East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 23, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Exclusive Agents for Royal Worcester, Bon Ton and Adjusto Corsets-Costard
Front Lacing Corsets.
AT 3 A. fil.
What Our
Mean to You
Thov mean an actual saving to yon of ex
actly 5 per cent of your purchase. Tlupy af
ford you the surest and easiest plan of sav
ing you can find. Our premium department
is brim full of the finest of premiums such
as cut glass, brassware, silverware, rugs,
Chinaware of all kinds, writing desks and
many other leautiful and useful articles.
Don't throw your money away. Be wise and
save, your coupons and they'll save for you one
dollar oift of every twenty dollars you spend.
All have the materials of Messalinc, Chiffons
Beaded Chiffon, Cree-l)c-Chine, Marque
sette, Fuji Silk, eie.
In a beautiful array of colors for evening
wear in shell pink, "baby blue, nile green, re
desda, white, Ivory, t'tc. 27 inches wide. The
price the yard .'. 9S
In all the wanted shades; a nice soft dress
material which makes up very effectively;
42 inches wide, yard 1.00
In white only, with a beautiful design of
gold beads that won't come off; 45 inches
wide, the yard $2.50
Is one cloth that contains beauty of shades
and erace in its draping. Makes up lcan
tifully. The yard S1.25
The popular cloth of the season for party
and evening dresses; to like it is to see it.
Comes in licrht blue, pink, white and black;
44 inches wide, vtird $1.75
A nice soft silk for an inexpensive party
dress, good quality, 27 inches wide; comes
in pink, blue and white. Price yard 23
E M 15 V, 0 1 1 ) K R V F L A N N E LS
For baby's petticoats in a dozen different
patterns, the risrht width, pretty embroider
ed designs. Prices the yard 65, 85,
$1.00' to $1.50 yard.
For suits or long coats in browns and navy
blue, 50 inches wide; nu trouble to show;
yard $2.00
Our fancy goods department is ''beautiful'
of new novelties, including ribbons and rib
bon novelties, automobile veils, collar pins,
hand bags and neckwear.
Hand bags of every conceivable material,
including leather, --satin moire, corduroy, tap
estry, beads, large and small, long and short
handles: we can not fail to please; price
75 ami up.
Marquesette automobile veils, full two and
one-half yards long, wide satin border ; comes
in light blue, pink, champagne, gray and
combinations of green and navy, brown and
champagne. Price $2.50
NEW BEADS, in gold, pearl, jet, ori
ental colors, in both long and short styles.
Prices 33C to $1 .00
Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery In Our
Model Sanitary Basement
Grocery Phone Main 17.
Candies We have secured the agency for
Johnston's chocolates and package candies.
They are delicious : packages 5 and up
Fancy Red Salmon Bellies, pound 20
Kippered SaliiNai, pound 25
Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple special ti
cans - $1-00
Another fresh shipment of that good old
fashioned mince meat, iounds 50
All other Dept's Phone Main 22.
Fresh Eastern Oysters, pint 50
New Codfish Bricks, each 25
Fancy, 3 pounds 50
Pure Maple Svrup, quts, 60 ; 1-2 gal $1:
1 gal. $1.90.
Crockery Department in connection with our
Model Grocery. No trouble to show
The Peoples Warehouse
Save Your Coupons
Where it Pays to Trade
EVtirly Morning Prowl of Purlwlioiior
IxnkIs to Discovery of Idiily mul licr
Counselor and Itodsiuitlon Prom
Pastorate Soon Follows,
New Tork, Oct. 24. If you wish
to give counsel and advice to a young
woman, don't lead her Into the park
at 3 o'clock in the morning to do so.
If you do lead a young woman in
to the park at 3 a. m. to give her
helpful counsel and advice, be sure
that no prying member of your con
gregation is following you.
If you arc discovered by a mem
ber of your congregation giving ad
vice and counsel to a young woman
in me park at 3 a. m., don't tell the
rest of the flock that it was because
your wife was away from home and
you were afraid to take her to your
own abode because of fear of scandal.
All of this extraneous counsel and
advice was brought forth as a result
of the resignation of the Rev. E. B.
Shaw as pastor of the Memoral Bap
tist church. Sixth Btreet and Eighth
avenue. Hrooklyn. The resignation
was accepted a week ago, only he
cause the pastor insisted on resign
ing. The cause of the resignation
leaked1 out.
It appears that some member of
Pastor Shaw's flock happened to be
lr Prospect park. Brooklyn, very
late at night a few weeks ago and
came suddenly upon Dr. Shaw and a
young woman of his flock. The pas
tor evidently did not see his parish
loner, who proceeded to diffuse the
news of his adventure all through the
Male members or tne cnurch volun
tered to act as detectives and they
say thev trailed their pastor to Pros
rect paiX. The pastor was summon
ed to a meeting of the church offi
cers and confronted with charges.
He is said to have admitted that he
v.as in Prospect park with the younj?
woman In the case, but insisted that
his sole object was to give her counsel
end advice. He took her to the park,
he said, because his wife was not
home, and he could not take her to
Ills own home because of fear of
Paster Shaw handed in his resignation.
Excellent program for Sunday and
1. "A Friendly Marriage." Vita
graph. A breezy western girl marries
an Eng'ish lord, they deciding upon
"A Friendly Marriage," but soon
fall madly in love with each o'.her,
and "All's Well That Ends Well,"
though there are misunderstandings
that pique the interest before this
happy ending is reached. This mo
tion picture is filled with beautiful
scenes and holds the attention from
start to finish, both by the strong
lwe motive and the charming setting,
staeinc, etc.
2. "The Two Devotions" Essan
ay. This deeply religious film pic
tures the fcatrifice made by two young
people- who dearly love each other, on
account of religion. The acting is
strong and well su.-itainc-d, each of the
principal characterists interpreting
their parts admirably. The film is
certain to make a deep impression
since i's subject is unusual and the ac
ors perform their parts sympathet
ically. 3. "The Hermit." Pathe. A man
who is alone in the world lo-es all
that he holds dear when his son dies.
He leaves civilization and going to
the wilds lives the life of a hermit
Near hirn are a roan and his little
family, who are prospecting for gold
without success. One day the little
daughter of the prospector wanders
away and is found by the hermit, who
takes her to his cave, feeds her and
gives her a nugget from his store, for
he has acqu'red wealth. The little
girl later tells her father where she
eaw the gold and he robs the old man
but is sen and followed. How the
lather is saved from disgrace by hia
little daughter is a most pleasing
4. "That Winsome Winnie Smile."
Edison. The famous Winsome Winnie
Is introduced to the motion picture
public for the first time on the screen
and they will be charmed to make her
ecquaintance. Her smile conquor
every one.
6 "No Cooking Allowed." Edison.
A breezy farce of how two young
girls evaded the rule of a heartless
landlady and Incidentally made a new
and most desirable acquaintance.
Go see this splendid production. It
will do you good and make you feel
better pleased with life and every
thing will look brighter. This whole
picture is finely acted.
"Pathe's Weekly." A picture that
is making the hit of the century all
over the. United States. Every event
of interest is seen tn this film. Am
ong other things, it shows how we
are making progress in getting to the
"Maine," U. S. ship sunk tn Havana:
also a bull fight and a lively one; the
Russian czar reviewing the student
battalion; and in Constantinople the
procession bearing the sultan's gifts
to Mecca. A great oil well on fire
in the Rotrschild concessions at Baku
Russia, threatens the entire plant,
etc. It is a good n"mber.
"Crazy Dope." American comedy.
A certain chemist, with a we'rd look
ing assistant, has discovered a series
of elixirs which have the wonderful
property of increasing a man's effi
ciency in the direction in which his
natural abilities turn. An advertise
ment bring' a number of clients. A
musician, an artist, an actor and, fi
nally a pugilist. This last gent cleans
out the entre shop, all but the assist
ant, who mixes all the elixirs and
drinks thenu the re-ult is funny
enough to make any audience laugh
It created a stir In New York.
"Circus in Australia." A very clev
er film of a mighty good circus.
"Quest of Gold." Vitagraph, 1000
feet. Hazardous and thrilling under
takings at the risk of life by men
who penetrate the wilds of Alaska.
The Patiinc.
Always the best in motion pictures.
For Tuesday's change of program:
"The Missing Will" Vitagraph.
Pictures of this kind please because
they expose wrong and show right
triumphant and love victorious. They
prove that we all have an inherent
sense of right and justice and a pic
ture like this strengthens our appre
ciation of human and divine rights.
The Cosy.
For Monday and Tuesday, two
beautifully told stories of the home,
a fine Indian drama, and two com
edies. Mr E. L. Cooper, manager of the
Co.-y Amusement company, has Just
returned from a trip to Portland,
wh'-re he went to arrange for a
higher grade of moving pictures for.
the Cosy. He was very successful in
his mission, having perfected ar
rangements for all of the feature
films that will be released by the in
drpentent manufacturers. While the
new service cost almost double what
his previous servicedjd, Mr. Cooper
says that the people of Pendleton re
iu re a higher grade and better films
thun any other town In the state, and
In order to give them the very best,
he has disregarded expenses entirely.
Among the feature films that he has
arrang'-d are "The Human Sacrifice,"
comprising two reels, "Romeo and
Juliet" shown in two reels, and "The
Crusaders." a 150,000 production In
four reels.
The many patrons of the Cosy the
ater will be delighted to learn of
Mr. Cooper's success. We have not
a more energetic citizen nor one who
boosts more for Pendleton.
"The City," Reliance. A beautifully
told story of modern city life. George
read in a paper that a big corporation
needed several competent clerks, and
leaving his wife and child till he
should send for them, went to the
city. But the newspaper article was'
a lie, and overcome with worry
George fell sick and lost his memory.
His wife came to the city to find
him, and worked hard to support her
self and child. Ten years later George
now manager of a concern, became
interested in his office boy and one
day accompanied him home. Meeting
his wife restored his memory and
there was a happy reunion.
"Lone Eagle's Trust," Powers. An
Indian story that is "different." Lone
Eagle wounded in battle is cared for
by a rancher and remains on the
ranch as a cowboy. The rancher's
girl fell over a cliff, but caught a
small tree and hung suspended over
n deep canyon. Lone Eagle while
rescuing her is shot by an enemy who
in turn is shot by the rancher. But
Lone Eagle was not badly hurt ami
was the hero of all the ranch coun
try. "The Connecting Link," Eclair. A
pretty child drama of unusual inter
est. The husband forgot his sick wife
being lured away by another girl but
the child's great love, coupled with
wisdom, enables her to unite her par
ents in a novel way.
"A Marriage in the Stars," Eclair.
An amusing farce comedy skilfully
portrayed by some of the leading
Parisian actors, containing Just en
ough comedy in the right place to give
it a pleasant taste. The young folks
had lots of trouble outwitting a
cranky old daddy and their trials are
entertaining and amusing.
"An Obliging Young Man." Eclair.
He was a genius at obliging. What
he couldn't do, all in an instant
wasn't worth speaking about. The
favors performed are astonishing and
lead to many complications.
Marinette, Wis. A Pied Piper of
Hamclln has offered his services to
rid the village of Florence, Wis., of
Its pest of skunks.
Following the publication of a news
Item saying the village was overrun
with the animals, the postmaster at
Florence received the following let
ter: "Dear Sir: I have seen ann artlckle
In the Filwaukee papers tonight that
yous got so many skunks in Florence.
If yous will pay my R. R. Fare I will
(".. me and Clean out the Skunks for
Yous. Robt. Mlttelstcadt, Mlnomlnee
Falls, Wis."
"Dear Sir: We saw In the Paper
about tho Skunks pest in Florence
and as we are in the trapping business;
what what accommodation could you
offer If we come and clean them out.
J. Kerr & Heemlngs, Trappers, Pew
aukee. Wis."
Spokane Chamber of Commerce Of
fers Financial Racking.
Spokane, Wash. Financial sup
port and the fullest cooperation of its
1100 members has been pledged by
the chamber of commerce of Spo-
nane inrougn its industrial commit
tee, headed by Frank R Culbertson,
to the original incorporators of the
Cooperative Central Selling exchange,
to be composed of apple growers In
the northwestern states. L. E.
Meacham of Walla Walla. Wash ,
acting secretary for the temporary or
ganization, has been engaged to car
ry on the work from headquarters in
Spokane along the lines employed by
growers of southern. California in
handling the- orange crop
"The policy of the organization will
be directed by the apple growers
Identified with Its promotion," said
Mr. Culbertson, "and the managing
committee probably will be composed
of the first incorporators. It Is plan
ned to have everything In readiness to
handle the crop of 1912 Officers of
the chamber of commerce and the
National Apple Show will assist In ev
ery way possible. However, the last
named organization can not act of
ficially beyond providing an occasion
for the final conference and the
launching of the exchange, some time
during the week of November 23."
The movement was started at a
meeting of growers of Washington,
Idaho and Oregon, called for that
purpose at Walla Walla last spring,
and afterward was discussed by dele
gates from horticultural asscolations
throughout the state of Washington
at a meeting in North Yakima, when
it was agreed that the essential
points of tho proposed organization
were satisfactory to those Interested.
Tho delegates also recommended to
the growers of the northwest that the
organization be completed at the
earliest possible date.
At the last meeting of the tempo
rary organization It was suggested
that, as Spokane Is the geological,
railroad and Industrial center of the
northwest, It be made headquarters
for the exchange and a resolution
was adopted Inviting Spokane to as
sist In fathering the movement with
the foregoing result.
Good Wool Underwear
Union Suits and Separate
Pendleton's Big Drummer's Sample Store
Pendleton Dye Works
Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date
Phone Main 189.
1 l- E. Alt.
.. ' . 1 M
Attorney Leggltt. Tho jury was out
only thirty-five minutes.
Mrs. Altlioti Rush's Attorneys Refuse
to Arquo at Hampton, Iowa.
Mason city, Iowa. Mts. Althea
Rush, on trial In Hampton for the
murder of her husband, was acquit
ted after a clever legal movement had
been executed by her lawyers. At
torney Clock for the state made an
opening statement, expecting that af
ter the defendant's two attorneys had
spoken Attorney Leggltt would make
the close. The defendant's attorneys
waived their right, thus shutting off
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
tn learn that there li nt least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cars
In all Its stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now
known to the medlral fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional dlacnae, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mncou surface of the ays
tem, thereby destroying the fonndntlon of
the diabase, and giving the patient strength
by building np the constitution and assist
ing nature In doing Its' work. The pro
prietors have ao much faith In Its curative
ftowera that they offer One Hundred Dol
ars for any case that If falls to cure. Bend
for Hat of testimonials.
Addresa :
F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O.
Hold dt uruggista, lot
WIicvIh Rivak His Neck.
Colvllle, Wash. R. R. Buchanan,
a well known local citizen of Colvllle,
was instantly killed at tho city grav
el pit. Ho was mounting his wagon
to rive out w-ith a load of sand when
the horses lunged forward. He lost
his balance, fell In front of the ve
hide and the wheels on one side pa-s
cd over his neck, breaking . It. M
East End Grocery
The most popular trading place in town is now
agent for the
Celebrated Seal Shipt Oysters
J. W. DYER, Prop. Phone M. 536
k SNAP FOR $2500.00
7 room modern house, stone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath,
toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground.
Call at once as bargains of this character can't lnat.v Must see
it to appreciate it. t
Phone Main 83.
117 E. Court Street.
Other Property of Every Description.
Money to Loan on City and County Realty.
Family I'llls for eenstlpa-
' at-
It Your Neighbor Has
Electric Light
and you have not, just step into his house some even
ing after dark and compare its light with your own.
Stud.y each point of convenience, cleanliness, clear- '
ness, beauty carefully, and then figure out for your
self if it would not pay you well to have your houso
wired for electric light at once.
Electric Light Today is Cheaper
and Better Than Ever Before
since tho General Electric Company placed its
MAZDA lamp on tho market. Ve have arranged
to supply our customers with the O. E. MAZDA
lamps on very favorable terms. These lamps give
two to threo times as much light as other lamps us
ing tho same current
If your houso is located on any of our distributing
lines we shall bo glad to advise you about having it
wired and will give you more facts about the efficient
electric lighting of your home.
Pacific Povor & Light Company
"Always at Your Service"
"Born with the Republic"
Oldest distillery in America and the best Whiskey ever
made in Kentucky. Established in 1780.
Columbia Liquor Store
Sole distributors in Pendleton.