DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, MOMIAV, OCTOBER 9, 1911. AS SPONSOR ENT (Special Correspondence.) Stanfleld, Ore., Oct. 9. The Stan field Fruit Growers' association .at the regular weekly meeting Saturday evening discussed several Interesting matters that are to be taken up dur ing the ensuing year toward the bet terment of conditions here and In a general way formulated pluns for the year'H work, especially along educa tional lines In tho genernl constder n Hon of subjects that will be of ad vantage to the beginners In the pro ject. One of the nioHt Important mat ters presented before the meeting was that of putting before the non-real dent land owners the benefits to be derived through the Improvement of their landH, It being the unanimous opinion of those present that where it is possible for the land owner to do so It is far better for him to reside upon and Improve the land personally, hut in many Instances this is, at least for the time being ImpoHslblo. This condition makes It necessary for such Improvement to be looked after by some local agency. A. H. Thomson, superintendent of tho Inland Irriga tion company, outlined a plan which is being considered by the association. This plan would make It necessary for the association to become sponsor for tho work and a committee has been appointed to submit some defin ite plan at the next meeting of the association, which will he held Satur day evening, October 14th. It Is more than likely that some plan will be de cided upon whereby non-resident owners may he made aware of the conditions and possibilities to such an extent that there will be an In creased acreago planted into orch ard, etc. Saturday evening a very delightful dance took place at Webster's hall w hich was well attended, quite a num ber coming from the neighboring towns, Kcho, Hermlston and Umatilla. The hall was beautifully decorated with autumn leaves. The music was fiirnluhdrl lv nn ovnfllonf nrehestrAl and after dancing was indulged In until near the midnight hour a fine i.upper was served by Mrs. E. E. Co tnnt. The patronesses of the danco were Mrs. Paul Buohholz an Mrs. H. E Bartholomew, the affair being giv en as tt favor to Miss Nina Curr of Bison, South Dakota, who is visiting her brother C. C. Curr. Mrs. F. A. Baker entertained scv- eral of tho little friends of her son, Iyiwcll, with a parly on Saturday af-1,,I ternoon which was given in Honor ' , lis sixth birthday. The little folk.- fpent tlie afternoon in playing games after which refreshments were -served. Dr. G. E. Watts, one of the princi pal owners of the ICO acre orchard of the Hazel Investment company, while here recently ordered about 3000 feet of ten Inch wood pipe which will be used to lead water from the main ditch to their land. It being Ills opinion that the wood pipe Is prefer able to tho open lateral ditch. Reports have Just been received here that Mrs. G. L Kurd of this city, who recently underwent n serious op eration at St. Vincents hospital at Portland, Is rapidly reclverlng and will likely be able to leave the hospital within a few days. Next Friday evening at Webster's hall the Uidli-s Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will give an old fashioned poverty social. It will be a real hard times affair and the ad mission will therefore be ten cents. Refreshments will be served and a musical program will be rendered. W. II Copeland Is planning to erect H resilience and other buildings on liis land north of Stanfleld and that he Intends to Improve the land by seeding it to alfalfa, etc. It Is under stood that A. D. Sloop will look after the work and will move onto the place a-, soon as the buildings ale complet ed. E. S. Scverence and family are ex pected here shortly from Glasgow, Mont. Mr. Severance, who was form erly city engineer of Mlnot, X. D will j likely bo omployecr as rnmnoor in con nection with the new drainage district recently organized here. Mr. Sever ance has a tract of land in the pro ject which he will Improve. J. H. Norton Is expected to arrive in a few days from Fergus Falls, Minn., bringing with him two cars of household goods, Implements, etc., as well as several cows. Mrs. Norton came to Stanfleld with her mother, Mrs Appleby about three months ego and invested in a piece of partially improved land. They are well pleased with the delightful climate of Stan fleld and are awake to tho possibilities of this district. Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Irwin have moved to the ten acre tract formerly owned by Dr. Ball. The place Is Just east of town and near enough to per mit Mr. Irwin to look alter tho fur ther Improvement of the young orch ard thereon and to attend to his du ties as secretary or the Inland Irri gation company. Dr. Henry W. Coo went to Hermls ton Saturday and from there to Port land for a brief visit. Palmberg and Weiitjur, contractors . of Astoria, have been here tho past two or three days getUng particulars ns to the work to bo' done on the drainage system here. They will sub- $100 REWARD, $100. The render of this pnper will be plpnsed to lenrn Hint there Is nt lennt one drended dlsense Hint minnro lins been nblo to rare In nil Its singes, nnd tlmt Is Cntnrrh. Hall s fatnrrli Cure Is Hie on'.V positive oure now known to the nindlcnl fraternity. Cntnrrn being a rniiKtltiitlnnnl disense, requires a coiiHtltntlnnnl treatment, Hull's t'alnrrn Cure taken Intel nnlly, noting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surface of tl" sys tem thereby destroying the fonndntlon or the dlsonso, nnd giving Hi" patient strength tiv building " tlin constitution and nsslst lag mi t tiro In doing Its' work. Tho pro prlotors liavo so much fnltli In Its ciirntlvo powers that thoy offer One Hundred Hol lars for nny rase Hint If fulls to cure. Bend for llHt of testimonials. Addrops V. J. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, 0. Hold by Druggists. 7"ie. Tnke null's Family l'ilte for constipation. mlt a bid as soon as the date of open ing of bids is announced. Alex Frederlckson of Astoria, is vis iting lils brother, William, at the home of the latter Just east of town. John Hickman lias purchased the house and two lots formerly owned and occupied by Hen Amis. Mrs. F. B. Stuart, Mrs. E. X. Wheel er and Miss Helen. Wheeler were Hermlston visitors Saturday. E. E Cotant who is erecting a buil ding at Hermlston under contract, spent Sunday at his home In Stan field. Miss Chezik, our popular school teacher visited her mother at Her mlston yesterday. Rev. James E. Faucett leaves to morrow for Portland to attend the I session of the Synod of the Presby terian church, which will he held In 'the Mt. Tabor, church. He will be away about one week. W. T. Heeves and J. E. start this afternoon on a trip In the mountains and Tteeves hunting will be away about ten days. C. W. Prater was down from Pen dleton yesterday. NEWS OF TIE I I NORTHWEST j Milton rariiM'rs Form Wheat Pool. Mill on, Ore. Milton farmers have formed a wheat pool and offered it to buyers for 75 cents. The wheat Is mostly of the club variety and there are more than 80,000 bushels. Builds Milton Warehouse. Milton, Ore. Alex. Smith has com menced building a new warehouse on Main street, which will he occupied by the Smith-Allen Hardware com pany. Wife of Handier Irliy, Wash. Mrs. Found Dead. Pecker, wife of! a rancher south of Irhy, was found dead at the foot of the cellar steps by her children. It is supposed she missed her footing. She leaves a ba bv nine days old and other children. ' RoIiImth Steal Sure. The Dalles, Ore. While seven op erators were at work In the next room robbers entered the business office of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company here and carried out a safe which they loaded on a wheelbarrow at the back door and then took It to 1P rjv,.r beach, where it was blown (.n jj0i,lcrs received J 22 for their trouble 1 rge Free Tolls at Panama. Portland. Ore. At a conference held here representatives of the com mercial bodies of Seattle, Tacoma and Portland agreed that, with the com mercial organizations of other Pacif ic coast cities, they would endeavor to secure free tolls through the Pa nama canal for vessels sailing under the Americun flag. Woman for City Treasurer. Olympia. The first woman in the state to file for a municipal orrlee is Mrs. Edna W. Edlngs, who filed a certificate with the city clerk as can didate on the citizens- ticket for city tiensurer. She Ws the only candidate on the lic-kt-t for the office, us the Incumbent W. H. Bracket! is the only I candidate for nomination of the re I ii ticket for treasurer. Mt. linker Issues Snioko. Belllngham, Wash. Smoke was seen to Issue from the extinct crater of Mount Baker by residents of the towns of Glacier and Maple Falls. As soon as the report spread scores of people with glasses took to the hills on the outskirts of Billingham and weio able plainly to see the dense pall of smoke gathering about the snowy crest of the peak. Fight Over Marriage Fo Coeur d'AIene, Idaho Marrying conditions in this city have readied a serious stage and over tho matter of tipping, and as a result of H. H. 'Barton's refusal Martin Mahen and Barton met in an unpleasant encoun ter, Justice Barton performed two marriage ceremonies this forenoon, and upon returning to the courthouse a short time later was asked for a $1 tip. which he refused. Immediately upon the refusal Mahen, Janitor of the courthouse, attacked him, and a hard fight followed The men were parted by Fire Chief O'Rourke, and neither was seriously Injured. Mother Abandons tn!x Spokane, Wash. Ix-ft waiting over an hour with a 3-year-old hoy In his custody by a woman who said she was going Into a store for a minute, Thom as Howell, a farmer of Oakesdale, fii ally took the lad to police head quarters and handed over his trust t Captain William Weir. The boy, probably less than 3 years old, took the situation quite cum- plaectly. He wns unable to give his nnme so that it could be understood and made no pretensions to being frightened when placed Inside tho Jail where he might have the euro of Ma tron Nora Hudspeth. TWO PORTLAND G1RI.S JAILED FOR STEALING New York. Jane Parry and Dor othy G. Palmer were sent to the state reformatory for women. Love of fin ery and beautiful clothes caused their being sentenced for Indefinite terms, which will probably amount to three yenrs each, Jane Barry, 19 years old, who came from Portland to go upon the stage, was one of the girls. She failed to get a theatrical job and horn me a sales woman. Dor offense wns stonling a $175 diamond pin from Ernest Eht. Miss Palmer bought her goods of tho firm. Miss Barry worked under another's name. Franco's first newspaper was tho Gazette do France, started at Tails In 1631. HOG SPECIAL TOURS STATE NEXT -WEEK Portland, Ore., Oct. 9. "The hog and field pea special" Is the official nnme for the farming demonstration train that the O.-W. It. & N. and the Oregon Agricultural college will send to eastern and central Oregon next week. The train will leave Portland the evening of Monday, Oct. 22, and return the night of the 28 spending on week on the branch lines running Into central Oregon. The counties to be visited by this train Include Wasco, Sherman, Gilli am, Crook and Morrow, and stops will be made and lectures and demonstra tions given at Bend, Redmond. Cul ver, Metollus, Madras, Wasco, Mor ron. Grass Valley, Arlington, Clem, Condon, Done and Heppner. Traffic Manager R B. Miller of the O.-W. R. & X. wants to see every Oregon farmer take up the hog in dustryhis slogan for Oregon farms Is "More Hogs" it hangs emblazoned In his office. So the demonstration train will give particular attention to the hog Industry and to the best kind of feed for them. Among the subjects for lectures are dry farming, conservation of mois ture, more and better livestock, and better tillage of the soil. There arc to be seven or eight cars in the train, including exhibits of poultry, live stock and farm products. Dr. James Withycoinbe, director of the state ex perimental station at Corvallis, Prof. Ccudder of the O. A. C. and six others Horn the Corvallis college will be on the train Traffic Manager It. B. Miller, General Freight Agent Robin son and General Passenger Agent Mc Murray of the O.-W. R. & X. will rep resent the railroad company and the tiain will be in charge of A. A. Morse traffic representative of the O.-W. R. & X. This will be the tenth demonstration train t,. 1.0 sent out bv the lines in f iregon with the uld or tne uregon uriellltural college. AH have aimeu to encourage expert agriculture along the lines of the Harriman roads in tlils state. TO Pll.K VICTIMS: Treat the Inward Cuu-c If You Want n Cure. Id piles a skin disease? No," it is a stagnation of blood cir culation a swelling of blood vessels. Why expect a cure from applica tions, outside? The treatment should attack the cause. Dr. Leonhardl' HEM-ROID (sugar coated tablets )is taken inwardly; it restores circulation rids you of piles for good. Sold by Pendleton Drug Co. and all drugpiss. $1 for 24 days' supply, u:iiisractlon euiranteed. Dr. Leon- hardt Co., Station B. Buffalo. X. Y. SCHEME TO SAVE SI.1PPF.15S. New Electric Machine Will Simnk Boys Soundly. New York Nevermore can the stern parent truthfully say to bis er ring son as lie folds him over his lap, "My son, thi is going to hurt me more than it Is going to hurt you." And why can not tho stern parent truthfully say to his erring son as no folds him over his lap, "My son, this is going to hurt mo more than it is going to hurt you?" Well, becau-e at the Now York electrical exposition there is on exhi bition an electrically operated spank ing machine. With It demonstrations will be giv en to all children who care to try the experiment. There, there, boys stop crowding; you'll ull get your turn. JOHN 1. TIRFD OF RESTING Oil KiSig Again: to Be I5u-y 1 1 ai Private in Standard Wire to His Homo, Tnrry;own, N. Y. Is John D. Rosk efollrr going back Into business again Is he going to take an active interest in Cue affairs of the Standard Oil company, of which he is the head? These questions were asked when it became known that he is having a private telegraph wire extended to his rome on Pocantico Hills. It was said that the order for the installa tion of the wire was given by Rocke feller on his return from Cleveland recently. It is learned that ho has engaged a teleg"rapher and will soon have him at work. The placing of a private wire in his home plainly shows that ho is go ing to keep in touch with all import ant affairs and will give orders from his home. DRIiSS IS l.ICENSF TO WED. .Mother's Handiwork on Gown Taken lis i:Ulenco of Her Consent. Fresno, Calif. The dress which a mother had made for her young dau ghter's wedding was accepted by County Clerk Barnwell as evidence of the mother's consent to the marriage in Hcu of a written certificate of con sent. Until he had been brought to this way of thinking the proposed union of J. W. Crittenden and Miss Irene Kurtz of Salem appeared to have been held up by an impediment of the law. As they had traveled a long distance for the license and de sired to be married nt once, the youth and maiden, aged respectively, 21 and 17 years, demurred to going back home for the mother's consent. Ac quaintances of the mother testified that she had made the dress and the license was Issued:- GEORGIA NEGRO LYNCHED. . .Masked Mob Rungs Clmurfoiir Who Is Atvuscd by Woman. Macon, Ga. A dispatch from Dub lin, Ga says a negro employed ns a chauffeur by a prominent podge county woman was lynched by a masked mob at Baldwin's bridge near Dublin, for an attempted nttack on the woman whoso automobile ho op erated. Read tho want ads. WOMAN USES HATPIN Tt) CONQFOIl MANIAC Hii-band Is Rex-urd After Battle With Father Yorkc'tt Brother. San Jose, Calif. Without means of defense except her own courage and a woman's weapon at hatpin Mrs. F. Ot's battled for a half hour in her cottage at Congress Spring with F. M. Yorke, caretaker of Congress Springs, a brother of Father Yoi ke of Oakland, who had become sudden'y Insane. Yorke attacked the Otis family, beating the husband uncon scious with a revolver. Mrs Otis, with her daughter, final ly subdued Yorke, who is now in the county Jail. The battle between the women and the maniac started early in the morn ing. The Otis family had not arisen for the day when Yorke entered the house. Otis attempted to put hi mout. The men engaged In a hand to hand con flict. Finally Yorke who Is physically powerful, overcame Otis by constant ly beating him over the head with the butt of his revolver. Mrs. Otis, hearing the scuffle, call ed to her daughter and rushed into the room to separate them. Yorke turned upon her. Standing between the frenzied man and her husband she obtained a hatpin from a nearby table and drove Yorke from the house. After summoning aid from neigh bors Mrs. Otis telephoned to the sher iffs office in this city. i i THIS CHARITY GOF.S BEGGING. Only Set en Hoys Apply for Admi -loll to Heavily F.mlmml Jioino. Denver, Colo. Eight or ten years ago George W. Ciaytjn. a millionaire, died and left his fortune to found a free school and home for boys. The home has been built and only seven boys have applied for admission. It will not be opened until there are enough applicants to make a showing in the ten bull lings erected to house them. There Is over $1,000 000 in the en dowment fund and the buildings and apparatus for a grea Industrial school have been paid for. The school Is for boys without fath ers, and the mothers must give the school absolute control of the boys until they are IS. . This provision or a misunder.-tanding of it by mothers is believed to be the reason for the limited number of applicants. MA1 CIRL MISSIONARY TBI I IS TO I.KAP OFF SUM' Fresno Young Woman Is Pulled Through Porthole of the Mani-hii-riu by Steward. San Francisco. Suddenly seized with insanity while on board the liner Manchuria, Mis- Kthel Sloan, a young missionary returning from the orient, attempted to Jump into the ocean through a port hole, but was saved by Chief Steward Veasie. The frantic calls for assi-tance of the Misses M. and A. M. Sloan, sis ters of the girl, brought Veasie from liis office, near the girl's stateroom. The Birl had managed to squeeze nearly through the port and was dragged back only after a severe struggle. The Sloan si-tcrs have been in the orient for the last three years. E:h"i, the youngest, who is 20 years old, broke down under the severe strain. Sh was on her way home at Fre-no, where her parents reside. A constant watch was kept over the firl, who made several more attempts to escape from the stateroom. XoTitl!-e pretence. ilas marked the career of Ely's Cream Balm. Being entirely harmless it is not respon sible like the catarrh snuffs and powders, fur mind- shattered by co caine. The great virtue of Ely's Cream Balm is that it speedily and completely overcomes nasal catarrh and hay fever. Back of this state ment is the testimony of thousands and a reiiutatiou of many years' sue - cess. Ail druggists, fiiie. or mailed by Ely Bros, 50 W.'.'Ml street. New York. BRAVEST DI ED P.OBS EVER SAW East Ii-dian Soldier Sacra fu-cd Both Hands lo Open Wall. London. The duke of Connnught, Earl Roberts, earl of Derby and tho j b.shop of Hartford were among tho large company which assembled on I the occasion of "speech day" at the i Wellington college. The king pre sented the majority of the prizes. I In handing his pri-.e to to Harvey Jones, as the best sll round boy in the school, Lord Roberts said it was; Jones ambition to join the Indian j army. If lv achieved his object he: would rind that, although conditions I had changed since Roberts j dno.l, j 60 years ago and tho army was bet ter prepared, the natives of India still formed tho army. If Jonos wouut ni.-iKe nienos wmi tnem, learn their language and trea them consid erately he would find they would readily follow him. Lord Roberts had been asked what was tho bravest deed ho had ever soon. Ho remembered that while he was on his way to Lucknow his force was stopped by n walled enclosure. A little soldier a Puniahi Mohammed an, seeing the difficulty, endeavored to open the door which barred tho way. hen he tried first to uraw tne bolt one of bis hands was cut off by the enemy. Then he managed to un fasten the bolt with his other hand, which was subsequently severed from the writ. Is the World Growing Hotter. Many things go to prove that it is. The way thousands are trying to help others is pr of. Among thorn is Mr W. W. Gould, of Tittsfiold. X. H Finding good health by taking Elec tric li tters, she now advises other sufferers, everywhere, to take them. For years 1 suffered with stomach nnd kidney trouble," she writes. "Every medicine I used failed till I took Electric Bitters. But th s groat remedy helped me wondorfu'ly. They'll help any woman. They're the best tonic and finest liver nnd kidney remedy that's made. Try them. You will sec. 50e at Koeppons. 3 Want WANTED. WANTED SALESMEN for exclusive territory. Eig opportunities. Xo experience necessary Complete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash week ly. Outfit free. Toppenlsh Xurs ery Company, Toppenish, Wash. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2521. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to maganlzes or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have it sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGOXIAX, in remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address, EAST OREGOXIAX PUB. CO , Pendleton, Oregon. INSURANCE; AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAX ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. EENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 815 Main street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good tigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. "Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR 1 work It's clean, reliable and con-j venlcnt. Electric Sad Irons, guaran- lMU; "'"' ; 47 rnf7 I Stock Inspector. Office at Koep lerS' IZ10 Ten's IruS Store. Phone Main 415. r, tt., .... f;r.a vw.c u;",,""u.r'":""1 t T V- J:: w iring oi nomcs, eic. i. a-. aaso.vo. Main street, r.ext to postoffice. SALESMAN to aid us supply the brisk demand for our goods. Some vacant territory yet in every state w est of the Mississippi, Cash week, ly. Capil.il City Nursery Co., Sa lem, Ore. SENSORIAL HA1RDRESSING PAR lors Hairdressing, shampooing, scalp treatment, massaging and French packs. Combings made up. Dyeing and bleaching. Manicuring and hand moulding. Phone Black 2C92. Rooms 6-7, Jno. Schmidt block, Pendleton, Oregon. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE NO. A. F. and A. M.. meets tho first and third Monday? of month. All visiting brethren i each I are invited. DAMOX LODGE XO. 4, K. of P.. miets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. F. ball. Visiting brothers cor dially invited to attend. M.ilc-ncy. C. C; R. W. Fletcher. ARCHITECTS. CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cenv nt walks, stone walls, etc. Thone black 37S6, or Oregonian office. ROWLAND & REIXEMAX. KXGI neers. Iind surveying, water mens iiromont-: reinforced concrete work irrigation work a specialty. Freeu a- tor Ore. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ! JciHN BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed cmbnlmer. j Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 75. j AUCTIONEER. COl7l'tTrTuCA Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers Bank of Weston. Farm : sales a specialty. ' SECOND-HAND DEALERS. STROPLK. DEALER and second-hand goo. Is. IN NEW Cash pai ! j for all second hand goods bought, 'cheapest place in Pendleton to buy ! household goods. Call and get hl (prices. 210 E. Court street. Phone i Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey. Ung D. Goey, prop. At tho old stand. Aita. street In rear of Tallmnn Drug Co. East Oregonian by carrier. G5c per month. CHOP SUFY tUl'SH, SL'NCr HOEY Low. Prop. Phono Main tt"7, 622 Cottonw ood street. Our spoi i.tltics; Noodles and Chop Suey. Tiay or ders promptly delivered. J w I Iv. R. S lis. WANTFD Continued. HAIR DRESSING AXD SHAMPOO Ing. switches, topees, wigs and puffs, made to order. A nice line for sale. Madam Kennedy, 607 B.. Court street. Phone, Bed 3752. LEGAL BLAXK3 of every descrip tion for country court, circuit ourt. Justice court, real estate, etc.. for Sale at East Oregonian office. FOR KENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep ing rooms In East Oregonian build ing. Steam heat, gas range in kitchen, electric lights, hot and?, cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. UXFURXISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms in East Oregonian building Steam heat, gas range in kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. En qu're at E. O. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M D., HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro--theraputics. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone, Main 554- SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. DR.- Brundage is a graduate of the Weltmer Methods of Suggestive Therapeutics. Every known dis ease cured without drugs or sur gery. Examination and first treat ment Free. Temple Bldg, Roomy S and 9. Hour-. 8 a. m to 9 p. m. DENTISTS. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN, DEXTIST. Office in Judd building. Phone, Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'XABB, LOCAL STATE Residence. 91o East Court street. IRes. Phone Main 59. !c -v LASSEN, M. D. V., GRADU- ate of McKiuip Veterinary College of Chicago. Office phone Main "0. Res. 516 Bush St., phone Main 27. ATTORNEYS. RALE Y & RALE Y, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office in Despaln building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Pr.nk buildin?. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT ! law. Office over Taylor Hardware 1 Company. LOWELL & WINTER. ATTORNEYS a n. I consullois at law. Office in. Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS. at law, estates settled, mortgages and contracts lections made. Room block. ATTORNEY wills, deeds, drawn Col 17, Schmidt PETERSON &- WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawforj building. FREDERICK STE1WER, ATTORNEY j at law. Oft'i.e in Smith-Crawford. . building. DOUGLAS j at law. W. BAILEY ATTORNEY Will practice in all state nnd and federal courts. Rooms 1. 2, 3, 4, over Taylor H.irdwaro Co. SKUA RLE. ATTOR Offiee in Despaln neys at building. law Unfurnished housokeepii.g looms in East Oregonian building. Steam heat, gas range in kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. I d' i.ftt t e.iu d:'iU!tiOL irutri .i. . t or u. .r-adotii of i-mciiiu u:i rxl rn-. l'.'ii' 4), anJ not i.ria gjt or pe:-.M.-n. " V. or -'si It hi i I I. 1 !!! I?