PAGE POUR. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENPLETON. OREGON, MOMUV, OCTOI1KR , 1911. EIGHT PAGES. AN IXDiIl'KNL'EXT NCWSTArCIL l'i.t,l;,i-d I 'a i v end Snil Weekly at I'ea liieom. o.-owmi. by la E4M UKI.;VIA. lTM-lSlllXU CO M"i'.SCT::nilN KATKS. Paily. oiit r. ty mail feix mnit. by mail twily, I2r luontbs. ly mail la:ly. one m.u:h. ly mail liiy, en Ukr. by ,'imer twily. nx n-outtc by carrier Ifiiiy. itir--e months., t-y carrier .... ttliy. one m.r.:L. Ly carrier -mi e kiy. one y,-ar. by mall Keoil W e. y, six nitLUvs. by mail ... t mi V evkii . f,,'.x m.alLs. by tuall.. .jsoo . .:0 ! '. lM . ISO 5 Ti.f lai;y Urei.c:j.a in kept on ule at the iK-tf. .n News Co., 3-J Mjrii..n trrel. IWiiaml. Orejr,n. .Voriivust Nej in, I'or'.Iand. Oreon. Chicago l;ureau. '.-"j Seruritr UutMm,:. Wasi.intr.n. L. O. I '.urea a, Sol Kuur- leeoia s.ieri. . Mtir.ber Tnited IYess AascviatloD. Entered at the potoffi-e at lVndletjcn, Oregon, as recood-iass cai! matter. telephone Main 1 Orfl. ial CiTT aarl Co-.t'.r Ilrr. -OLD TIME.' Old Time won't stay for the ben of folks; "Old Time's a-Hyin':" Keep up the whirl the wa gon-spokes ; "C'ld Time's a-fiyin': ll. I'r '-a m's all right, but there's word to do; No u in sighin'; There's a world to win and the world's for you; ' Old Time's a-flying':" Frank L. Stanton. AT ASHLAND. The little city of Ashland in south ern Oregon has just installed a mu nicipal electric plant and the follow ing story which appeared under an Ashland date line shows how it is j w i rking; "The municipal stret lizht'r.g sys tem, which was put in operation this week has more than come up to the standard promised for it. For the first time in many years the streets of Ashland are properly and credit ably illuminated. The street lighting contract with the Siskiyou company which has just expired, called for 20 candle-power lights. The ones now in operation are of 100 and 200 candle power and give a light almost equi alent to daylight. North and East Main streets. Fourth street and Oak street, are equipped with three light electroliers, carrying a total of 220 tandlepower each; the Poulevard is lined with single light electroliers car rying 2'hi candlepower each. It re quired 3 j horsepower to run the street lights and the peak load on Saturday rights for the entire city was 173 horsepower. It has been claimed by vis CJl6giJ The Sworn Statements of All Regular Life Insurance Com panies Doing Business in Oregon (43 in All) Are Now on File With State Insurance Commissioners. A Kozeri They Show That: During the Qregonfife Qregonfjfe Qregoiifife Discriminating Buyers Give the Best in EC2' If our agents do not reach Home Office, Corbett Eldg., A. L. Mills, President. nregongife L. Samuel, General Manager. I opponents of municipal ownership the city j 'ant woulJ bo Insuffi- 1 r.l for the demand of the system, but the norma! capacity of the plant is now 400. horsepower. About half the citizens have eon- n,-cltd up with the city plant and others are daily switching from the id i company. -So unanimous is the aj j roval of the new plant that the I rMskivou .ni;any has made overtures t- the city for a purchase of the riiti!al plant. It is doubtful, how- f-v. r. if the city wLl consent." TVihaiis Ashland r.oir.ts the wav i IVrhaps Ashland I'oir.ts the t: rough which Fn.lleton may secure ; n improved stre t liahtim; service n v, e'.I as a cheaper end more satisfac- t. ry private electric service. Assured- our street lighting system is in need 1 or a tonic of some sort. Our street liahts remind one of the early 'SO's. Tl ere are many dark blocks in the r si lence districts; often the arc lights are rot turned on until afu'r the early travel is over with w hile in the business section the biir noles and overhead wires spoil the effect of the I cluster lights now in use. if ..-L-.., ..-.,.,'f it, .-,;., by the electric trust it is inevitable that b fore long there will be such a de mand for a municipal electric plant t'r,t one will be established. Then th private company will lose its bus i,u ss an J w ill make "overtures for the; purchase of the city's plant." Now is the time for the Pacific Light & Power company to get busy and provide such service as will make a municipal plant unnecessary- in or: FOOTSTEPS. If it be true that "imitation is the ( sheerest flatter'" then the Portland Oregonian does much honor to this paper. In the Sunday Oregonian an announcement was made yesterday that henceforth the Oregonian will produce the comic supplement fea tures that appear each week in the Saturday East Oregonian and which service has been used by the East Ore gonian for the past six years. 'Slim J;m," Sambo. Mr. Boss, the rooster, ai:d dainty little Anna Belle will all b? produced for the benefit of the I Portland paper's readers. Those fun ny and clever people all have many v. arm friends among the children who rtad the East Oregonian and its comic supplement and no doubt they will be glad that their favorites are appreci ated in the large cities also. The Oregonian Is evidently upon the right track. THE I NIVIiKSITY CASE. It is not probable that those repre senting the University of Oregon in the referendum cases desire by legal piocess to deny any honest citizen the full expression of hi.s wishes under the r fcrendum, says the Journal. It is rot probable that those represent ing the state desire any forged or Year 1910 issued more policies in Oregon than any other Life Insurance Company. collected mors money for first year's premiums than any other Life Insurance Company, made greater net gains from business written in Oregon than any other Life Insurance Com pany. f.filn f ftutKlfle rompanlra are prlnel Hlly from rtmovili to Orricoo of polie) -ho.'oVr from otbrr alalra. led all other companies in 1909, as well as in 1910, and is in 1911 surpassing all of its previous wonderful triumphs. Preference to QrCgOIlIifC Life Insurance you, write, phone or call 5th and Morrison. Portland, E. N. STRONG, SMvial A Rent, fraudulent name to be counted In making up the final lists on the rcf- erenduui petition. It is assumed that bith parties want to get at the exact truth, and to have the referendum stand or fall on the fiucstion of what 'may be the exact number of properly authenticated signatures. To find out the facts and to abide Ly the facts is an essential step. For this purpose a full Investigation by ii mu-jrourt is necessary, an J to make it ac- curate, both sides to the controversy should be represented by able counsel. Two very large issues appear in the ase One is the question of whether or not the university appropriation !s being defeated by frauds. The other is the large issue of whether or not a 'judicial precedent is to be set that v. ill mutilate the initiative and refer endum. It is imperative that bot'.i ((Utstlons be tried strictly on their merits and that In the outcome there shall not only be protection for the university, but protection of the rights OI "" people unuer tne initiative am referendum. Testimony before the court shows that forgery, fraud and even false af- '-:.!....!.. . , V n iiu.n us ri e icsoiicu lu uj some ,j. tuose who circulated the petitions. Th conditions are like those in the Ellis paving petitions In which persons em- j ployed as circulators copied names other " " "' -".vu v, i iYiUidulent means for getting signa- tuns. It 1 the nriee wo have to nav for permitting petitions to be circulated lor hire. So long as there Is a money reward for securing signatures, ther. will be men who will perpetrate frauds on the initiative and referendum. IN A SMALL CITY. Slinot, is. D., with a population o: 6188, has adopted the commission plan of government and it works well there. Taxes are now 20 per .cent lower than they have been for five years; the different departments of the city are obtaining better results and at a lower cost than was true un der the old system and according to the mayor some of the departments will run the coming year without any appropriations. Minot's experience indicates that the commission form of government works well in small cities as well a-s in large places. When the commis sion plan is adopted in small cities it is merely necessary to make the sal aries smaller in accordance with the population of the place. This is the plan of those who are backing the local move for the adoption of com mission government for Pendleton. CH AI1LE.S Sl'MNEIl ON .U'WiES. Let me say here that I hold judges and especially the supreme court of the country in much respect; but I am too familiar with the history of judicial proceedings to regard them with any super:; itious reverence. Judgs are but men, and in all age have shown a full share of frailty. Alas! Alas! the worst crimes of his t"ry have been perpetrated under their sanction. The blood of mar tyrs and of patriots, crying from t!v ground, .summons them to judgment It was a Judicial tribunal which condemned Socatrs to drink the fatal hemlock, nnd which pushed the Sa vior barefoot over the pavements of Jerusalem, bending beneath his enss. it was a judicial tr.biinal i v.hi'h, a--i!nst th- t:-t:inony nn 1 en treiitiiH of her fa'ber, foirrf-ndorod the fiiir Virginia ns a .-lave; whi. "n .irrcM'M the teach 'rigs of the Kr.-it apostle to the Ci. nti'es. and sr nt him in bonds from Judi-a to Rom.-; which, in the name of the old religion, ad jured the siin s and fathers of tho r'hilst'an church to death in all its mot droadi'ul form-". It wan a judicial tribunal which. In Pri-n ". during the lon r'-'n of h'-r monarch, Ir nt itself t j be the instru ment of every tyranny, as. during the brief rcipin of terror, it did riot hesi tate to stand fort'i the unj.ityim,' ac ee. sor of the unpittying KUillotine. Aye. Kir, it was a judicial tribunal in l-.riKlarol, .urround"d by a ) the form M Of law. wllich t rt t i. . ..l .1..-. r.otic cap:;,.; of H'-roy the Ki.;h h from the unJuHt divorce of hia queen to the behialiriif of .Sir Thomas Moore; which lighted the fires ,.f v,r. ecuUori :,t Oxford and .Sniitlifbdd. over the cinders of Latimer, Itidley ftid Joon lioKers; which, in defiance! of Ju the and humanity, .-nt Snyder and Hiii ell to the block which per sistently refund to obey, and which, afterward, with Jeffreys on tho bench, crimsoned the jiae of English n.htory with nias.-acre and murder. even with tho blood of Innocent wo men. Aye, sir, and it was a Judicial I tribunal in our country. joirround d j by all the forms of law which hung I witches nt .Salem, which affirmed the coiiKuiuuonaiity or the, .Stamp Act, while It admonished "jurors find the people" to obey; (ind which now. In our day, lias lent In Function to the unutterable atrocity of the fugitive fdave law. OCTOHER X HISTORY. 1816 blsh ops llamcnt 1 74 5 Kreiich mcnt. -The whole order of KrigliHh abolished by order of par- -Ath ufter surrendered a disastrous to the bornbard- 1 753 The architect, K men ton, lrfhc,i the IM.lystone lighthouse. fin- 1 ' CO Hcrlin, In Pru-sla, Inken find faolM'd by the, Russians and Austri an)". 1803 Deluge in the Inland of Ma deira. 1X04 Hoth England nnd Itussla declined to acknowledge thfi new tillo of "Emperor of Germany" -which tho ruler of Prussia assumed. 1 S3 1 President Cr.po d'Istr'as of Greece assassinated by one of his own con lirymen. 1S4'J Kace riot in Philadelphia, Fa., between white? called "killers" and some negroes. It continued in to the next day before being put down. 1554 Santa Anna issued a decree, calling for the people's vote on the powers of the president of the Mex ican republic. 1555 A treaty was ratified between Japan and Great llrita.n by Admiral James Stirling. isfil Sheridan's cavalry and the entire force of confederate cavalry met in the Valley of the Shenandoah, the latter were routed and much ar- Ltillery captured. 1S74 Huilding a'. Aspatia Spain, used by the Carlisis to manufacture ammunition blown up with great loss of life. 1 S S 4 University of Kief, Russia, closed and 168 students arrested, charged with ln'lng nihilists. 11HI4 Hussian army began for ward movements, captured Hentsia pu ze fi-om Japanese; attacked en emy's po:tioii near Yentai coal mines. ! Kuropatkin Issued general orders i" " "ops mr ine:r courage and exhorting them to win in coni- ing battle. 1909 Hudson-Fu'ton closed at Trop, N. Y. celebratlon 1910 Kxodus of monks from Portugal began. and nun TODAY'S IUUTMDAY SKETCH Wesley L. Jones. United States Senator from the state oft Washington, j was , was born 9 1SG3 nnJ a therefore forty-eight years old today, He w;is educated for the law and was a. -c"M Practicing attorney of .North lakima, when he was elected i 10 me ruty-sixth congress as repre sentative at large. He served for five consecutive sessions and in 1909 was elected to the United States scn- j ate. Mr. Jones Isflassed among the o,,eiS ut me progressive republi can In the upper house of congress. He is married and has two children He is chairman of the senate com mittee on fisheries and a member of tne cla ni, conservation of national resnir. .-. military affairs, privileges and elections, public lands and other important senate committees. ON THE MAP. I I"" but ,nis 'il " n feels fine inough it ain t on the main line. It's on the may for fair right now. Every one to us mu t bow. Th man who made the may forgot To show us even by a dot. Ceo. but it's great, this limelight, The county seat is out cf sight. ' An aviator, sailing high. Dropped on us from out the sky. We got him here, nnd folks do say They don't expect he'll get away. Put you can't tell about those chaps, Soaring around In letather caps. So mestay forner where thev fall' And other do not fall at all". They like as not go Bailing by, Cutting capers in the sky. This one that landed down on us He's greater than the county fair, This fellow from the upper air. Tii thing's sure, we'r(. on the map. All the world knows where we're at Certain raised an awful fuss. A LOW CALL. "I understand," began a friend en tering into conversation with a cler gyman of our acquaintance, "I under stand that the people of Jimville are anvious to have you take charge ol i "Better Goods IS oin We kecj) everything that's cannot be excelled. GIVE IS A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. Pendleton Ccsh Market Cor E. Court and Johnson Sts. It Your Neighbor Has Electric brnhh nu'l you have not, just step iulo his liouso sonic even ing after dark and com pure ita liglit with your own. Study each point of convenience, cleanliness, clear iie.f, heauty carefully, nnd then figure out for your self if 't would not pay you well to have your house wired for electric light at once. Electric Light Today is Cheaper and Better Than Ever Bsh?G fiinco the (Jeneral Electric Company placed its !MAZI)A lamp on tho market. Wo have arranged . to supply our customers with tho (r. K. MAZDA lumps on very favorahlc terms. These lamps give two to three limes as much light as other lamps us ing the same current. If your house is located on any of our distrihuting lines we shall he glad to advise yon ahout having it wired and will give you more facts ahout the efficient electric lighting of your home. Pacific Power k Light Company 'Always at the new church they rave Jut built." "There has been some talk about It. I believe," answered the reverend gentleman "but I don't think that I shall go there." I "Don't you think that the I,ord Is calling you to this new field of en- ! deavor?" - ! "No, I don't believe he Is. If ho were, he would certainly put It Into , their hearts to offer me a much big- 1 ger salar. I perceive nu divine call and I shall continue in my present field." SPECIAL PKIVII.IXiE Rev. Lyman Powell of Northamp ton has a bright little son who is very much frightened In thunderstorms. One day a heavy showed came up when the litle fellow had wandered frotji the house. His father, who wus watching for him, t;iw him come running hom as the first drops fell. -He looked terrified and his lips were moving. j - "What were you saying?" asked: his father. I "I was reminding God that I am a minister's son," the boy replies. Cos mopolitan. "Was Helen's marriage a success?" "Goodness, yes Why, she Is going to marry a nobelman on the alimony." Judge. Dublin News Letter was the first Irish Journal. Its exi-t nee began in 1S65. YEARS OF MISERY All Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Sikeston, Mo. "For seven years I suffered everything. I was in bed lor lour or uve uays at a time every month, aad so weak I could hardly walk. I crainpud and had backache and head- lache, and was so j nervous and weak it'.ut I dreaded to sen a..yone or have ianvo,io move in tho l ho loctor3 wlicine to those times, and said that 1 ous!it to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husband told him about Lydia E. 1 inkliam's Vepe table Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was wiliinir to take it. Now I look the picture of health and feel like it, too. I can do my own house-, work, hoe my garden, and milk a cow. I can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when I choose, and walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in the month. I wish I could talktoevery sufTerinprwomanandfrirl." , Mrs. Dema JJETirrxi., sikeston, Mo. The most successful rcr -n-dy in this country for the cure ft' n;l forms of femaUt complaints i.s Lydia L. rink ham's Vegetable Compound. It is more widely and successfully ' used than any other remedy. It has cured thousands of v.'nni'.;ii who liavo been troubled with displacements, in-, llammation, ulceration, lihroid tumors, , irregularities, jieriodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feelintr, indigestion, and nervous prostration, rfter all other ' means had failed. Why don't you try it. at Right Prices" I MOTTO. eatable, Our groceries and meats Phone Main 101 Your Service" SEVEN I Hotel St. George GEO. DArtVKAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mer.s Resort. Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER mm on draught, 5C glass Electrto Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors Cigars. and Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. PP.OTECT VOVH HEALTH! during the hot summer and "bad water" months by drink ing our pure soda, root beer, cider and br. Ctirapcr -Than a Doctor BIH. One dozen quarts or two dozen pints of the City Itrewery'j fa mous "Export Peer" delivered to your home for $2 00. PENDLETON SODA WOltKS. V. A. lleniniclgarn & Bro. 400 E. Court St. Tel. Main 459 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FIRST-CLASS SERVICE The Quelle Cafe and Oyster House Reals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE ELK., STREET ST. PAUL'S I SCHOOL X Opens Sept. 1 4 X n Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ac ademic Special and Tost x T1 t i Graduate Courses. Depart ments of Music, Expression J. nnd Art. I PFHSON.U, ATTENTION f REPINING IXITUKNCES I THOROUGH WORK t Nettie M. Galbraith I Principal I WALLA WALLA, WASn. The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMI1ER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES g I ' 20 MAIN m Sit