.J- fr.' 'imwiw EirjiT PAGES. V DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1911 PAGE SEVEN. I SPORTS PACIFIC COAST' LEAGUE. W. L. Portland 112 76 Vernon 116 87 Oakland 110 97 Hucramento 93 108 Han Francisco 93, 111 Lo8 Angeles 81 125 Priseo 12; Portland 4. Rnn . Francisco, Oct. 21. Having won-the 1911 pennant, Portland evi dently decided to take It easy yes- ret. .695 .571 .531 .462 .453 .393 ALMOST FRANTIC WITH ECZEMA ON HAND S Began with. Itching. Spread Fast. Fingers Fairly Bled. Cried Night and Day. Tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment and Was Entirely Cured. "Elptit ycf M tiro 1 not eczema all ovt tny luuids. My In an rn (airly bled end It Itched mull it aliuoxt diovo mu frantic 'Jlio eruption began wua Itching under the s'.tin. It fpread fast from between the lingers around the nails and all over the whole l.iimh. I got a pair of rubber cloves In order to m.a.Ii fliuli.i Then it . spread all over the left ile of tny client. A line uocloi treated the trouble two weeks, but did me no good. I cried Bit; lit and day. Then I decided to try Cuticura Boap and Oint ment hiil without murh chance, the second day, and so on until I was . . i. MIRU Thn fNilifiir Kian n.VH di.uvij - - " -t terday and Kan Francisco piled up a 12 . to 4 victory. HurknesH wm the victim of several butting rallies of the Reals and while he actually allowed one less hit than did Browning, he tailed to keep the blngles scattered. j McArdles' work at the bat was a , feature of the game. He drew down three hits out of five times at bat and scored two runs. Two of his drives . were two baggers. ' There were nine two-base drives during the game. Score: I R. H E. San Francisco 12 9 1 Portland 9 10 I Browning and Schmidt; Hurkness and LaLonge. Satnt men to 7; diiklnnd 4. Sacramento, Oct. 21. Sacramento came out from behind yesterday In a loosely played game and after Oak land had found Knight and Thompson for four runs In the first three Innings the locals landed on Bohen for en ough hits added to Oakland's errors to win 7 to 4. Tledmann's home run drive over the fence was the only fea ture. Score: II. II. E. Oakland 4 7 2 Sacramento 7 7 6 Bohen and Gleason; Knight, Thomp son and Price. Anc'l 9; Vernon 2. Los Angeles, Cal., Ort. 21. Los & nonliMi acrnln AnfaaioA Vnrnnn wln- " " ,1 ning yesterday's game, the second of the series, 9 to 2. Carson was hit hard throughout. Five hits In the first inning netted four runs and this: was followed by two more hits for one run In the second. Vernon's efforts with the bnt were feeble and Its base running was miserable. Score: H. E. 14 1 8 3 and Aids Nature The great success of Dr. Piercc'a Golden Medical Dis covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-build-iof, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. The. "Discovery" ri-establishes the digestive and nutritive organs in sound l.eclth, purifies mnA ffnripliM im Mnsigi anH tirurif;llB the IICTVCS in hort establishes sound vigorous health. II your dealer otters something "last as flood," It In probrbly better FOR HtMit pays better. But you are thinking of the cure not the profit, bo there' nothing "lust as &ood" tor you. Say so. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med icine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing uly. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Want Ms. j --gJj. WANTED. ' WANTED Continued. R. Los Angeles 9 Vernon 2 Halla and Brooks; Carson Hasty. Jways kept In our Dome, and we derided after that lesson mat ll is a cneap miou m 1 I .1.. V. In nii.lltu lit, Vl 1 1 ... price aim mo m hbh... .j Land will use no other soap in his shavuigroug. NEWS NOTES FROM ADAMS AND VICINITY CATTLE PRICES UP IN THE AIR EAKLY WEEK QUOTATIONS MISLEADING TO SHIPPERS Run nt Portland Four Times As ileavv As l-at Wwk Interior Point h Hold Bettor Price Chica go Wheat Market Advuncew. WANTED SALESMEN for exclusive territory. Big opportunities, -.no experience necessary Complete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash week ly. Outfit free. Toppenish Nurs ery Company, Toppenish, Wash. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2521. it I -1 . ,.anA CSitlfMir Cn.n and 711 1 1VC P ua"l v.umi i'-l' - ether for my baby, and he lias never had a ore ol any kind, lie does not even chae as most babies do. I feel that It Is all owing to futBiira Soap for he Is lino and healthy, and when live months old won a prize In a tiaby content. H makes my heart ache to gn Into so tnanv homes anil bi-c a sweet laced baby with the whole top of its head a solid mans of scurf, caused by the use of poor soap. I alwavs recommend Cuticura, and nma times out of ten the next time I see the mother he savs 'Old I am so glad you told me of Cutlru'ra.'" (Signed) Mrs. O. A. Bclby, Kcduiido Beach, Cal., Jan. IS, 1011. Cuticura Soup and Ointment are for sale throughout the world, but to thoso who bave suffered much, lost hone and are with out faith in any treatment, a liberal sample of each Inert her with H'.'-p. Ixmklet on the care and treatment of the Kkln and scalp will ln mailed free, on application. Address Pot ter Utus it Cucw. Corp., Dept. 21 A, lion ton. CHICHESTER S P'lLS 0 1 II K lt A MONT (IRAK A SL S-.mUr I Asia Jis- i'W A 1'IIUIn Kr4 nl OqI4 nrullicV t- ir, teal, with HIimi Kit-boo. V Tk vtbt-r. Ilufsr v la 1-4 a . i. .aT lI f . Ill a Tm a I rMan liutK.it I'll I at an. aMrtannam ft llt. SiImI. AlwAvt KrlllLitl SOLD BY DRUGGISTS fVERFRF (Ppecial Correspondence.) Adams Ore., Oct. 21. Mr and Mrs. J. K. Adams were among the guests at the wedding of Henry Col lins of the Interior Warehouse com pany at Pendleton Tuesday. Henry Bane of Pendleton, was an A n n m r V Isitor Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Casper Woodward and Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward, were Pendleton visitors Wednesday. Walter King was a Pendleton vis itor Mondav and Thursday. Mrs. W. S. Nelson of Umatilla. Is tv,o cues' nf Mr. and Mrs . G. Mar- mU for a few davs. Mrs. E. G Marquis was a business visitor In Pendleton Tuesday. G M. Lewis was a business visitor In Pendleton Wednesday. Will Hold man was a business vis itor in Pendleton Thursday. i Mr nn.l Mrs. .Tohn Geiss returned 1 to their home In Adams Thursday af- . ter spending the past few days In Walla Walla, i John Haul-tone of Walla Walla, was a business visitor In Adams this week. Soo Spokans Route Special Rates East PATES OP SALE September 25 October 2-5-16-17-18 St. Paul $60 Chicago $72.50 St. Louis $70 Proportionate Rates to Other Destinations. You should take In the route via the Arrow Lakes and the Canndlan Kockles. Write for circulars and de scriptive literature. M. E. MALONE, T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St, Spokane.- lYeewuter I'ts Contract. Freewator, Ore. Concrete side walks will be laid on eight blocks un der the new ordinance recently pass ed bv the council nt a cost of $6000. Siegel Eaton has secured the contract at the rate of 16 cents a square yard Work has already commenced. Beet root sugar was first produced In 1747. Quit Smoking if you can. But if you can't, do be sensible and keep away from those rich, oily, black Havana cigars. Smoke a light, domestic blend that gives you the flavor of the Havana Leaf without its after-effects. We recommend a Gen! Arthur Miid' 10c Cigar M. A. Gunst C& Co., Distnoutors (From Friday's Journal.) With all the talk of a very short supply, the run of cattle to date this week at North Portland has been al most four times a- great as during the same period last week. For the five days of the present week the mar keting of cat.le here totaled 1420 head, compared with 416 head for the same f ve days of last week. This is cr.clu ive of calvts. The run of calves h. hecn increased 'n proportion to the greater offerings of cattle gener ally. This week s movement iu uno ha, annuls pit of 102 head, compared with 28 head for the first live days of a week ago. Cattle prices here are "up In the air" o sneak, ins sale i earl er in the week was misleading to the general shipper and is expect ed to hurt the market. Vvhlie onty ne lot wes taken at this figure, the animals so'd are Bald by all to have been worth the premium. Heal good steers would proDaoiy bring $5.75 on the North Portland market today, although the average run of .-took would probably not find bids above $5.60. Country Short or Cattle. The entli Oregon country is very short of cattle and therefore pricea at interior poin s continue higher .han at Nor'h Portland. This means that values here are out of line with the entire country for prices paid at Miu h O.naha and Chicago are far in excess of tho-e in effect here. Had t not been for the fact that there are practically no cattle to offer at this time, hhlpments would have started ere th s from Oregon for the South Omaha yards. The differential be tween the price Is one of the greatest known. At Chicago there was a weak tone in the cattle trade during the day, but prices were unchanged. North Portland cattle range: Select steers Fancy steers Choice steers Feeders Common steers Fancy heifers .. Fancy cows North 4.25 4.00 3.25 3.75 Best eastern Oregon $7 507.65 Medium eastern Oregon . 7.25 Best Willamette valley ... 7.26 Good and heavy 6.75(9)7.00 Hough and heavy 6.00 06.25 Sheep Market HoliLi Ciood. Market for heep Is holding good at North Portland. There were only two loads !n for the day, 284 head being received. This makes the total for the f irfct five dayo of the week 3183 head, compared wtih 2419 for the same period last week, a very on Hut r 1 1. I innronaa At Chicago sheep were fteady with W a run of 12,000 nead toaay. Nominal sheep values at Portland: Selecti.-d lambs $ Choice lambs Common lambs Yearlings Old wethers 3.25 3.60 Fancy ewes : . . 3.003.25 Fancy ewes 3 00 3. 25 Ordinary ewes 2.25 3.00 Grain ami Hay. Wheat Producers' price: Track delivery, club. 80 81c; bluestem, 83 84c; fprtyfo'ld, 81c: Willamette val ley, S0& 81c; red Russian, 75c; Tur key red, 81c. liarley Producers' prices 1911 t-u r.nfffi .11- rolled. 132: brew ing. $37. t'4lifl Oats Producers' price Track No. 1 white, $29.5030; gray. $29029.60 Millstuffs Selling price Bran, $25; middlings, $3132; shorts, $26; chop, $125. Hay Producers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy, $16; ordi nary. $15; eastern Oregon, $17 17.- 60; mixed, $12; clover, $10; wheat, $12; cheat, $12; alfalfa, $1212.50; oats, $12. Sharp Kiso hi Wheat. Chicago, Oct. 21. There was a fur ther advance of a cent a bushel in the price of December and May op tions of wheat yesterday in this mar- ktt, af .er a weaker to lower opening There was weakness abroad and this kept the trade here at a bearish basis at the start. Argentina wheat shipments are es timated at 624,000 bushels, compared with 840,000 bushels a year ago. Broomhall estimates the world's ship ments on Monday at 5,600,000 bustl e's, exclusive of North America, com pared with 5.049.000 bushels last w eek. He predicts a moderate change on passage. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES. IF you want to subscribe to maganlzes or newspapers In the united states r Europe, remit by postal note. rhk. or send to the EAST ORE- GONIAN the net publisher's price of the Dublicatlon you desire, and we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and rtsK.. ii you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, In remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address, EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton. Oregon. HAIR DRESSING AND SHAMPOO tne switches, topees. wigs and puffs, made to order A nice lln for sale. Madam Kennedy, 07 HI Court street. Phone, Red 3751. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for country court, circuit .eourt, justice court, real estate, etc., for Sale at East Oregonian office. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep ing rooms in East Oregonian build ing. Steam heat, gas range It kitchen, electric lights, hot an cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office- UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING' rooms In East Oregonian building Steam heat, gas range 'In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. En quire at E. O. -0- Classified Director1 INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non rddenta. Write fire, life and accl- ii tnnnrnnre. References, any hank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. PHYSICIAN'S. H. S. GARFIELD, M D.. HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office,, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro--theraputics. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 554.. EENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident juau.- ance agents. New location, 815 aiain street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good lies at all times. Cab line in connec tion. "Phone main 70. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. DR.. Brundage is a graduate of thfc Weltmer Methods of Suggestive Therapeutics. Every known dis ease cured without drugs or sur gery. Examination and first treat ment Free. Temple Bldg, Rooms 8 and 9. Hours. 8 a. m to 9 p. m. DENTISTS. M ISCELLAN EOUS. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY De scription for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc.. for sale at East Oregonian office. market 5.75 5.65 525 4.65 4.25 .5.00 4 65 r 4.75 Feeder cows 3.25 Fancy bulls 3.00400 Good ordinary bulls 2.00 n 2.50 St,igs 4.50 Fancy light calves 2.00 2.25 Medium calves 6. 50 5 60 Ordinary calves 4.005.00 lloj; Market Stationary. Stationary va ues are showing In. the swine trade at North Portland with another big run. There were offerings of 4 24 head from local points during the day. tlvs making a total of 1705 for the five days of the week compared with 901 for the same pe riod last week. The hog that came to North Port land today wore not generally of top quality, that accounting for the lack of sales at extreme quotations. At Chicago there was a run of 23,- 000 hogs during the day, compared with 16,000 a year ago. Prices open ed weak and closed 10c lower than yesterday. North Portland s-ne trade today: Biliousness Is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chamber lain's Tablets are essent.allv a stom ach mediciae, intended especially to act on mat organ; to cieanse u, strengthen it, tone and Invigorate it regulate the liver and to banish bib loudness positively and effectually. For sale by all dealers. Clewr Euaeiio IjnM Mystery. Walla Walla, Wash. As the climax to what was a thrilling mystery, when a bottle containing a note telling of the captivity of Eugene Ladd of Port land in the vicinity of Milton. Ore.. was found flouting in the Walla Walla river, an unknown schoolboy of Mil ton confessed to having written it. The note contained an anneal for helo and stated that the victim was being held for ransom. The police authori ties investigated and discovered a Eu gene Ladd all right, but found he was still safe under the parental roof in the Rose City. SALESMAN . to aid us supply me brisk demand for our goods, some vacant territory yet in every state west of the Mississippi. Cash week ly. Capital City Nursery Co., Sa lem, Ore. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN, DENTIST Office In Judd building. Phone. Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEON'S. I DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 415. I Residence, 915 East Court street. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, emouMtu mivate and business stationery, etc. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see samples. Res. Phone Main 59. C. ".V. LASSEN. M. D V.. GRADU ate of McKJllip Veterinary- Collegw of Chicago. Office phone Main .!. Res. 616 Bush St., phone Main 27. FRATERNAL ORDERS. Drvnr rTnv IODGE No. 52 A. F. and A. M.. meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting Dremic are Invited. 6 ATTORNEYS. R4T.ET & RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American Nations Bank Building. I. jVMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AX I law. Office in Deepain building DAMON LODGE NO. . K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor ,ii...i!v invited to attend. J W. Maloney, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. R. S. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW.. Office In Despain building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT" law. Office over Taylor Hardware -Company. ARCHITECTS. CONTRACTORS, ETC D Concrete Blocks-Concrete Work TKo Mnct Modern and Most Substantial Building ! a awwa Material-More Comfortable, and Cheaper in the end m. r 1 e Save Yourseli Money Concrete Blocks and re-in-forced concrete are cheaper and far more satisfactory. Make prettier work when finished and give the great est comfort in either hot or cold weather. i rl-TT'l'-i-f-i i Qive Yourself Satisfaction See my many beautiful de signs for Basements, House Foundations, Walls, Fences. Curbing, Building Trim mings and Cemetery Fences. They grow stronger with age. 'I PULL OUT THE GRAY HIS A MAY, CONTRACTOR A.u Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, "oraent wains, stone walls, etc. Phone black 3786, or Oregonian office. LOWELL & WINTER. ATTORNEYS- and consullors at law. Office ln Despain building. ROWLAND & REINEMAN, ENGI nerrs Land surveying, water meas urements; reinforced concrete work; Irrigation work a specialty. Freewa ter. Ore. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds... mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. of of Estimates Furnished on Application Phone Black 3786. D.A.MAY Tend leton, Oregon. Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Concrete Work. "Pull out one gray Vu'ir and a dozen will take Us place" i an old saying, which is. to a great extent, true, if no steps are taken to stop the cause. When erav hairs appear it Is a sign that Nature needs assistance It is Nature's call for help. Gray hair, dull, lifeless hair, or hair that is fall ing out, is not necessarily a sign of ad vancing age, fur there are thousands elderly people w'tn perfect neuus hair without a single streuk of gray. When gray hairs come, or when the hair seems to be lifeless or dead, soma good, reliable hair-restoring treatment should be resorted ' to at once. Specialists say that one of tho best preparations to use Is the old fashioned "sage tea" which our grandparents used. The best prepar i,ti,,ii .,f ihis tiinil is Wveth's Sano and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation domestic mjte and sulphur, scion- Ally compounded with later dis covered hair tonics and stimulants, the w hole mixture being carefully bal anced and tested by experts. Wyelh's Sage and Sulphur Is clean and wholesome and perfectly harm less. It refreshes dry. parched hair, removes dandruff and gradually re stores faded or gray hair to its nutur ul 'color. Don't delay another minute. Start using Wyelh's Sage and Sulphur at once and see what a difference a few days' treatment will make In your hair. This preparation Is offered to the public at fifty cent-" a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by special agent, Pendleton Drug Co. ITXF.RAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed emhalmer. nntioitf nostoffico. Funeral rarlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to dav or night. 'Phone main 75. of tifii AUCTIONEER. COL F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer. Athena. Oregon. Iter- erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. PETERSON & WILSON. ATTCR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. FHEOKRICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office in Smith-CrawfortJ ! building. i DOUGLAS W. BAILEY VTTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1. 2. 3, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRABLE, ATTOR neys at law. Office in P spaln building. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his prices. 210 E. Court street. Fhone Black 3171. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms' In East Oregonian building Steair heat, tras ranee In kitchen, electrle ; lights, hot and cold water nnd bathv I Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. imrnrantB RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT, XOOl)W. nn.l ehon sucv. Ung D. Gocy. prop. At the old stand. Alta street In rear of Tallman Drug Co. East Oregonian by carrier. 6ac per month. CHOP St'EY HOUSE, SUNG HOEY iciv. Prop. Phone Main tti, o-- Cottonwood street. Our specialties: Noodles nnd Chop Sucy. Tray or ders promptly delivered. Reception for Milton Pastor. Milton, Ore. Tlio Row Samuel Rogers, from Missouri, was accorded a warm reception by the members of his church. Ho has been appointed pastor of the Fair Street Methodist church. i iw in womey -irVl'Utifc'J t " w 'er uulvuI j'jf im I W . ...kXJ dn. haWrta.lijdaliiUiull. VrI dgiiuwt 3 trriUUvUi (r ul v-ri;.. i no4 1 .uiffur-. cf niU'.'ou nirnbri' . f 1piu run. Piiiif.il, m i l-i 'JYHtlVANSCStMli-uTS i-vn i.r r w-l."i' V4v .. I?! oriwi la rlv. vr -I