-MC -.!... --.rt,.w-'a...it-tii-.wi4.' EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAV, PEXPLETOX, OHEGOX, ftATt HDAV, OCTOBEIt 7, 10ii; PAGE FIVE. This Store Will Be Closed all Day Monday and Tuesday PERSONAL MENTION in from his ranch is a F. E. Livengood & Go. D I ! 1 I ! LOCALS Coal and wood, phone Main B. Past'mo picture please all. Putch Henry for coal. Main 178. I C Snyder, ch'mney sweep. R 3812. Fur rent Front office In Judd liuilding. Apply to F. E. Judd. Everybody goes to tne Orpheum to sec the best and the dearest pictures Dr J. A. Best nas returned from hH voratton and has resumed practice. About 800 fort of good new garden hose for sale at cost price. Sharon ft Kddings. Lost Package containing little elrl's black Dumps. Finder return. to this oflice and receive suitable re ward. For Sale G passenger Frtinklln, run but little, cost J2!i00. H00 will take It If aold this wjek. owner go ng away. J. W. Davis. "00 E. Webb. You can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173. for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. If you want to move, call TenlanJ Uros. Transfer, phono 3391. Largo dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 617 Main street. Fur transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos and all kinds of job work, phone ilalun 461. n. A. Morion. Phone Main 98 for Tamer's au tomobile. Trips to all parts of coun try nnd city. Quick serv.ee. Stand at French restaurant. A Snap Owner leaving Pendleton, must sell gimd 9 room house, furnlsh ed, three blocks from Ma.n street, at bargain; terms. Phono Ulack 2731. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods Wo are Sole Manufacturers anil Distributors of th Celebrated For Kent Couple nicely furnished room. Inquire 118 Jackson street. Wanted I'iano to rent in private family. Phone Black 36S1. For Kent Nicely furnished rooms. 313 S. Main. Phono Black 2451. For Kent Three furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire 213 W. Webb. For Kent Five room house, cor ner Webb and .Harden. Inquire 213 West Webb Ft ret. For Kent Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire "F. M." this office. Everything that's good to eat. In meats and groceries at the Ca h 1 fiw market. Phone Main 101. ! '"g Miss F.lhel Odcll, teacher of piano and harmony. Special train. ng for beg nner-. Koom 5, Ivist oregonian. For Sal" 200 h'n' and pu'I-ts. ex cellent lading stork. Address. Mrs Ceo. Haiti, ISox D-i:', Pendleton, Ore. Wanted To r( nt furnished house of five or six rooms. Give term Iiox 3r,: City. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 p. nv, arrive 9:55 p. m. Ticket from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. Special rates to horsee Doarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 20 Aura street. Phone Main IS Wanted Eight per cent money on Tirs; c'ai-s alfalfa nnd fruit land se nility, loan- t ) run troni 3 to 5 years Write to II. E. Hush, Nyssa, Ore. To Portland or cuiiromla, take Northern Paeifi.-, via Pasco, and S r. &. S. Ky. I-iave 1:30 p. m , ar live Portland 8:10 a. in. See W. Ad ams, agci-t, at passenger stailon for CiroUf-h tickets tf.d all arrangements. i A liberal reward Is left at this flee for the return of Knptist Ladies' Aid Record Rook with preen cover, which was I st on Main street Thurs day afternoon. I I have several large tracts of Uma til'a county wheat land and stock ranches for sale. Will tnko in ex change property In Portland, Spokane or Pendleton. E. T. WADE. Ernest Knight Is near Helix. Kobert Bryscn of Pilot Kock, business visitor in the city, Mrs. S. A. Perry of Echo spent last night at the Hotel St. George. C. F. Epgers of Helix is among the out of town visitors in the city. Mrs. Ken Hill of Walla Walla, Is the guest of her sister. Miss Lora Perry, today. Mrs. H. N. Dryer returned to her homo in Umatilla on the local this morning. 1). C. Krownell, prominent I'mntilla landowner, cume up from his home ye terday. George Tonkin, one of the county school supervisors, is registered at the Bowman. Attorney Homer I. Watts came down this morning from Athena and is spending the day here. A. W. Laubner returned on the Northern Pacific train tlvs morning from a visit to his ranch. I.ydia Albaugh of Pilot Kock, came in from that town last evening and spent the night in the city. F. A Phelps of Hermiston, a brother of Judge G. W. Phelps, is a, vi-it r in Pendleton today. T. .S. Gibson and wife wire among i the Pilot Kock nen:i'e foinini ill I from that town last evening Mayor K. J. Murphy and Kecordor Thomas I'ltz derail are among the Pendlclonians in Walla Walla today to bear President Taft speak. Miss Kuby Ha.lett has returned from a two weeks visit to Portland and will spend the winter with her aunt, Mrs. William Slusher. Frank and Kalph Porter who have j been visiting here f a month with j their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Porter, have left for Lake county wh.-re they are now located. HOI DAMAGED BY fUHES 111 ECHO (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Oct. 7. A fire alarm : was turned in here last night at 8: -Wo, ' when the Crayne cottage on Dupont i street was d.scovercd on fire. The) f rel department responded and the blaze was extinguished before much damage was done. The fire was started from an unused stove that was filled with paper, being accident ally lighted. The most pleasant social event of the season occurred here last night when Misses Eugenie Seholl and Vina Houscr entertained at the home of the latter a number of their friends. The rooms were arti-tically and taste fully decorated. The evening was spent in playing games and enjoying music, both vocal and instrumental. A number of the ladies of the W. C. T. V. and of the Henrietta Kebekah lodge gave an informal social at the I. O. O. F. hall last night as a fare well to Mesdames Godfrey and Bon ney and families. , Mr'. Godfrey is going to Salem to accept the position of matron in one of the state institu tions. Mrs. Honney is going with her family to The Dall' s, w here will make their home. Miss Vina Houscr is spending the week-end with friends in Pendleton. Miss Pink Godfrey and Master Nor man visited today in Pendleton. Mrs J. Frank Sp'nning accompan ied by her cousin, Mrs. Lena Turner, lift on Friday evening for a visit to Walla Walla. Mrs. K. P. Stanfield and Maxitie went to Pendleton this morning to visit over Sunday. Mrs. L. W. Keeler and Mis Anna Waugh are among the Echo people in Pendleton today. Mrs. Jos. C'unha went up to Pen dleton on the motor th:s morning to spend the day with friends. Mrs. George is visiting with friends in Pendleton. Specie! Bergains I SalurdayAftorSupper 1 t 8 III MW HA IX SAVES A XF.CK. nil- Athlete, Doubling 1 11 in mil, IC4 His Gym Traill, ng. Strondsburg, Pa. Charles Peiffer, a diamond setter of Newark, N. J ct lebrated the twenty-second anniver sary of his birth by taking a thirly- fo it fall from the top of a build ni'it Kseiipii.K waii pMght hrniw, Peifter is an all around athlete and Marathon runner and his training r .ej his alvation. When he fell from the roof he a able to somer sault and landed on the porch roof, then somersaulted ftom there to the ground. Peiffer said: "When I struck the ground I Just doubled up and rolled as if I had been in the gymnasium. Had I not 1 wou'd surely have broken my back." I lOOSKYl XT KKSCCKS WIPE WHEN THROWN A liberal reward is left at this of fice for the return of Rapt st Lit dies' Aid Kecord Hook with green cover, winch was lost on Main street Thurs day aft'Tnoon. CAPTAIN JIAIXS IJEl.EASEl). Colonel's Wife Fulls ami Her Foot Catches in St ,rrup When Horse 1 tears Ev-Prc.-lilent Subdues Ani mal. New York. Only the cowboy train ing of Colonel TneJdoie Koosevelt saved the life of his wife in a mishap of the roJ ilil uw,uae known when the villagers at Oy-ter Ba. began asking one another why it was the entire Koosevelt family failed to ap pear. It has become a part of the rrgu'ar life of the village to stand outside 'cf the little church, half way from the st i ion to Sagamore Hill, and watch tile Koosevelts appear for evotions. When inquiry was made It was learned that Saturday afternoon Col onel and Mrs. Koosevelt, with Archie were riding along the Cove road in front of Dolland's blacksmith shop. Mrs. Koosevelt was mounted on her favorite horse. The animal reared at sight of the blacksmith's place and threw htr heavily to the ground. She 32c Bleached Sheeting 9-4 at 24c 12 l-2c Hemmed Huck Towels for each ... 9c 42c Pillow Tubing for yard 1 8c 45c Pillow Tubing fcr yard 20c 1 5c Berkely Cambric for yard 1 I c Ladies 35c Hose in Black and Col ors for pair . . 23 c Ladies 65c and 7 5c Fleeced Under wear at garment . 50c Ladies Fancy Silk Waists worth up to $10.00 for . . $4.95 12 1 -2c Percales, 36-in. wide for yard . . . .9c Wohlenberg Dept. Store 'BETTER GOODS FOlt LESS MONEY." paper envelope cooking. As may be j sister. Miss Maud Sheridan, who will of roasting, baking, etc., meats un-j spend the winter with her. Latr loss of weight or iiovui t.v.,.- ilrs. Alice fcnenuan w.u join iit All til,. .Iiiiymen Who Convicted the Officer Signed Pel, l ion fr Par don, 'ssinini;, N. Y. Captain Peter C. Haiii', Jr. who k lied William E. An nis, in August. lt0S, received his par don and left sing Sing prison. Ac- of-1 1 ' " o " "is iainvr General I c ier . Jiains, i., s. , , retired, he look a triin for New York city. Hatns" pardon was brought about mainly by the cffor;s of his father. I What finally act, however, caus.d the governor to Pas. en gets to Portland can save money nnd at the same t'.me have an enjoyable river ride by taking boat from The Dalles. ,str. Bailey Gatzert leaves daily, except Friday and Sun day nt 3:30 p. m., arrives In Port land 9:30. Fare U 00. was a petition sinned bv ail the Jurymen w ho found him guilty i of manslaughter. His sentence was glit nor more than I dergo a ty-five per cent; and f.nally (uj near ly all the odors of cooking are elimi nated. There are several points which need to be observed in using paper bags in this wav. A hot oven is necessary and the bag containing the should not be placed on a solid or plate, but on a wire-barrel or grid shelf, such as is found in most mod ern ranges. The interior of the bag or envelope should always be greas ed, to prevent the paper sticking to the food. It is to be note. r,s most import ant that anv paper bag will not do. r in which your food is cooked must be made of non poisonons, chemically pure materials. : and mu-t be sealed by a septic, .'anl- j tary adhesive. Such bags have been on the English market for some time, j They are ma le in five sizes anj are j sold at prices ranging from sixpence ; ttwelve cents! for a package of, twen'yfive, size 7 !y p ''nches. to five j shillings sixpence (about 13." for : a package of one hundred, size 20 by i 15 inches. As this article is being j written American manufacturers are! placing on our homo markt t a slmi-i lar perfected bag. If p.o.ng cast, or west or south, have tickets routed Northern Pacific Ky. Closo cnn.ii ctlons at Tiisoo with a'l through trains. W. Adams, agent, Pendleton. TOILET CREAM ("OLD CREAM TOOTH TOWDER and in. HOOD CREAM. TaHman & Co. Leading Inijrist9 of East era Oregon. Wo are Overstocked in Hard Milled LnwnVn, Lettuce nnd Almond Oil Soajr, (tli iiOe kind) wliich we tire closing out AT 25 Cents a Box It, liitlicr nicely, washes away slowly, nnd it clonuses mid Hoi'tcns tlie i'lesli. IKoeppen's The Dniff tftorc lhal S cirri You Jlrsl. For Sa! o nnt. Six room house and two acres of land, one acre In alfalfa- Two wells on place and water piped in yard, li.irn, chicken yard, brick cellar, all In good condition. Call on or nddess 1 m it John-on, S10 Hazel street, Pendleton. H vice ma V n't tr.fle with a cold Is good nd for prudent men and women. It be vital in case of a child. There Is nothing better thtn Chnmherlaln'o Cough Kemedy for coughs and colds In children. It Is sare and sure. For sale by nil dealers. Hot les than sixtctn yeais. Hairs' doi'i ns,. at his trial was that a bi.nv on the ileal wain a boy hl aff-cled hiv m.nd. 1 1 is altVneys al so deelired he had b en frenzied by stories of ri latioiis between A nn is and Mr. Ha ns. Hains got a divorce from his wife last August. After his imprisonment Hains re signed from the nniiy. TAKES PHOTOS IX ALASKA. Dollle licit- Valuable advice for consumptives. Think health, not disease, stop ex perimenting, follow nature; look up. not down, above all resolve, "I will get well." Our little "Sunshine" booklet brightens the way. Postal addressed "Nature's Creation." Co lumbus, Ohio, brings It free of charge. f Hirngo. Who Came Willi Togo, l;(ioitcd. Cleveland, nhlo. Commander Ili rago of the Japanese navy, now at tached to the Japanese embassy at Washington, who is making the round trip to Ala-ka on the steamer Admir al Sampson, is taking photogr.iph ana making maps of the harbors! along the Alaskan coast. j Passengers on the S imp 'en who re-I por.td the maf.er say the command er is taking special pains to get a m.ip I of insurrection hay. While here lie I bought many photographs of the bay.) He is said. to have a plate of the coast on which he makes Inarkinas. It is! I said hero that the matter h as been ' repor.ed to the govenmum at Wash-j lngton. I I ommander H Ira go says he pleasure trip. Admiral Togo. ,V MONEY (Jcorgln struc k on her shoulders and head and j The paper . contaim Iv r foot caught in the stirrup. That was where former cowboy Koosevelt was of more value to the family than former President Koose eit. He swung in his saddle, grab- bed the plunging horse and came slid ing from his own saddle just as the horse hit the ground. And that hois,, stayed on the ground under the strenuous handling if the former ranchman. Archie slid over from the other side I and took a hand. Before the horse ! had time to draw her a step, the two 1 reieased Mrs. Roosevelt's stirrup foot. Tin n Arc hie brought waier from Cue blacksmith's shop. Mrs. Koosevelt was unconscious and the two men were unable to revive her. An automobile delivery wagon, be longing to Kutcher lie Long, came along ;u.-t at tile right moment l.Uan K :s converted the wagon into an imioiil.ii.ce and the butcher's man let ut speed for Sagamore Hill. IV. Fowler, who va- called, found Mis. K .sevelt had no dang' rous in iur.es, al'hough she had bee n badly shaken up by In r hard fall. The in formation was given at the cx-pres'.-d, nt' home that Mrs. K losevelt was rapidly recovering and would be out aga'n in the course of a few day-. Mrs. Koosevelt has always been an enthusiastic horsewoman and she has In en h- r husband's companion on many rides. daughters. Mr. and Mrs H. J. Latourclle an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Maud V. Iatourelle, to An glo Fuini, editor of "La (Jazze'tA food I Italianu di Tacoma"' of Tacom.u shelf I Wa-hington. The wedding will take place late in the autumn. Mrs. Frank B. Clopton and daugh ter. Miss Sibyl Clopton, are home from a summer's stay at the seaside and Portland. Miss Mary Shea, who has spent tho last fixe months in New York and .the r eastern points, in about two weeks. ret in n homo i m I'razi. Whist street. Mis; from (lavs Monday afternoon r entertained the club at her home Mrs. Frank LuplK a:o on Jackson :s Freda R'H-sch Portland where s with friends. has returned he spent a few Mrs. Charles Mitchell of Hiilsboro, will arrive Monday to be the guest of Mi.-s Clara Porter. 4 dixsneity Mis frien.i r.Mig. Olivi info Jones tua'lv c nt' i tain ?d on Tuesday a fe .v- tve- Vrs. Mary vi-'.'.iag Mrs to p., r home Vi. hi i H k. Ma,o k Camas ivho hes !-i c n has !' tu: in d Piairie. (Continued from Page Two.) ha An Mrs. Willi vis'ttng her, leit Thursd. npolis. Sin. mi (',. T for th, for 1: vors who past tv .r h-mie a, com pa n, s b. c n 1 i months, i n Jlinne- j d bv her x: r.. in !. r has ivr;;., :i 1", CI1 . the Mrs T. on f, -1 . i d.::. Portland. Raplist ( luuvli. Preaching services morning and evening. Rev. 11. T. Cash will aga n occiioy the pulpit of the Baptist church, 'corner K. A'da and Johnson tints, next Sunday. Sundav school at the usual hour. B. Y. P All ale cordially invi.ed these services. I', at G::t'i. iiend Tickling in the throat, hoarseness loss of voice Indicate the need of Bal lard's llorehound Syrup. It eases the lungs, quiets the cough nnd restores hcnlth in tho bronchial tubes. Price 250, 50c nnd $1.00 per bottle Sold by A. C. Koeppen ft Bros. Xotleo of Hoard of Kqtinllzntlnit. The said board will convene nt the court house In Pendleton, Monday, October 10th, and remain in session until Saturday at 0 p. in., October 21, lit 11. Taxpayers may then, by sworn com plaint, apply for reductions or other corrections In their assessment, j , CP. STRAIN, County Assessor. is on a I He came wet with! He I go li.rniisli the She How ipples. from here pine forests, splendid; 1 to Norway love pine- SNA MIS, UAIlY, Wootlliuulor Has Busy and I'vciling Day. Waycross. Oa. After killing fif teen rattlesnakes and making $4 haul ing wood for Jesup people, J. L. O' Neal of Wayne conty went home re cently to be presented with n bounc ing baby boy, nil taking place in the forenoon. The snakes were found in the wood O'Neal was hauling. When It was all over O'Neal Is reported as saying "that sure was going soinel" HAVII YOl" TRll'U TO COOK IX PAPIIR I1A;S (Continued from page one.) HIvWIF.ST MX IS lIvI. slit (tcorgo S. Sclmhcr. AgtI .V). Wol ('..Id Pounds, Iic-s In Mast. Jersey City, N. J The burden of carrying around 650 pounds of his own fie h and bone caused the death of George S. Schoher at tho age of ML Schoher, as far as Is known here, was the heaviest man in the United States. Read the want ads. seen from the recipes given, a wide range of dishes may be cooked in these paper containers, even stews and puddings being handled with greater ease under this than under , the old pot nnd pan method i Advnntngvs r the Proofs. j The advantages of paper bag cook ery are obvious: (1) There are no pots and pans to clean: (2) the time required for cooking is shorter, this being duo to the fact that the heat engendered inside the envelope can not readily escape, and reae's ti cook the food; (3 practically all of the flavor and savor of the food which formerly escaped into the heated air in the shape of pases are retained in-ide the mochtnical'y scaled en velope, and are absorbed by the food, giving a more tender and more tiior oiiiihly flavored dish than under (In ordinary methods; (4 there Is scarce ly any nny appreciable b-ss of weight in meats cooked In this manner, whereas under the ordinary methods N K K W h ft n r- 7 1 H n -1 ' f- ' 3 ft ts rV'5-v U 1 S 9 cr tf.S Si m im. JL x iirtf. j Se2 1 his Store's Lorge Line Before You Buy We undersell on our underwear. Seeing is the c guuient. Come look. The range of sizes we car insures a comfortable fit as well. Fleece lined underwear, regular 5'V values, per gar Cotton ribbed underwear, brown, pink. 1 due a Fleece lined underwear, all sizes and a heavy 7 To- values, for garment nvincing n f ry, 3 1 to 4i. nt l- 1,1 tan. gar. Sue weight, regular .'IK c- garment watch f. Woidmixure lambs-down fhece lined underwear, regular $1 values for garment , . Natural color wool underwear. ,,,c value for, Worcester dorbv ribbed underwear, a leader. trade mark, fl.25 value.-, for, garment All wool flat thread under wear, comes in grey and tan 1 ;r. values for, garment Cooper's standard ad wooi underwear, grey, garment I'r.ion suits, every weight and quality, in wool tt . . . .Sllc r the Too regula r . St.no . .SI.2S -U C.l'l silk mixtures from s I.IHI to .WOO Workingmsn's Iniv inu; ri".!it and loss cx; r:i-o ioinsng Co. l-VKa- .wer. 1