Indians. The Indians are wards of the government and the government will prove itself an unworthy guardian if it doe3 not do its utmost to protect the redmen Jr. this matter. Nor will it suffice to pay that to establish the right of the Indians to water would Jeopardize the water supply for the Umatilla project or for any other irrigation project in BEST CELEBRATED Vft FAR STOMACH IP rUH BITTERS YOU In case of -C -i . .... ,,?fiV Miaiilency, t'W'Wiigk In.llRWlon. A Sour Stomach, Miliaria take I lie lilt tm prompt ly. It always does the work. the west end of this county. There Is nmile water for the reservation and for the west end projects also. Every body knows this. lVndletonians should demand that the government require its attorney of attorneys to take part in the ad judication of the ' reservation water Tishts so as to insure justice to the Iiidians. The welfare of Pendleton Is also involved. It "ill mean much to . -" this city to have the reservation irri ! l.M ' sated. It will mean close settlement I'D and development. See that the case for the Indians Is , " h rOKEST TO PAY CITY'S T.Wl-X ing the burden of taxation borne by its citizens, and, possibly, of ultimately relieving them of nil t lx levies for the jsuppwrt of the city government, say. a story in The Technical World Maga. j zine. As a heritage front the days when 1 San Diego was a Mexican pueblo, the i citv owns 7000 acres of land, which, up to the present time, has been un productive. On account of the rapid growth for which the various species ot eucalypti 'are remarkable, and the great value of !the timber as a substitute for oak. I hickory, and the other common hard- ! woods, these are the trees that are , being most largely planted. Forty ! thousand seedllnes of the "sugar gum" Eucalyptus corynocalyx were pur chased from nurserymen and set out i-i the spring of the present year. Tlv j Federal Bureau of Forestry, in official tion of extraordinary proms irom .u- calyptus culture; but, on the other hand, the pioneers in Eucalyptus cul- j fur profit for a quarter of a century ! or longer, exhibit statements of their j business that seem of more practical 'value than any amount of theorizing, One conservative statement is given by the owner of a large Eucalyptus J grove planted more than twenty-five years ago. He pays that he harvest? annually timber to the value of $350 fiom each acre, and that the timber remaining becomes of greater value each year, the natural growth of what i-i left more than compensating for what Is cut. Groves of this kind will contlnua productive forever, with no diminution of the annual harvest, young trees spring up from the old stumps, or being replanted, so that the stand of timber is kept as heavy as the land Is capable of supporting to the bwt advantage. Let us grant the contention al though advocates of Eucalyptus cul ture will never do so that San Diego can never approach the record re- f rred to. Suppose that the city for- wn-' " ta,!- "" -" u" v"" l..if 11 .1 r. .nl,. TlnM 117 . ., n- , J 1 lidll US t it, awu luii uiiij j v ' " worth of timber to the acre. That means that the annual harvest from its 7,000 acres of pueblo land If all is devoted to forestry will be $1,- 225.000. Allowing for all expenses, there will be left a profit that should go far towards reducing the burden of taxation now omposed upon tht people of San "Diego, J.-ff Davis, senator from Arkansa. a:id who has just b-tn married says: he considers woman's suffrage r.s nonsense with tin adjective. Prett;. strong talk for Jeff to make under the circumstances. Why not call off the world's series ir,d s'.-hedule a football game. Rev! Rch"son seems to be a wolf in sheeps clothing. All Oregon republicans do not en dorse Taft. ocToinit 2:5 iv nisTouv. 1541 Rising of th- Catholics ill Ireland und-r I'h' Iim O'Xeil. 1C79 The Xeal Tub plot discover ed in England. 1S04 The French general at Xap leu -ordered the seizure of all vessels suspeetiil of carrying provisions to Malta or the English squadron. 1814 Ilritish ship Eulwark captur ed Am-rien privateer Harlequin, ten gunc, 115 men. 1821 iJ.-ite of .Smithson's will, which ultimately placed in the hands of the United States of America a large sum for the diffusion of knowledge. 1823 Angola, a Portuguese settle mint in Africa, revolted against Don Miguel. 1844 .Steamboat Lu'-y Walker, en route to New Orleans, exploded her three boilers at once at New Albany and killed between fifty and slxy per sons. 1854 The Royal Danish Railroad opened by the king. 1? 6 4 Confederate forces under Price, were routed in all day battle near Kansas City, Mo., and driven southward. lSSS Dedication of the Stonewall Jackson cemetery at Winchester, Va 1S68 James Hind, member of con gress of Arkansas, assassinated In Monroe county. Great political riot at Carrollton, La. 1894 Reports of a Chinese victory over the Japanese were sent out by the Chinese from Tientsin. 1901 President Itoosevelt received the honorary degreo of LL. 1). from Yale University. 1901 Announced from the British War Office that "in consequenco of the speech delivered ly Gen. Sir Red vers lluller, on October 10th, the commander-in-chief, after full consid eration of ail the circumstances and explanations, has recommended that ho be relieved of his command. Action has been taken and Sir Uedvers "Iul ler has been placed on half pay." 1904 -Russian Baltic fleet, for im eplalned reason, attacks English fish- Ins fleet of forty vessels In Xortii IPea. Two men were killed. Croat excitement in England. 1909 Fierce fighting In Nicaragua between Insurgents nnd Zelaya's for- ices. 1910 King of Slam died. A II USB AX OS I.OYE. Somebody has been interviewing Mine. Maotcrlinc on the subject of wifely duly, and the wife of the Bel gian poet and dramatist gives these directions for the use of women who desire to retain the love of their hus bands: Never allow hirelings to tend your husband In what concerns his bodily welfare. See that his clothes are ready each day and befitting the season of the year. When your husband is in a bad temper don't develop similar symp toms, but when he i; merry initiate him plentifully. Don't fondle him before meal time kisses to a hungry man are as soap bubbles to a parched throat. These ins! rue. ions will do very well as far as they go but there are sev eral point that Mine Maelerinck has failed to cover. Every wife should be an expert manuur.-t so that she may keep her husband's nails in good condition. She shou'd change ihe strings in his shoes when they need changing. She should always remember, if his love seems to he growing cold, that she cannot scold it into a flame. When he is not inclined to talk she sh -uld refrain from asking questions She should always know where his collar button- ;ire. And. above all. she shou'd cease to remind him in the presence of com pany tha'. he was crazy to get her. NEW THIUI.I.r.K I KOM PAKIS. Ihiui'c of "Tin Wonuwt mid the Sml 110" to IU (.ion llcrc . Paris. A unique, eeeentr'c panto mime dance called "La Femme et la Statue" will le tak-n to New York soon by Ri-ggie De Vuelle and Mile. Denee Muller of Faris are practicing the dance here. The scene of the lance Is laid at the Fre Catalan. Do. Vuelle poses as a statue of Apollo on a pe i stal Mile Muller enters, danc- es about It. makes love to it and tries to bring the statue to life, but to no avail. The impassiveness of the statue sets the girl wild with excitement. She tears off her clothes In a frenzy. At this point the statue begins to take notice. Finally it awakens, comes off '.he pedestal and begins a wild dance, when the curtain falls. SI'EED VERSUS COURTESY. "While we had nothing happen on :h trip, and at no time were in need f help," says Helen Lukens Gaut de ciibiiig in Sunset Magazine for No- veoiber, a motor run from Los An geles to San Francisco, "we often stopped to water and oil the Meadow Lark and adjust the machinery, Just as a wife precaution. Usually, dur ing our stops, from one to six autos would hurry past, covering us with dust and dirt, never so much as slow ing up atrifle to inqnire if we were In trouble. In fact, during the entire trip of approximately one thousand mile., only two auto parties stonned ind offered us assistance. In our Before taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Xatick. Mass. "I cannot express what I went through (limn- the chanfro of lite before 1 tnea Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com pound. I was in such a nervous condition L could not keep still. My limbs were cold, I had creepy sensations, and I could not sleep finally nys also read one day of the wonderful cures made by Jydia . i-inmiams vegetable Compound and decided to try it, and it has made me a well woman. My neighbors nnd friends deciare it had worked a miracle for me. Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound is worth its weight in pold for women during this period of life. If it will help others yon may publish my letter." Mrs. Nathan 15. (I keaton, 51 X. Main Street, Natick, Mass. The Change of Life is the most criti cal period of a woman's existence. Women everywhere should remenilier that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. l'inkham's Vege table Compound. If you would like special advice about jvmix case write a eonfiden tlal letter to Mrs. IMiikliani, at Lynn, MaNK. Her advice id free, and alwuj'8 helpf uL WHAT I WENT THROUGH headaches, backaches, lassitude, a feeling of misery at times. That's no reason to give up. Other women have suffered in the same way; but have found relief. So can you find relief and easily, quickly, safely. Beecham's Pills are particularly adapted to the needs of women and they will help you. If you are weak, if your nerves are on edge, if you are blue and worried, if you suffer unduly at times, don't Try your digestive organs will be toned, your liver helped, your bowels regulated. With these important organs in good condition all your bodily functions will be performed as Nature intended they should be. Besides you will be far more attractive when your blood is made richer and has v 1 Bil AH druggists tall Beecluun't Pill, 10c, 25c . The directions with ettry box ar ofipecial alu to women. hearts we blessed them for their cour - -nifVifM- thnen a n n finch twin,? as road "etiquette" or tlte party in trouble is exiiectod to "holler" f ir help if he needs It "Sometimes a patch, a little oil, gasoline, cement or per haps an experienced suggestion as to what the "matter" Is, will save the day for Koine puzzled autoist and tart h m on his way rejoicing Autonio- WHERE TO ? Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland (Arrive Seattle -....8:15 A. M. Arrive Spokane 0:55 F. it. Arrive Portland 8:10 A. JI. Northern Pacific Railway The Pioneer Line. First class trains. Good arriving time. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Ask aliout EXCURSION FARES for these events: Xation Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30. Orpheum J. P. 5IEDERNAC1I, Proprietor. HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION .PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PIIOGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Proirram Change on Sunday's, Tueada-rs and Friday's. PENDLETON'S POPULAR PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a hirh-claag motion pic ture show with comfort. ' FUN, PATIIOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Sun., Mob., Wed., Frt Next Door to St. Oeorge Tlotel. Admission 5 and 10f Every woman ought to learn for her own sake for the sake of those about her the secret of cheerfulness, of better feelings, of greater strength. Suppose you do have believe there's no help for you. Beecham's Pills and see how purer when your eyes are brighter when your complexion is clearer; when your skin, instead of being 'sallow, the charming hue of health. ! biles are creatures of temperament, tf rtmitionu nnd oecnllarlt es and it ) requires tact and understanding to 1 keep them in a good humon " Dr Kern to Hexunio l'rnotico. I' Dr. Kern, Is remodeling his former . dental office, room 15. Judd building,! in which he will resume prnctice' of , dentistry on Tuesday, October 24 ', ' Close connections. Good leavinz time. Through Tickets to all Points East or West Secure tickets nnd full information from W. ADAMS, AG EXT X. P. IiY., PENDLETON". Theatre j Hotel St. George ijar-r- GEO. DARVEAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mer.a Resort Anheuscr-Busch's famous BUDVEISER on draught, 5c glass I Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bur. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whlakey. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FIRST-CLASS SERVICE IFe Quelle Cafe and .Oyster House Meals 25c aid up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest.. LA FONTAINE BLK., 826 MAIN STIIEET jX ST. PAUUS I SCHOOL ! Opens . Sept. 1 4 Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ac J ndemic Special and Post- It. Graduate Courses. Depart- I 4. nients of Music, Expression it and Art. f PKKSOXAL ATTENTION' 1 1 K ! 1 . I .M i 1 H.IKM KS THOROUGH WORK Nettie M. Galbraith t Principal WAMiA WALLA. WASH. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods Wc are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tailmaiv & Co. Leading Dmppista of East ern Oregon. Ihe Pendleton Drug Co. I In bualneas for "Your Good Health" REMEMI1EH THIS WHEN TOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES