East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 07, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Calling- cards, wed
dint; stationery, com
nierclal stationery and
job printing to order
at the East Oregonlan
Fair tonight and Sun
VOL. 21
-- J
mm ARE
Illinois Central Quits
Attempt to Break
Texan D Vision l;udl)' Crippled on
llaiTlnian Lines, Wliile Situation 1
Nne-liange'el on Pacific Omst First
St'iku llfiKflts Are Paid Today.
New Orleans, Ia., Oct. 7 The shop,
men's strike on the Harriman lines,
is being keenly felt along the Texas,
division of the Southern I'aeiflc rail
roail. There Is a big shortage of cars,
capable of being used, and the shops
are practlea lly deserted, making It al
most impossiidv fur the company to
have Its equipment repaired.
The Illinois Central officials at this
place have si lit all their strike
breakers from the city, owing to a
number of dashes which have occur
ed lore an 1 In which several men
have been seriously hurt.
Rioting Ceases.
Chicago, 111., Oct. 7. Reports re
ceived here from points along the 1111.
nos Central railroad are to the effect
that rioting has ceased. Officials of
the company have admitted that most
of their shops are closed, as the
striki breakers were tillable, to work,
being harassed incessantly by strikers
and sympathizers.
llarrimaii Situation Unchanged.
San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 7. There
1 1 little change today in the strike sit
uatlon on the Harriman lines of the
Pacific coast country. Roth sides ure
ptaccful and no serious trouble ha
been reported. At Sacramento the
first strike benefits were today paid
the striking shopmen.
(Jfiicml Eight nt lYIsoo.
San Francisco. Calif., Oct. 7. In .1
general fight at noon today near the
Southern Pacific shops at this place,
half a dozen strikers and strike
breakers pummelled each other with
fists and bricks. The state police re
stored order before any serious dam
age had been done.
.!!(I.1R Ml RP.I'RS :
Oxnnrd, Calif.. Oet. 7. Just beforo i
their all nU'ht poker game broke up '
this morning '-. ii Pl ight was proh-.
nbly fatally wounded by Sam Moul-i
ton, another playe r, in a quarrel over j
a f r.t) jackpot. Moult n took the nudi
ty and escaped. j
PuUoou Lost.
MiiiLto. Iowa, Oct. 7. one balloon,
the I'.erlln II, remains unaccounted for
today from the six that starteil In the
race for the l'.eniutt cup. Condor
landed here last night, toiling a tale
of much coldness while traveling
over Lake Michigan. This caused the
officials to wire for the whereabouts
of the Rerlin.
Trust (Jives) Ilond.
Cleveland. Oct. 7. Tho wall pa
per companies which were indicted
as a trust. id aded not guilty to n
charge of combining to restrain trade
and furnished J r .) o bonds today.
Declaring that th annual Ppoknno
Interstate Fair is the best and larg-!
est In-ti ution of Its kind that they;
have ever wilnessed and that the wild
west show held in connection with it
will in no day deiraet from the Inter-'
e'st in the Ronnd-l'p, Roy Raley, J. 1
H. Gwlnn and Roy Rltner, president,!
secretary and treasurer, respectively,'
of the local frontier association, re- j
turned home this morning from a vis-I
it at that fair. They are very cnthu-j
slastlc in their praise of tho big fair, I
asserting that nil of tho claims made i
by press agents were full substantial- i
I'd by the actual exhibits and racing
The wild west show under the title
of Pioneer Hays in the Falouse, Is not
an infringement upon the Frndleton
show, they declare, but will only serve
to whet tho appetites of the specta
tors for mora of the same dish. Tho
program Is not one of contests but is
rather a drnnui of frontier days, de
pleting the scenes in a frontier village
with tlie attending labors, hardships
ami dangers, and during: its cotirso
special feature performers such as
Vernon and Stanley nro Introduced.
They declare they were received
by the management of tho fair with
a manifest cordial spirit and wero
extended every courtesy during their
slay In tho metropolis of the inland
TmkSli War-hip Destroy!. 0
Constantinople, fu-t. 7. The
sinking of ii Turkish warship
und the crippling of all the forts
at .St. Joan do Medua, In a hot
fight with Italian cruisers, has
been reported here. All Ital
Ian establishments in Turkey
were today ordered closed, by
the Turkish government.
Many Persons Believed to
Have Died
Other Touiw Send Holier Train With
Supplies for the Starving Poul
Incc. Rlaekrocr Falls, Wis, Oct. 7. The
heavy floods of the week are nn re se
rious th.iu at f'rst reported. Several
persons are unaccounted for and the
property damaged in five counties is
estimated j 1 1 between three and five
mildon dollars.
The idi,-k river is filled with
wreckage as far south as La Crosse,
Hatfield, where a big dam, btirsted,
Is submerged and about half the town
is washed away. The town's popula
tion is
O'.lur tow-m down the stream also
Buffered heavy losses. North llend Is
reported w iped oi,t. Over" two thou
sand refugees are here and more are
Only five business houses are left
standing here and more than forty
residences were destroyed by the rush
of waters. The reports of loss of life
.are being discredited,
j The only means of communication
with the outside world, is by a tele
j graph Instrument which is on top of
a telegraph pole.
r.ollef Ilspaloh-el.
La Crosse, Wis, Oct. 7. Replying
to appeals for food and clothing of
the starving people nt Ria.k River
Fad-, today a relief train has been
sent out.
R v. J. H. Holmes, veteran minis
ter of th- Christian church and who'
has been in Pendleton before. litis j
been (-die l to be pa.-leir and f nan, -'at 1
agent for Hie local organization. He j
is t i arrive lu re October 15 and is t i
begin a Sere s of revival meetings on
the lii'M Sunday ill November.
At this time Rev. Iledme- i.-- con
duct ug revival services In Mon anti
He devoti s much of bis ! inie to such
woik and will continue that line even
after coming to Pendlet n. Rev. Van
de Walker; who has filled the pulpit
at the Cbr st an church of lite moil lis
is to leave the city though it is n-.t
yet determined just where he is to
R"v. Holmes is regarded as. being
especially capable in financing
churches that arc in debt and he will
have Important work to do here in
reducing the old Indebtedness of the
church. Rev. Holmes drew the plans
for the old wooden Christian church
that formerly stood on water street
and was binned to tile ground several
years ago.
Milwaukee, Oct. 7. Thousands of
dollars spent on postage anil adver
tising were taken up by the S'ephen
snn committee today. Rodney Hack
ett, of Senator Steehenson's public
ity bureau, testified that $!S27 was
spent for postage and 4 2 girH were
busy mailing letters, (10,000 of which
were sent out in one dnv. Hacked
couldn't produce a single specimen
of the letters mailed and ,ii,i,n I
know who prepared Senator Steph
enson's advertising.
Spain Case to .lury Monday.
The case against John Spain, Rank
McGrnth find Zlbe Morse, all nottible
perforine-rs at the receiiL Round-l'p.
in which these men are standing trial
In Union county on a charge of horse
stealing, will go to the jury Monday,
according to n telegram from Li
Grande this afternoon. The message
further states that Roy Lund, the con.
vlct who Is tho slate's principal wit
ness, has been Impeached a dozen
times today and leaves the inference
that the case ngalnst the cowboys Is
considerably weakened.
l'ariii Residents Slurry.
A marriage license was granted to
dayto Roy F.. Case and Kate K. Han
na and the couple were married by
Justice of the Peace Joe H. Parke-s
this morning. The bride is the dau
ghter of a prominent farmer of the
county while the groom is engaged In
tho ranchliiff business himself.
Republican Government Of
ficially Recognizes
American Motlicr-iii-l.nw of Pretend
er Is I'inaiif Iny Iti'lHdiiou and Man
uel May Xot Rca-n-nd to Throne
lie l-ost Years .Vgo.
Vigo, Spain, Oct. 7 Heavy fight
ing between the Portuguese loyali U
und the republicans Is reported to
day. Several defeats of small repub
lican detachments have been n port
ed and u dec'sivc- battle is believed t
h" pending at Oportou.
'ill republican g venule r.t official
ly recognized the ..revolt today when
l'r. ii,!' r Cli.'gas issue'l a s:a ement
that JT.'nj royal st had crossed the
northern frontier. He d'-clarea they,
wile allowed t) penetrate tne c'-'Uii-I
tiy f i th-re won i be n doulit of;
' h . r ti ".-still y Ik 1 re the republican
annlh iai-d them.
Manuel liidil'l'e:eiit.
London. Kng. (. 7. King Man
Ui I who is ft Richmond. Kngl in I, to
lay stated lif t he was not h'.ndlng
any revolution, despite the l p rls
to the contrary He is seemingly
taking no interest in I'ortugue-c tur
bulent affairs and i-hows no eiuhu
s asm over the efforts that are be
ing made to enthrone him.
Although King Manuel is not ex
cited, the Duke of Vizmi, son of lion
Miguel, the pretender ti the throne.
Is working hard and intends to push
his claim-', to the throne hard. The
duke is penniless and Mrs. Sm th.
widow of the late American mil ion
aire "Silent" Smith, and mother of
the duke's w f;. will aspiM in flounc
ing the uprls ng to he lp hioi.
Principal Frank I"). Carruth of the
Stiinflild schools came n.- la:t ninht
to spenil the week-end here, lb- re - i
pons pr.-'frr ss being made on the new I
Kfhool building at S anf e'd iledf-i
't w'U be ready for oreui'an v in
six weeks.
President In
President William Howard Taft was
a sojourner in Pondle-toii this mornin ;
though bis .stay was brief and he- was
apparently asleep at the time. The
presidential special arrived In tlie e ity
at i o'clock after an uneventful run j
from Poise. On the run from Hunt-,
Ington to Pendleton the train was un- 1
elcr the care of Conductor V. H. Myt
e I'g.-r and Engineer Thyson, the oldest
engineer on the road, was at the throt- ;
tie. The start from Huntington was
ma le at fl:30 la.- evening and at that
hour the president retired. Conse- j
qiiently the members of the train crew j
did not sie the head of the nation. j
According to Conductor Mytinger
the run from Huntington to the city j
was made without unusual Incident.'
N , 4 N J.
Five Thousand Greet
at Walla' Walla
Ural's Intensive Ctd'.ivatinn of Soli and
la ! '.'id i Wio.'s of I-ttc Tariff Mea
sures Expi eves DesTe to Again
!o C!eM"n Chief Exocut.ve.
Walla Walla. Wash., Oct. 7 With
(?a tly half of his big F.ving around
the circle behind him. President Taft
todf y began his invasion of the I'a
( l!ic coast territory.
Fif e.-n . ta'e-.s have seen the prfsi
1i nt. IK- has tr.ive led GiToj miles,
'-!,. stid t ii'ay that he was le.il to be
!! the wesl fit.l to pi t in tou -h w ith
-'eVi! problem"." To. lay he spent
bis time at Walla Walla, Lewis. on,
.V sco.v and Spokane.
io i i ni'i- Hay, wh i jo'n.-d Mr.
T: :'t here today, in introelu' ing the
pr. i 1'rt ti f:e ihi.usan l peop'e at
t lly j.e.i lt, v n Icre 1 him tile re
; i; II . :n nomir.a tb.n fi.r ttle pre i
ierry :a llilj faying:
had b; i .i j.rf scribed for the
forn.ry in 1'ius urou we 1ieed a sec
n l do-e iii 1 i I 2."
V !i. n Preride nt Taft arose, he said:
y,.u th nk you i.ecd a second
d isc I will the best I can to cure
any d'sease you have," and the crowd
J ' in .I in his laugh N'ece-slty for in
le:i;vc agriculture and his tariff ve-
t-'s riundv'd ou'. his address.
I'ii-ds snfuv Tomorrow.
Taenia. Wash. Oct. 7. President
Tref w-!1 gi tr im warm sunshine to
now tomorrow. a the snow line Is
're-ping d iwn Mount Rainier until it
his reached Paradise valley, which is
tJs far up the mountain a.'j Mr. Taft
will climb.
T:ft Repudiated.
Se-nt'e. Oct 7 S-natcr La F-d-'
Pe- w.i en 1 o sd f' r jir.-s di n' by
the Tr-g-'-s',- Lrae-jp of King eotin
'v lis ni'lM ii'd res. .lutb n ; adopted
iMil!'-.g the goviT'ior to c.i'l a spe-
fCont n-j.-d en page eight.)
1 .
y v 4
The train had ample time and so the
ni'l was made with e-are. The usual
St..) s wile made for c al and water
1-ut tit n i place did the president ap
pear. Anivivg in the city the presidential
train was switched to the tracks of
the Washington division and with a
Washington elivisioii crew in charge
the run to Walla Walla was taken up.
The train was scheduled to reach
Walla Walla at 7 o'clock and the leav
ing hour wis such as to m ike the run
an easy euie.
A re port from Haker Is to the ef
fect that the presidential special wtis
delayed a half hour because the hose
coup'lng on the fast mail, which was
on the track ahead of the special, had
been cut.
Wind I)estrojs Pudding.
Chicago. Il'l., Oct. 7. High
winds today overthrew a four
story building which was be-
ing constructed on the north-
side, killing two small children
who were near the structure,
fatally injuring four workmen
and seriously injuring two oth-
ers. The children are not
Will Begin Within
Few Days
Cctiomvooil and Alta Streets Will IJe
Comple'tcd in Short Time, Says Con
tractor. The contract for the paving of Cot-
i ton wood and Alta freets was signed
at 3 o'clock this afternoon and, ae
. c.r ling to T. F. Mahoin y, rept es.-nta-I
tive of Warren Pros , actual work
! will be commenced within a few
, d:ii'. Tlie contract calls for the b -'
g nning of operations within C.veii'y
. day.--, but Mr. Mahoney states that
j he hted a telepli .lie communication
'with his company at noon to the ef
fect that two big rock crushers at La
tjiande hud been dismantled and
were ready for shipment here and
that the pitulithic plant at Baker
would be brought btrc- at once.
When the work is once begun it
will be rushed rapidly, declares the
Warren representative and he hopes
that before the work is completed the
citizens will decide upon paving other
streets. Mr. Mahoney declares the
sma'l towns in the inland empire nre
doing much more paving than are the
large cities of the northwest In pro
portion to their size, his company at
this time having six or e'ght different
plants operating in the smaller cities
of Oregon, Washington and Montana.
Woman's Assailant fn light,
Centralla. Wash , Oct 7. Frank
I Ca;vin, whj seriously shot Mrs. VI
I vian Irving, at Katonville and then
e.caped was captured by Sheriff t'r
quhart near Toledo where he was
housed by friends. He was ta ken to
Taroma this morning. He was shot
twice in the arm when he first es
caped but the wounds are healing
Austin. li t, 7. Charges of invol-
j iitii.try manslaughter are to be lodged
I ag.iinst tii... j.ersons who are re-pon-j
si-de f. r the br. aklng of the big
ilayiess dam here hist Saturday, ae
! lording to a statement made today by
i !'ii I illy Attorney General liur-t. The
f.utii n-itii s are endeavoring to learn
to whom may be laid tile charge of
n- glitrcnee in the construction and
maintenance of the dam and it is
ag.i'nst them that the man-laughter
e harge is to be made. Fifty-five
corpses have been recovered to date.
Klamath Falls. Ore.. Oct. 7. Or.
I yman, who is accused of .swindling
hi Panama bind sale's, start.d to Port
land today in custody of United
Slates Marshal Scott.
He faces trial in Portland ou a
ehii ;e of aiding fedeial prisoners to
scape at Klamath Falls
He' is also wanted in California on
on a charge of using the United
S ates mail to defraud.
1.; man has cleaned up several big
fortunes in allege'd fake scheme-.
P.roker Suicides.
Seattle. Oct. 7. Prederii k K.
Swanst rum. a prcminent real estate
and financial broker, was found dead
a room in a hotel lore lale y.-s-ti
rdf.y. Ho apparently had commit
ted suicide by shooting himsi if.
Swanstrom was a graduate of Annap
olis with tile class of 1SS7 and served
under Almiral Oewoy in the Spanish
American war.
Rcncf its Vaid.
Sacramento, Calif., Oct. 7. The
f it st benefit of the shopmen's strike
were paid this morning to the strikers
at this place. Married men were paid
J each and simile men Jii each, am
ong the machinists, while the other
tradesmen were raid ST each. N"o
viclenee litis occured here so far.
Camni Helpless.
New- York. Oct. 7. Sam Lang ford
of P.ost.m used Tony Caponi. a Chi
cago heavyweight, as a model for in
stalling purposes in a scheduh'd 10
round limit here last night Referee
Charley White had to stop the fight
In the middle of the third round as
Caponi was helpless from the beating
the negro fighter had g:ven him.
Denies Petition for
ther Judge to
Relieved Action Will Prove Reversablo
Ih-ror and Result ' in Liberation of
Pri.-oiier.H If They Are Convicted of
Times Kxilos,oii.
Los Angeles, Oct. 7. Disregarding
the s long affidavits, alleging preju
d.ce, Judge Hordwtdl in an informal
hear ng today denied the McN'arnara
brothers another Judge to .try their
ease. The judge said he was not bi
ased. Monday Attorney Darrow probably
will make the motion formally, for a
change of judges and also a change
of venue, to keep the record clear.
These Judge Lord well is expected to
di r.y. as he seems determined to try
the ease.
While no attorneys, for profession
al rea-ons, w ould disius t iday's de
velopments it was plain from their
att tude that th'-y be' ee a reversable
error has already been entered into
the and that if either of the Mc-
Xamaras are convicted their convic
tion won't be permitted to stand.
In affidavits, which were signed by
the brothers, they stated that Judge
Rordwell had shown prejudice from
the s-tart and their rights, under the
law. would not be safeguarded by
Mexico City, Oct. 7. A threat to
again ask the Mexican people to rise
and crush the enemies of President
elect Madero was made in a exclu
sive statement by his brother Gusta
vo, who said that Francisco Madero
had asked the officials to stamp out
the ineipid revolt. Gustavo said that
if they did not, Francisco would call
tile people to- arms again and that he
already had two generals in the field.
New- Vork, Oct. 7. The betting on
the world's series is at even money.
The New York Baseball club's offices
are flooded with checks for seat res
ervations and a new record attend
ance is expected.
I'.aley I'ain.lie Eiide'd.
Pas -tdetia. Cat.. Oct. 7. The much
veiti: .-1 ha by famine of Pa-adena
at an end. No l oiirer is tlie finger
ii-.Tti to be ii dnte 1 at this abiding
I pi-
tii'.' of mu. '.millionaires and com-
n millionaiies.
Hiring the last forty-eh.tht hours
! th
ere were recorded lb births at the
isadepa hospi-a', bcside a d.zen
I Se
private homes. Fifteen of the s-ix-:
ii iiospital arrivals ore girls.
L 'ea doe-tors w h have been work
g overtime', r.iy there is some d.in
r of an eiverprodiiction.
Snow-lide Killx Two.
Skagway. Alaska. Oct. 7. Stanley
JIcLeilan and ills wife were killed
yesterday by a snowslide that demol
ished their home at the Partridge
mine on the west arm of Lake Atlin,
Yukon territory.
V. S. Cat Ion. w ho w as stand'ng
near the house, was caught by the
I avalanche and carried a thousand feet
1 w n the mountain. He sustained
eve'ial hi iikcn ribs but will recover.
Deceived by the new green paint
o.iling e'H the roofs of two new build
r.gs in Pilot ll-'ck. eis;'ut wiid ducks
d ishc i headforemost into the solid
1 w o.i.i and broke their neks the mh-
e-r day. A: least ilrs is tii- story that
-'man. ties from the she-op t "., ti and tt
num Per et natives ot that bur,- are
ready to swear ou t!i ir bended knee
w it h their riuht hand rai.-i d t lieav
i ti that it is au'hentic.
Aevrdin g to the story, the ducks
wcr- winging their way throne), im,
high altitudes when they suddenly
espied patches of green in the midst
of barren hills and fields. Like
parched and weary Arabs on the
the m-', it Sahara suddeti'v sighting
the cooling oasis, the whole flock ot
untamed water fou,l dashed for tho
color spots. Whether they mistook
'.ho roofs for pools of deep water or
for spots of verdant vegetation, the
witnesses will not declare, but tiny
assert in all solemnity that tin awful
head-mi collision took p'ace and that
eight of the deluded birds 'rolled from
Hie roof to th- ground, wlie-v they lay
in l'ttie feti t liereil he'.ips until pe'rsons
whose palates have a naffiutty for
wild duck meat gathere d them up and
transferred them to tloj frying pan.