ElfJIIT PAGES, DAILY EAST -OUEGONIAV, PEXDliETOX, OREGOX, 3IONDAV, OCTOBKIt , 1911. PAGE FIVE. CUBES RHEUMATISM The usual cause of Rheumatism is an excess of uric acid in the blood which weakens and acidifies this vital fluid, and prevents the proper amount of nourishment being afforded the muscles, nerves and tendons. The pains and aches of Rheumatism may be temporarily relieved by the use of liniments, hot applications, and other external treatments, but the disease cannot be permanently benefited by such measures, and is bound to become enronic and dangerous if such things are depended upon alone. S.S.S. cures Rheumatism in the only way it is possible to cure the disease. It goes down into the blood, and removes the uric acid from the circulation so that the nerves, bones, muscles and joints are all lubricated and fed with nour ishing matter instead of being constantly irritated and inflamed with the sharp, acrid impurity. When S.S.S. has cleansed and purified the blood the pains and aches cease, all inflammation disappears, stiffened muscles are made supple, and every symptom of Rheumatism passes awav. Book on Rheumatism and medical advice free to all. S.S.S. is for sale at drugstores. THE SYIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA. CA. . ...j- . . ; ; 1 I LOCALS Coal and wood, phone Main 5. Past' mo pictures please all. . Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. I C Snyder, ch'mney sweep. U 3812. For rent Front office In Judd building. Apply to F. E. Judd. For Kent Couple nicely furnished room. Inquire 118 Jackson street. Everybody Roes to tno urpheum to tee the best and the clearest pictures. Dr J. A. Best nas returned from his vacation and has resumed practice. Wanted Piano to rent In private family. Phone Lilack 3681. For Kent Nicely furnished rooms. 313 S3. Main. Phono lilack 2-151. For Kent Three furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire 213 W. Webb. About 800 feet of good new garden' hose for sale at cost price. Sharon & Eddings. For Kent Five room house, cor ner Webb and Harden. Inquire 213 West Webb strct. Fcr Kent Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire "F. M." this office. Everything that's good to eat, In meats and groceries at the Ca-h market. Phone Main 101. Miss Ethel Odell, teacher of piano Itnd harmony. Special train ng for beg liner-1, ltoom 6, E.ist Oregoniun. For Sale 200 lien and pullets, ex cellent laying stock. Address, Mrs Ceo, Pain, l!ox 062. Pendleton, Ore. Special rates to horses ooarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn. C20 Aura street. Phone Main 13 Wnnted Eight per cent money on first class alfalfa and fruit l.ind se curity, loans t run trom 3 to 5 years Write to II. K. push, Nyssa, Ore. Lost Package containing little girl's black pumps. Finder return to this office and receive suitable re ward. For Sale 5 passenger Franklin, run but little, cost $2900. $600 will take It If sold this w-jek. owner go ng away. J. W. Davis, 700 E. Webb. If you want to move, call PenlanJ Bros. Transfer, phono 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 64 7 Main street. For transfer work, hauling bag gnge, moving household goods and pianos and nil kinds of Job work. Phone Malnn 461. B. A. Morton. Phono Main 98 for Parxor s au tomobile. Trips to all parts of coun try and city. Quick service. Stand at French restaurant. HEADQUARTERS FOR . Toilet Goods Wp are Sols Manufacturers and Distributors of tin Celebrated PERSONAL MENTION A Snap Owner leaving Pendleton, must sell good 9 room house, furn'.th- ed, three blocks from Ma-n street, at bargain; terms. Phono Black 2731. THke Northern Pacific Ky. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 d. m. arrive 9:B5 p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton, You can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phono Dutch Henry, Main 173. for clean screened Kock Springs coal cither lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. To Portland or California, tae .Vorthern Paclfi:, via Pasco, and S P. & S. Ky. Ltnvo 1:30 p. m , ar ilvo Portland 8:10 a. in. See W. Ad ams, agent, at passenger station far through tickets tr.d all arrangements I have several large tracts of Uma tilla county wheat land and stock ranches for sale. Will take In ex change property In Portland, Spokane or Pendleton. E. T. WADE. Passengers to Portland can save money and at the same time have an enjoyable river ride by taking boat from The Dalle. Str. Bailey Gatzert leaves dally, except Friday and Sun day at 3:30 p. m., arrives In Port land 9:30. Fare $100. If po ng cast, or west or .south, have tickets routed Northern Pacific Ily. Closo connections at Pasco with all through trains. W. Adam.', agent, Pendleton. I'or Siilo o Hint. Six room house and two acres of land, one acre in alfalfa. Two wc-Ps jing. on place and water piped in yard. Barn, chli ken yard, brick cellar, all In good condition. Call on or nddessl Burr John on. 819 Hazel street, Pendleton. Miss Carol Fouts of Walla Walla, is a visitor in the city. C. K. Anter and wife of Boise, are registered ut a local hotel. Dr Dorn, well known Echo phy sician, Is In the 'city today. H. It. Blarkwell of I.a Grande Is a guift of the Hotel St. Geoige. Bert Cariday of John Day was reg Is'.cred at the Bowman yesterday. W. H. Duncomb of Hcrmlston, was among the Sunday visitors in the city. P. C. Hunter of Echo, paid Pendle ton one of his frequent visits ye ter day. Kd Hale of Hcppner. .H over from his home in the adjoining county yesterday. Charles Eggerth of Pilot Kock, drove In from that Town yesterday in his auto. M. D. Orange, we'l known Pilot Kock merchunt, was a Sunday visitor in the city. E. P. Dodd has returned to the city after a f'vinu visit to his . home In Hermiston. W. I. Hooper of La Grande, was among the out of town visitors in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mr. Anton Xolte were passengers on the train from Pasco '.his forenoon. Mrs. C. E. Finch and son. Page, re turned from Walla Walla this morn ing after a brief visit. v K. B. Stanfield, the EV'O banker, came in from his home Saturday and visited here ye-terday. W. II McKinney of Hel x, came In from his home Saturday and remain ed In the city over night. Mrs. Ben S. Burroughs returned this, morning from Portland where she had been for several days. Jack Vincent left on No. 17 today for Hood Kiver, where he has accepted a position In a Jewelry store. C. W. Kellogg of Herni'ston, was among the out of town people who at tended the theater last evening. Winn Stewart, traveling drug sales man, who was formerly with the; Tallman Drug Co., is here today. S. B. Calderhead. well known N P. passenger agent, came in on the local from Wal'.a Walla this morning. Pen I Burroughs " hr.ck from Portland where he acted as best man for Mac Watkins at the hater's wed- Attontlon Knights. Damon Lodge No. 4 K. of P. will work in the third rank this evening. AM Knights please attend. ' J. W. MALOXET. C K. W. FLETCHER. K. K. S. C. Curd of Thanks. We wish to thank the many friends for their many acts of kindness dur ing the illness and death of our be loved daughter. Mil. AND MRS. JACK WEBSTER. P.CZ.lllt OF MOSQUTO IS WORK III) BY (M IET J AG Miss Cilia llinn re urned on the local thi-t morning from Walla Wal la where she spent Sunday with her parents. Representative S. D. Peterson of Milton, came down on the local this morning for the transaction of legal business. Mr. and Mrs Fred Earle and Mr. nnd Mrs. L. G. Frazicr spent Sunday at the Robert Lewis ranch near Her mlston. Attorney Dan P. Smythe left this morning for Milton where he will at tend to his sheep business for a couple of days. Attorney Charles Carter Is back fiom a short hunt In the west end of x lie county which netted him a big Pag of ducks. D uglas Ball, district representative of the Blake-McFall paper company. I came over from his headquarters at Walla Walla this morning. Ltchlnn Macleay of Tacoma, arriv ed last night to Join his wife, vim has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nye. for some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Rah-y. Mr. and AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orphean). j Two dandy war pictures for Tues day's program: j 1. "Wage of War." A Vitagraph military drama. Love, war and a ' delicate romance between a northern cavalryman and a southern beauty j is the tale this exciting war drama: unfolds. It is replete with pathos of; "love deferred," the cantering of ; troupes in marshal uniform, a sister's j sacrifice for the one be'ovc d and the grand triumphal climax. See this j picture and go away pleased with j life's compensations. 2. "Don Ramon's Daughter." Ka- i lem. Manetta. daughter of Don Ra- i rnon De Savillo, a wealthy Spaniard, , is in love with Carlos, a poor trouba-j dour. Declining to give up her , sweetheart she is driven from home. ; Three lears later, after her husband's! death, Manetta's baby Carlotta, is' adopted by Donna Loretta. After a ' lapse of sixteen years we find Donna 1 Lorctta'a son, Francisco is in love with his adopted sister. Don Ramon writes to his old friend Don Jose, the father of Francisco, saying he win call at his house in a few days. There he meets his grandchild, In whom he sees the l keness of his dead daugh ter. Explanations take place and Carlotta spurns the olj man on ac count of his treatment of her mother. A few days later Don Ramon saves her from a band of Yaqui Indians and eventually secures forgiveness from the orphan girl. A romantic production of powerful heart Interest. 3. "The Crucial Tost." The title of this flim is the name under which the Edison company have so ably adapted Richard Tarding Davis' story "The Derelict" for motion picture purposes and have so wonderfully portrayed the nom famous battle of Santiago Harbor and destruction of the Spanish fleet on that memorable Sunday morning of July 3. Just how Channing, a derelict reporter strand ed in Cuba, succeeded in witnessing this naval engagement and how he wrote up tho story and flashed the news to a certain daily in New York before any other papers had received it, is the main theme around which this interesting and exciting pictures is' laid. It wa-t taken by the Edison company while en their southern trip and thus has an added cnarm as the scenes are all taken with the natural environments in which Da vis' story is related. 4. "Miss Chatterer's Experience." Essany. A clever character com edy showing how a hungry but re sourceful canvasser of soap got a square meal. 5. "Putting It Over." Essanay. A clever Impersonator In vaudeville falls In love with a young heiress. Of course, fuller objects but the Impersonator uses his art and finally wins the girl. TSie toemlier leGall faazins flow Hera Perrin's Gloves the World's Best in all Colors at $ 1 .25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 The Famous Kabo Corset for Women of Taste at 1 .00, $ 1 .25, $1.50, $2.00 and up to $5.03 Women and Childrens Felt Slippers Wchlenberg Dept. Store "BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MOXEV." jections to having an electric rail- road cross her land. The son of the president of the company in charge of the construction gang, succeeds in outwitting the woman after she had defied the law. but young Wells finds no satisfaction in his success, until he gains the hand of the young wid ow in marriage. "Nick Winter Turns a Trick." Pa the. Nick Winter, the famous detec tive, does some clever work by im personating a thief he gets the real cu'prlt. "Eastern Europe." Pathe. An in teresting scenic film. "Across the Mountain Fasses of New Zealand." A remarkable pic ture of this locality. 4 Agricultural Colli-ut Professor Airs oc Views on llffecls of Alcohol on Cranio of Men mill Inxevl. Chicago, 1M. The aggravating buz zing of the pestiferous niosipiito is at last accounted for. "The Insect sucks the sugar out of tho blood. The yeast substance in his poily transform the sugar Into al cohol, and a large j nan t It y of the bev tn Mm western lots the same in- fluence on his organism that it has! nur.ce n. .-cropv-s ,.,,a,- ouo on the organism of the man who He, m Istonian, came in yesterday to ,.,nks whHkv-namelv. makes him , '" the theater and returned to the verv happy, and he exuberates by I'r."i,t't town "u 1 th'-" m"" buzzing." Principal Frank P. Carruth of the This statement was made bv Pro- Stanfield schools returned to the Fur f. ssor Paul Binder of the Rnval Agrl- j nish-Coe town yesterday evening alt cultural college, Berlin, at the Con-! r spending a couple of days in the 1. .,1.1 In- T .In.li.r Is hum n llio O') Studio." Eclair. A clever comedy trick picture. The actors went on strike but the director was a genius and put on the production by means of electricity. Furniture, stage fit tings and wax figures move about au tomatically and the moving picture is produced en time. DOUBLE DIVE SAVES LIFE. The Pastime. Where vou see the best in motion pictures. Program for Tuesday's change: "In the Northern Forests." "Vita grepn- jiere h joc-iuie v niuu duio. '(ooier th- emotions. It represent an es escaped pri-oner giving up his free dom to save a Ios;. child from destruc tion by wolves in the depths of a for est, whither she has wandered. "The same child had given him a cake on the train when he win being taken to prison nnd he hasn't forgotten it. He is captured by the sheriff and his pos se and returned to prison. There is no maulish sentimentality here. He has tran-gre sed tho law and al though he has performed a brave and noire deed he must make reparation. Tint the people will ask f -r a pardon seems but right. The Cosy. For Monday and Tuesday, a Mutt and Jeff Joymaker, a western, a story of the Alps strong domestic drama and trick comedy. "Mutt nnd Jeff and the Country Judge " Nestor. This is the funniest one yet. Out two friends go on an automobile tour in the country and Mutt tries to get free at the expense of Jerf, but failed. Mutt got 10 days and had a trip to Atlantic City. The closing scene shows Mutt in the dreaming of Jeff's pleas ures on the hoard walk. "A True Hearted Miner." Bison. The miner's wife loves his pal and flirH with him. Being caught, Joe shoots himself, teVjing the woman to take the gun and tell the husband she shot Joe in Si lf-defe-nse. She however, toll hi-r husband the truth and all is forgiven. "The Pitfall " Reliance. Be th and Water Too Deep for Lifeguard to Reach Victim. Atlantic City, N. J. A "combina tion" dive, one life guard Jumping ' upon another so as to force him deep under water, was the daring and in genious expedient that saved the life of Frank West, a visitor from Illinois. While the sea was running h'li bo- fore a powerful wind. Life Guaril Richard Hemple heard a girl scream ing far ou'. in the surf and went to the rescue. "I'm all right," said she when he got there; but a man sank her.e where I'm treading water. I tried to get him but ' couldn't. Hemple dived, but could not get far under water and his hands en countered no body. Then he shout ed to another life saver to jump from the lifeboat to his shoulders and force him down. The first effort failed, but on a second try Hemple reached a body and struggled with it to the top of the water. The unconscious man was rushed to the beach hospital and from there to the city hospital, where the doctors worked over him for neariv two hours before he reviv ed. IPs chief regret, he said, was that he could n jt learn he identity of the girl who was chiefly responsible for the saving of his life The young f.l i nnnnn-i- 1-... - rirl nrn t.Ti- . gaged and George, a city rake, bein-? j 'n!n ma? lu'r -v to s,1"ro aml hurt in an automobile aecide.it. , ' geared after the rescue, carried to the girl's home. H- makes! love to Beth and induce- h. r to g i W(; PICS I P COIN WORTH SlOOtl. to the city. She soon finds out his "The Silent Tongue." Edison This f;lm presents an unusually attractive for she TOILET CREAM COU CREAM TOOTH POWDER MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Loading Dnipci.-ta of East cm Oregon. I We arc Overstocked in Hard Milled Lnnolon, Lettuce and Almond Oil Soups, (llio oOc kind) which wc am closing out AT 25 Cents a Box It lathers nicely, washes away slowly, nnd it elennsea and softens the flesh. . Koeppen's The Dmij Store that Serves You Best. cr Invitation of the International Hrew ers' congre ss, which meets in Chicago, Oct. 1X-I1. Professor Under Is an ruthorlty on fermention and its ef fects, having studied it for twenty five years. That the drinking of alcohol is neit necessarily In order to exist, but it is necessary In order to live, Is another of Professor Undcr's beliefs. Dr. Under will give a public ad dress for the brewers on "The oinni i.nsenco of Al-'olnd." Dr. Ltnder says that all bodies contain a certain am ount of alcohol, formed from the ac tion of the yi'ast In tho blood on the sugar we ent. Alcohol, according to Professor Unde r, is not poisonous, but necessary to the body for heat an 1 e nergy. ' Sonu t lines this natural alco hol is Insufficient and then It is ne cessary to imbibe an additional sup ply. Anyway Professor Under believes that tho taking of alcohol in mod erate quantities lss beneficial. Mrs. George Hartnian and U"y Kitner ! comedy. The story is of a young we re stnday guests at the country ! man who dee-lares lie won't marry un honie of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams. t.l le- finds a woman with a silent ! tongue. Well, he finds tlu g;rl who I is pretty and attractive and for a ! .1 ke she pretends to ho deaf and 1 n th li. he s'rucgle with the ear ! trumpet and the sign language nr. ! funny. Put he discovers the trick and the discomfiture of the girl is a de'iii.ius l''t of acting. Tile genuine humor of this comedy will appeal to all. "Hullding the Xew Line." Kah-m Mr. nnd Mrs. George A. Kohl. Ins, Charles W. Melghan and K. It. Lord spent Sunday at the Dobbins ranch at Upper McKay, making the trip in a canlage. I.erov W. Alexander, a cousin of 1!. Alexander, and L. W. Lohel1, both ; of lllue Island. 111., are now here for j a few days' visit with Mr. Alexander: and family. i iiecorde r Thomas Fitz fli-r il .1, Dr. L. D. Idleman. Kenne h MeK.ie and Harry i:icki-rs were among the Pen dletor.lans who hoard President Tafl at Wnlla Wai'a S iturd.iy. Wesley liowman. who has been confined at St. Anthony's hospital fm several days with an attack of pneu-; motiia, left yesterday for 11-4 Lake : where he will recoup his strength. Th! story is based on a woman's ob- true character and writes home 'aid. Ted comes to the i-itv and flies to li's protecting arms. "The K l. Ie el.-s." K.ia'r. The Kdelwe's-s i- a flowi-r wliirli grows Only in the lilgh.-t altitu hs of the Alps and I.i u'.-e wanted some. Sii tried t i hav" her lover climb a peak but he ret'ti----d. Me. ting a gui.lo with some flower-- he bougltt them and re turned in triumph. Put the guide spoils the' tame hy a-ciising Henry of g'ving him a bad coin Full of re mor e liemy cPmbs the peak where ho is surprised to meet Lou freely forgives him. "The Strike' in the Moving w ho Picture Paws Dirt Around It'Ne Diisli anil I ne-arths Gedel Piece. Cairo. Hi. Having a small fortune diU from under a rose bush by a 'pe t :og in the front yard is the experi ence f Mrs. Vol IK- II Kh of 213 Sev enth street. "I. in ky." the dog's name, while ex cavating w ith his two front paws and : no.--' ;n? el. it ar-uiiM a sn'.au rose bus'.:, uniarthed a large gold coin. It Is said to be an early coinage $20 gold ) icre, for which numismatists offer JK"1'. It Is larger and thicker thati a silver dollar nn 1 is worn on li.eii a.. t ..im.-Ii eii.. i-e..tn,-..t. ,,e n head and a few letters are visible. sio.nno RWIID 15V STVOKNTS OF H)HIM':SPOMKXCK SCHOOL I'nlvcrslty of Oregon. Kugene, Ore. The ii fm of the correspondence de partment of the state university is to offer fri'e to non-residence studen's all the r ur-'cs Included In the curri cula of the university that can be taught by mall. Lr.Rt yenr th's de partment .uveil to non-resident stu dents of the state between eight nnd ten thousand dollars. That Is. they furnished free to five hundred stu dents courses that would cost from sixteen to twenty dollars nplece. If taken from some private eastern cor respondence school. This yenr, if the hopes of Dr. II n. Leonnrd, nn in structor In the mathematical depart ment, who has given a great deal of his outside time, free, to the direct ing of tho work, are realized, tho en rollment of the correspondence de partment for the current yenr will ho doubled nnd eighteen or twenty thousand dollars kept within the state that would otherwise go cast. CKMF.NT MIIAL KILLS DOKSR Mntoiila! Turns to Vivo round Stone In Animal's stoiiuicli. South P.ethb'hem, Pa. The myste rious death of Howard Shelley's horse near the Hriek tavern has been solved by the post mortem examinations of veterinarians. They found a five pinmel stone in the animal's stomach. Tho geological character of the stone puzzled the wise me n for some time. An analysis proved It to be composed of cement material. Then Shelley remembered that some time ago he had been mystified by unaccountable abstraction of cement from a bag which ho kept In the sta- I bio. Clock making wak revolutionized 1837 by the Invention of one-day clocks with brass movements. CASTOR 3 A For Iuanti wnd t tilth an. Hia KM Yatf Ha,e Always Boujj4'' JJT-catan of 111 0VE1CAT Look in our large corner window and compare our $10 suits and overcoats with the $! 2.50 and $1 5 ones elsewhere in the city. This tier for One Week Only The counterpart of our suits and overcoats in any other store could not be bought under $12.50 to $1 5. It's our method of buying right and operating at a lower expense that enables us to make this extraordinary offer. Look in our window and see for yourself, or better yet, try one cn. Wo FEIUSI r, s 3 g Go.