riE two. em. tur ousgonia. rcnLETos, oEKtox, mnu', October, ix itn. EIGHT PAcm i ... O00G0Q0000P0000 0O00000000000000O0000000O ! o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o New Arrivals and Saturday Specials Not a day passes that we do not receive express shipments of the newest stylesThis store always shows the latest, newest goods firstLet us respect' fjlly remind you that the sooner you come the better your selection can be, because of the low prices we make "Our Good Things" go asf. A -ii;rr.i'r of lira:: lli til '5:.':ii. Sit:' . 2 ; .'. - r'- I: r- IJr.-'-rj ir-tii (itC -. !ii!--. Au.'tl'i-.': (a;'v. c "'. I L v are :. J- j:.;.-f t: s:;.oo 0 it;'-' -i f, -!.!-, MNF..V ';'k. v. i'h TO", fl'.r.: '. i'h lOV, I !lfi5, t Ui (-Low vt'-j. , fr !.) 'ZTtC f."C l-f that an- vi-rv j r-v LT'.V. IT NAPKINS !!' rr:- LI- i.'i 31.00 yar No iron (1-. ar- l-ari'ifiil iVt'-fc fan.- . v.v v.;:i i- i;ki si'i'KAi) itvcYA) for Kllil riz- T'tr-h-'- SI'WIAI.LV SATI'IIUAV. II K- ur-.i jtA jiih!Itv f',r the ntmlar ri- l.'ffi. Sl.UO vbI'k- for ''i,v an f-xra Plain fn rilETONS KKIr Tw-ial lot of t KI). .r-,iur-iv ja-t cilor, Jjofit anl I1or:I ;ri c'fiv tif io.';a! Tirri uie. 20C finality for only 10 :: LI'HEAL" S'WIiFS IIKI)IT A N I EI. Yzrs-y ira-fB worlc an I .-n -ize. rt ta;;Ti!iiI '1--!;ti T.v'it ff'tn t f-ho"-' sqi;aue-s 50 7.r v. ill r a- folio!: will L" at V't at W-hL FnU a larf; a-(rt-Satar-iav 44? S5.00 MISSIS DIIKSS SKIKTS $3.79 'z -a. M-ri" an'l fan'-y iiixtun-r. ila'lf--in tailorfl wA vitli t-k-ts in tb -!'! nloi w many 'n-tty j!-;it-l .U' MLK ' K III OA w.ia. ''!(i- in a!! t. ijr-w and vari,fl f.lor. Ilait. .han. a!.!.- taff-ta. n:oi.-; 83.79 38.00 WHITE TAFFETA waists 81.98. Tli.'- v-ai-'a ar'- slightly sil-J, hut ohf-r-vi-- i-rf-t!y u'tA -fy!f- is up tr ila'f. '1'ia'i'v i- i yj -a Satur'lay. fhoii-- 81.98 MISSES' A XI JI'XIOi: SI ITS A ti-v hipnifnt, n-w tyl. Plain Tf-s ari'l f;ui'-v riiixrur'-. All C'Loiff SI 2.50. Ion't mi-- -fmr tlif-"' 'iif-. Every one of tln-in i! a lar;rain. WOMEN'S SFITS. In frray, nav, rrti n un hhi'-k ami fan'-y niixtnn-- in rrav. tan an-1 hroM'n. Nifty hw 'tv(i. Plain tailorcl anl fan-v 'hoif.. ' 817.50 83.79 Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery in Our Model Basement, tr vour Sumlav Phone Main 17. .-vil'l"-'') itr vour rsunoav nw-os .Mill'-'- M-at, '.' nv. 50 VoiiTl havfr tlior- firi- hrown d'-li'-ious ji-! if you UK- our Miri'-i? ifoar. N-x KtfK-k fati'-y .I.-11'nti, jar. 30c Now Pr'-.-rvow, jMri. 20 t 81-05 Ea-i rti ( 'ranU-rri-s fain-v nf'-k, 'piart 20c ThU M-a-fdi'n fti'-k, c-atm'-l fro'! now in. lJ-rri(- aii'l fruit, ran 30? N-w Pack I)iaiiioi,. W. ("at-np, Uttlo 30 Or'N r a cmiiiI nf T. P. W. fx--ial the lx--t 30 coffio on oartli. Extra I'iUify A-a!.'!i-k jrroon, can 25? white, r;an 30 Ilniith-v K: Palni'-r i ri xrt r 1 Wafers. Pure Maple Svrup. f. ean-, 00?; 1-2 ?u. 31.00; 1 vA- 51.00. cans New Jams jars T. I. W. SpM-ial Syni'j qt. 1-2 pal. 50?; 1 pd. 81.00. Fre-Ji Ea-U-ni Oyster, pint Extra Eam-y Green Olives, pint Extra Fanev Pineapphs Hawaiian lar:e cam l.'.-o our Ehruann Olive Oil, Ijotth-s X)C ami 31.00. Fari'-v Apples from Hom1 River, hx. 82.00 20 30? . 50? . 35 slieffl .... 25? 35, 20? and 35 .iirmip, eans .. Iihters, eans .. rah Meat, eans Fiiney new Maekere, 2 for 'rockery Iepnrtinent. in connection our Molel Orox-ery. No trotihle to (.'Ols. 15? 35? 25? with hhow The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 9 o o o o o 0 o o 0 SPORTS PACinc COAST LEACCK. W. L. Pet. p'.rtjni 17 7 J .57 Vernon 112 3 .574 OskUini 167 it .12 rfun m to y 10S -457 .-iT, FracciiKio II 107 .4J1 I Ac-'. 7i 119 345 CtakUoJ I; Vct-ikjo O. Oakland. Oct- II Pt-rnoll's hooui l tit. m i-i frr V.rri'jn in the aftrtoon ;as. rn-r-lay, the South- ! Am-rlf:arm failing to find him safIy when j hit nsf. TTie cor was 1 to in Oakland faTor. fakland' tally came In th fim inning. Hoffman t. as Mtfr n his short rir.gl. and Cov irov ott th coljr r-l hit of the ; day, a two baezr, on which Hoffman r d b'irnisr tirtly. Score: Hoth of th AII-HtiirH" runs w-r made of Martin. M-Inn-s !'ly' f.rt ha tir thre InnlnKn His Ifj-Jur-1 nht am l "re tid It It doubtful if '"" I'1" K'l"Mt Nrw York tnxt iiaturduy. v H-of: " K; AI!---ar J J phlla'Jr-l'.hlo 6 tt' n.t Mlrwt' 1 ri - dnn. Inforth. Mnrlln. Mor!.n ri' TtiornaH fnnlr's- HIik'M Kan. ValloimlH , AllHTlcllim i. Kt. ly.ui". O.t. 13. Tin- I'i'i'l N 'tlnnal I-iKU! hiiu'l'f'l "'"n won t.rday from tin- Amrrknn Iahkuo rlub in the series for Hit. illy ihnin IiloriMhli. t-:ich Hum pl.tylriK K"'"' hall. Th wlnnlnif rim wiih primarily th- r-nu!t of a wild throw by Hfpb cn". tw.-: fl.H K Nationals J ft 0 2 S 1 Wsirmon mid 1! I n: I'l llV H1 i.hf-rm. trinrjIriM I'i rrinc mid John- f stone. tnurli downs for bis tnim through th bun. Tint lln-up was as follows: IPtwtb'irnn. Washington. I'urli'H Wilcox Onr. Andirnon Luthir flight guard. TimirMNnHn D. Xewtfton I-ft fluard. I Ml rui In '. . . Boylerr Itlght taekle. ludby Guiott I ft Tack Is. lilboT Crokft Right t-nd. 1'nt'oii Y. NewUon Tft nd. K. P.. H 1 5 1 0 4 0 Cartltton, Sttw- NATIONAL I,EAJIE. o-a'jtd V-rr,ori P-rr,o;! and Ptarce art and Errwn. i-of ; Srranirio 4. ?aTarr.rito. CaL. Oct 1J. Han FraKiwro anl .aacramnto broke even' ir. the holiday double header, the af- t'-rr.oon gi-ne furniching the nearest ; aj-jroat-h to gc'd ba.sba'1 w hen th j .-a' li.r.6-'l on Mahoney in the tenth i irr.'.ng ar.d bur.ch.d thre hits for two rr:r; and a S to 4 virtorj'- Home' rjT. by prr- and Powell in the fifth ' i-.r.ir.g were the feature of the second garr.e. Score; Afterr;'-:.n rarrie R. H. E. ! Fraricis-co 11 li Sicrarri'-nto 4 10 3' Miller and Perry. Mahoney and Tarr,si. I'Tri-ir Finney. Ang-U .VI: Prrtlanl 1-8. Iv j Ar.r Cal.. Oct. 13. Is An-Z'-X ar.d Portland divided honors le header. Both in the afternoon L- Ar:t!t tO"k the firxt. 6 to 1. be caue Portland could do nothing with ; Palmer's '.ui.es. Portland won the i eor.d. principally beoau.-?e Ixs Ange ' les cosll not hit Hearton. The field ' inz of RMgers wa about the only j redeeming feature of either game. Scores: j First game R. H. E. Angeles 5 12 2 Portland 1 5 0 Palmer and Brooks; Steen and Ia Lvnge. Umpires Hidt-brand and Tonan. Second game R. H. E. I Anceeg 5 i Portland 6 9 0 Iyjverenz and Abbott; Seaton and Laljnge. l.'nplres Hildebrand and Tonan. yesterday In a doat ?mn were played IlrMMyn 3-5, N' rlt -2. .New York, flit. i:i--Nrw York closed Its season by dropping a dou ble header to Brooklyn. In tin- flrnt game, Itagon held the locals to three hits, while in the second game l' Tit was invincible. The second game wai a farce. Charley Faust, the eccentric Knn san, pitched the hist Inning, which was pure burlrsiie. Kaust was al lowed to get on base, I lent hitting 'im. li... kas then permitted to slcnl second and tlilnl, and .-cored on an infiebi out. First game; ' ' U. H. E. Brooklyn 3 6 0 New Ymk 0 4 0 i Itagon and Miller; Anns and Mcy ! ers empires. Klein ami ISrcnnan. Second game: II. H. E. Brooklyn 5 9 2 New York 2 8 5 Dent and Krwin; Drip-ke Maxwell, O00O00O0O00O0OO0O000090000C0000000O00000 lll(l ON hi I TUAt.KITIls; W'lf: of (.in. I I wards lux Women Who Would Voir. Washington, I). C, "The suffrage cause Is a fad and an unwomanly one; women do not have to vote, don't need to vote, aad don't want to vote," ac cording to Mrs. Clarence II Edwards, wife of fiencral J-;d wards of the bureau of insular affairs, lose friend and frequent golf opponent of President Taft. Mrs. Edwards has Just return ed from a trip around the world, which onflrrried her In the belief thai the American woman Is the most ef ficient and progressive In the world, Reminded that President Taft has recently expressed bis approval of the cause of votes for women, .Mrs. Ed wards said: I think trial women politicians are disgusting, (-specially the suffragettes. Women ought to P am vocations, but jiot protcssloiiH, personally, I would licvcr line for the services of a wo man lawyer or doctor. But there are ninny vocations to which women nro better suited than men, and for her work In thene she should receive the same salary. "Better far go earnestly to Work than enter Into an unhappy marriage liml later bet. ike oneself to the ill vorce court. It Is neither desirable rior prudent for a woman to marry for the sake of a home or for the protection of a husband. "(Jooil health and an occupation re the two things In life worth while. Jlvery womun should have souu, work or vocation, If only to keep her out of mischief. I believe that the so ciety women who have taken uji the suffrage fad huve done so because they ars bored They soon tire of It a nd leave the disagreeable aftermath to" their ili luited slsteis. 1 ilnn't be lieve In women being conspPijous, iind that's why I dlnllke suffragettes. Tiny ni" certainly that. ".M.irilagu is the natural sphere of women not com riicrcl. I life, llverv woman should marry If sho can nnd If elie wants to, but she should be so Inji pen, tent that flu ' compelled Id." 4 Al.irfKM WOMAN III NTS AFRICAN I.IO.NS WJlli Novelist to Cap! ii r; I'jth- Mrs Sleuart Willi llii-band, Sought on. New York Stewart Edward White, the author and Mrs. White of Santa Barbara, Cal.. returned on the steam er Cedrir; from a lion hunting expe dition in British East Africa. Ilurlng the eight, months they track ed the king of the forest Mr and Mm, White were in danger of losing their lives on twenty-one different occ a-loris. "My wife does not shoot, but she was interested In the hunt and want id verv much to capture a python," said While. "She did not succeed, but I killed ten lions, four leopards and have brought back with rne the heads of a hundred antelopes, elk, ib er and other horned animals. "The variety of ihe game In the Mombassa country Is Inconceivable. On one occasion We watched a string of game four mile long going down a hillside to water. But I hunted li ons mostly, and Just before we left I lie cnuri'iy J shot what I believe Id the largest Hon ever killed. "He measures 11 feet 8 Inches In length and stands 3 feet Inches In height. tracked him for five miles an, finally killed him 20" yards from the railroad on the Kaplta Plains, m ar Nairobi. Into nearly 700,000 feet of lumber mo nay, ngnicii nerserr, rolled oyer to port and then swung back to star board, retaining a list of twelve degrees. IMAM-: or a c;on i:xkaktiii-:i. om: mn KOI.M.Ii ship ou:k. Sni lor 'I drew Big British Tramp Slciimsiiip on Benin I '.nils,. Tacoma, Wash While the basic cause of the accident to the British :teamshii liamnra, which rolled over on her beam ends recently, cannot be. ascertained without n survey, the mishap was precipitated by a Chinese sailor according to Old Town steve dores. Tlie big freight carrier was evident ly trembling on the verge of rolling over when the Chinaman hove In Sight. He was returning to the ship A' lie Jumped op the gang plank to go ii board bis weight prove, the last straw that broke the cami I's back. The liner rolled over on Tier s'nrboard side, the one next to dock, spilling Qiict Marks If-lirvivl to I5o Writings of Forgot ten Race. Preston, Kan. What Is believed to be the Image of the god of a prehis toric, race was unearthed here by Frank Kelly, a contractor It was in a formation of very hard yellow clay, seventeen feet deep. The figure Is made of material resemb ling plaster of parls, though It is much harder. The supposed Idol shows the head find bust of a man and on the front and back (ire n,U'-er marks that may be the writings of a forgotten race. The find will be sent to the state university. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Plifliulrlishia 3. All Stars 2. Philadelphia, Oct. 13. TJe Phila delphia team, champions of the Am erican league, played their final game here ye-terday with the All Stars In preparation for the world's series with the New York Nationals. Phila delphia home team got only five hits off Wood of the Bos'on Americans, errors aiding In the" scoring of two of their runs. Manager Mack of Phil adelphia, gave nearly all of his sub stitute a chance, and the playing of some of them featured the contest. Slrunk made a wonderful throw from (Jaep center fields catching McBrlde who tried to go from second to third base after a catch. Strunk also beat out a bunt and stole second and third In the same Inning Danfoffh, a "southpaw." was given a trial for three innings. He held the All-Stars to one hit and fanned Cobb, Chase, Gessler and Gardner. Faust and Hartley. Cmplrcs Bren nan and Klem. ( Ini'iiuiatl 1. hlcaro 3. Cincinnati, Oct. 13 Cincinnati finished the National league season here by defeating Chicago in a loose ly played and uninteresting game. Score: l. II F. Chicago 3 12 2 Cincinnati 4 12 1 Slapnika and Graham; Humphreys, Boyd and McLean, Secold. Cmpire ESason and Emslic. Hllli lircullc h Left half. Quarter. Gordon Referee- Full. -Ralph Hhaw. Osborne A Id rich . Pasca ls RIPI'Li:i HIT I.N LINE. Navy .Man Who Break Rack U) ho Exniiiiricil for ITotiiotlon. Mare Island. Although confined at the yard hospital in a plaster cast as a result of a fractured spinal col umn, received while on a fishing trip a few months ago, R. D. Gatewood. assistant naval constructor and out side superintendent of the hull de partment at Mare Island, la to be ex amined on November 1st, for pro motion to the rank of naval construe, tor. It is believed he will fully recov er and he expects to remain at the statlon for two years and assist Con structor Ruhm In the work on tho collier Jupiter. I tl Villi TO BE GIVHN HATH. Sun Bot- ntonlo PurrseOH to Wash torn of CIly'.H Stream. San Antonio. Texas. Citizens of San Antonio, who remember the San Antonio river when It ran bank full with the waters, are much distressed liecause the river has been gradually getting lower during the last few years because of the decreased rain fall. The River Improvement asso ciation will Install a pump and draw water from a twelve Inch well near the head springs of the river and turn this water Into the channel. This will Increase the current and keep the bot tom washed clean of mud. 1IAWTIIOKNE AND WASHINGTON TIE The Hawthorne and Wnshlngton football game yesterday resulted in a time score, 10 to 10- In the first two quarters the east end players had things pretty much their own way. making their touch downs in these tw, quarters. The Hawthorne lads came back in the last two quarters and made their two touch downs In this period. Several sensational plays and tackles were pulled off. The star work for the Washington team was done by Jim Osborne. Pasco and Crockett. Osborne and Pasco made the scores. Hawthorne stars were Young Chats Gordon. Van Tie Walk er and Bibee. Gordon made both KEEP YOCTl SKIN COMFORTABLE ANT YOl'U COMPLEXION O.FVK DI RINO THE HOT WEATHER. If your skin Is kept comfortable, you will bo comfortable yourself. If you or one of your children are being madij miserable by hives, prickly heat, rashes or eczema or If you are worried by pimples, blsclt heads, sun burn, or skin trouble of any kind, we want you to try ZEMO and ZEMO Soap. We are so anxious to have you use ZEMO and ZEMO Soap that we offer you a generous sample of each and our 32 page booklet "How to Pre serve th( Skin" if yiu will send five 2c stamps to E. W. Rose Medicine Company, 3032 Ol've Street, St. Louis, Mo., to pay postage or get them today from Pendleton Drug Co. who Indorse and recommend ZEMO and eEMO Soap for all skin troubles whether it be on Infant or grown person. We know you will be pleased with results from the use of ZEMO and ZEMO Slap. Pendleton Drug Co. SURELY SETTLES UPSET STOMACHS INDIGESTION, GAS, HEAKT- Bl'RN Oil DYSPEPSIA VANISH live Minutes After Taking a Little DlaM'psln Your Stomach AVIll l-c l'ln Aalr Eat Your Favorite , I'imsIm Without I-'cnr of Distress. It's Equal limi t Exist. No one has ever made a salve, ointment or balm to compare with Bucklen's Arnica Halve. It's the one perfect healer of cuts, corns, burns, brubes, sores, scalds, bolls, ulcers, eczema, Salt Rheum. For sore eyes, cold sores, chapped hands or sprains Its supreme. Unrivaled for plies. Try It, Only 2Cc at Koeppens. TO Bi ll. I) ( IK 11(11 IN A DAY. Will Congregation of RiihIimxh Men Become Curs-ntcrs. Tulsa, fikla Cnder tho leadership of Dr. J. C. Magee, the pastor, the East Tulsa M. E. church will attempt the feat of erecting a church build ing In one day. All material which will go Into the building will be plac et! on the ground the day before and ai 8 o'clock In tho mornlnir a force of workmen composed largely of weal thy business men, with u number of women who will render nil aid pos sible, will net to work with the Inten tion of having the building completed by nightfall. Workmen skilled In making Iron arrived In Virginia from England In 1C21. Every year regularly more than a million stomach sufferers In the Unit ed States, England and Canada take Pape's Dlapepsin, and realize not only Immediate, but lasting relief. Th's harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out of order stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't fit comfort ably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead In your stomach, or If you have heartburn, that Is a sign of In digestion, Get from your pharmacist a 60- cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin and take a dose Just as Boon ag you can. There will be no soun risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach, nausea, debilitating head aches, dizziness or Intestinal griping. This wdll ali go, and. besides, there will be no sour food left over In tho stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Dlapepsin. Is a certain cure for out of order stomachs, because It takes hold of your food and digests It Just tho same as If your stomach wasn't there. Relief In five minutes from all stomach misery g wultlng for you at any drug store. These large BO-cent cases contain moro than sufficient to thoroughly cure almost any case of dyspepsln. In digestion or any other stomach disorder. Hotel McFeely The Only Strictly First-Class, Modern Priced Hotel in the City Nw House. New and Beautiful Furniture. Hot and Cold Water in Every Room. NO INSIDE ROOMS. Rates $1.00 and $1.50 Per Day Corner Alder & 4th Streets Oppositt Keylor Grand Theatre, Walla Walla, Wash. M now East End Grocery The most popular trading place in town is agent for the Celebrated Seal Shipt Oysters J. W. DYER, Prop. Phone M. 536 1 "Born with the Republic" IT AMES. E. PEPPETD) WHISKEY if. cJf Oldest distillery in America nrnl tho best Whiskey made in Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Sole distributors in Pendleton. TIEKIIAN PETERS, Prop. ever