KfcK.'iirMMr PACiE POCK. daily i:st (Mi:oM.v, pexdi.ktox. phkc.ox, s.vrutn.Y, October 7, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. . "' '. lsri.. ""v. an ii'i:ri:Ni'i:.vr xr.wsi'Ai't:i:. ut ,1 by .tul 'l,ly n. by the I'm 1AM UiKUuMAX llM.ISHIWi I'D the lt;.IUiii-Tuiki".i w.ir. Tur key is a larsrr nnti.in than Italy, ha .'. Kveati-r vi-juilaUm, ami a isreater ;anny Yit tni- war l.-.us tar an me j ...:v.t;:t:i::. lias ln'i !i it'.i l;n! ii serins, will !h a'Mo t take Tripoli i w ith ne and h.'I 1 it. Tito Italy, t:, si l sri;iiTix HATKS. filly, niie i':ir, hy uu.il lu.v. k: monilis. ly mil it tMy. tunv mn:i:li. ly r.iail lai!y, (iu nioiuh. hy until Iwtiy. otu' inr, liy ritrr.er lily. hi troiiihs. by cariirr t'hliy. thnt" m!iihs. Iiy inrriiT .... l'ny. i:io niniuh. ty cariii'r Cf mi 11 k!y. mr ynr. by mail uil V m- i . fix nioMiliS. Ly mail ... . fc'!ul Wivkly. four tiiuir.l.s, ty mail.. i 00 t'aronslt heavens above t.ie he'sM of 'be utiiiuvi'e.l thr nie; only some few leaves rf wil-l olive, eool to the t'reil 1 t I'lmmh a few year of jieaee. It have been of R.lil, they us'r.I; hut Juniti r was neor! this i". the In Ft the coil nuild give them. Tlivks Kit'ii'.i'r MKiii iiiis, mey it:iu Known it ii. mo. Korv ;,vL in war. inn t g.-t their iirmy across the ea j ,Sllt in wra th not 'in tyranny was fis'.it. Shu..l lur.ali transpoftsith.ro nr.y happiness to be found fir sent forth carry ins troops to the ! th.-m only in kin.lly peace fruitful sin.i tree. ( The wiTith was to be of wild olive. sy prey to the Italian warships. mark -you the tree that grows care A somew hat similar condition ex-i les iy. tuf'ins the rocks with no vivM bloom, nn virduiv f branch; only w ith soft sn;Mv of bloss int and scarcely fulf lle,l fruit, niixeil with TIip lr.i:y r.ast Orec.tiiaa is kept on Rule ! "M'i'nisii f Io 1 ilt Manila " ' , pr;r- leaf an 1 thornet stem; no fast- t tlic ni.'i.ii .News to., llorriboa : ,iov i,...i ,,,.,.. the same with for- enintr of diadem for von hut with, sm-h i.ra's fleet when it emerged from Uharp embroidery! I , .. ., . , , Put this-. Fuch a It Is, vou mav win l.-antiaso there was nothing left fot ,. v,;i. . . . . .. ..... I wh le yet you live; type of grav h m- or and sweet rest. Free-he nrtedness ..'.o ; i li 7. .VI .i;.i ! l .-.o ; .T."i i f of Tripoli the ships would ful'. ;.'. during the Ameilcan war with j pain. Aft.r Pt'Mcy had vannuishe 1 j trefi, PoriiHinh tiej:mi. Noillii.t News I'o. Portland, OregoQ. t'li nun Ihireau. IM1;' Se.-unty Uuihliu;. Washington. I', t'., Ilureau, 301 Kuur trvntb utreet, N. W. Member I'niteit l'res Aisoelatloti. Kntereil at tlie postoffiee ut Pendleton, Oregon, as seioinl class mail matter. Telephone Main 1 Official t'lty ami County Paper. I am to io but quit the fight. I'n.ier the circumstances it is not , nnd graciousness, nnd undisturbed surprising that the influential nations I trust- an'l unrequited love, and the ... - , . ! sSht of the peace of others, and the ot the earth maintain poworrul navies. . , . . , . . ... . ' ministry to their pam these nnd the A nation without a strong navy might ; blue sky above you nnd the sweet m.t long remain influential. j waters and f'.owers of ttie earth be- neath, and mysteries and nresenees iSJIE The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Taft declares the supreme court innumerable, of livi.-g things these i.Tuicis siu.uii i.e iieui a icn-u s nienting and divine; i oi.n Missovm. AVli're the win '.ing Mississippi Mo.-ts its s;sur from the west. And. like an arm extending 'round The land I l"ve the best Where waves of corn unending Are like white-cappod ocean's foam. Their garden fragrance sending O'tr our Old Missouri Home. Where rolls the red Missouri Where grows the shady trees, I see them o'er and o'er where e'er I roam: Oh, the Ozarks are sunny. In that land of Milk, and Honey I'm glad to have an Old Mis souri Home! There lived my dear old Mother "Neath the hi'.ls of Nodaway. Where I and little brother in the vallev green would Play, The trees were tall and growing 'Round the old church with the dome, And sparkling rivers flowing Tust my Old Missouri Home. Chas. C. Boland. may yet be here your iehes: untor. serviceable for the acts of the creator, or, words to ; the life thnt now is; nor it may be. that effect. Put the people of Ore- j without promi.-e of that which is to riViia TTi.-t ivnrn . a ..... w ill wait until the court passe j V, " , . 1 .. , w,e urow " l.USKMl. r. n upon th um hef matter. validity' of the On gon sys e accepting; his view of til- mh: HAD koi;(;ottk. As a result of the strike we have j delayed trains and tardy mails. The: public i- the chief sufferer no matter i She had just returned from a shop ping tour. tired but radiant. He had just returned from the of fice, tired, but well, tired. Quivering with delight at the arraV u ho w ins or loses. The nnsldent might have stonned "" v "or lap. mere wa 'if and dedicated the new bridge.. A look of dismay The Progressive League seems meet with very general approval. OCTOIUiU 7 IX 1IISTOUY. a the 171M Annoine Joseph Gorsas, Girodist guillotined at Paris. 1791 I!ois-le-Duc, one of strongest bulwarks of the famous Dutch barrier along the left bank of ... . ............. i.-. i .i.rt ir...r.f.i. me .M. u.-e. ........e.,!, .., .... , j.iaying bridge. i ?1 1 nt Hid j'.. . 1 1 i i:m-ii .on .--i - ond conscrii'tion of S n.oOO for this year. IS 10 Coilbra, in Portugal, held by Mrs jo:" samples snipped from rolls of dresi I goods, she emptied the contents of her a moljilie- sound j crossed her face. ! "'There!"" she exclaimed, "I jus'., to, knew there was something I had for gotten to buy:" '"What was it, dear?" he asked, with an assumption of interest. "I'm sure I don't know," she re plied petulantly; "but I find I have a half dollar left:" Hoston Herald. i I I "I never saw such curiosity as that weman shows," said Mrs. Scorer. ! "Why she spends most of her time I S3 Saves Duller, Flour, EflGS and makes home baking easy No Alum No Lima Pltosphats PURE Hotel St. George ar GEO. DAKVEAl', Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle- mer.a iteaori. , Anheuser-Busch famous BUDWEISER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Kcho Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. A 1'aik i;i:toi:t.. Pat. who had a had coin given to him, decided to try to spend it. Ho therefore went into a tobacconist's and asked for a cigar. The shopman handed over the cigar, and Pat, put ting the cigar in his mouth, tender ed the coin. He was making his way out when the shopman shouted. "Hey, man, do you know it is a bad one?" Pat turned around and said: "Never mind. I'll smoke It if it kills me." Pond may be excused in? In a "bender." ior Induls- "Ws. And I'd rather go through life not knowing what the trump is than ask as often as she does." IT AIJOLISIIKS Tin; oiucm:. the French, was attacked by the Brit ish and carried. i K40 William I. erlands. published announcing his voluntary ahditi n of Youngwedd the throne in favor of his son, William I 1S50 Disunion meetings held at . . . i Natchez and Yazoo City, at both of I Once upon a time a citizen wished , wh,ch the dIsoreiinizing resolutions t , make a complaint about a wornouH were opposed and voted down, sidewalk or something else in his; 1S64 Harrison H. Dodd escaped neighborhood w the Knights of the Golden Circle. ! 1S70 French make sorti" at Metz ' and driven back with frightful losses I by Prussians I l'.tOl Japanese shells reported to he is chairman of the street commit- hlV0 damage! f mr P.ussian warships tee." replied the mavor. So Mr. Citi-, in harbor at Port Arthur. Japanese jraduallv closing (boastlngly) I but my hlKhnnil h'iu r....-..f t. ltt...l ..... proclamation' , . . ' ," , , , .' , ,. . , , about the batter cake and pies his mother used to make. King of the Neth- Mrs. Keene No. dear; his father used to run a bakery. I Pendleton Dye Works j CUT PMCES FOR SEPT. S LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED Sl.tO (' LADIES' SUITS PRESSED $1.0 g MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED MEN'S SUITS PRESSED I5o Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to- (?) date methoi1. Phone .Main 109. 26 1-2 E. Alta. . . ...ii ii. .1..-1-- Thlnking that the best ! coniinemein. ai imiianapous .lu.i.is ! r..s military uiui, .ii which iuucii as y to get results would be to go to i ...,,. .rnn. o,.mH..n the head of affairs he interviewed the mayor and laid his complaint be fore J.im ' Go and see Councilman So and So CUTIGUilnOIMl HEALED BAD SORE in. Rus- tcn t..oL- nnothpr ibiv riff and hunted ! r. porieil Man ui'iiu uniiuneo. I lioi'j II;irrv A. Oarficl 1 inausurat- e. into arms up the street committee chairman. "I will see the street commissioner about it." replied the committee chair man and the complaining citizen went away rejoicing in the idea that the Improvement would be made. But weeks went past and nothing wa. done. So one day he met the street commissioner and inquired why the wornout cross walk had never been fixed. "This is the first I have ever heard of it, no one has ever said a word to me about it." replied the official. So It happened that the men, women and children of the neighborhood affected l.ad b-'-n wilding through mud day after day merely because authority , jn tm.t clutching at the black motes had not been given for the repair of; in th air with your dying hands a w.ik and. yet it may be well with you. I Dut if this life be no dream, and This incident Ls said to have occure.l ( . wor,,, n, J)ital; ,f a,, , peace urder the present administration. But and power and Joy you can ever win cd president of Williams C'ollei l?in Turkish forces sent northwestern Syria to collect killed 810) Druses. WILD OI.IVK LKAVKS. If your life were hut a fever fit the mndnes of a night, whose follies were fill to be forgotten in the dawn it might m ifer little how you fret ted away the- sickly hours what toys you snatched at, or, let fall what visions you fo'lowed wistfully with the deceived eyes of sleepless frenzy. Is the 'earth rnly a ho pit.il? Play, if you c:re to play, on th floor of the hospital dens. Knit its straws into what crowns you pliant; gather the .1.... . t !. r- . . .. r... nn.l ,lia wif.V. j uiei oi 11 1"! i.-..t'-i .-. en . i. . " " j Scraped Flesh Off Bone Below Knee. Suffered So She Couldn't Sleep. Also Says: "I Believe Cuticura Soap Is the Best Soap Made." A' --i if it did it is no particular rf flection on. the present officials. No doubt rirnilar incidents have occured under every city administration Pendleton hr s i v. r had. must be won now; and all fruit of victory gathered here or never will you still, throughout the puny totality of your life, weary yourselves in the fir" for vanity? If there is no re-t whih r"ma!n'h I for . om I.. Inc. to.no I'iii rni'.hl T.rr.u- It i- the fault of the system rather I m.,-v xhn of t'e ti ;.n of the men. Un-i'T our present ! f;il ln m;,,i Br.-.f.n for your shroud form of city government there is room only no', for your bed? And can you f. r ,nueh lifting of responsibility. It '" v' r !if' f' ''" I d r it? The ii-athen. to whose creed l ;..:r i i-r -r.e t ally in t ha r "n ' ,s ' I you have retuned. th .ut;lit not so. Then the mayor and i Th -v knew that Iif brought its run- "Pomo time neo I was rominc; up some steps wliAn the board crushed under me like aa egg shell, and my right limb went through to the knee, and scraped the flesh oil the bone just ia.ide and below the knee. I neglected it for a day or two, then it be?an to hurt me pretty badly. I put balsam fir on to draw out the poison, but when I had u-ed it a week, H hurt so badly that I changed to ointment. That m.cie it smart and bum so badly that I couldn't use it any more, and that was the fourth week after I was hurt. "Then I began to use Cuticura Ointment for the sore. It stopped hurting Immediately and began healing right away. It was a bad looking sore befon: Cuticura Ointment healed it, Lnd I suffered to I couldn't sleep from two days after I fell until I btun uing Cuticu-.i Ointment. "Cuticura Hocp is the bet sonp I ever sr:v. I have used all kinds of scan fur wash- in; my face, and always it would leave my face smarting. I had to keep a l it ion to . stop the smart, no matter how expensive a soap I used. I find at la. t in Cuticura .Soap a soap that will clean my face and leave no I smartinr;, and I do not have to use any lotion or anything el.-c to ease it. I bclievo Cuticura Soap is the. he.-t soup made." j (Signed) Mrs. M. K. Faircliiid, KOo Lafayette I St., Wichita, Kan., May 8, 1911. j Cuticura Soap and Ointment nre for sato I throughout the world, but to thnw- who : have suffered much, lust hope and are with out faith in nny treatment, a liberal sample i of each together with ."2-p. Ilooklet will be 1 mailed free, nn application. Address Potter j Drug 4 Cuem. Corp., Dept. 22a, Lostoa. THE FRANKLIN LINE IS H. P. 4 Cyl Model G. Runabout $I0."0 25 H. P. 4 Cyl. Model (1. Touring SUOOO 30 H. P. 6 Cyl. Model M, five pussensor touring car $t:!HOO 30 H. P. 6 Cyl. Model M. four passenger torpedo .112800 30 H. P. 6 Cyl. Model M, two passenger runabout 2800 38 H. P. C Cyl. Moded IX five passenger touring car Sit.'.OO 38 H. P. 6 Cyl. Model 1J, four passenger torpedo $:l.00 38 H. P. 6 Cyl. Model H, seven passenger touring car $1000 Prices f. o. b. Syracuse, N. Y. D and II touring and all torp ih bodies have electric lights. All models have tops and windshields. All models have the Bosch Djal Ignition system, which enable you to start the motor from the seat. 0 LINE 30 H. I'. 4 Cyl. Uunabout 30 H. P. 4 Cyl five passenger touring car, Prices are for Pendleton delivery. r sio.-io top nnd windshield Slir.O All the above models have the latest style fore-door bodies. Write us for specifications and catalogues. Psnileion M OPEN DAY AX1 NIGHT FIRST-CLASS SEKVICE The Quelle Cafe and Oyster House f.'eals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 828 MAIN 8TIIKET O30OeOOCOvvC000QO0C0O00O00GCO0Q0SOCCOC0 eoureiiojen serve without pay and it i- not. suri-rlsin; that they sidetrack tioubb- r.o.v ;rid then. Men seldom i .ire t i work bard unless they are paid for their services. T!i" r oniniis'-i'in form of govern rnnt looks to remedy this conditi on. Jt fixes responsibility and pro vides thet those who h:tr It shall be jiLld for their work. 1'nder the com mission plan one member of the board ls responsible for street work and he cannot evade his duty. When com plaints are made be grants them or turns them down according to the merits of the case. The man who maks a complaint Is not sent travel ing around in u circle. The commission plan Is the business like and effl i.-nt j.lan for condueting the affairs of the city. It will mean l etter service and it will mean econ omy because close management of af fairs always noans economy whip" loose management means net dies i xpense. test, but they expected from it also the crowd of ail contest. No proud one! no jeweled cireb't flam'ng I 1 9 9 m,w-rkiwrrvjL.,HL.'&?' XWAK KTKKXGTII COl'XTS. The supreme Importance of a navy Jn modern warfare is well illustrat- Cleanses the System effectually; Dispels colds and Headaches, due to constipation. Best for men, women and children : young .and old. To get its Beneficial effects, always note the name of the Company, CUFOSNIA FigSYKUP plainly printed on the front of every package of the Genuine o o s7 i W Q 0 O o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o Pencil emn naning fh Lumber Yard 11 and J. A. BORIE LUMBER CO., Props. Successors to Robert Fcrster. The best place to get mill work, lumber and building material of every description. Furniture and office fixtures made to order. All work guaranteed to be strictly first-class. Large and Complete Stock of Lumber Carried. a o o o Q O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooeooooooooQoooooooooo ST. PAUL'S i I SCHOOL Opens Sept. 1 4 Boarding and Day I School for Girls. j Frimary, Intcrniediato, Ac- f ademic Special and Post- J Graduato Couvsca. Depart- j t mcnts of Music, Expression and Art. t x f PKHSOXATj ATTKXTIO.V I REnxixo ixn.iExrrs t TIIOKOCCII VUK J T . Nettie M. Calbraith J Principal 1 WALI.A WAI.I.A. WASH. I t-H4-4'4'f4--H-4't-'fM-'IH4--H-t I TiTo 1 Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for Your Good Health" IJEMEMHEIl THIS WHEN you ilwe i-imscmiTioxs, OP. WANT I'CP.E MEDICINES rnoTECT voiit iieaitiii during the lint mimmer and "bad water" months by drink ing our puro tnnln, root beer, cider and hit. C1ii0mt Tlmn a Doctor 1110. One dozen quarts or two dozon plnla of the Clly Krewery'j fa mous "Export lleer" dellvored to your homo fur $2 00. PENDLETON SODA WOIUiS. W. A. llcininelt'iirn & linm. 400 E. Court St. Tel. Main 469