East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 12, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Lock for 0K
(Jti sign
on hading
The XR ThK
hardened Steel C- Leather tread X
Anti-Skid I --?a I tough, flexible,
Studa do prevent SfffllggKt nd noa- I
I V. skidding JVgSfrj1, P"ct"""g
Pendleton Auto Company
University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore
gon, 1're.siiUnt Campbell, who re
turned to Eugene from Salem, yes
terday, Mates Hint the cuse of the
University of Oregon against the ref
crenilers of her appropriation bills
has been unimpaired by the testimony
offered -by the defendants thus far.
That several thousand of the names
aigued to these referendum petition-
are forgeries, bus even been admitted
lirivutely by attorneys of the opposi
tion. The evidence of fraud in the
petitions offered by ex-Justice of the
Supreme Court Slater and Judge Pipes
who are the attorneys retained by the
University, has consisted of the tes
timony of D. W. Hoas, assistant cash
ier of the First National Bank of
Portland, H. W. Massom of the Burns
Detective Agency, and of four or five
confessed forgers of the petitions.
Koss as a hand writing expert testi
fied that hundreds after hundreds of
the names on the petitions were ob
viously written by the same group of
people. Detective Hassom testified
that he had pent weeks looking up
addresses of people whose names ap
lieured on the petitions and had found
only empty lots or different people
people, living at the addresses than
those nam0 in the petition. The clr
culators who had previously confess
ed to the signing of other people's
names to the petitions for the sake of
the three cents per name, gain, with
ono exception stood by their conies
The feeling exists at trie university
that unless the manifest fraud
throughout the petitions results in
theid annullment by the courts, that
the referendum will be In great dan
ger of continued missuse by unscrup
ulous men, as a contrary decision
would mean that one or two people
could refirend any important bill or
appropriation by copying ten or twen
ty thousan 1 naes from a directory on
to a petition.
Standing of tlo Teams.
W. I...
Portland 107 72
Vernon 112 81
Oakland ;.105 92
Sacramento 87 104
San Francisco 87 106
Los Angele .' . 77 119
Oakland 8, Vernon .
San Francisco, Oct. 12. Oakland
continued hitting the ball yesterday,
driving one Vernon pitcher from the
mound and winning from the villag
ers, 8 to 1. f
Score: R. II. E.
Vernon 1 6 2
Oakland 8 10 1
Stewart Kilroy and Brown; Abies
and Mltze. Umpires McGreevy and
Van Haltren.
Portland 4, Angels 2.
Los Angeles, Oct. 12. Portland fell
upon Tozer for four hits and three
runs In the second Inning, and was
never headed. Lo.-t Angeles could do
nothing with Henderson.
Los Angeles 1 6 1
Portland 4-13 1
Tozer and Brooks- Henderson and
La Longe.
lYIsoo 3, Sacramento 2.
Sacramento, Oct. 12. Sacramento's
only error, contributed by O'Uourke,
in the third inning, gave Vitt a life
on first and paved the way for his
score on Weavers' double. Fanning's
home run In the third and bunched
hits and a sacrifice fly gave the Seals
their other tallies.
San Francisco 3 10 2
Sacramento 2 6 1
Fanning and Carman; Baum and
Price. Umpire, Finney.
! . NORTHWEST 1 , Pj
Weak Heart
Sprung Tm K'lls Ixger.
Falls Cty, Or. A fprung tree
struck and kl'led Archie M. Rice, a
Ppaulding' Logging company employe, 1
at Black Hock. Rice came from 1
Ulaston, Miss. j
II. V. Miner Fractures Skull
Roftsland B. C The unconscious
body of James HaJl was found by
workmen at the foot of a ladder In
the Center Star mine. It Is supposed
he slipped and fell. Ills pkull was
badly fractured and he died short'y
after being removed to the hospital.
Marshal Shoots Fugitive.
Beaverton, Or Will LInd of Ti
gard. Or., was struck by the fifth of :
five shots fired at him by Marshal
William Hunter here and severely
wounded. He was In flight from
Hunter, 'who had caught him trying
to get three prisoners from the Bea
verton calaboose. Lind was taken
to St. Vincent's hospital, Portland.
Many people tuflcr from weak hearts. They may experi
ence shortness of breath on exertion, pnin over tbe heart,
or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing niter meuls or their
eyes become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong
to pump blood to the extremities, and they have cold hands
and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened blood supply
to the stomach. A heart tonic and alterative should be taken
which has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce: nlden
Medical Discovery, which contains no dangerous . cotics
nor alcohol.
The Ingredients, as attested under oath, are Stone root (Colllnmnla Canaden
sis). Bloodroot (Sanrulnarla Canadensis), OnlUen Seal root Hydrastis Canaden
sis), Queen's root (Siilllagia Sylvatlca), Blatk therrybark (Pruaus Vlrrlnlana).
Mandrake root (Podophyllum Mtaium), with triple refined glycerine, prepared
in a ecientilic laboratory In a way tbat no druzgifct could imitate.
This tonic contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles ; but, on
the other hand, it increases their number and they become round and healthy.
It helps the human system in the constant manufacture of rich, red blood. It
helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food,
thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncor
fortable symptoms, stops excessive tissue waste in convr I licence from fever' ;
for the run-down, anecmic, thin-blooded people, the " Discovery " is refreshing
and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane remedy, and refuse all " just as good
medicines offered by the druggist who is looking for a larger profit. Nothing
but Dr. Pierce's (Joldtn Medical Discovery will do you half as much good.
exemplary were paroled and will be
immediately liberated. Eighteen
convicts who were paroled or who
had been sent to road camps from
the Jute mill here were given final
Little Hurt by 8-Story Foil. j
Taeoma. Wash. James Neiimith,
painter, fell eight stories from a scaf
fold on the New Commercial club
building, alighting on a scaffold over
a hole In the sidewalk. He was
dushed to the hospital, where It was
found that his only injury consisted of
a broken arm.
then would have to be placed on the
free list and the industry, which has
made Texas famous, would have passed.
Erection of the first American glass
facotry took place in Temple town
ship, X. H , in 1780.
"Worthy the Attention of People Who
WMi to Pi-ewrvo the Hair.
Have your own brush at home and at
luilr dressers.
Never use a brush or comb In pub
lie places they are usually covered
with dandruff germs.
Wash your hair brush once a week
with soap and warm water to which
Is added a disinfectant.
Shumpo the hair once a week with
pure soap and water.
Usc PARISIAN SAGE every day,
rubbing thoroughly Into scalp.
PARISIAN SAGE is guaranteed by
Tallman Drug Co. o destroy dand
ruff germs and abolish dandruff or
money back.
To stop hair from falling and scalp
from Itching, or money back.
To put life and beauty into dull
faded hair, or money back. Price
SO cents.
Neuralgia of the fact, shoulder.
hand or feet requires a powerful
remedy that will penetrate the flesh.
Ballard's Snow Liniment possesses
that power. Rubbed In where the
pain is felt Is all that is necessary to
relieve suffering and restore normal
conditions Price 25c, 50c and $1.00
per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen &
Joint Meeting of O. A. C. Young
Men's and Young Women's Chris
tian Association.
Oregon, Agricultural College, Cor-
vallls. Ore. On October 22 Miss
Elizabeth Fox. national secretary of
tho Young Women's Christian Asso
ciation, will address a Joint meeting
of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. at
Shepard Hall.
Next Sunday a similar meeting will
be addressed by W. H. Lewis, of
Portland, contractor, on "A Business
Investment." The last Sunday of the
month the Rev. E. T. Sherman, pas
tor of the Congregational church of
Corvallis, will speak on "Prayer a
Working Force in College." Yester
day the Rev. N. W. Phelps of the
Evangelical church of Corvallis spoke
on "A Power Gaining; Hubit."
. All Stars 13. Philadelphia 8.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 12. The All
Stars had little trouble in defeating
the Philadelphia American league
here yesterday, 13 to 8. Krause hit
tho longest drive of the- year at the
local park, lifting the ball over tho
left field fence for a home run.
Neither team showed remarkable de
fensive powers, the men being unwill
ing to take any chances.
Score: It. H. E.
Philadelphia 8 15 5
All Stars 13 15 1
Morgan, Krause, Coombs and Liv
ingston, Lapp; R. Collins, Mullin and
Street, Henry.
IVojciis Coin Outfit In Woods.
Seattle, Wash Hidden deep in the
recesses of an almost impenetrable
forest on Nootka island, the counter
feiting plant alleged to belong to Al
bert Leon, arrested Monday in New
York, has been found by United
States secret service operatives. The
cabin where the alleged counterfeit
ers worked is near Vancouver. B. C.
'It I EN I)
Aiiiuipoljs 21, St. Johns 0.
Annapolis, Oct. 12. The naval
academy football eleven yesterday de
feated St. Johns college 21 to 0.
At Philadelphia Final: Pennsyl
vania 22, Dickinson, 10.
At Princeton Final: Princeton,
6; Lehigh, 6.
Sawmill Worker Killed.
Walterville, Or. Ira Cantrell, a
young man residing near here, was
fatally injured when he was draeged
again -t a revolving saw and both legs
lacerated. The flesh was torn from
the right leg from the knee down,
and the left foot was amputated One
arm was broken in two p'aces. There
was some delay in getting a physician
and the, patient died in the Eugene
hospital shortly after arriging there
in the afternoon. He leaves a wife
and little child.
Houston, Texas. Representatives
of tho cattle raising and farming in
terests of Texas express satisfaction
over the defeat of Canadian reciproc
ity, which the leaders declare, had
it carried, would have been of mate
rial injury to Texas.
G. J. Gibbs. secretary of the Texas
Grain Dealers' association, is of the
opinion that the action of the Cana
dian electorate has saved to the far
mers of Texas at leost six cents a
bushel on their wheat, which with
the anticipated crop of 20,000.000
bushels, would mean the saving of at
least $1,000,000 to the farmers of
Texas annually.
Perhaps the hardest fight of any
intere.-t in the United States waged
against the proposed Canadian agree
ment was made by the Cattle Raisers'
association of Texas. They mintain-
ed that the Canadian pact and the i
proposed Mexican entente would ,
have meant the death of the cattle
business in Texas. Cattle and hides
Very Serious
It is a very serious matter to ask
tor one medicine and have the
WTong one given you. For this
reason we urge you in buying to
be careful to get the genuine
Liver Medicine
The reputation of this old, relia
ble medicine, for constipation, in
digestion and liver trouble, is firm
ly established. It does not imitate
other medicines. It is better than
Others, or it would not be the fa
vorite liver powder, with a larger
sale than all others combined.
For the Man Who Knows
Nelson Wins.
New York, Oct. 12 Battling Nel
son won handily last night in a 10
round bout from "Willie" Beecher,
a local lightweight, who twice defeat
ed "Knorkout" Brown. NeHon was
cheered by a large crowd of boxing
enthusiasts for It was the former
champion's first fight In New York.
ISellinghnm, Wash. John Rainey,
formerly a Seattle Broadway high
school athlete, sank to his death in
the Nooksack river, dragging down
with him his friend, Fred Standheart,
who leaped from the bank to his res
cue when Rainey cried out lor help.
Rainey was making an attempt to
fulfill a wager by swimming three
times across the Nooksack. He was
just completing the sixth passage of
the Icy stream, when he began to
struggle, threw up his arms and went
Standheart leaped in and caught
him and was making his way to shore
with his burden when Rainey seized
his legs and both disappeared from
Both boys were about 19 years old.
Rainey was on a visit to Standheart
who lived at Ferndale.
It's curious that nobody strikes oil
gushers in Oregon. Somebody will,
some day.
Seattle ?
Spokane ? Portland i
Arrive Seattle -...8 :15 A. M.
Lcavo Pendleton 1 :30 P. M. Arrive Spokane 9 :55 P. M.
Arrive Portland 8 :10 A. M.
Northern Pacific Railway
First class trains,
Good leaving time.
The Pioneer Line.
Close connections.
Good arriving time.
Through Tickets to all Points
East or West
Secure tickets and full information from
Ask about EXCURSION FARES for these events:
Interstate Fair Spokane, Oct 2-8.
Nation Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30.
Teacher Who Pisappenml front Ohio
Town !s In California.
Bellefontaine, O. The nivsterv of
the disappearance of Rufus Heler
from West MCanstiel.l thirtv wars
ago, has been cleared and he has been
discovered alive and well and urns-
perous In Corning, Cal., where he is
operating a ranch.
Thirty years ago he taught n coun
try school near Wen Mansfield and
boarded with his widowed mother.
On,- Friday evening, after tho close
of his school, he went and secured his
gun and told his mother he was irolriT
hunting. His failure to' return thnt
day caused no alarm, but when he di,l
not show up at the schoolhouse Mon
day to resume teachlnc th mnnin..
side was scoured by searching parties
who believed that he would be found
In the woods, the victim of his gun. A
theory of murder was later advanced.
A Bellefontaine man. who had
known Helsler intimately, learned
that a man of that name was living
In Corning. Cal. He sent him a reg
istered letter and received n reply.
Helsler pives no reason for having left
so suddenly except that he was ner
vous and realized that a professional
life was not the kind for him. short
ly after his sudden departure, his
mother, who never ceased to mourn
for him, died.
Wife Beater Is KlUled.
Newport, Wash. Ike Brown was
shot and killed by Floyd Penning
ton, a neighbor. Brown was in town
and went home apparently under the
Influence of liquor, starting a fam
ily row, beating his wife and some of
the children. The family took ref
uge at Pennington's place, about 100
yards distant. Brown followed in a
fighting mood and a'.tacked Penning
ton in his door, w"h a large dirk
knife, Pennington firing four shots
with a revolver. Pennington then
walked several miles and gave him
self up to the sheriff.
Pardon 31 at Wnlln Walla.
Walla Walla, Wash. Thirty one
persons within the penitentiary or
under the shadow of its authority
either in road camps or on paroles
were made glad by the action of the
state board of pardons which com
pleted its deliberations. Nine In
mates who had completed their min
imum terms and whose conduct was
Sit Up Until
3 A.M.
every night Puts you in fins
shape to work just like smok
ing All-Havanas steadily. Bet
ter be careful and change over
to a light, harmless cigar part
Havana, part domestic a
Gen! Arthur
Mild 10c Cigar
M. A. Gunst C& Co., Distributors
i - -
I top
there's nothing like a rich. Juicy
beefsteak no bird's nests for his,
If there's, one thing we're partic
ular about (we have a care for
every ounce of meat leaving thes
premises), it's our beefsteaks
porterhouse, sirloins, tenderloin
and all. We keep a keen eye on
the market and give you eTery
benefit of a shade In pricing.
Genlral Meat Market
Phone Main 33.
108 E. Alta Street.
Independent Meat Market
We have re-opened the Fanners' Meat Market on ea.it
Court street ami will carry a fine and fresh line of
Phone Main 445. Prompt Delivery.
I "Rottot HnnHc At Ricrhf Prire" !
We keep everything that's eatable,
cannot bo excelled.
Our groceries and meats
Pendleton Cash Market
Cor E. Court and Johnson Sts.
Phone Main 101
Fnllm Sinn, Hard Hit, Wols In ciovc.
Inihl IIomstonl.
West Caldwell, X. J.,fter having
been a woman hater for more than
thirty years. Colonel NMcholas Wil
liams, a wealthy resident hero, fell
In love with n widow nt first sight,
married her in four days mid has gone
away with his bride for n honeymoon
far. far, nway, whor his astonished
friends can't plague him.
The marriage took place last Fri
day night in the old Cleveland home
stead in the room where Grover
in i . .
t-K-ti-iHiifi was norn. rue news was
made public by tho Rev. Dr. Chester
of the First Presbyterian church. Ho
tied the knot.
Colonel Willlnms is 7S years old. His
bride, who was Mrs. Matilda Priggs,
has been a grandmother for ten years,
but her friends say she diVsn't look
nel dampened with Chamberlain's
liniment and bound on over the af
fected parts is superior to a plaster
and costs only one-tenth as much.
For sale by all dealers.
It's easy for people to make money
who don't need It.
Pendleton Planing Mill and
Lumber Yard
Carload of Cedar Posts and two carloads of
All orders promptly filled. Phone Main 7
Large and Complete Line of
Lumber Carried.