PACK SIX. DAILY RAST OHEGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON." SATl'KDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. FAMOUS DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION. E-'MrrhofstohmH) 4. W. C. I. U. CLOSES tOontiniued from page one.) following county officers were elect ed: Mrs. J H. Loezer of Echo, rresl-J-nt; Mrs. Cora Croekatt of Pendle ton, vice president; Mrs. L V. Keel cr, of Koho, correspond ine; secretary; S,lis5 Fl 5"i0 Call hook of Hermistnn. record ins secretary; Mrs. Emma Ev ritt i f Freewater, treasurer. In the evening the audience was treated to a special song service. I'rof. 1. V. Kceler of the Echo public school save if very practical and in teroslinc t.!k on "What Parents May lo for the Schools." He w;is follow ed by an address hy Rev. F E. Fin ley, pastor of the M. E. church on Wha: ih. Parents Can Do for the Sun cay School." The evening was closed A.:h an addre-s on "What the AV. O. T. l Should ro for the Public Sv-hool." by Mrs. Silbanch. who spoke in her u-nial charming manner Fridi-y ninrnins's services opened with devotional exercises, le i by Mrs. Kvrritt of Freewater. Then follow ed the appointment of superintend ents for the various branches of the work throush the county, who are: 1 Superintendent of the franchise de partment Mrs. E .W. Phelps of Mil-' ton. ! Superintendent of press work Mrs. A. R. Reese of Milton I Superintendent of temperance 3V!rs. o. L. Dunning of Stanfield. I Superintendent for temperance lit erature Mrs. Sophia SchmiU of Echo. Superintendent for medal contests Mrs F. E. Finley of Echo. Superintendent of department of mothers' meetings Mrs. s. L. Cliark of Echo. Superin'endent of purity depart ment Mrs. Thomas l.awson. Athemi. Superintendent of anti-narcotics Mrs. J. H. Kaley, Pendleton. Superintendent of pnysioal culture and hereditary Health Mrs. Belle Horry Milton. Superintendent of Y. P. H. de part nx-ir, Mrs C. J. Oulliford, Echo. Superintendent of S. T. I depart mentMrs. George Hurb of Pendle ton. Parliamentary department superin tendent. Mrs. S. S. Shields, Miton. Superintendent Sunday school de partmentMrs. S A. Lowell, Pendle ton. Next came a few Interesting papers and talks on the following subjects: "How to l'eep a W. C. T. U. Alive," by Mrs. Everitt of Freewater. "How to Awaken An Interest in Temperance Work." by Mrs. F. E. Finrf-y lately of Hydro, Okla. "How Oklahoma Kept Dry," by Rev. F. E. Finley. Mrs. G. L. Dunning of Stanfield, : but lately of North Dakota, told "How the Saloons Were Kept Out of Stan f.eld " The following resolutions were next presented by the committee and ad opted by the convention: I We, the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union of Umatilla county, in 10th annual convention assembled, re turn thanks to God that, though we have not gained in numbers and In fluence as we wish we had through the past year, yet we feel Inspired to go on and we pledee ourselves indi vidually and collectively to do all in our power to add Oregon to the dry states, and as unions we will adopt every plan proposed by our state ex ecutive for the furtherance of tem perance and righteousness through our several departments of work. We heartily commend the maga zines and papers which have elimi nated liquor advertisements from their columns and we rejoice that the number of clean periodicals is in creasing. Resolved that the franchise depart ment be especially emphasized in all our unions. Resolved, that we deplore the bar baric performances connected with the Pendleton Round-Up. We are heartily in favor of everything that is a benefit and uplift to our county and sta:e, but are emphatically opposed to anything that has a tendency to lower the moral tone of our commu nity. We wish to thank the Echo Echoes and East Oregonlan for their courtesy in publishing the proceedings of our convention. We thank Mrs. Silbaugh for her un tiring efforts in our county which has mad this convention possible and for t her eloquent addres-es and inspiring leadership throughout our sessions. We thank the good people whose hospitality we have enjoyed, Kev. Finley and the trustees of the M E. church for the use of their comma rious bu'lding, for the good music furnished, and especially we en Joyed the singing of the young men and Miss Waugh. We also thank the superintendent of the E.'ho public school for his cor dial greeting and t'niely remarks. ELEANOR PHELPS, ANNA LEEZEU Committee. The convention then adjaurned un til the evening services. In the evening the audience listen ed to the thrilling story of "How Se attle Was Cleaned Up," und of the "Recall of Hiram C. Gill," told by Mrs. Jackson Siibaugh, proving thut the politics of a city can be clean. You are not experimenting on your selr when you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparation has won its great reputa tion and extens ve sale by its remark able cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. It is equally val uable for adults and children and may be given to young children 'with implicit confidence as It contains no harmful drug. Sold by all dealer. linker Chiiies. Help Rebels. Baker, Ore. Baker Chinese have contributed to the revolutionist part in China $500. One of the revolutionary members In this country visited Ba ker a month ago seeking funds to help establish a republic in China. Don't tr.fle with a cold Is good ad vice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It is safe and sure. For 'ale by all dealers. I"ol"Wit Closes School. Irby, Wash. During recess, a num ber of pupils of the Irby school had their curiosity aroused by a skunk caught hi a trap near the school grounds. A close investigation re sulted in the children beating a hasty retreat, and on reassembling in school the atmosphere was found to be so strongly impregnated with the disa greeable odor that it was found ne cessary to close school for a day and a half. WEST LAYS UMATILLA CASE BEFORE IAFT ;OVi;i5NOU WHITES A u:m:ii to president The best plaster, a piece of flan nel dampened with Chamberlain's liniment and bound on over the af fected parts Is superior to a plaster and costs only one-tenth as much. For sale by all dealer . Fire Destroys Kosaliu Home. Rosalia, Wash. Fire destroyed the heme of Mr. MeAlpin. Nothing was saved. .V.-liiv? on SuRsrotloii of Nation's Chief Executive. Tltoroiighly Outlines Nnxls of Irrigation Projtvt in Wvxt End of I'mat lla County. Salem, Ore., Oct. 21. Governor West yesterday forwarded a letter to Pres. Taft following up his recent conference with the president on the west extension tf the Umatilla recla mation preject, at which time the president promi.-ed to give the sub ject his personal attention if tho gov ernor would write to him concerning it. The governor in his letter calls at tention to this promise nnd outlines the benefits to be conferred on east ern Oregon by the project. The plan involves the reclamation Of 60,000 acres of land by tlie diversion of the waters of the Umatilla river and Wil low creek. The reclamation service has thoroughly Investigated the sub ject and is believed to have made a favorable recommendation, although nothing has been officially given out. The surveys are complete the water rights existing have been settled, and it appears that an executive order 'is all that remans to put the work un der way. . Governor West calls atten tion to Injustice to Oregon In that this state has contributed more to the reclamation fund in proportion than any other state, and has received less. Ax Cuts Morton Man's Nose. Morton, Idaho. C. A. Edwords met with a serious accident. In trimming the limbs from n fallen tree one sprang back and threw the ax, cut ting the bridge of his nose to the cheek bone. Five stiches were taken. BABE KILLED BY ' SPEEDING STREET CAR WlllI.F. PI.AYIXO RUNS TO .DEATH I'XDKIt WHEELS Tot's Glow Tragically Ends In Instant IVcvitli ns Motor Huns Down ami Crushes I.lfo Out In Street Near Home of Pnrents. Astoria, Ore., Oct. 21. Running in to the street In front of his home at 1271 Franklin avenue, after a top ho had thrown awny. little three-year-old Harold Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson was run lown and Ins antly killed by a Pacific Pow er & Light Company's car, .manned by Motorman E. K. Birch ' and Con ductor Isaac S. Slade. The rough bumper of the car struck the child on the hip and threw him upon the street. While the whee' did not pass over the child, the underwork of the car next to the wheels bumped him s-everely. Neuralgia of the fact, houlder, hands or feet requires a powerful lemedy that will penetrate the flesh. Ballard's Snow Liniment possesses that power. Rubbed in where the pain is felt Is all that is necessary to relieve suffering and restore normal conditions Price 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. JUST TRY A TEN CENT - -BOX OF CASCARETS Insures vYou for Months Against a Sick 1 1 oid ache, CoiiKtiMMon or a Had HlouuK'h. Put aside Just once the salts, cathartic Pills, castor oils or purga tive waters which merely force a pas sageway through the bowels, but do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage or alimentary organs, and have no effect whatever upon-the liver anil stomach. Keep your'inslde organs pure, and fresh with Cascarcts, which thorough ly cleanse the stomach, remove tho undigested, sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the decomposed waste matter and poisons in the Intestines und bowels. A Cascuret tonight will make you feel great by tn.ornlng. They work while you sleep neer gripe, sicken and cost only 10 cents a box from your druggist. Millions of men and women take a Ca-curet now nnd then and never have headache, biliousness, coated tongue, indigestion, sour stom ach or constipated bowels. Cascar ets belong In every household. Chil dren Just love to take them. Probably most Chinamen know what the row is about. don't Neither coaxing nor swearing will 1 maKe a nen lay when she doesn't want to, or can't. $100 REWARD. SIOO. The readers of tbls.pnper will be pleased to Irani that there In at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its singes, and that Is t'luunli. Hall s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity, t'uturru being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon the blond and mucous surface, of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature In doing its' work. The pro prietors have so much faith in Its curative powers that they offer One tiundred Dol lars for any case that If falls to cure. Send for Hat of testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo. O. Rold by Druggists, 75c. Take Ball's Family I'll la for constipation. Hotel McFeely The Only Strictly First-Class, . Modern Priced Hote in the City New House. New and Beautiful Furniture. Hot and Cold Water in Every Room. NO INSIDE R.OOMS. Rates $1.00 and $1.50 Per Day Corner Alder & 4lh Streets Oppositt Keylor Grand Theatre, Walla Walla, Wash. I'M CERTAINLY, PERFECTLY, DISSATISFIED As sung by ELIZABETH A. MURRAY now playing Madame Sherry in Frazee, Lederer & Woods' production "MADAME SHERRY" New Amsterdam Theatre, New York Words and Music by HERBERT 1NQRAHAM , - ; -:h m rr? Moderato. Vamp, 1. Mips Tild - y Hill 2. Bill chanced to be 3 just mar - ried Bill, He's a so they tell me, In a ) J : J . : :: z : gsV; - -- ."jzt- y g g ' re7 7m- i- 7m- z ' 1 zr-r f, no - good worth - less man. His prom - ise was: "You crappame down the strest, When he pot in an 8Cl2 J "-IT 1 -m f F m . J m- 7 m-: Crn ..rf "zrt: j '- S --.-:m : v -3 - ry ar - ci mut, And With J2E in a -V- do tho lipst I can." A'S Coon callnd "lilack Pete." no Soon U -- -- -0. c's n t$25 z 0 -0- -L Z 0 " : - 1 0 i r , 1 v. s - trr-ntK lir rud" though rams the f'od, Al - bo lms tho rent to pay. lip d'.-nK 1:i'-k'd )ua ail a - rnind. I'.rok-his uonn and cloKed one eye. If you Then Veto m 0 m 0 i J-; . ! ,m - .0 0 0 S " ' -'EJ':EEL i:?i zg: -0- Copyright, by M AUK ICE SHAPIRO, Broadway and 39th St., Hew York WHO WILL PUBLISH YOUR SONG, IF YOU HAVE WRITTEN ONE, AND SEND YOU VALUABLE CATALOGUE OF HITS FREE FOR THE ASKING Used Ly permiision, MURRAY MUSIC Co., New York 20,266. bow she asked if he likes mar - ri-d lifi was sat - is tvL You're ftnro to ln-tir Lrr And loud - ly Bill did Bay: cry: r m - ' I lg , J m.: 0 I pneo rit. r. :: f 0 1 1, ?S2A:0 dis pat - is CHORUS. I'm cor tain ly, or - fi-ct ly, u. 1 m 0-r 1 m , ' M 0 -i 0 0 0-i v i ( fin-?- . 0-; 0 0 " -0 - 0 - 0 ' . W j --!-!-:- -. .. . fi.-d! Mv con - Mi - tu tioo 1 ; ' 1 0-0 1, t 0 0 0 zizz -0- 0 - 0 1 m s ; 1 1 . -S - M --0 - - - j. m 0 P Zf 1 13 m -1 - m W -0 0 , W V- ! fr-l -fr-- -jg m ha3 lx-rn ruin - ed, That can't ho do nied. It's my own fault, I'm (5 S ZZ2 ;- zZMttmm0- ' Z- (iry-g3r- g-gdrjpzTg !d d- ,J ... . T. 1 !l 1 A -T . . 1 Al.. Tl i.Il to hlarae, But it hurts my feel ;-Sg"i?gg: . . 1 ings just tho same, I'm cor tain - ly, g irrj-g- I Lsr rrzd zg Az zrzzzzTzzt- zzzzzj"1! ilrJ zh -j g' ' A- U&Zzz -zzz? nrzrnzlzzl-'z zzzz'zzmzzzmzzrmz U 422l tmz - f- 0- -0j;0- -0- Z0- -0- " ' B- Zg. per - f'-ct - ly, dis wit - is - lied!' I'm fled! 1 i J , A 3 zjzzzzzzzrzzzzzzzrzzzzzzzz-zzz : j rd zzz0Bztz- tzzzJ -11.. ) a J j 70 l-JT-g' '. t . -0- Xo.266., I'm Certainly Dis-satisfied. TIUS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF POPULAR SOXG HITS APPEARING IN EACH ISSUE OF THE SATURDAY EAST OREGONIAN, EASTERN OREGON'S GREATEST iPAPER. AN. OTHER. FAMOUS MUSICAL SUCCESS WILL APPEAR NEXT WEEK WATCH FOR TT.