1 EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OltEGONIAX, PENDLETOX, OREG'OX, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEU 11, 111. PAGE FIVE. : LOCALS I Conl and wood, phone Main 6. Fust'niG picture please all. Dutch Henry for coul. Main 178. I C Snyder, ch'.mnoy nveep. II 381 2. For rent Front office In Jurtrt building. Apply to F. E. Judd. Everybody goes to tne orpheum to ice the bent and the clearest pictures Dr J. A. lieat nas returned from his vacation and has resumed practice. Wanted Piuno to rent In prlvato family. Phone Uluck 3681. For Hent Nicely furnlHlied rouniH. 313 S. Muln. l'hono lllack 2451. Eleven new pupllH enrolled at the ivmlletnn HuHinetw i'ollege yesterday. Wanted Ono roomer. Charges reasonable. Iniuire 311 Cosbte street. For Itcnt Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire "F. M " this office. Everything that's good to eat. In moats and groceries at the Ca-h market. Phone Main 101. For Sale 200 hens and pullets, ex cellent laying stock. Address, Mrs Ceo. lialn, Hox 062, Pendleton, Ore. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial liarn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. Wanted Eight per cent m mey on first class alfalfa and fruit land se curity, loan.H to run from 3 to 5 years Write to H. K. Hush, Nyssa, Ore. Tako Northern Pacific Ky. to Spo kane. Ijcaves 1:30 p. in, arrive 6.55 p. m. Tickets from W. AdamJ, .geiit, Pendleton. For Sale 6 passenger Franklin, run but little, cost J2H00. 600 will take It If sold this wsck. owner go ing away. J. W. Davis. 700 E. Webh. If you want to mo.ve, call PenlanJ liros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 64 7 Main street. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household, goods and pianos and all kinds of job work, I'hone Malnn 461. B. A. Morton. A Snap Owner leaving Pendleton, must sell good 9 room house, furnlt-h; el, three blocks from Ma.n stree', at bargain; terms. Phono mark 2T31. Wanted A girl for general house work on farm 6 miles mt of town. Work Is light, only two In family Call 1J0 Monroe street, city, or Farmer Line 26. You can't burn slate and gravel! p.m't try It. Phono Dutch Henry. II. i n 173. for clean screened Hock t-'l-ring coal cltlu r lump or nut. It hums clean and goes further. To Portland or California, take Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S. P. 8. Hy. Leave 1:30 p. m., ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad urns, agent at passenger station, for through tickets ami all arrangements. I havo several largo tracts of Uma tilla county wheat land and stock ranches for sale. Will take In,-exchange properly In Portland, Spokane "r Pendleton. E. T. WADE. If co.ng east, or west or south, have tickets routed Northern Pacific Hy. Close conitctlons at Pasco with n'l through trains. W. Adams, agent, I' ndleton. For Snl o H'Nit. Six room house and two acres of land, one acre in alfalfa Two wells wi place and water piped in yard. Parti, chicken yard, brick cellar, nil in good condition. Call on or nddess Purr Johnson, 819 Hazel street, Pendleton. Good .lack for Sale. 1 have a good pedigreed. 6 year old Mammoth Jack for i-alo or trade for good gen'le mules. Address Adams, "re. It. F. 1. No. 1. or call at my res idence on big Spring Hollow. EI) LAFAVK. Conl of Tlmnkx. We wish to cxt'-nd our heartfelt thanks mid everlasting gratitude to the many friends and neighbors, also Die I. O. (i. v. lodge, for tho loving :o ts of assistance rendered during tho I'll.. ..I,.t i ...... .n i in pjf Him iiriiui . ' I inn uiiin i . -M H. AND MKS. LF.nNAKI) LA HON F. : PERSONAL : : MENTION A. 11. Van Eyck of La Urundc, is registered at the Jiowinan. Mrs. Agnes Morrlt-ette came In from Attains this morning. Attorney J. N. Hart of linker, came In yesterday from his home. It. N. Adams well known I'matilU county rancher, Is In the city. County Judge J. W. Moloney Is in Portland upon u business trip. Hanger Siddons of the Wenaha reserve is making Pendleton a vlsl: today. Judge S. A. Lowell is to leave this evening for Grunt county to be gone a week. P. E. Ornduff of Helix, came In yesterday from his home and remain ed over night. Oliver Knotts, well known Pilot Koek resident, was a visitor In Pen dleton last evening. Ford Carper, traveling drug sales man, came in on the local from Wal lit Walla tills morning. Wesley Howman returned on No. 17 this afternoon from Hot Lake where lie bus been convalescing. Hob Hryson of Pilot Hock, Is am ong th" residents of that town who spent, the night n Pendleton. Judge James A. Fee returned last evening from Portland where he had been upon professional business.' Alfred Pitz Gerald returned last night from Spokane, where he had been to attend the annual interstate fair. G. N. Sn.ipp of Frcewater, came down from the east end of the coun ty yesterday and lemained over night. J F. McNuught, a capitalist of Her nilston, is a busine-s visitor in llie city a guest at the Portland. Portland Journal. J. U Haley, an attorney of Pendle ton is spending a few days in the idly,! a guest ul the Perkins. Portland, Journal. Clarence Adams returned this morning to his t'klah ranch after disposing of a bunch of catile to lo ial butchers. Mrs. Fnd Judd, wife of a capital ist of Pendleton, is a visitor in the city a gins' ut the Portland. Port laud Journal. Judge Janus A. Fee, an attorney of Pendleton, is a business visitor in tin city, a BUest at the Perkins. Portland Journal. Al Slusher came up from Portland last night and wiil visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Siushcr, for a few days. Mrs. W. M. Hlakely will go over to Walla Walla this morning in response to a message announcing the death of J. J Houlstone. Dan P. Smythe returned on the lo cal this inorn'iig from the east end of the county where he has been look ing after his sheep Interests. Miss Mernice Kuppo returned on the N. I', train this morning from a visit at the home of her brother, Ernest Huppe, six miles north of Pendleton. Iichlaii MacLcay, of Tacomu, Is now in the city and with Mrs. Mac I,cuy and son Donald is a guest of Mrs. Macljcay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. YV. Nye. John I-.i'nrop, formerly editor of the Ku.-t Oregonlan and now doing special writing for several metropol itan papers, passed through Pendle ton on the early train this morning en route 'D Washington, I). C. He has been la Alaska during the past two months in the interests of his papers. travelling man, being found guilty of sending bills in a transparent enve lope to A. T. Jenkins, a well known merchant of the same city, the court ; imposed a fine of one cent. Ho im-i po:ied the sentence after a lecture In' which he scathingly arraigned tlx prisoner. crx oi r pocToirs CIIAKGE I'Oll KEUMOX I'liyslcSaii May Not Got Feu for His I'lincral Oration, Mexico, H i. A Jury in the probate court here according to a verdict fil fd. decided that it was unlawful for a doctor, who is also a preacher, to charge for preaching at his patient's funeral, if he or she does. Dr. F. M. Shoush attended Mrs. Su san I'urks during her Illness. When she died he preached the funeral. Then he made out a statement of his services, which contained the Item, $10 for preaching the funeral." A. S. Paulis, administrator of the estate, objected to the chnrge, and Judge W. W. Botts of the probate court, called in a Jury to decide the nuestlon. The Jury deducted tho $10 from the bill. It. It. MAX LOSES LEGS VXDEK THAIX (Continued from Page Two.) under the car wheels. The train was Immediately stopped and the injured man taken out from hiH precarious position. He was quickly placed in the D. H. Waffle dray and hurried to St Anthony's hospital for surgical treatment. Well Known Here. j The Injured man Is one of the old est of o.-W. It. & N. engineers and is very well known to all old timers in Pendleton beeau'e of his long resi dence here and his long service with the company. He has been an O. R. & N. company engineer for 20 years or longer and formerly had his home here. Of late he has been on the Washington division and has been living at Starbuek. He Is a member of Damon Lodge No. 4, Knights of Pythias of this city. Jack Wright, Jr., son of the in jured man, is a passenger conductor on the Washington division and runs between Pendleton and Spokane. Two d;. lighters of the veteran engineer formerly attended the public schools in Pendleton and are married now, one to an O -W. R. & N. engineer and the other to a brakPinan. Was Hound for Portland. Just before train 17 arrived Wright was at the Hotel St. George nnd while having his shoes shine, 1 hy Al Richard son remarked that he was going to Portland on the passenger train then nearly due. As he was still in active service on the Starbuek run It seems he was making the trip while on a leave of absence. Will Not Hie. At the ho.-pital this afternoon Wright is being attended by Dr. It. E. Ringo and Dr. R. E. Parker and they are striving to save one foot which was not entirely severed from the leg. However, it was reported as probable that both feet would be lost. While the aged engineer Is terribly injured It is thought that he will sur vive as he was not seriously hurt elsewhere about the body. .11 IM.i: LWDIS FINES MII.N Al KEIvW ONE CENT Ii Crosse, Wis.- -Judge K"nesaw Mountain Imdis. who established a record for fines when ho exacted more than J'j:i.0(lii,0O0 of the Standard Oil company, today made a new low rec ord. At the conclusion of a day's trial In the Culled States District court. William Trudinfald, a Milwaukee ii.-.O GIRLS SAVED FROM FIRE. Homo of Gool Shepherd at Wluvlinj; Delroye in Early .Morning. Wheeling, W. Va. The Catholic Home of the Clood Shepherd at Elling ton, near this city, was entirely de stroyed by fire. One of the 250 girl Inmates of the home awoke nit J de tected the odor of smoke. She arous ed one of the Sisters in charge and the children were led from the burn ing building to a nearby hillside. None was Injured, but many were in scanty attire. Loss between $25,000 and $50,0U0. A dollar will go further if you mail i it than If you bet It. ' CASTOR.! A KM Yjy Hae Always Boiifdr' Kars fiSgitator D SMART, NE auble - Textured Coats JUST IN BY EXPRESS Probably No Style of Coats for Fall and Winter are so Popular as These New Models of Double-Textured Woolen They're so Snu and Comfortable ! So Clever and Charming in Style, though PracticalEvery . One of Them A splendid choice of models Some in solid colors with plaid facing, collar and cuffs Others in fancy mixtures with plain backs collars, cuffs and belt3 to match. Made with the loose, semi-fitting, box or empire backs. Notched, roll or cape collars. You will be pleased with them every one new and fresh for they just reached us by express. See them today. Priced at $20.00, $25.00 and $35,00 New plain man-tailored Suits in Navy Blue and Black New Silk Dresses at . . . - $ 1 5.00 to $25.00 Silk Waists in plain and figured Messalines $3 to $7.50 Come to the store of Worth, Style and Quality Wohlenberg Bep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money flkli W SUIT !T H 0 W OVERCOAT Look in our large corner window and compare our $10 suits and overcoats with the $1 2.50 and $15 ones elsewhere in the city. This Oiler for One Week Only The counterpart of our suits and overcoats in any other store could not be bought under $1 2.50 to $15. It's our method of buying right and operating at a lower expense that enables us to make this extraordinary offer. Look in our window and see for yourself, or better yet, try one on, Workiiigni8E?s Go g Co. Tii Saw ! x3 Like a hive full of busy bees, our store has been crowded with happy buyers during both fj the forenoon and afternoon of the opening day ot our G REAT D SSOLU ION Q A F A) j&xixd kaejA We promised unparalled prices on the most desirable merchandise for women, misses and children right at the start of the season which it was made for the public has found every assertion true and the prices almost unbelievable. Not only have they bought, but they have bought beyond their orginal intentions, made many trips back for "more" and in most instances when returning have brought their friends. REMEMBER, We MusL Raise $20,000 and Prices Are Cut, to the Bone as the best will naturally go first, don't fail to be with the "early birds" 5 F. E. LIVENGOOD & COMPANY THE LADIES AND CH1LDRENS STORE n wmiiwnra"'ir','f""""'m'T,'"'i lfr"J'K; -