j. : mom pages. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PEN1IiETOX, OREGON, SATOin.W, OCTOIIKR 21, 1911. PAGE FITE. I LOCALS I I C Snyder, ch'.mney sweep. R 38l Past'rne picture please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Coal and wood, phone Mam B. For rent Front office In Judd building. Apply to P. E. Judd.- ' Wheat land to exchange for Pen dleton residence. Teutseh & Bickers. Everybody goes to tne Orpheum to ee the best and the clearest pictures. Irrigated land to exchange for Pen dloton property. TeuUch & ISIckerd. Dr J. A. Best nas returned from his vacation and has resumed practice. For Rent Nlcolv furnlshort rooms'. 602 Water. Fhon Red 20R2. For Rent Nicely furnished rooms. S13 S. Main. Phone Black 2461. Try the Cash Market for frewh Poultry, also remember we keep gro ceries and meats. Phone Main 101. For Rent Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire 312 Eust Webb. Phone Red 2372. For Rent Two rooms,' light house keeping for young lady ' working. Phone Red 2841. . Wanted Eight per cent money on first clasg alfalfa and fruit land se curity, loans to run trom 3 to 5 years. Write to H. E. Bush, Nyssa, Ore. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m, arrive 6.55 p. m. Tickets from W, Adams, Agent, Pendleton. For Salo 5 passenger Franklin, run but little, cost 12900. (600 will take It If sold this waelc, owner go ng away. J, W. Davis, 70f E. Webb. Dairy ranch and cowa for sale. Business netting owner over $100. Must see about it today. Teutseh & Bickers. If you want to move, call Penland Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. If to.ng east, or west or south, have tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Close conn ctlons at Pasco with all through trains. W, Adams, agent, Pendleton. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos and all kinds of Job work, phone Malnn 461. B. A. Morton. A Snap Owner leaving Pendleton, must soil good 9 room house, furn'.sh ed, three blot k3 rrom Ma-n street, at bargain; terms. Phono Black 2731. You can't ourn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173. for clean screened Rock Pprlngs coal eltht-r lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. Come to Montana for the cheapest and best grain land In the northwest We tonk first prize on grain at St l-oulg in l'JOl and Portland In 1906. First at Helena stale fair this year. I have Ian'! for sale $20 to $60 an acre, adjudicated wa ter" rights. Land will pay for flr.-t. year. Reasonablo terms. Address P. O. Box 384, Dillon, Mont. Notice of Hoard of Equalization. .The said board will convene A the court house in Pendleton, Monday, October ICth, and remain In session until Saturday at 5 p. m., October 21, 1911. Taxpayers may then, by sworn com plaint, apply for reductions or other corrections In their assessment. C. P. STRAIN, County Assessor. Dr. Kern to Resume Pruotlce. Dr. Kern is remodeling his former dental office, room 15. Judd building. In which he will resume practice of dentistry on Tuesday, October 24. Good Pasture Land for Sale. For sale 360 acres good pasture land on Cabbage Hill, 15 miles south east of Pendleton. Good grass and plenty of running water and springs on place. Address, W. H. Bell, Pen dleton, Ore., or call on Bentley & Leffingwell, To Portland or California, take Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S. P. & S. Ry. Leave 1:30 p. m., ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad ams, agent at passenger nation, for through tickets and all arrangements. TO CURE A COM) I.N ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qjinlne Tablets. Druggists refund money if It fails to cure. E. W. G MOVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c. Lame DacK Is one of the most com mon forms of- muscular rheumatism. A few applications of Chamberlain's liniment will give relief. For sale by all dealers. "Aunt Jerusha's Quilting Party" will be given at the M. E. church next Friday evening. This will be a verv pleasing entertainment. Come and enjoy a hearty laugh. Musl'.-al selec tions by Mrs. Landers and the Male Quarter will be rendered, also a read ing by Mrs. A. J. Owen. Notice to the Public. Power will be off otnorrow morn ing from 7 o'clock to 1 o'clock. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. NEW WRIGHT I'l.YER IS SHOWN Is : PERSONAL- I j MENTION : J. 13. Grubb has returned from a week's visit at Adams R. N. Stnnfield Is hete today from his ranch at Stanfield. W. A. Moore of Pilot Rock, Is regis tered at a local hotel today. F. W Kellog of Walla Walla, was here yesterday evening. Mi s Rllla Thompson of Echo, has been In the clfy upon a snort visit. William NickschinskI Is In the city today from his place on Birch creek. O. A. Cannon, principal of the high school at Echo, Is a Pendleton visit or. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Deal are regis tered In the city from Vancouver, B. C. C. C. Thompson Is here today from Gibbon and is a guest of a local hos telry. Mrs. E. A. Schlffler left on today's N. P. train for a few days' visit at Pasco. R. N. Adams of Stanfield, Is among those now in town from the west end ol the county. Carl Jensen, a farmer of tho Pilot Rock country. Is here today upon a short visit. Mr. -and Mrs L. E. Avery of Mc pherson, Kansas, are guests in the city today. J. L. Underwood, a resilient of North Yakima, has been in town during the pTist two days. Mr?. Char'es Hamilton, wife of the O.-W. 11. & N. yard waster, and daugh ter, Edna, have gone to St. Anthony, Idaho,, for a visit with relatives and friends. KILLS MIKE; STOPS ALIMONY. We are Overstocked in Hard Milled Lnnolcn, Lettuce and Almond Oil Soaps, (the 50c kind) which vc arc closing out AT ' 25 Cents a Box It lathers nicely, washea awny slowly, and it cleanses and softens the flesh. Koeppen's The Drug Store that Serves You Best. Ijitest Arronlnne Is C.llclor. Hut Not Hu.wirl-Sliii,tM-l. Klttyhawk, N. C With the assem bling of the Wrlt?ht brothers' latest development In the science of avia tion about which so much ' specula lion has been indulged in, spectator were given their first view of the new flyingb device which Is to be used by the famous aeroplane Inventors in the solution of the problem --of sustained flight with minimum power. The new glider, as the Wrights call It, differs only slightly in from from the present-day machine now in use by them, and Is not a buzzard-shaped affair as has been reported. It. Is much lighter, however, than any ma chine now in use by the Wrights, weighing only about 145 pounds. There was not enough wind to fly the new aeroplane from Kill Devil Hills, and the first flight is expected to take place next Monday, as the Wrights insist upon observing the Sabbath. When the parts of the machine were assembled Its appearance bore out the statement of Orville Wright that It was intended merely as a glid er. It Is a biplane, the planes meas uring 32 feet across from tip 4o tip and 5 1-2 feet in breadth. From up per to lower plane there Is a space of 5 1-2 feet. Man Roused by Tardiness of Courts I'oroo-t Divorce by IKMith. Pine Bluff, Ark. Because a court delayed so. long hearing his divorce case and he was assessed heavily for temporary alimoney and his wife's at torney's fees, W. T Nichols, a con tractor of this place, , killed Mrs. Nichols by rutting her throat. She had come to his house to visit her children and reached out for a baby in her husband's arms when Nichols inflicted the fatal wounds. The man admits the crime and says he was driven to it by the slowness of the courts. It Is understood the courts wl'l not be slow in hearing the mur der charge against him. There has been threats of a lynching if the trial is long delayed. Quality and Low Prices the Key stone oi Our Success g:ov0needs Perrin Personifhs Perfection . Refined people the fashion set the quality folk on two continents always say PERRIN when plovo buying. Quality absolute, actual, real has been the builder and the safe guard of the nafne of PERRIN for fifty years and more. Quality the keystone of our success and reputation. Kabo Corsets The woman whose dress fits her perfectly and whose carriage is graceful, wears the world famous Kabo Corset,. If you have experienced difficulty in securing comfort and style in your corset try a Kabo. Our Cloak and Suit Department Presents a most carefully selected assortment of class3r new Reversable Coats for Hisses and women. Quality in all things the keynote of our success. Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money IJHi TOW, I.OX'i DISTANCE. Two Docks. One Inside, Oilier, Ship Inside the Shammer One. Amsterdam. Two dry docks, one inside the other, and a ship Inside the smaller one, are to be towed from Europe to the Du'eh East Indies. The large dock Is being built In Hol land and the smaller dock and ship in England. To obviate towing the three separately half way around the world, It is proposed to make "one job of it" as indicated. The saving will be considerable. i"w niflfumr" Norway's fir-t book, an almanac, was printed in 164 3. FOR THE CHILDREN A1.6O FOR GROWN PER60NS QUICK - SAFE - RELIABLE NO OPIATES NO NARCOTICS FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR COMPOUND A COMMON COLD neglected may go quickly into CROUP, BRONCHITIS, or PNEUMONIA which often means a sud den fatality. Keep FOLEY'S HONE AND TAR COMPOUND always in the bouse and give at first sign of a cold. Refuse substitutes. John Persons, Stewart, Ohio, writes; "We nse Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound as our best and only cough remedy. It never falls to cure any of riy seven children of cough. , My 2-nonth's-old baby has had a most se vere cough which our Doctor said he cculd not cure and that Baby would surely die. Several of our relations and neighbors had gathered to witness the ending of the child's life. Two bottles of Foley's Honey an? Tar Compound cured the child and he Is alive and well today." FOK SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Beware of Side Needle Spine Physicians today recotmize the . sewing machine as being the basic cause of more nervous disorders peculiar to woman than any other modern convenience. Of all human iin'entions, the ordinary sewinK machine does more to wreck a wom an's health, by producing spinal weakness, causing nervous troubles, and lingering, tor turing internal displacements than any other cause. The reason is plain look at the construc tion of your sewing machine : on account of the needle being A inches away from the centre, where it should be, you have to sit in a position wilh your body twisted out of plumb to operate it. Think what this twistinir of yonr Spine and other delicate internal organs means, and you can't operate your machine with your feet on the treadle without this twist in your body. Now compare this with a STANDARD CENTRAL NEEDLE MACHINE built to operate with the needle central, right In front of you and directly over the centre of the treadle. This construction enables you to sit straight and do your sewing without the least strain on your apine or any part of your internal anatomr. Vou can sew on this STANDARD CENTRAL NEEDLE MA. CHINE all day, without feeling tired or get ting a pain in your back. You can sit in a natural position without undue strain on your stomach and nerves. This new type of machine means freedom from suffering and ushers in a tremendous advance for health and happiness and free dom from disease. And this machine is easily within your reach easy to buy and easy to operate, will save Its cost in doctor's bills, to say nothing of health. If you value your health and the health of your growing daughters, Call an'J get tne trie book, "A Stitch in the Side," and learn what every woman should know. I will be pleased to demonstrate this machine at your convenience. JESSE FAILING Agent. Pendleton, near Bridge. WHERE TO ? Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland i (Arrive Seattle 8 :15 A. M. Arrive Spokane .9 :55 P. il. Arrive Portland 8 :10 A. M. Northern Pacific Railway The Pioneer Line. First class trains. Close connections. Good leaving time. Good arriving time. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO yfifv Through Tickets to all Points bast ist csi Secure tickets and full information from W. ADAMS, AGENT N. P. RY., PENDLETON. Ask about EXCURSION FARES for these events: Nation Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30. 1 mtmimrm ; m it iii ii ii hh hi mi mnnnni- m T) : Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR OCT. LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED .0 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED $1.0 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $'J. MEN'S SUITS PRESSED 75c Have your clothes cleaned t an up-to-date place and by up-to-date method. 4 rtione Main 19. l- T. Alt. MONDAY MORNING WILL START THE 1 ITH DAY OF OUR GREAT H fL E There has never been a sale in Pendleton where the interest has kept up for this length of time We have not had one poor day since our opening and we have reasons to believe that the com ing week will be fully as good if not better than the days gone by. There must be a reason. We have done just as we promised in our big ads. and as far as we know not one customer has been dissatisfied. They have found the prices just as we said they would be. We told the Public we wanted to raise $20,000.00 to buy the interests of the First National Bank in this firm, and everyone knows in order to do this we must make it an object to the people to buy here. We have done it and shall continue to do so until we have the neccessary amount. It is a great chane for the people of Umatilla County to buy just at this time of the year mer chandise they need and need right now at prices far below the actual values, New lots are placed on counters and bins each day. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS. F.E.LIMENGOOD WHERE YOU : FIND EVERYTHING FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN TO WEAR l I !.iiumwmmjuii 'i i