East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 13, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Superb Autum Apparel Distinctive
Style Popular Prices
Yesterdays Express Shipment Included One of the Newest,
Niftyiest Lines of LADIES
Ever Shown on the Pacific Coast.
These are all garments of exceptional merit, made in the most painstaking
manner, unusually beautiful in design and distinctly high class. This complete
stock includes the new dark navy blue serges, strictly tailored, scotch tweeds in
browns, grays and all fancy mixtures.
The new RATINE fabrics, positively the newest suits being
shown, they come in black and white, blue and white and
pure white all in stunning styles and very becoming.
Coats in Amazing Assortments
These beautiful new lines of coats, made up in new double faced materials
with shawl collars, trimmed in beautiful shades of tan, Copenhagen, purple,
green, red and dark blues can not be surpassed in any city. We are selling
more womens and misses coats than any other house in town, simply because
our styles are better, the assortments larger and the prices lower.
Prices From $12.50 to $10.00
The Progressive Store
Healthful Hints
A Refreshing Drink
For Fever Patients -
To half a glass of any gn,S ivrnp U lt from
can n:d fruit raspberry or grape juice is especially
(rwd add a lablespooniul of Duffy's pure malt
wtmkey and a few lumps of ice. Fill up the nlaa
with plain cold watT. This may be made mora
ouribhinc by adding the vulk or white of a fresb
av and urtakinif the whole w:lr.
This drink is Tory highly recommended by Dr.
Thomas LoTe, of Atlanta. Ga., who says: "It il
noctiuailcd fur fever patieuta."
Salem, Or., Oct. 13. Taking advan
tage of the visit of President Taft to
Kalem yeHetd ty morning. Governor
West broached the need for immedi
ate Improvement of the west exten
sion of the Umatilla Irrigation project,
which means so much, to eastern Ore
gon, and received the promise of the
president to give it personal atten
tion. While the president and the gover-
! nor were riding about the streets,
! fi.f. K'ct cii otri.uti.A tVin cm K Ir..t
as one of the highest importance to
Oregon. He informed the president
that Oregon hai contributed more er.th street, Reading Penn., celebrated
than any other state to the reclama- the one hundredth and first annlver-
tion fund and has not received its j sary ot his birth on May 4. Mr. Yohn
Mr. W. Ii. Yolin Is a licmarkablo
.Man Ho Has Lived a Very Active
Life, But at this Advanced Age Still
lictuin His Health and Strength.
William B Yohn of 1?S North Sev-
share In return.
Ho told the president that the peo
ple of the state are aggrieved over
this treatment, and have a feeling of
resentment. He told the president it
was a matter that should be taken up
without delay.
The president replied in sub-tanee:
was born in 1810, and recalls many
of his country's early struggles along
the frontier. In 1837 he went to
Reading, and has resided there with
his family ever since. Since 1864 he
has resided In the same house, which
he built for his ownw use.
He has always been actively en-
"This is not a matter I will forget. gaged in business, following pursuits
If you write to me I will give it my that called for physical endurance
personal attention, if Oregon has arHj bravery, being at various times a
anything coming. O-egon will get It." miller, constable .deputy sheriff and
As the president and the governor auctioneer. Notwithstanding thii
were parting, Mr. Taft remarked, vjKor0us life, he looks and feels fine.
"Don't forget to write." Mr Jonn attributes a. considerable
To which Governor West laughing- part of the wonderful length of his
ly responded. "I will not forget Do ilfe t0 Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey,
not forget to give it your personal at- which has been consistently used by
tentlon." hlm whenever he felt the need of a
: tonic stimulant. In a letter to a friend
SCHLEY'S WILL PROBATED. j recently he said. In part:
! "i wwas 101 years of age May 4th,
Admiral Leaves Bulk of Ills Estate, having been born In 1810. For a good
to His Widow. many years I have used Duffy's Pure
Washington, D. C. Real Admiral Ma,t whiskey, with very fine results.
Winfield Scott Schley, in his will filed j have always felt much better and
for probate, left to his three children atr0nger after using it. I attribute
and their heirs all the presents given mv ong nfe to the use of pure 11
to the admiral by "the people of my qUors taken moderately all my life
country" and gave the rest of his es- As a medicine I could recommend
;tcte to his widow, Mrs. Annie R. nothing better than Duffy's Pure
Schley. "Give Christian burial to those Malt Whiskey."
who fall, and only surrender when Whpn men and women pass the age
there Ls no longer power left to de- of glxty they need a remedy that will
fend country and flair." is the senti- qu,.kpn the circulation, brin restful
ment with which the will concludes. sleep lnvigorate the brain and pre-
The will, written by Admiral Schley vent 'decav. Duffy's Pure Malt Whls-
of Oct. 2. 1902, on a Scottish Rite key u th'e onIy agent tnat wHl pro-
blank, conveys no information on duce tiiese happy results. It improves
which an estimate of the value of Ad- tne digestion and assimilation of the
miral Schley's estate could be based. tooA and gtves tone and vitalit to ev-
The three children are Captain Thorn- ery organ In the body.
as F. Schley, Virginia M. S. Wortley
and Dr. Winfield Scott Schley.
Walters, seventy-six, of Gig Harbor
CIGARETTE COST 113 LIVES. wag m;irried recently to Mrs. Diana
I Sell, fifty.
former Chief Croeker Says It Is Im- ; .1frort waiters the oM man's son
possible to Make Fnetorjr
Hands Quit.
did all the courting, 'elating to each
of the old people the other's charm-
Walters has been married twice be
fore. This is Mrs. Walters' second
iorK. mai a ciKareiie umus- ing qualities, arranging a corres
ec" the fire in the Asche building last pondence and exchange of photo
March, which cost 143 lives, was the graphs.
statement made by ex-nre Chier
Croker of New York before the pub
lic safety commission, which ls in
vestigating the catastrophen.
The former chief said that "they ,
can't make them stop it. They seem
to think it is a tonic." '
Croker said few of the buildings to- ,
day were fire proof, but that there
were no fires In factories where
stroking is forbidden and other pre
cautions taken. !
Read the want ads.
Rig feature program for Friday and
1. "The Declaration of Independ
ence." Edison feature film. Dramat
is and educational. This film tells In
story form how the opinion gradual
ly took shape that the American col
onies were and ought to be free and
Independent states and how the rep
resentatives of the colonics got to
gether and sent the opinion forth to
the world In the form known as the
Declaration of Independence. The
film Is staged with the usual Edison
lnvlshness and attention to every de
tail 2. "Rosy O'Mnre." Kalem, The
story of nil Irish patriot. Every scene
In this, the greatest Irish picture ever
produced, was made in Ireland. The
grandest scenic background ever
used In motion photography; Rory
O'More takes you into a new atmos
phere. You see rural Ireland ns It
was early In the nineteenth century
with Its quaint buildings and cos
tumes and scenic splendors that en
rapture nt every glance.
3. "Temples of India." Eclipse. A
Kvcry Ilouwlwld In Pendleton Should
Know How to Itcslst It.
The back aches because the kid
neys are blockaded.
ilelp the kidneys with their work.
The back will ache, no more.
Lots of proof that Doan'B Kidney
Pills do this.
It's the best proof, for It comes
from Pendleton.
D. J. Morrow, 517 Marie street
Pendleton, Oregon, says: "For about
three months I had backache and If
I did work that required stooping,
sharp twinges darted through my
loins and over my right kidney. The
secretions from my kidneys were un
natural and irregular In passage and
pains me Intensely when being void
ed. On a friend's advice, I usea
Doan's Kidney Pills and they correct
ed my trouble. I gladly give this
preparation my endorsement."
For sale by all dealers. Price SO
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.. sole agents for the United
"States. "
Remember the name -Doan's and
take no other. .
unique educational subject, which Il
lustrates with great detail the strange
ness of this mysterious land. The ar
tist seized upon the most noted points
for his series and the result is won
derful for realism and definition.
4. "The Free Lanee." Eclipse.
This setting of this intensely dramat
ic story is of a beauty rarely encoun
tered. 6. "The Wrong Patient." Vlta.
graph. Here's where we give you
laughs a double header and they
strike hnrd. The man gets the treat
ment prescribed for a horse and
strange to relate, gets well and for
gives his daughter's suitor for the
"bad feelin's" he had towards him
and consents to her marriage to the
6. "Queer Folk." Vltagraph This
picture Is filled with laugh after
laugh and takes you all through the
side shows of the "Circus." A vast
hippodrome of fun and frolic. Step
right Inside nnd see the funniest shows
you ever saw. Don't miss It.
The- Pastime.
A big feature film for Friday and
"Thro Fire nnd Smoke." Another
Sellg triumph. Absolutely the most
renlistlc and exciting fire drama ever
produced. No money could buy or
build an effect like this, that cir
cumstances has enabled the Sellg Co.
to embody in the greatest of all fire
pictures. Pictured during a great
skyscraper fire at Third and Broad
way n few weeks ago. Pee the great
fire runs, thrilling rescues, frantic
women Jumping from dizzy heights,
fire engines puffing, firemen battling
with the flames, nil woven Into a
beautiful and unique love story.
"Always a Way." Lubin. A pretty
hard problem this was, but Cupid
solved It. Ruth Craven was about
the prettiest nnd sweetest girl you
ever saw. She was deeply in love with
Harry Sterling. Ruth lived with her
brother, the Rev. John Craven. Now,
Brother John did not approve of
Harry. This wns the problem Cu
pid had to solve how to ring the
wedding bells with Ruth's brother
hnnglng on to the bell clapper. Har
ry secured the help of a friend who
owned a motor car. There was some
exciting moments but In the end
Harry nnd Ruth were married, the
Rev. John Craven performing the
ceremony. Of course ho didn't know
who the couple wns until nfter the fi
nal words were said. This is certain
ly a dandy love comedy.
"Honoring a Hero." Pathe. Col
Crosley, nn officer in the Unio ar
my and the father of a very charming
daughter, with whom a young officer
is deeply In love is ordered to the
front, and he and the young lieu
tenant lover lake a sad farewell. Col.
Crosley is badly wounded and Is
sent home, where he dies. Later, when
the war Is over, the story of the
young lieutenant's devotion to the
forgotten officer makes an interest
ing romance.
"A King for an Hour." Eclipse. A
laughable story of how a Joke was
played on a cobbler.
"Sights of Berlin." Ancient and
modern views of this European capital.
The King George V. has been on
the stocks two weeks less than the
average dreadnought, having been
laid down on January 16 last.
The vessel has a displacement of
23,000 tons and her principal dimen
sions are: Length, 555 feet; beam,
S9; draft 27 1-2. The armament con
sists of ten 13.5 Inch guns nnd twenty
four 4 inch guns. Engines of 31.000
horse power are expected to furnish
a speed of 21 knots nn hour.
The Cun.se of Their Enrmnilon. Still
One place whee surgery fails to
bring permanent relief is in the treat
ment of plies, because even when the
evil tumors are cut away, the cause
of their formation still remains. That
cause is poor circulation. Dr. Leon
hardt's HEM-ROID Is the tablet rem
edy that Is taken Inwardly and gets
right to the inside cause.
HEMROID is sold for $1 by Pen
dleton Drug Co. nnd all druggists.
Money back If it falls. Dr. Leon
hardt Co., Station B. Buffalo, N. Y.
Write for booklet.
Gains Twelve Pounds Since Juno and
Tips Scales Now at 190.
Tarrytown, N. Y. John D. Rocke
feller, announced that he had gained
twelve pounds since June and that he
now weighs a few ounces more than
190 pounds, more than he has ever
weighed before.
1 the World Growing: Better.
Many things go to prove that It is.
The way thousands nre trying to help
others ls proof. Among thorn Is Mrs.
W. W. Gould, of Pittsfield, N. H.
Finding good health by taking Elec
tric Titters, she now ndvises other
sufferers, everywhere, to take them.
For years I suffered with stomach
and kidney trouble," she writes.
"Every medicine I used failed till I
took Electric Bitters. But this great
remedy helped me wonderfully.
They'll help any woman. They're the
best tonic and finest liver nnd kidney
remedy thnt's made. Try them. Y'ou
will see. 60c at Koeppens.
Pendleton Drug
la In business for
Your Good Health"
DrendiiaiiKlif King George V. Has DIs.
placoiiH-nt or 2:1.001) Tons IriMigtli
835 IVct Has Ten 13.5 Inch Guns.
Portsmouth, England. Great Brit
ain's largest and best armored bnttle
shlp, King George V. was launched
successfully. The warship was chris
tened by his majesty's aunt. Princess
Christian of Sehleswlg-Holstein.
When you want
A ft
315 E. COURT ST.
Colorado Woman Bewitched by
"Character Sketch." i
Taeoma. Wash. His son having of-
ficiated as matchmaker. Thaddeus L.
$100 REWARD, $100. j
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there ls at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
in nil Its stages, and tint Is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and clvlnir the pntlent strength
by building tip the constitution and assist
ing nature In doing Its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith ta Its cnratlva
powers that they offer One Hundred Dol
lars for any case that If fails to cure. Send
for list of testimonials.
Address :
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by PrtiRRlRts, 7oc.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipa
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Manufacturer!
and Distributors of th
Tallmaiv & Co.
Leading Druggists of East
ern Oregon.
If Your Neighbor Has
Electric Light
and you have not, just stop into his house some even
ing after dark and compare its light with .your own.
Study each pojnt of convenience, cleanliness, clear
ness, beauty carefully, and then figure out for your
self if it woJd not pay you well to have your houso
wired for electric light at once.
Electric Light Today is Cheaper
and Better Than Ever Before
since the General Electric Company placed its
MAZDA lamp on the market. We have arranged
to supply our customers with the G. E. MAZDA
lamps on very favorable terms. These lamps give
two to three limes as much light as other lamps us
ing the same current.
If your house is located on any of our distributing
lines we shall be glad to adyise you about having it
wired and will give you more facts about the efficient
electric lighting of your home.
Pacific Power & Light Company
"Always at Your Service"