East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 17, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Coal and wood, phone Main 5.
PnBt'me pictures please all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178-
I C Snyder, ch'.mney sweep. It 3812.
For rent Front office In Judd
building. Apply to F. E. Judd.
Everybody goes to tne urpheum to
ee the best and the clearest pictures.
Dr J. A. Best nas returned from his
vacation and has resumed practice.
For Rent Nicely furnlxhed rooms.
S13 S. Main. I'hone Iiluck 24 01.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
For Rent Three furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. Inquire "F.
M." this office.
Try the Cash Market Tor fresh
Poultry, also remember wo keep gro
ceries and meats. Phone Main 101.
Wanted Eight per cent money on
flrat class alfalfa and fruit land se
curity, l'ian.1 to run from 3 to 5 years.,
Write to H. E. Bush, Nyssa, Ore.
Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo
kane, I-cuvos 1:30 p. m, arrive 6. 55
p. m. Tickets from W, Adams,
Agent, Pendloton.
For Sale 5 passenger Franklin,
run but little, cost 2'.00. $000 will
take It If sold this wsek, owner go
ing away. J. W. Davis. 700 E. Webb
If you want to move, call PenlanJ
Bros, Transfer, phone 3391. Largo
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos and all kinds of Job work,
phone Mainn 461. B. A. Morton.
A Snap Owner leaving Pendleton,
must sell good 9 room house, furn'.fch
ed, three blocks from Ma.n street, at
bargain; terms. Phone Iiluck 2731.
Wanted A girl for general house
work on farm 6 miles out of town.
Work Is light, only two In family. Cull
120 Monroo street, city, or Farmer
IJne 16.
You can't burn slate and gravel:
Don't try It. Phono Dutch Henry,
Main 173, for clean screened Rock
Springs coal either lump or nut. It
burns clean und goes further.
To Portland or California, take
Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S.
I'. Si S. Ry Leave 1:30 p. ni., ar
rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad
ams, nsent at passenger station, for
through tickets and all arrangements.
If Co n8 east, Oi wesi or south,
have tickets routed Northern Pacific
Ry. Closo convictions at Taso with
aU through trains. W. Adams, agent,
Rtaurant must bo sold at once;
K od reason for selling. Thone Main
IMawnroi Offender Whipped by
Court Order ns Jail Terms Ilc&ln.
Wilmington, Del. Two negroes
and a white man were whipped at the
Newcastle county workhouse for lar
ceny by order of court. Chief War
den Crawford wielded the lash.
The prisoners were James llopsley,
white and Ja-. rsrmkson and Elwood
James, colored. Urockson and James
each received twenty lashes vigorous
ly applied. Hensley got ten lashes,
then nil took their punishment stoic
ally. Each of the three will serve two
II. S. Commer of Elgin Is a guest of
the Bowman.
R N. Stanfleld, the sheepman, Is
In the city today.
L. O. Terry of La Grande, Is reg
istered at the Pendleton.
J. Wattlmer of Nye, Is transacting
business in Pendleton today.
Charles H. Morris of Arlington Is
registered at the St. George.
J. D. Casey of Hilgard was among
the visitors In th eclty yesterday.
W. R Walpole, Jr.. of Irrlgon. Is
making Pendleton a business visit.
R. A. Chlsholm of Hermlston, came
In this morning on the motor car.
Attorney J. Roy Raley left for Port
land today on a legal mission.
Mrs. Gul La Fontaine came up from
Portland, this morning for a Bhort vis.
Constable II. H. McReynolds of Pi
lot Rock, came In from his home last
Alex McRae, formerly of Pendleton
and now of Spokane, Is visiting In
Judge P. P. Richards of Athena,
was In the city yesterday and remain
ed over night.
Martin Madison and wife came down
from Cayuse today in their new Max
well runabout.
H. M. Cockburn of Milton, is in the
city to sit In the adjourned session of
the county court.
Col. II. G. Newport of Hermiston Is
In the city looking after his contract
work on tlie asylum levee.
Amos Robinson, well known stock
man of the John Day, Is transacting
business In Pendleton.
Marvin Roy of Pilot Rock, came In
last evening from the sheep town and
spent the night here.
Attorney S. F. Wilson of Athena,
was among the residents of that town
In the city yesterday.
Herbert Strohm returned to his
home In Hermlston this morning after
a day's visit In Pendleton.
C,. A. Eaglcton, representing the
claim department of the O.-W. R. &
X. company, is in the city today.
W. D. Bonlfer and W. W. William
of Gibbon, were down last evening
from their mountain home.
Emlle Waldmnn, well known trav
eling salesman, has been In the city
today upon a business trip.
Jack Weinman, well known pro
prietor of the KaRle Baths, left yes
terday on the X. P. for Spokane.
Henry LaZlnka, prominent stock
man of the. county, has gone to
Prairie City for a bunch of cattle.
Carl Engdahl came in from Helix
on the N. P. this morning to attend
the Collins-Alexander wedding reception.
, Carl Power w'.il leave In a day or
two for t'kiah, where he will ride
the range for a week with Clarence
County Commissioner Horace Wal
ker Is in from his Stanfleld ranch to
attend an adjourned session of the
county court.
Will Jamieson returned to his
home in Weston horseback this morn
ing after spending a couple of days
in tho city.
Georgo Schlegel and son, Harry
Schlegel of Pilot Rock, came in last
evening and left this morning on the
local for Stanfleld.
Mr. and Mrs. II. U. Loughlin and
N. D. Loughlin of Hermlston, were
numbered among the west end resi
dents In the city yesterday morning.
Mrs. Cherry Wheeler of Winona,
Minn., Is visiting with her nelce, Mrs.
F. P. Rounds, for a few days while
making a tour of tho Pacific coast
Elmer Gillman formerly of this
county but who has been spending
the past few years In the Greenhorn
mining district has returned to Pen
dleton. ,
Rgt. Rev. Bishop Robert L. Pad
dock stopped In Pendleton for a few
ur this morning, en. route from
Vale to his home at Hood River, and
held a conference with Rev. Charles
Qulnney while in the city.
Alllo CJIIlKTt Delays Traffic Tentj- j
Minute ami Stops "White Hoik? In
Ono Round When He Tries to Putj
Dor Off Train.
Portchester. N. Y- Allle Gilbert, a
New York show girl, delayed traffic
on the New Haven road, put the crew
of the 7:25 express for New York to
flight and knocked out Tommy Nelson
a baggageman at tbx Portchester de
pot, who has beaten some of the best
heavy-weights in Westchester county
and who was looked upon as a prom
ising white hope.
The row occurred when Miss Gil
bert tried to board the express train
with Bunny, a performing brlndle
bulldog, in her arm. The conductor
barred the way, telling the actress
that dogs were only allowed in bag
gage cars, and as there was no bag
page oar on his train she would have
to wait until the next one.
They argued on the car platform
for twenty minutes. Then the con
ductor tried to put her off the train.
She resitsed and the conductor called
the train crew to h'.s aid. The ad
vance of the crew was stopped by
bunny. He snapped at a man who
came near his mistress. Nelson tni-n-nged
to get hold of the dog's leader
and pulled him from the train. Miss
Gilbert hopped lightly from the car
and did something wilh her right
that sent the prize fighter on his
back on the station platform.
A detective connected with the
Portchester police department finally
arifsted Miss Gilbert, and she was ar
raigned in the city court before Judge
Connelly. The prize fighter made a
charge of disorderly conduct. On
advice of counsel. Miss Gilbert plead
ed guilty and sentence was suspended.
Quality and Low Prices Lhe Key
stone oi Our Success
Perrin Personifies Perfection
Refined people the fashion set the quality folk on two continents always say PERRIN
when glove buying.
Quality absolute, actual, real has been the builder and the safe guard of the name of
PERRIN for fifty years and more.
Quality the keystono of our success and reputation.
Kabo Corsets
The woman whose dress fits her perfectly and whose carriage is graceful, wears the world
famous Kabo Corset,. If you have experienced difficulty in securing comfort and stylo in
your corset try a Kabo.
Our Cloak and Suit Department
Presents a most carefully selected assortment of classy new Reversable Coats for Hisses and
women. Quality in all things the keynote of our success.
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods for
Less Money
Famous Yaclit Missing.
Kiel, Germany. The racing
schooner Nord.-tern. owned by Dr. C.
Harries of Kiel, which sailed from
Gibraltar on September 26th for this
port with a crew of twenty-four men,
is missing. The Nordstern as for
merly Emperor William's Meteor III.
She was built in America.
Your guess that was all wrong yes
terday might be all right today.
A Reliable
Ely's Cream Balm
t quickly absorbed.
(ies Relief &t Once.
It cleane-i, soothes,
heals and piotects
me u:seas"U mem.
brnne r. suiting from r
Cetarrh a-nl drives Cvrst'
awav a Cold in tho fca.V V
Head quickly, lie- t f rrt"H
stores tho Senses of lM 1 Ibftll
Taste aial S;adl. i'ull size 50 cts., at Drug
gists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cents,
tly Brothers, ti j Warren btreet. New York.
.alt -
Cheap Goods Are Sold Everywhere
But buying cheap shoddy and undesirable riff-raff does
not constitute bargain getting or money saving
Good Quality Merchandise at Lower Prices, the
kind of BARGAINS you get HERE
Our great underwear offer. We
have secured for spot cash from one
largest wholesale concerns in
untry. a fine line of underwear
at about 50c on the dollar. We are going to maks a present of our saving to our patrons. Read! Ana
remember they wont last long.
100 Suits Spring Needle Darby Ribb 8:1 Worsted Mens
Underwear Sold Everywhere for $1.25 Garment,
si You lei!
fj H cf the 1
Ll BaaQ? S3 the cour
ret R9
ir- or n fa
OUR REGULAR PRICE) He garment, but to get
you acquainted with tile eeeptiBal and real bar
gains to be found every day at this store, we will
sell them, while they last, fr oly
This Is only a sample of the savings offered you here each and every day. Don't take our word
for It but come and see for yooreelf. The lino can be seen in our window and price is marked in big
red figures.
smew's CSothmff Co,
Keep your eye on our big window for another great special next week.
m-n ivy.;.. - T.-g-, "E g.-g-iWITT. TBT I II HI IIM I... y niriT, nr. , , ,TM mmm .in II..TI.F ...I II I.. ..-.I. . - -
Have feu The
n rfl .t n wm mi ; j n t a l 1 t
m m mm
i$J SS&l II (ill
nra IT Fi'EAflS we are compelled to raise $20,000.00 to pay The First National Bank for their interests in the firm.
fl08llSB1,B,lT MEANS in order to do this we must make it some object to you, and we are certainly doing it. Prices
in every department have been cut in some cases far below wholesale cost. We have not heard of a single dissatisfied
- customer, and if there is one we want to know it. We are not going out of business. "
Tfoes Prices (Prow t Y&! W
All wool dress poods in plain and stripe serges, mohair and
novelties, 3G inches wide; sold always and everywhere mi to
85c Sale, yard : 4S?
All Dress Goods priced up to $1.00 69
3000 yards of tho finest dress materials in every shado im
aginable, sold always from $1.25 to $1.75 yard. Great Pis
solution Salo Price - - -
41-in. Silk Poplins in all tho leading shades and hlaek.
Sale prico - - 9 117
15c Ladies' Fast Black Hose, now 9
15c Pillow Slips, largo sizo 10
!)-! Sheeting, high prado 2l
Ladies' and Misses'
Coats, Suits, Skirts
and Dresses Must go
A Great Assortment to Choose From
10c Illeached Muslin
Tc Apron Check Ginghams
$1.50 and $2.50 Sweaters, now 69tk
$3.50 and $1.00 Ladies' Shoes 9S
One lot of $2.25 and $2.50 Children's Shoes $1.48
$1.25 and' $1.50 Petticoats CO
$3.50 Black Silk Wavts, 34 to 40 SL9S
One lot White and Colored Waists worth from $1.00 to $2.50.
To close out - 39
14 C
Large Bleached 20e TurkUh Towels
$1.25 Children's all wool union suits
1 i
i I