East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 13, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Coal and wood, phone Main 6. .
Pust'mo p'.cturca please all.,
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178.
I C Snyder, chimney sweep". 113812.
For rent Front office In ' Judd
building. Apply to F. E. Judd..
Everybody goeu to tno orpheum to
ee the best and the clearest pictures
Dr J. A. Best nna returned from h!n
vacation and has resumed practice.
For Rent Nicely furnished rooms.
313 S. Main. Phono liluck 2451.
For Hunt Three furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. Inquire "1".
M." this of I ice.
For Sale 200 hen. and pullets, ex
cellent laying stock. Address, Mrs
Geo. Uuln, liox &G2, Pendleton, Ore.
Try the Cash Market for fresh
Poultry, lso. remember we keep gro
ctrlfl and rrents. Phono Main 101.
There'1 will btv hom rooking sold
at the .Creamery room by ludles of
Christian church tomorrow from 10
tin 4.
Wanted Bright per cent money on
first cliu-a alfalfa and fruit land se
curity, loans to run irom 3 to 5 years
Write to H. E. Bush, Nyssa, Ore.
Tako Northern Puclfiu Hy. to Spo
kane Leaves 1:30 p. in, arrive C.&5
p. m. Tickets from W. Adams
Agent,' Pendleton.
For Salt) 6 passenger Franklin,
run but little, cont ti'.ioo. 1600 will
take It If sold this w.tuk, owner go
ing awny. J. W. Davis, 700 K. Wobli.
If you want to move, call Penland
Bros. Transfer, phone 33'J1. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. (47 Main street.
For transfer work, hauling bng
gage, moving household goods and
rlanos and all kinds of Job work,
phone Malnn 461. B. A. Morton.
A Snap Owner leaving Pendleton,
must sell good 9 room house, furnish
ed, three blocks from Ma.n street, at
bargain; terms. Phone Black 2731
Wanted A girl fur general house
work on farm 6 miles out of town
Work Is light, only two In family. Call
120 Monroe street, ctly. or Farmer
Line 26.
You can't burn slate and gravel!
Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry,
Main 173. for clean ' screened Rock
springs coal cither lump or nut. It
burns clean and goes further.
To Portland or Callforni.i, take
Northern Pacific. vi.i Pasco, and S.
P. & S. Ry Leave 1:30 p. m., or
rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad
ams, utont at passenger stitlon, for
through tickets and all arrangements.
I have several large tracts of Uma
tilla county wheat land and stock
ranches for sale. Will take In ex
change property In Portland, Spokane
or Pendleton,
Mr,i. Carl Gilbert of Echo, Is a vis
itor in the county j-eat today.
F. L. Miller of Pomeroy, Wash, Is
a Kucst of the Bowman hotel.
Pr. Jack Poley of Boulder, CoIj.,
U In the city, a guest at the Slusher
Mrs. p. F. Hannans of Helix, Is In
the city today to consult her attor
neys, . L. 10. Stuart and wife of Vklah
are among the out of town visitors In
the city,
C. J. Freese, Spokesman-Review
representative, Is a guest of the Perr
dleton. .
Carl. Kngdahl, warehouseman at
Helix, Is transacting business In the
city today.
Representative S. D. Peterson of
Milton, Is attending to legal matters
i:i Pendleton today.
Mrs. Royee of Pasco Is among the
out-of-town visitors in the city today,
registered at the St. George.
Charles Reid of Milton, enme down
fj'om the east end M the couivy yes
terday and spent the night here.
Sirs. L 15. Iteeder of Portland, ar
rived morning and in n guest of
her sister. Mis. J. V. Maloney.
Jerome Frledmnn and wife return
o.i lust nlsht from Portland where
Mrs. Friedman had spent the summer.
Douglas Belts and Mrs. R. C. Belts
of Pilot Rock, came in from . their
. ' ; '4
For Friday and Seturilay- we present
a program of thrills and excitement,
pathos and good comedy.
"Sc'eriee." Imp. A touching story,
with 1-asslc a benu iful Scotch Col
lie ns the chief actress. The doctors
while experimenting on Las-le's pup,
accidentally, killed it, and we see a
piece of animal acting so clever as to
seem human. In the closing scene
the little dog comes to the grave of
her lost puppy and placing her paw
on it, as In prayer grieves over her :
dead a-s a nil man mother might do. I
"The Red Man's Penalty " Bison.
The, Indiana, protesting against the
food furnished by the government are
angered at the commissioner's treat
ment and he and his guards are killed.!
The troops go In pur-uit of ihe In
dians and a great running battle Is
fought in which the redmen are de
feated. "Silver Tail and His Squaw." Pow
ers. The feature of this film is the
binding f a squaw to her horse,
which is sent tearing through the
woods. The girl Is rescued In a thrill
ing nay by her lover. A very stirring
story. '
"The Cripple." Lux A cripple
girl, wotk'ng in an office, is made
love to by a young clerk. The other
clerks, finding a letter from the lov-
r's sister asking him to meet her, de
cide to annoy the cripple ny showing
her the letter and tel'lfig her that her
l iver is unture. The Ill-natured plot
succeed.-- for a time -but later she
learn the truth and Is happy again.
"Bill Wishes to Make Butter." Imp.
The funny 11 tie comedian Bill ap
lionie yesterday and spent the night j pears in the riot of fun as a would-be'
in the city. dairyman. AVhat he didn't know
J., H. Hoffman of Pilot Rock, was 'about cows well anyway he took the
If eo.ng east, or west or south,
have tickets routed Northern Pacific
Ity. Closo concretions at Pasco with
a'l through trains. W. Adams, agent,
Ir. Kent to K.-tumi Prnoili-o.
Pr. Kern is remodeling his former
dental office, room 15 Judd building,
In which he will resume practice of
dentistry on Tuesday, October 17th.
Rooming house, best In Pendleton,
22 rooms, all nicely furnished; bar
gain If sold at once. Ask about It
today, 'phone Main 5.
among the re idents of that town
coming to Pendleton yesterday eve
ning. Deputy District Attorney W. C. E.
Pruitt returned yesterday from Burns
where h had been transacting busi
ness for awcek or more.
W. M. Blakely and Mr. and Mrs.
Sam R. 'fiiompson will leave In the
morning fur Walla Walla where they
will attend the funeral of J. J. Roul
stotie former I'inutilla county pioneer
who died Tuesday.
S. B. Neil of Alba was here yester
day having accompanied his niece,
Mrs. A. S. Paul and children to the
city. Mrs Paul and children are
from Camas Prairie and are hound
for Camas, Wash., where the family
Is to locate.
ccw Into the parlor and filled whole
room with milk. His churning efforts
tti-r.' ho strenuous that he knocked a
hole in the floor and flooded the
house with milk, butter and cow. A
gal., of merriment.
"Won By a Foot." Imp. 'A clever
comedy in which only feet appear. In
this we have the. "hobo," policeman,
lovers, mashers, all hown by foot
work. There Is a genuine surprise at
the end.
I'iiiiiix-alialil If you were to see
th.- unequalled volume of unim
peachable testimony in favor of
Hood's Sar-apai ilia, v..u would up
braid yourself for So long delaying
to take this effective medicine for
that blood disease from which you
are suffering.
Restaurant must be sold nt once;
g od reason for selling. Phone Main
Puiiltryninii I'JihIs Wny to Save III
Lungs at Time.
Beverly, N. .1. Howard Wil's, on
extensive poultry grower of Wllling
boro, near here, has adopted n novel
plan to cnll his fowls to meals, that
of ringing a dinner hell. Ni matter
where they may be on the extensive
field, the chickens will (") toward him
nt the sound of the bell. Benjamin
Atkinson, of Burlington townsdilp,
FUrnmons his birds by pound'ng on a
triangle and both men find their
plans very saving of lung power.
While) He KmiivIiiv 81 Men Pnder Ar
rest, Steals Ills Watch.
Seattle, Wash. Down at police
liendqunrters there Is a deeply chnr
rlned person. Likewise, there are 100
or more patrolmen and sergeants
whose countenances are decidedly Il
luminated when they pass the book
ing desk at headquarters It all hap
pens through the deft fingers of one
of the SI prisoners, haled before the
wicket the other day to be searched
before being locked upi
Johiy Peter Schilling, first grade
patrolman, distinguished linguist, for
mer schoolteacher, nssigned to duty
us booking officer, is the victim. So
engrossed was he In going about his
Usk of "frisking" the bis batch of
prisoners that he did not think about
himself. Several hours after he com
pleted the job he became curious ns
to the timeof day, and reached for
bis watch. He discovered that some
one of the 81 prisoners had "touched"
him for his watch. A second search
of the prisoners failed to disclose the
Identity of the person who "kicked"
bis timepiece, or Us whereabouts.
Between watching the pawn shops
and mourning his loss, peter keeps
bis eye on n young Ingersoll which
he keeps chained to hM belt. Mean
while Piter's brother officers are hav
ing a series of hearty laughs at his
expense. .
Former Chorus Girl Tells of litis- :
hand's Cruel ..Acts in PJvorcc Com-1
New York. Eveh-n Martine, one
t'f 'he bonniest chorus girls that ever
ogled an evening suit across the foot
lights, though that was ten years ago,
has begun suit in the supreme court ;
for "limited emancipation" from her
husband, Albert Girard. who, ac-,
cording to the comp'nint, is a man of
fearful and fantastical whims. j
The former Mi.-s Martine has cho-
wn for golden text, "extreme cruelty.'"!
t'nder this general caption she do- '
Clares that Girard has a perniciously
playful habit of whistling for her )
terrier at dinner and using it for aj
napKin. insicau oi me lame linen pro
vided for the occasion.
The one-time Mis' Martine a-ks for
J200 a week alimony and $5000;
counsel fees. Once separated from
her husband. Miss Martine says she
will return to the quiet and begin all
over again.
Slrnnglitl by Dumb Walter.
San Francisco. Oct 12 Miss Eva
Forth ingham, aged 19 years, was:
strangled here last night by an auto-!
matic dumb waiter. j
The young woman was removing
dishes from the lift when it shot up
ward, pinning her head against the
wall. She was alone in the apart
ment at the time nnd was dead when
discovered by her sister. It requir
ed 20 minutes for workmen to cinq)
through the work and "release the
Some people learn to do by being
Ito Infant l3 Ifcilchttfi
flw IM You Haze Always Bongfr"
Ktars th
Double - Textured Coats
Probably No Style of Coats for Fall and
Winter are so Popular as These New Models
of Double-Textured Woolen
They're so Snug and Comfortable! So Clever
and Charming in Style, though PracticalEvery
One of Them
A splendid choice of models Some in solid colors with plaid facing, collar and cuffs
Others in fancy mixtures with plain backs collars, cuffs and belts to match. Made
with the loose, semi-fitting, box or empire backs. Notched, roll or cape collars. You
will be pleased with them every one new and fresh for they just reached us by
express. See them today. Priced at $20.00, $25.00 and $35.00
New plain man-tailored Suits in Navy Blue and Black
New Silk Dresses at . . . $ 1 5.00 to $25.00
Silk Waists in plain and figured Messalines $3 to $7.50
Come to the store of Worth, Style and Quality
Wohlenberg Bep't Sicr
Better Goods for
Less Money
The Cat is Out oi the Bag
The truth will out ! We announced a great special in
men's Fall Suits and Overcoats for this week only. Now
comes the public with the unsolicited assertion that
Our $ 10 Suits Equal the $ ! 5 Ones
Sold Elsewhere
They have bought and are now happy, but we still have
a fine line left. Spending money is altogether different
at this store come and learn the real value of a dollar and
Bear in Mind This Offer Closes Sal
See Our Large Corner Window and Act. Quickly
crKingmen s
ig Co.
t f v a ii
Mk jyj Ecya p Cy5) Jlk, "pp
of the Great Dissolution Sale It s realy great the way peopk are buying and it's realy
great the bargains we are giving. Customers are coming from every town in Umatilla County
to lay in their winter supply. Not one single complaint have we heard so far. Why should
there be ? The values we are offering are truly GREAT.
THESE PRICES FOR SATURDAY and as long as they last
Clark's Thren.l, simol - - 3
l5o Ln.lios' Black Hoso - 9
15c Children's School Hose V
Calico, all grades, yard 3
Ladies', Coats, odds and ends, values to $25.00, to closo out,
only 10 left S1.9S
$3.50 and $1.00 Shoes, ladies' S
$2.50 Children's Shoes - $1.69
12 l-2c and 15c Percales , - 9
12 l-2c and 15c Ginghams ?
Hundreds of strictly upvdate Suits, Coat and Drosses for
Women and Misses' at prices far less than you expected to pay.