EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PEITOMTON, OKEJOX, TUESDAY, OCTOnEIl 17, 1911. PAGE THREE. Great October Showing of New Shawl Sweaters Fresh From the leipia Knittmg' Mills oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Swiss Ribbed Sweaters with Sailor and Roll ing Collars, Specially Adapted for Students and Athletes. They come in all colors and sizes. These are acknowledged to be superior to any sweater made Price $5.00 Watch for Announcement of one of the biggest PETTICOAT SALES ever given in Pendleton. Taffetas and Messa- lines in all colors and grades. Complete stock of new standard patterns showing the latest jmd best styles for fall and Winter garments See Window Display of Celebrated Munsing Underwear THE PROGRES SIVE STORE " warn 0OOQQOQQOQeQQQQOOOaOQQQOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o o o o o 0 HIGHSCHQQL HEAD BURNED IN EFFIGY Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 17. In toxicated with a r-pirit of vengeance, the result of losing two of their best football players for what they con 1 NEWS OF TM1E . KORTHWEST: I lire Destroys Block at Ilerul. Bend, Ore. Fire broke out in the T'almeter block and destroyed the en- Commission Government in Spokane Hy Charles M Fassett, Commisaionor of Public utilities, spoKuno Wash. Tho commission form of govern ment has been In operation In Spo kane for seven months. The adjust ments necessitated by the change from the old form have been fairly well worked out. and city business is going on smoothly, with hs sdlsturb anee and wrangling at the city hall than for years. Our people, as a rule, seem well satisfied with the change and It Is very doubtful If even those who were most active against adopting the com mission form would vote to return to the old system. There are, of course, a few citizens who honestly believe tho old form better, but. the great bulk of the opposition, both to tho adoption to the commission form and to Its continuance, comes from those whose private, selfish Interests are being Interfered with by benefi cial changes in administration inaug urated by the new government. Briefly, what seem to me to be the particular points of advuntage, ore as follows: There is no wrangling at tho city hall. Of course, honest and consci entious men differ. Our commis sioners frequently do not agree on various measures, but differences are soon healed and there Is harmony and good feeling between them as a rule. There is direct responsibility. Each commissioner has charge under the authority of the whole body of his de partments, ami the citizen knows to whom to apply for his needs. Our people say now that they can get their business with the city attended to In hours and days, where it formerly took weeks and months. Hv the use of the preferential sys tem of voting and by the election of tho commissioners at large, the party CL10W TO MVSTKHY 1'OIND. Easy to Get Rid of Dandruff Dandruff means that down near the roots of your hair there Is a vast ar my of litUo invisible germs or mi crobe". And this army never slcops; It wa ges a war of destruction night and day. It destroys the nourishment that the hnlr must have In order to grow vigorously and abundantly. PAKISTAN SAGE now sold all over America will destroy these germs and at the mhw time furnish the hair roots with Just tho proper nourish ment to mako hair grow lustrous and luxurlnnt. PARISIAN SAGE Is guaranteed by Tallman Prug Co. to banish dan druff, stop falling hair and Itching Benin or money back. It Is a delight ful hair dressing that wins Instant favor with refined women. Sold for only 60 cents a large bottle by Tall wan Drug Co. and druggets every where. Girl with Auburn hair on every carton and bottle. boss l eliminated and the results of tiie election express the will of the majority much more closely than the old system of caucus, convention and ward representation. Hereafter there will not be more than three commis sioners elected at any election, giving the voters no excuse for Ignorance of tho men or their duties. We require a non-partisan affidavit and restrict the use of money for election purpos es to $250 for any candidate. We are getting street improvement made for 20 to 40 per cent less than in recent years, without reducing the city wage scale or decreasing our standards of qualitv The contract ors' ring which has held up public work, is broken, and the most of our work is going to those contractors who have done the best work in the past. For the first time in our his tory a contractor has been fined for delay. Our tax levy will be the same this year as last, notwithstanding a deficit of about $90,000 left over by the old government, and the settlement of many old claims and the straighten ing out of complications which have been neglected tor years. The laws of thU city are made by the men who administer them and who know the needs and uses of prop er ordinances. Kvery morning at 11 o'clock an -administrative session is held, at which any citizen may have a hearing. Petitions and communi cations received ;it these meetings arc referred to the proper department and action usually had very promptly. The various departments are being managed with efficiency and com mon sense. Tho water department, which had been allowed to run heav ily in debt, is being put on a business footing, free water has been cut off, meters have doubled In seven months, wastes have been stopped and ade quate supply furnished In the hot months, where heretofore every year there has been a famine. Our streets are well paved and kept clean,, sew ers are maintained, tho health of tho city was never so good, tho public service corporations are encouraged (and enforced when necessary) to give good service, back franchise tax es are collected and city affairs gen erally are conducted along business lines. We believe Spokane has he most advanced characteristic commission charter yet adopted by any city. The preferential system of voting, the short ballot and the election of the five commissioners at large, they se lecting one of their number ns may or, are features which have very strong arguments in their favor. Biliousness Is due to a disordered condition of tho sfomach. Chamber Iain's Tablets are essentially a stom ach medicine, intended especially to act on that organ; to cleanse it, strengthen It, tone and Invigorate it, regulate the liver and to banish bil iousness positively and effectually, For sale by all dealers. Itrokcii Snow Shoe May lie That of .Man Lost Seven Years Afro. Oroville. A broken snow shoe that was found near Lotte's Lake, a few miles out oi Philbrook Valley, may lead ti. the discovery of the body of John Palmer, at one time a supervisor of Plumas county, who wandered from llock creek seven years ago and was lost in a severe snowstorm. Although a diligent search has been made since the disappearance no trace of Martin or his body has ever been found un til the snow shoe was picked up by a forest ranger. According to Al Oats, Palmer was tracked by Elmer Johns to Iott's lake at the time of his disappearance. There all trace of him was lost. Johns Is now making a search in the vicinity of Lott's livke in an effort o recover the body. Lott's lake is located on Pen Lo mond mountain, close to the Butte and Plumas county line In a wild and Inaccessible district. It Is owned by Judge Lott of this city. sider a minor offense, according to t're block! It station irom a gasoline regulation rules, abort 60 high school range in the restaurant occupied by students, with appropriate ceremonies , Sam McMurtrie. The block was oc p receding, burned in sffigy their prin- ' cupled by two saloons, a restaurant cipal, Professor F. C. Heck, on tho and rooming house. high school lawn about 9 o'clock last night, following a hostile demonstra- I Women on Walla Walla Jury, tlon in the vicinity of the school in' Walla Walla, Wash. The venire which the leader waxed warm in for the fall term of court, comprising denunciation of the present admlnis- 5C names of talesmen, was drawn tration at high school. iip the superior court. The list in- Imtnediately after a Jury of 12 stu- eludes besides several prominent phy-I dents, who heard the evidence in the sicians and lawyers eight women. At case under consideration, the entire the last drawing of a venire there were procedure being carried out according i women on the list, but not one of to "Hoyle," had reached their verdict : them would serve, of "guilty," a stuffed sack affair rep- I resenting the person of their princi- Banquets IViemN at Elgin, pal, was hung by the neck to the flag! Elgin, Ore. Henry Eader, a busi pole and Ignited with a match, the neSs man of Elgin, and who for 20 resulting flames lighting up an exclt- years has been in Elgin, gave a ban- ed crowd of students, who much re- quet sunday at the Star restaurant in sembled a tribe of Indians burning at i,onor of his old-time friends, it being the stake the body of a captured en- ,,, 50tn birthday and the 21st anni- emy. Iversarv of his arrival In Elirln. Over All court rules were laid aside In 100 plope partook of the banquet, the trial, the evidence being simply, a shouted statement of the offense I MpH , , To(l, j,OI1(M.P succumbs, commi ted by the p'isoner. following Elf,,n ore. Mrs. Una Todd, wife, which the Jurymen lo.-t no time in , D To(( an aKed plon,.Pr of tnl3 returning their verdtet and the offi- c.ct, d d eers in charge in carrying out the or- Sfce ,eavcs a nuslband and two son8f uers. When the ceremonies had been completed, the crowd assembled and ! marched down to the business district where another demonstration was j held and divers threats made, the i ,,.1 X ,?' , . party not disbanding until a late j, 1Tac"ma" ash -Believing that hour or until after the excitement j hve married the same man nf the evening had v-orn off. Jeannette Hughes of Tacoma, and 1 TIM.. r r .. .. .. tt r JUIfllLC AiL'.MUlIfty UL iailCUUVtMt Wash., compared notes and worked I'DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP HER mm 'Charles A, and Ellis B. Todd, and one daughter, Mrs. Wadie Frazier, all of whom reside in this section. The whole trouble arose when Prin- r:T-ftl Hwk exnelled Ttonker find Cox halfback and center on the football , together for the arrest of William H. team, for having appeared in class ' Cameron, a cook, who was captured In full dress suit, and is said to have 1 as a result. The police believe ho refused to recognize their petitions that were presented to him in their behalf. IMMIGRATION LAWS AUK BKINGING BETTEH PEOPLE had other wives over the country. Houston Texas. The United States immigration laws require the prospective American citizen, upon entering the- United States from a foreign country, to possess at least $5 in money. This Is but one of the pre requi ites, yet when it is applied to immigrants entering Texas it is rare Kalilotus Boy Shoots Self. Kahlotus, Wash. Willis Kirby. 15- car-old son of Lee Kirby, a promi nent merchant, while looking over an old 32-caliber revolver, permitted it to accidentally explode and shot himself through the palm of the right hand. Dr. sherfey of Washtuena found one of the niata-carpal bones splintered and he removed two pieces of bone. Kill Bear Near Kcllogs. Kellogg, Idaho. As a result of a !y found that $5 is the minimum am- ree weens trip along tne Idano nunt of cash carried. Montana line in the vicinity of Eagle On the other hand, as a general 1 creek, four local hunters have fiv rule the finances of the immigrants , bears to their credit. The party, con- are healthy. For one month, for in stance, it was found that the 276 Im migrants who entered po-sessed a to tal of $23,168 as again-t the total sum necessary to get them in of $13S0. Divided as to nationalities It Is found that the German leads the list as to wealth, while the Hebrew is next sisting of Oscar Reynolds, Mike Reedy, Rufus Dunlap and Fred Mc Crery. Boy is Hurt in Carnival Wheel. Clarkston, Wash. Ralph Lyle, the 14 -year-old son of Frank Lyle, resid ing at Second and Sycamore, was se verely injured on the wheel being op- The best record made during crated by the Parker Carnival shows Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Pound, "Wii "I am plad to an nounce that 1 have been cured of dys pepsia and. female troubles Dy your medicine. I had been troubled with both for fourteen years and consulted differentdoctors, but failed to get any relief. After using Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound and Blood purifier 1 can say I am a well woman. I can't find words to express my thanka for the good your medicine has dona me. lou maypuDiisntuisir you wisn. Mrs. ILsKiiAX Sieth, Pound, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herb3, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, in 11am. mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irT regularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, Uatulency, indi, gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra? lion. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham'j Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills, and suffering women owe it to themselves to at least give this medicine a triaL Proof is abundant that it has cured thousands of others, and why should it not cure you? If you want special advice writ Mrs.Pinkliam. I,yim,Mass.,forit It is free and always helpful. Every Woman is Interested and should know about the wonderful i MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Syringe.. Best rnoet convenient. It cleanses Instantly. Ask your druggist for It. If he cannot supply ' MARVEL, accept no other? but send sumo for Illustrated took sealed. It elves fuH particu lar and directions Invaluable to ladies. MIRVE1 CO.. 44 tisl 234 Street, New York" NOTICE Ol' HEAUINO ON PAVING ASSESSMENTS. tho month was by a lone Frenchman who. unwrapped frorn a hiding place within his shirt the sum of $1045. Many curious ways are employed to secure the cash and one woman immi grant had to retire to a room with a woman inspector who went through an array of buttons and hooks in her dross before her wealth was dis closed. The money was bo secure from the owner that it required a pecond party to unlock it. coumiNc; itjom jam I SEI) TO DYE SHIKT "HAT" IS MOUSE'S NEST. IJttlo Uixlcnt from Woman's C'oiffuru at EiiMTKoncy Hospital. San Francisco. For more than a decade the joke smiths have been springing the perennial Jest founded upon the "rat"' woman wears in her hair. Their time-worn joke became a near-reality yesterday. As Mrs. Eleanor ftruckey wa being examined tt the Central Emergency hospital preparatory to being transferred to the city mill county hospital a mouse peaked from under her heavy tress oj and in a second leaped to the floor anil scampered for cover. Mrs. Ida Currier, the attendant, reversed the traditions of her sex by promptly smacking the mouse on the skull with a broom handle. Tickling in the throat, hoarseness. loss of voice indicate the need of Bal lard's Horehound Syrup. It eases the lungs, quiets the cough and restores health In the bronchial tubes. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle Sold by A. C. Koeppcn St Bros. at Lewlston. An operation was per formed at St. Joseph hospital. KeUlilkim's Biff Mills Kuril. Prince Rupert. B. C. A wireless message from Ketchikan says the Ketchikan mills burned. The saw mills did an extensive business sup plying boxes to the fish companies operating in that district. The loss is estimated at $50,000. The best plaster, a piece of flan nel dampened with Chamberlain's liniment and bound on over the af fected parts Is superior to a plaster and costs only one-tenth as much. For sale by all dealer $100 I1EWAHD, $100. The renders of this paper will be pleased to learn that tliere Is at least otic dreaded disease that solpn.ee lias been aide to cure In nil lis stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's t'ntarrli Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh lielng a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon Hie Dlooii ami mucous surtacOB or the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, ami giving tne patient strength hv bullillng up tne constitution and assist lug nature In doing Its' work. The pro prietors have so much fnlth in Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any rase that if falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : V. 3. C11ENET & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, 7;e. Take Hall's Family l'lllf for constlpa tlon. Exporimont nt EimhI show to Illuntrnto Dangers of the- liV!eiit Law, New York. A darning needle and a file were copper plated with the ar tificial ctdoring taken from strawberry jam. and a baby's undershirt was dyed a vivid cerise. The experiment was performed by rrofs. F. E. Breithut and B. G. Fein bcrg for the benefit of housewives at the booth of the College of the City of New York in the pure food show at Madison Square Garden. Jam of a rich red was placed in a receptacle, and a few drops of hydro chloric acid added. The file and needles were placed in the liquid, and after they had remained there several hours became covered with a coating of copper which made them shine like a new telephone wire. The acid caused a chemical reaction, but mere ly served to make the copper sul phate In solution plate the metal. Then the garment was dipped In the liquid. The color the wool absorbed was then dissolved in ammonia, which removed the vegetable coloring, and tho garment was then redipped and took on its present cerise color, which came from tho coal tar dyo used to give the syrup its red hue. The sale of the syrup was not In violation of the present law, because tho law specifies that products mark ed "artificially colored" and colored with copper sulphate or coal tar may be sold. The purpose of the demon stration is to educate the people into the realization that though tho law permits the sale of such food products they are harmful to health. Copper sulphate is a cumulative poison, and enough collected in the system would produce injurious results. While all coal tar products are not harmful. th effects of some taken In large quan-l titles would be anything but bene-' filial. A quotation of Doctor U iley, the government pure food expert, posted on the walls of tho booth summarizes the purpose of the exhibit. It says: It is evident, It seems to mo, that the very best remedy for the evils of food adulteration would be the crea tion of a public opinion of a character that would regard persons engaged in food adulteration as without the palo of ethics, moral nnd polite society." launch Wrecked: Curler Drowns. Prince Kupert, B. C. James Car ter, a half-breed, living at Massett, was drowned when his launch was wrecked in a severe storm off the Queen Charlotte islands. Joe Tasha tat, a Frenchman, who was with Car ter, managed to reach shore safely. Four Horses Burn in Barn. Pullman, Wash. The large barn on the farm of J. O. Cooper, five miles south of here on the Genesee branch of the Northern Pacific, burn ed, killing tour horses, two of them being imported stallions, valued by Mr. Cooper at $5000 each. The other two horses were a work team kept in the barn last night. There was a large amount of hay, grain, harness and other valuable property. The to tal loss is between $12,000 and $15,000 with only light insurance. The barn and contents were insured, but for much less than their actual value. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Pen dieton will on Wednesday evening, October 18th, 1911, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall in Pendle ton, hold a meeting for the purpose of final consideration of assessments for paving Alta street from the east line of Main street to the south line of Court street, Webb street from the west line of Cottonwood street to the east line of Main street and Cottonwood street from the south line of Water street to the north line of Railroad street, in the City of Pen dleton, and all persons affected by said assessments are notified to be present at that time and place and present any objections they may have to said assessments or to any part thereof as made and considered by the council. A tentative assessment roll will be on file subject to exami nation in the office of the City Re corder at the City Hall on Tuesday morning, October 17th, 1911. Dated this 13th day of October. 1911. and published by order of the Common Council. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. ACT15ESS DIVORCED, DID NOT KNOW IT ! MISS MAY COLLINS. Kuto Clnvton Wants Divorce Dissolved If " -t .T2J-.' - t f Because. Secretly Taken. ' y t ff " ' H ist St. Louis, IU.-Mrs. Charles Wri& V, t f T Stephenson, known on tho stage as . Y ! fr X, v Kate Claxton. was a witness yester- i lC,s i ' 1 y -.-. day in her suit to have a divorce, oh- j If tained by her husband 11 years ago, PiSp . annulled. She declared that she did jL? f5 not know of the divorce until April, 1!'10, when her supposed husband had i been married again. Her testimony was to the effect that she lived with Stephenson after he had ohtainod tho divorce, ignorant of tho fact that he had been granted a decree. Good Piisturo I.nml for Sale. For sale. :tf0 acres good pasture land on Cabbage Hill, 15 miles sou'h cast of Pendleton. Good gross and plenty of running water and springs on place. Address, W. H, Bell, Pen dleton, Ore., or call on Bentloy & Leffingwell. When Your Nerves STRIKE then, you'll believe what physicians say about Black Havana cigars. Then, you'll be willing to smoke light, soothing Havana and domestic blends like the Gen! Arthur MjM 10c Cigar I M. A. Gunst i& Co., Distributors V" i - r ' I It iVM . - i ' , . V t In "The Girl, the Man and tho Game" at the ortsen theatre tomorrow night.