PAGE FOUR. DAILY BAST OKEGONIAX, PENDLETON, OltEGOX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1011. EIGHT PAGES. an imkii:met xewsta vkil Published PkIIt and Serai-Weekly at Ten dieton, Oregon, by the KAST OliKGOMAN ITM.ISUINU CO. SIT.SCRI1TION RATES. Pally, one tear, by mall bally, six months, by mail Lwlly. thro months, by mall .... Ially. one mouth, by mall taily, one year, by earner IaUy, lx tronths, by carrier .... lliT, three months, by carrier .. Daily, oue month, by carrier 65 Semi Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 .13 .50 (resident. He has not boon strong and vigorous In ilofonce of public richt as was Roosevelt. Lit Follotto s the one strong character In the re publican party who stand fearlessly i.iiil staunchly for the good of the common people. He Is a fighter and he has fought his way through snubs, rMieule and abuse to leadership In the renate. It the progressive republi cans are to dominate the republican I arty then La Follette Is the logical ,.I.V0rt ! ! !So nian to be the standard bearer of the -5lJ party next year. 1.95 Bern! Week. T. ix moniha. by mall Semi-Weekly, four months, by mall. Member United Press Association. Tbe Dally East Oregonlan Is kept on sal t tbe Oregon News Co., 329 Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. Chicago Itnreau, 909 Security Building. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth street. N. W. Entered st the nostofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second-claas mail matter. Telephone Main 1 Official. City and Connty Paper. PURPOSE. Oregon republicans are of the progressive wing of the party and if they are true to their past convictions they will give their support to LaFollette not to Taft. TO ERADICATE SMIT. When the bedrock of granite was laid in the walls of the earth, 'Twas the purpose of Time To build, through the aeons of ages, a place for the birth Of a manhood sublime. 'Twas the purpose of youth when he stands in his strength at the start Of life's strenuous race. To build, through the days and the years, with his mind and his heart The man for the place. Ey John E. Dolsen, in the Nautilus. l j :! Scientific agriculturists at the Wash ington state college at Pullman are striving hard to eliminate smut from wheat, and in a bulletin Just issued set forth some very interesting In formation regarding the prevalence of smut and the best method of treating for it. The loss to farmers of the wheat belt in Washington, Idaho and Ore gon from smut in the wheat crop of tion, with an anti-slavery provUlo 1S6S The sheriff and parish judge of St. Mary's Parish, La., assassinat ed at Franklin. Troops in small numbers ordered to various points in tho south. 1S74 Several cars .of a Fort Wayne, Ind. train e'owded with 200 emigrants, went over a thirty-foot embankment near Fort Wayne, Ind., without a fatality, 1901 The Puke ami Duchess of Cornwall and York arrived at St John. N. B., proceeding to Halifax on tho 19th. 1901 After nine days of battle conflict south of Mukden, has not been decided, Russland retreating stub bornly to Japanese advance. Reports in Tokio told of continued advance of Japanese left army, under General Oku, who is trying to work north and east toward Mukden. Russians resisted stubbornly. 1909 William I. Buchanan, Ameri can diplomat, fell dead from heart disease in London. The Alaskan-Yukon-Pacific expo sition at Seattle, Wash., closed 1910 Severe tropical storm in the West Indies destroyed many lives and much property. Julia Ward Howe died, Midleton, It. THE RESULT IX SPOKANE. That street work may now be had ir Spokane at prices ranging from 20 to 40 per cent lower than in past years Is the startling statement made by Charles M. Fassett, former mayor of Spokane and now commissioner of public utilities under the commission plan. According to Mr. Fassett the Spo krne commission has broken up the old contracting ring that used to make tig profits off city work. As a result j the city now gets more for its money than it did yet the standard of work is maintained and the same wages are given -workmen as formerly. It is very natural that such results should follow the adoption of the commission pla There is no fixed price at which public work is to be done. Concerns that do street pav ing, build bridges and lay sewers get all they can out of the work they do. I' there is "jockeying" they will "jockey." At times they form com binations and job a city by submitt ing bids that are seemingly competi tive but are not so in reality. It is often easy to do crafty work such as this when affairs are managed by an ur.wieldly council. A council is a legislative rather than an executive bedy and it does not handle adminis trative work in a close and business like manner. It is more difficult to impose upon I a city when it has the commission form of government. By the nature of things a commission of three men to manage the affairs of a city, i may g-t down to busines;, more thor- j oughly than will an unpaid city coun cil. If they don't do so it is easy to check up matters and see who is at fault. Under the council system it i often hard to t?Il who is to blame when affairs are neglected. There are too many officials and responsibility is not closely fixed as it is fixed under the commission plan. 1911 is estimated by the Chief Grain Inspector of Washington to amount to $7,000,000. This enormous loss has led lo the organization of a definite "Anti Smut Campaign." The leaders in this movement recently met in convention at Pullman to discuss the situation and to plan for a systematic-campaign of education, experimentation and or ganization to eradicate this costly pest. As a result of their deliberations the following conclusions were reach ed: The increased prevalence of smut I" due largely to the increase in acreage of fall-sown, as fall-sown grain is more susceptible to the disease than spring-sown, but spring grain is not entirely free from the trouble. Smu infection comes mostly from smutty seed, but weather and soil con ditions influence the amount of in fection, and there is a possibility of infection from smut in the ground if very smutty grain has been recently threshed near by. Solutions for treating seed wheat should be carefully made in certain definite proportions. Some wheat growers . have been successful while using haphazard methods, but they are men whose long experience en ables them to "guess" very accur ately the strength of solutions used. Safety lies in exactly measured strengths. The strength of vitrol solution is one pound of vitrol (copper sulphate or "blu-stone") to five gallons of water. Wheat should be soaked in this so lution for not less than ten nor more than fifteen minutes. Some success ful farmers have used as strong as one pound vitrol to two and one-half gal lons of water, soaking not more than ten minutes, without serious injury t0 the wheat. Too strong solution or too long soaking will kill the wheat. Formalin should be used one pound to forty-five gallons water, the wheat thorounghly vvetred by dipping or sprinkling, then covered with wet sacks for two hours, then either seed ed at once or allowed to dry thor oughly. Unbroken smut balls must be re- I moved from seed wheat, a.s no method !oi' treatment destroys the germs in TODAY'S IlIHTHDAY SKETCH. Waldemar Kokovsteff, who lias been acting Premier of Russia since Stolypin was tusassinated, and who will in all probability be continued in that high office, turns fifty-five to ll' y, according to the new calendar. The career of Kokovstoff is of pecu liar interest to the western world, tor as leader of the liberal party in russia, that country is indebted to him for every one of the reforms in penal legislation, in the organization and in the management of her pris ons that have taken place during the last quarter of a century. Russian prisoners are still far from bearing any comparison with those of Ameri ca but they are incomparably better than they were twenty-five years ago and the management on the whole, is humane. Kokovtzoff belongs to the petty no bility of the Province of Xocgorod. He J was reared at the Emperor Alexander! Lyceum at St. Petersburg, is happily married to a Mile. Anna Oebm. and ; s a popular figure in court circles 1 and in St. Petersburg society. He. is ) muc h more genial and social than was ' Stolyp n, who was too imperious, too lorrioiy in earne?t and toi opinion-i ate.l ever to become a favorite in the great world of Uuss'a. Kokovstoff' nr t became associated with the 'reasury department in 1S90 and i from that time forth he had had a I very active share in the direction of! the economic and financial policy of ' the empire. Somewhere from over the border-' land, j Came a wonderful Te'ler of Tales ' one day; j And he walked with the children, '' hand :n hand The children who followed him a!l the way, Who loved him the best, and who loved so well The wonderful tales that he had 'to tell. with eager ears For they listened, that heard Of tho wee, wise rabbit, king of the wood ; Of the baffled fox, and each beast and bird That the children knew for they understood! And ever they fallowed him. hand In hand, On his journey back to the border land. There the way begin, and the way must end, Though h's day was bright, and his sun shone high; And he waiting friends bade the parting friend, As he crossed the border, a last good-by. Oh, sad was the world that he had to leave, i But mo.-t did the hearts of the r hil- these balls, and if later broken in j dren grieve! the soed wh-at they infect the grain. LA FOLLETTE IS THE MAX. Why should the republican "lead ers" try to head Oregon into the Taft crlumn? President Taft has done ncthing for Oregon and he is not in sympathy with the political thought of this state. When he was here he had not one word of praise for the j'togrevslve measures adopted through the votes of the republicans of this state and which measures have made Oregon famous throughout the coun try. Why don't the "leaders" rally about the standard of La Follette? He Is the leader of the progressive repub licans the faction that predominates in Oregon. Taft is a reactionary and he hag been a slothful easy going Experiment." by the Experiment Sta tu n and by practical farmers will be begun this fall, to determine what so Irtions are most efficient and what conditions must be guarded against Complete eradication of smut by the united effort of every wheat grower Is the surest protection against the pest. WHY M C II A SLHiHT. The committee of 15 named to con duct the Taft campaign in Oregon is composed exclusively of Portland men. There is not a man on the com. mittee from eastern Oregon, the Wil lamette valley or southern Oregon. Why such a slight as this when two thirds the vote comes from outside of Portland? Do the surviving leaders of the late lamented assembly still l think they are the whole show and that the gentlemen who live in the "hinterland" are not to be trusted with such important work as the man agement of the Taft campaign for ren'omination ? Or do they concede that the rest of the state will go for La Follette? Dr. Wiley Commend Cotton Oil For over quarter of a century Dr. Wiley, the famous government expert, has conducted an active campaign for pure food in the interest of public health. His advocacy in a recent speech of the use of Cotton Oil as a food is, there fore, especially significant ; it simply em phasizes the wholesomencss of Cotto kne the vegetable oil shortening vhich is composed so essentially of Cot ton Oil, the ute of which he so strongly recommends. Co'tolene is endorsed by physicians generally, because of its purity and wholesomcness. It has been the leader in Cotton Oil products for over twenty-five years. OCTOUEK 17 IV HISTORY. 1346 English defeated tho Scots at baMIe of Nevil's Cross. 15 78 Edmundbuty Godfrey, be fore whom Oates gave evidence of the plot against the King of England, found in a field with his sword through his body. Ii04 Spanish treasure ships with carg.ifM valued at 13 000,000 seized by English. 1834 Both house of the british parliament destroyed by fire. 1848 Vienna In a state of siege, Kossuth "withdrew the Hungarian ar my within their own border. 186 4 Election returns sent out from Baltimore were that the "soldier vote" had carried the new constitu- They have writ his name on their hearts of cold. ! And ever they'll keep his memory green, But they tell each other the tales he told Of the strange wood-folk, by the world unseen; For the Teller of Tales walks hand in hand With the children over the border land! Anne McQueen in October Lippin-cott's. Mrs. c. D. Gabrielson and Carl D. Gabrielson, Jr., passed thraugh yes terday on No. 17 enroute to their home in Salem after a month's visit In the east. E LIVER AND BOWELS So IlilioiiMifsi, Ilcariat-liR, Slok, Sour Stonuu-ii, IndlKcwtion, Coated Tongue or Const! luitioii. Children Cry for Fletcher's IAS Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, nnd which luis been in use for over 30 years, has born tho signature, of and has been itiaao under his pcr- JWj Z7-. eonal supervision sine its Infancy. f-C(tCCAtS A Hnw not nnA to domt va von In this. . All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-ns-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Iufants and Children Experience ngaiust Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, -Morphine nor other Jfarcotlo substance. It9 age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach ai.d Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. Tf MliKRAT STKFCT, NCW YORK CITY. TAKE IT OFF, m3 WILL VtNT THAT MONEY SOME TUCK 5'j v ii r -v? ... IN THE BANK AND" LET ITGESOWAWD i y V i M V . 4 Vw-Ii One hundred dollars at 5 per cent, compounded Interest, will In 40 years, amount to over $700; In 70 yearn, to over $3,000; In 100 years, to over $13,100; and In 200 years, to over one million seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,729, J0.). Money grows if you will let It. Make OCR Bank YOUIt Bank. We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent. com. pounded semi-annually. The American National Bank PENDLETO.V. OKEGOX. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY I .. : 'w : ' "--AL: Hotel St. George GEORGE DARVEAC, Proprietor. European plan. Everything first-class. All modern conveni ences. Hot water heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. ' Iarge, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George U pronounced one of the most up-to-date hotels of the Northwest Telephone and fire alarm con nections to office, and hot and cold water running In all rooms Rooms $1 ard $1.50 Block and a half from depot See the big electric sign. OPEN BAY AND NIGHT FIRST-CLASS SERVICE The Quelle Cafe and OysLer House locals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 826 MAIN STREET ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL i Opens Sept. 1 4 Boarding and Day School for Girls. I FRANKLIN MOTOR CARS u. Primary, Intermediate, Ae- adeniic Special and Poetr 1 Graduate Courses. Depart j. ments of Music, Expression X and Art. t PERSONAL ATTENTION f REFINING INFLUENCES THOROUGH WORK Nettie M. Galbraith I Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of tht Celebrated i Va tmJ Furred tongue, bad taste, indigos tion, callow Bkin anl miserable head achf-s come from a torpid liver and I clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi gested food, which sours and fer ments like garbage In a swill barrel. That's the first Mep to untold misery Indige-tion. foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, bental fears, everything mat is norrible and nauseating. A ! Cascaret tonight will give you a thor- I ouKh cleansing Inside and straighten you out by morning. They work while j you sleep a 10-cent box from your! nruggist will keep you feclinir good for months. Millions of men and wonv-n take a Cascaret now and then to keep their Moniach. liver and bow els regulated, and never know a mis erable moment. Don't forget the children their little Insldes need a good, gentle cleansing, too. 8,000 fo (0,000 Miles Per Set of Tires 306 1 Miles Without a Puncture These are average figures obtained from a long list of Franklin owners, They are the result of light weight, four full-elliptic springs and a wood frame, exclusive Franklin features. Tire Cost in not a burden if you drive a Franklin. Pendleton Auto Company The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and tho people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron age. It is the advertising medium of this section. . TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallmaiv & Co. Leading DnifrpistB of East ern Oregon. The Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for "Your Good Health" HlMilBSSSSlasB REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES