PAGE EIGHT. DAILY KAST OREGONIAX, FKNDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 29, 1911. EIGHT PAUES. i A GOOD COOK DEMANDS THE BEST ! That's why those ilo.-ivinir .groceries for an appetizing ami npp':iinc "jiiiari'' meal always ask "Central' for MA IX !.:. THEY GET IT ! QUANTITY and QUALITY with EVERY purchase at the STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY, liiG. WHERE ALL ARE PLEASED FRANK O'GARA, Pres. Newsy Notes 2 : of Pendleton Woman's I.-ajnie to Meet. Tne rogu'ar mommy meeting 01 me local chapter of the American Wo man's League will be held next Mon day ufternooiat 3 o'clock In the as sembly room of the o.ty hall. Will Prenoh In Rapt 1st Cliurcli. Rev. Cash, formerly occupying the pulpit of the Hormiston church, will preach next Sunday morning and eve ning in the local Baptist church. This was the announcement given out this morning. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS. BERNARD O'GARA, Sco.-Treas. j sun Ciei Fntlier's Property. Louis Leonard La Rone today se j cured possession of his father's prop- erty. on Oosbie and Aura streets by ' reason of the death of the latter and I the recording of a deed which was made two years ago. WORT M A N FIGHTS FOR HIS LIBERTY In a crowded court room this after noon is being fought the final battle which is to decide whether or not Charles Wormian is guilty of the charge of fornication. The argu ments of the opposing attorneys be gun just before ; o'clock and at press time had just been concluded. Dep uty District Attorney Pruitt opened for the state, brie."... summing up the evi dence and deelaring it to prove con clusively thiit Evelyn Rugh had been wronged by the defendant as alleged In the indictment. Attorney Dan P. Smythe followed ar.d maintained that tlio state had failed to prove several ;' the materia! allegations one of the 1 riiuipiil of which was that which the girl to have been of pre vious chaste and moral character. At tcrney Chas Carter and District At torney Van Vactor closed the case. The taking of evidence was not completed until 1:45 this afternoon, many of the witnesses having been many witnesses, among them being a number of young men of this city and Athena, whose testimony was in tended to indicate that the girl had been morally lax since she was of the age qf 13. The trial throughout has been unu sually hard fought, each side con tending for the advantage with vigor, and persistency. Among the many people crowding the courtroom are a number of women, the mother of the girl being one of these. Both vester- ! day and today she has been hysterical and sobbed continually. Parish AM Social. s A silver tea social is to be given this evening at the home of Mrs. L. H. Sturgis for the benef.t of the Par ish Aid society of the Church of the Redeemer. It Is to begin at 8 o'clock and the public is invjtod to attend. Two Marriage Marriage licenses were Issued yes terday afternoon to John F. Hanson and Clara Larsen, both residents of this county, and to Miland H. Hobson and Lulu Cranshaw of this city. The latter couple are colored people. PROSTRATED BY AFFINITY. Artist Earle's Mother Collapses at Ar rival or Fourth Soulniate. New York. Mrs. L. J. Earle, mother of Ferdinand Pinney Earle, was prostrated at her appartments in the Hotel Marie Antoinette following the sudden arrival here of her eccen tric son with his latest soulmate, for merly Miss Dorothet Elbert Stewart of Workingham. England. Mrs. Earle Sr. was under the care of a physician. It was said that she had cast off her son for good. Thompson Buys Irrigated Land. By a deed recorded today, Thomas Thompson, well known farmer-citizen, becomes the owner of two tracts of land near stunfield, one contain ing 4.71 acres and the other 5 acres. The land was purchased from the In land Irrigation company for $2427.50. OLD PREACHER JILT? SUED. Sued on Day of Inheritance. Leonard La Rone, only son and heir of Louis La Rone who died in this city this morning, was this afternoon made the defendant in a suit by the firm of Ashley & Rumelin. bankers. The complaint alleges that on Sept. IS, 1909, the. defendant borrowed $73.50 for which he gave his promisory note and has refused to fulfill the obli gations of the note. S. A. Newberry is attorney for the banking company. Oosy. Up to' the minute pictures for Fri day and Saturday. "The Best Policy." Two brothers love the same girl, the gay one Is In the lead as compared with the plod ding, hard working brother, but the gay one's debts accumulate and he must have money, so he steals from his father, placing a few bills in the brother's pocket. Hero the girl In tervenes and succeeds In running the real thief down. The story would be incomplete If she didn't marry the plodder. "Mutt and Jeff in the Banking Business." At last the two insepar ables. Mutt and Jeff, have struck it rich, they have teal money, and as Is often the case with people unaccus touted to hear the Joyful jingling of vile metal, or feel the cold-warm touch of the mnzuma, neither Mutt no Jeff know what to do with their suddenly acquired riches. Btjlng on easy street for the time being they plan lnnum eruble plans to remain on the com fortable road for the balance of their mortal existence. But borrowers are forgetful folks, still better than any of the others. "An Indian Legend." The prlncipul feature in this all Indian picture is the rescue of the maid condemned to death for treachery and placed in a canoe to be sent through the rapids she is rescued by her lover in a sen sational manner. There are some war scenes and scenes of warlike prepar ations which are interesting as show ing what the Indians did under such circumstances and thrilling because they are well acted. The background of the scenes and the rushing water In the rapids are natural and filled with . attractive wild beauty. "The Way of the World." Pretty Maggie Dolnn had given her final an swer to Jim, her childhood sweet heart, that unless he abstained from the. use of liquor she would never marry him. Jim's faithful promise was soon broken as he came among a crowd of his boon companions and his free use of the cup that cheers caused him to g-t a sound threshing from the teller at the bank where she was employed. When Tom marries Maggie. Jim, contrary to all expecta tions becomes one of New York's most respected citizens. ftRYPXO) LENSES KRYPTOKS embody two pieces of glass of different re fraction, coalesced with intense heat into one, and ground into a lens having two distinct focal points. Without "seam or ce ment, no edges to catch dust or to become cracked and jagged ,ia cleaning!' Ask your optician to show you KRYPTOKS. 3 BALE ROTH WELL State Rejristered Optometrist at Wm HANS COM THE Jeweler, Pendleton. Oregon. S."0.000 Heart Balm by Snn Jose Ar tist from the Rev. Mr. Besse. San Jose, Calif. The Rev. H. F. Besse a free Methodist m'.nlster, who was married to Mrs. Anna Mary Spivey, was sued for J50.000 damages on breach of promise charges by Mrs. Cynthia M. Thompson, an artist or this city Mrs. Thompson says that several years ago the aged minister asked her to marry him and that she con sented. Then she learned that the Rev. Mr. Be-se married Mrs. Spivey last Saturday. The Rev. Mr. Besse is a retired pas tor. He is reputed to be wealthy. He has a beautiful home in South Tenth street, on which he has a sign print ed in gold le'.ters It reads: "H. T. Bes-e has a cottage below and a mansion above." Sees Ontario Frontier Show. Jack Vincent returned this morn ing from Ontario where he witnessed the echo of the Round-Up here In connection the Malheur county fair. He declares some of the buck ing was very creditable anil reports F. J. McMonies of the firm of Hamley & Co., there with a handsome saddle which was put up as first pr.ze in the contests. Cooked Food Sale. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will have a cooked food sale at the Peoples Warehouse tomorrow morning. Make Fn-t Run on Bet. J. S. Thornton, a real estate and mining man of Walla Walla, R. E. Glass, a mining man of Seattle, and their chauffeur, Robert Rlggs made a fast run from Walla Walla to Pen dleton last night In Mr. Thornton's automobile, covering the distance In one hour and forty-five minutes. Some friends wagered $50 that they could not arrive In this city before midnight by leaving at 10:15 and they pulled up to the St. George hotel just before the limit. OPPEXHEIMEK MAY NOT HANG FOR LAST KILLING Sacramento District Attorney Expects I'. S. Court Rulliitr on First Crlnio. Sacra men'.o. Although prosecution of Jacob i 'ppenheimcr for killing Francisco Quijada at Fols im prison comes within the jurisdiction of the Sacramento courts, District Attorney Wachhorst has announced that Op penhelnier will not be tried unless he wins his appeal to the United States supreme court. "Oppenholjner is. under a death sentence and has a stay of execution until the supreme court in OctuR-r passes "on his case," said Wachhor-t. "It would take time to try him for the murder of Quijada. Before he could be hanged for the crime the de cision of the supreme court would be rendered" NEW - 1911 - NEW FALL SUITS just arrived and must be CLOSED OUT at once. We quote you QUIT rrices on one an BUSINESS n one and all. New Overcoats the same way and Slip-On S at Closing Out prices. . w mctm cmpr closing a m m m mm m m UUUIUII Ul UIIL Business Qui LONELY ICELAND. A traveler In Iceland says that he Journeyed more than fifty miles from the capital, Reykjavik, and say only two or three farms In all that dis tance. "In all this time," he says, "I had not seen even a sapling. Extinct vol canoes surrounded- us on every side. Dust storms swept down from their scarred sides. Distant gleams of glit tering Ice from the glaciers dazzled us when the sun shone upon them. But here, In a land where there is almost no fuel, and where few crops besides hay and turnips can be rais ed, I found books and cheerful con versation, nn outlook on life and a knowledge of current events which I have not always found in populous cities. There are no schools outside of Reykjavk, for children cannot walk ten m'.les each way to a school hou e, and even such a school house would, accommodate but two or three families. But the Itinerant pedagogue goes about from house to house, car rying his store of learning with him, and leaving behind much Intellectual stimulus and a desire to know what A .Snap Owner leaving Pendleton, must sell good 9 room house, furnish ed, three blocks from Ma-n street, at bargain; terms. Phone Black 2731. Harry Donley, supervisor of bridges and bu lding for the Washington di vision of the O.-W. R. & N., was In Pendleton yesterday on business con-ner-ted with his department. OPERATION DID NOT STOP THEFT Boys and Misses School SHOES LEST AND CIIKAPKST WE EVER HAD. Little boys' piin metnl blur'ner, 'J to 13 . 51.50 I Joys' frun metal bluckr 13 1-2 L S1.90 Yon'l-s eun metal bluelier 2 to 5 1-2 52. 2a ALWAYS TJIK U E.ST RED SCHOOL IIOUSE SHOES. MiW 1.oa- calf nnrl vici. 5 to 8 S1.40 M box ealf au'l vici, 1-2 to 11 S1.75 Mi-r 1..-lX er.lf pud vici. 11 1-2 to 2 : $1.90 Our Misses' thoVs at S1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 defy compe tition.. Vv) lino Indies' nnd men's shoes. THE WONDER STORE Surgery for Kleptomania Falls to Pre vent filrl Stealing Agnln. Los Angeles. The girl who, under the name of Alice Taylor, is said to have undergone, at Oakland, when scientists declared was a successful operation to cure kleptomania, and who was arrested here' on a charge of systematic theft, Is In a cell In the city Jail today awaiting arraignment. The girl, who is also said to have used Jean Turner as an alias, main tains secrecy as to her actions and past, but asserts she wn cured of kleptomania, and that when she is arraigned late today or tomorrow she will be able to prove her Innocence of the present charge. Is going on beyond the bounds of the Island. Phlladelph.a Ledger. HUGE RALLOOX WRECKED. Crew of Britain's Latest Dlrgible Compelled to Sulm Ashore. London. The monster dlrgible army balloon of the same type as the Mayfly, which was launched during the coronation festivities, was wreck ed as the enormous ship was being taken from its shed at the Cevendish dock, Barrow. The craft had Just been accepted by Captain Suetcr and he and his crew were aboard the gon dolas. The ship wajj submerged for a short time, but the crew leaped from the after gondola- and swam ashore. The accident was caused by the rupture of one of the gas bags, causing It to collapse. Magistrate sentences drunks to at tend church for six months. Isn't there a constitutional guarantee against "cruel and unusual punish ment" ? Dr J. A. Best pas returned from his vacation and has resnmed practice. I'lilsnXKI! ESCAPES UROM WALLA WAI.LA INSTITUTION How Would You Like to Get a Coat and Vest mm We are selling complete suit3 for full prro'.vn men at prices you would ordinarily pay for a pair of panta. Good Warm Overcoats with or without Presto Collar at correspondingly low prices THE HUB The Drummers Store Sample For the third time In the last few months a prisoner escaped from the state penitentiary last-night, when Charles Walker, white, sent up from Vancouver for grand larceny, and who had been act-ng as cook In the restaurant on the hill, decided that he preferred a few weeks' liberty to remaining at his post and completing his sentence which would have ex pired in a few months' time. After preparing the evening rnea', Walter stepper! outside and while his viands were being partaken of and no one was giving him a thought, he quietly left the grounds, where he had been given free access, being a trus ty with a short tnie yet to serve. It is thought he left about 6 o'clock, but as he had quite a start. It Is not known where he headed for. Walker is described as being about five feet and four inches In height, of very slight build, very light complex ion and hair. He has a pug nose and a fluent talker. PRIVATE IU.OOM TO GET A COMMISSION SoldiiT on Who-m Behalf President Taft liirlm;uidel Colonel Garranl Pas-es ExuiuiuutlMi for Soooml lieutenant. Washington, D. C. rrivate Frank B, Bloom, battery F, Third field ar tillery, will become e second lieuten ant in the United tes army. It has taken two examinations the Influence of prominent Hebrews throughout the country and the rep rimand of a colenel In the army to bring the commission home to Bloom Bloom Is a young Jew, son of thgl post tailor or Fort Myer. About a year ago he took an examination for a commission. It Is not known whether he passed the examination mentally, but when his papers came up for final d'spotdtion Colonel Gar rard of the Fifteenth cavalry, com manding officer of Fort Myer, mtde recommendation that because Private Bloom was a Hebrew and the son of a post tailor It was best for the ser vice that he "did fail" to pass the ex amination, i The young man's mother got hold of the endorsement, carried It to Si mon Wolf here, and the latter laid the matter before President Taft. The president lmmed.ately reprimanded Colonel Garrard and ordered that the young man again bo given an oppor tunity to take an examination for a commission. A few weeks ago Private Bloom was ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to take his second cxamlnat on. Word reached the war department that he had successfully passed both the physical and mental examinations and was eligible to promotion to a lieutenancy. AUCTION SALE of 50 choice Pendleton resident lots. Located in different part9 of the city. Call and learn particulars. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street. I Pendleton Dye Works 1 CUT PRiCES FOR SEPT. g LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED ". . $4.t0 ft LADIES' SUITS PRESSED '. t.0 8 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED 92.M ft MEN'S SUITS PRESSED , 76c 4 Have your clothes cleaned a ait up-to-date place and by up-to- 0 date method. ' ft Phone Main 109. 109 1-8 E. AlU. ijiit j ISEi I5UINGS GIRL TO SALEM FOR WHITE SLAVE PROBE Salem, Ore. At the request of United States District Attorney Mc Court, Chief of Police Hamilton last night escorted Vera Slagle, the girl who was arrested here in company with Virgil Jones, to Portland, where she is wanted as a witness In the white slave lnjulry being made by the federal authorities. The Slagle girl was arrested In a rooming house here and her companion. Virgil Jones, was also arrested for soliciting on the street for Immoral trade for the girl. Fowlw Still Delayed. Emigrant Gay, Calif., Sept. 29. A leaking water jacket of Aviator Fow ler's aeroplane today caused a post ponement of his flight. It looks like he never will cross the mountains. OLD VESSEL TO BE TARGET, 0 Pacific Likely to ho Scene of Destroy ing Obsolete Armored Rout. Washington Well pleased with the results accomplished In the shooting up of the old battleship San Mar cos (Texas), the Navy Department Is now considering the advisability of assibning some obsolete vessel on the west coast for use as a target for the Pacific fleet. Practice against a real armored ship is said . to have been demonstrated to be of Immense practical value. Read the want aas. aim at? IS THE APPETITE POOR? IS THE STOMACH WEAK? ROWELS CONSTIPATED? You should try a bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS today. It will do yon good s mi Fine Shipment of Large Pears for Canning, Only $ 1 .25 Box. Fresh shipments daily oi failcy and staple groceries and cash prices make this store the Peoples Popular Place to Trade. Prices lower and our lines fresher. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 1 74 612 Main Stred