EIGIIT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PENDIETOX, OREGOX, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 29, 1911. PAGE FIVE. Plush and Black Broadcloth Coats For Ladies and Misses That's what we are selling now. We nave over 300 to show you P rices Range from , to $40 F. E. LlVENGOODCO. THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S STORE. PERSONAL MENTION $15 ; LOCALS i Coal and wood, phone Taln S. Pastime pictures please all. " Dutch Henry for coal. Main X78. Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 3812. Private board and lodging at 205 W. Webb. Phone Black 3431. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to see the beBt and the clearest pictures Girls wanted at Pendleton Woolen . Mills. Apply at once. Everything that's good to eat,. In meats and groceries at the Cash market. Phone Main 101. Automobile for sale cheap. ' Small runabout. Good as new. P. O. Box 694. About 800 feet of good new garden hose for sale at cost price. Sharon ft Eddlngs. Loot Package containing little girl's biack pumps. Finder return to this office and receive suitable re ward. For Sale S nassenger Franklin, run but little, cost $200. $600 will take It If sold this waek. owner go ing away. J. W. Davis, 700 E. Webb. You can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173. for clean screened Rock Tprings coal cither lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. If you want to move, call Penland Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. , For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos and all kinds of job work, . phone Malnn 461. B. A. Morton. Phone Main 98 for ParKer's au tomobile. Trips to all parts of coun try and city. Quick service. Stand at French restaurant. Passengers to Portland can save money and at the same time have an enjoyable river ride by taking boat from The Dalles. Str. Bailey Gatzert leaves daily, except Friday and Sun day at 3:30 p. m., arrives in Port land 9:30. Fare 11 00. I have several large tracts of Uma tllla county wheat land and stock ranches for sale. Will take In ex change property In Portland, Spokane or Pendleton. ' E. T. WADE. To Portland or California, take Northern Pacifl?. via Pasco, and S P. &. S. Ry. Leave 1:30 p. m , ar live Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad ami, agent, at passenger station for through tickets tr.d all arrangements. FIFTY THOUSAND WILL I1F. OUT MONDAY, SAY LEADERS (Continued from page one.) The Round-Up. All parties having accounts against the Round-Up are requested to sub mit itemized bills (duly verified by a committee chairman) and file with the secretary on or before October 1. The managers wish to. clean up the 1911 expense and make statement as soon as possible. . . EXGINEEKS NEED OFFICERS. Attorney J. P. Wmter spent yester day at Stanfield. ' H. G. Casteel was In from his home at Ukiah yesterday. Mrs. Dudley Evans left yesterday for a visit In Portland. W. A. Kelly of Cascade Locks, was visitor in the city yesterday. Perry Bowman -was a business vis itor at HnrinisLon yesterday. w m McBeth was registered at the Bowman yesterday evening. F E. Van Dusen, Pasco contractor, is a visitor in Pendleton today. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams are In from their rancTSat Ukiah today R. P. Reynolds of Walla Walla, Is over from the Garden City today. F. A. Baker and W. T. Reeves are uo from their nome m Manneiu day. Mrs tt P Curts and children of Freewater spent last night in Pen dleton. John Hendrickson of Astoria, was registered at one of the local hotels ye.-terday. " ' Emil Timmerman.of Helix, spent last night in Pendleton, being a buest of tlie Pendleton. B. Mood and wife of Uk ah, were among the people trom over me county in the city yesterday. Jacob Klein of Weston and former ly proprietor of the Hotel Royal at that city, is in the city today. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Adams are in the city from their ranch home near Ukiah, guests of Mrs. O. E. Harper. Mis. Charles Despain left this morning on the local for Echo, out frm which place she will visit her parents. Judge Joe H. Parkes returned this morning from Walla Walla, where he attended the funeral of his s.ster, Mrs. George Snell. Miss Myrtle Hurl, Miss Ada Over lurff and Mr. Chas. Hurtsell joined the classes at the Pendleton Business College this week. Judge B. B. Richards of Athena came down on this morning's east end local for the transaction of business at the county seat today. E. T. Walker, Laurence Sharp and George Wlnship of Athena, are n the city as witnesses in the case of the State vs. Charles Wortman. Mrs. A. B, Seele and daughter of Pasco, came over on the Northern Pacific train this morning and are visiting friends In the city. They for merly resided here wh.ie Mr. Steele was agent for the old Pacfic express company. Joe Kimery, day clerk at the Hotel St. George, and his wife left yester day for Portland where they wil Ivislt for several days. Jack Blssett. night clerk, is taking the day shift tem porarily, whin John Fox Is In charge of the hotel at night. to get a permanent Injunction, pro hibiting the clerks from striking. Frtxco Men Ready. ! San Francisco, Sept. 29". While j every one of the eight hundred shop- , men In the employ of the Southern i Pacific Railroad company at this place, are working today, they are expecting hourly to receive instruc tion" to go out on strike and are pre pared to obey the command lmmedl- i ately. . ! 2500 nt JjOit Angeles. Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 29. TwentyVfive hundred employes of the Southern Pacific Railroad company at this place are ready to leave their : Jobs the moment the command la re ceived from Chicago, which is ex pected tomorrow morning. ttfM?fTO Denver, Sept. 29. The Union Pa cific stockade was completed, around the Union Pacific shops here today The road is quietly hiring strike breakers. Three hundred and seventy-five shopmen are employed here. 1,500 At Portland. Portland, Sept., 29. Fifteen hun dred shopmen are employed here. Company officials say that many ot the older men will remain with them. The unionists assert they will go out when the strike Is called and that In a short time they will have the line paralyzed. ARMY OF 30,000 ITALIANS ARE LANDED IX TRIPOLI (Continued from page one.) which were called to colors three days ago have been dispatched aga n.'t the Greek frontier. It is reported that the Turks, real izing that they cannot withstand the naval forces of Italy, have determin ed to attack the Greeks, on the pre text that the Hellenes are plotting to take possession of the Island of Crete. Both England and Germany are greatly alarmed at the situation and are seeking to determine on some concerted action by which the pow ers may avoid a general conflict am ong the European nations. In addition to Its Italian troubles, Turkey Is apprehensive that a latent danger lies In the attitude of Albanian Greece, Bulgaria and other Balkan states. It Is feared they would seize a chance to cross Turkish supremacy in the Balkans the moment the Sul tan's forces are drawn Into a conflict with Italy. The Best Gloves for Women Who Care ! )A Sk A is the name the whole world knows for its glove-meaning In every meeting of discriminating dressera in the fash ion centers of France, England and America, PERRIN GLOVES clasrERRIN GLOVES in salutation. The reason is supreme achievement. PERRIX leathers represent an exactness of quality that ve sell for reputation in our Glove Department PERRIX cut and finish meet Fashion's require ments with unvaryingly accurate fit. at $1.25, $1.50, $1-75 and $2.00 Wohlenberg Dept. Store "BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY." 1 HEADOUARTERS FOR Tbilet Goods' We are Sole Manufacturer and Distributors of th Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallmaiv & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. Reluct Corps of Army Finds Itself Short in Picking West Point Men. Washington, D. C. For the first time since the foundation of the Unit ed States military academy the engi neer corps of the army has this year failed to secure from among the graduates of that Institution a suffi cient number of young men to fill the exist'ng vacancies in the corps. It has been the rule that the boys who graduated with the highest hon ors at West Point have chosen to en ter the engineer corps rather than any other branch of the military service. Rut this year so heavy were the de mands of every other branch that the war department decided that It could not In fairness allow the engineer corps to fill its quota by selection from among the graduates. 'The consequence is that it Is now necessary to admit no less than ten civilians to this select corps and the department is preparing the stiffest sort of an entrance examination to which the candidates will be subject ed. TO INSPECT EVERY ARMY POST We Will CLOSE OUR DRUG STORES AT 6:30 O'CLOCK each evening, beginning Oct 1st and running to April 1st. Exception being Saturdays which is 9 o'clock. Our Sunday hours are open 9 to 12 a. m.; 4 to 6 p. m, A. C. KOEPPEX & BROS. PENDLETOX DRUG CO. DONALDSON. -TALLMAX & CO. Wur Secretary, General Wood and Ills Staff Will Make the Trip. Washington, D. C. To become thoroughly familiar with military conditions Secretary of War Stimson contemplates visiting practically every army post in the country. He and General Wood, chief of staff, and Captain Frank R. McCoy of the gen eral staff, will meet In P.ttsburg to night for their tour, which will in clude Fort Apache, Whipple Bar- farks and Fort Hunchuca. Arizona and San Antonio, Texas, and probab ly Forts Riley and Leavenworth, Kas. r Originally it was planned to In spect also the South Atlantic coast de fenses, but these have been reserved for anther trip later In the fall or winter. Secretary Stimson prooably will tour j tho Middle West, northwest and Pa I ciflc coast before next summer. WRITES 17 NAMES AT ONE TIME i Standard Oil Official simplify a Vsu- nlly laborious Task Use a De vice. . New York. Off'.cers of the Stand ard Oil company are putting In some long days this week In connection with the work of signing the numer ous certificates which represent the segregation of the thirty-three sub sidiaries into separate companies. The shares in the new companies total about 200,000 and the signing is being done by means of a device which signs eighteen certificates at one time. The certificates are ' clasped In a frame which is slid before the writer, who describes his signature on a blank, seventeen other pens at the same time wr.tlng his name. ARRANGE FOR COUNTRY LIFE COMMISSION MEET Governors of Many States Will At tend Sessions. Spokane, Wash. Sroad in policy, educational in purpose and beneficial in its influence will be the annual convention of the country life com missions of Washington, Oregon, Ida ho and Montana during the week of the fourth National Apple show in Spokane November 23 to 30. David Brown, chairman of the Washington commission and head of the country life conjmittee of the Spokane cham ber of commerce, also Is arranging for representative delegations from California, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, British Columbia, Alberta and other states and provinces in the northwest to participate at the sessions. Governors of the Northwestern and Faclflfc states, members of congress and state and provincial legislatures and prominent men and women of the United States and Canada, who are interested "n making rural dis tricts of America more attractive and are concerned in the development of a higher country life, will be Invited to attend the convention, which is to occupy four or more days. "Plans for the organization of com munity clubs to encourage the coun try life movement will be discussed," said Mr. Brown, "and preliminary ar rangements made to carry on the work throughout the country, the paramount idea being to make rural me so pleasant that It will attract our young people and check the tend ency of oyr country boys and girls leaving tne.r homes for the cities. "e snail also take up such sub jects as good roads, better rural schools and the merchandising of farm products. There are -several I'uiur important suDjects n connec tion with the countrv life plan, but nothing that will havt the least bearing In a political way. The pri mary purpose is to bring out the best of uor rural manhood and woman hood by providing better social con ditions on the farm and make tho life more attractive than it has been 'n t'ae past." Germans Denounce Italy. Berlin, Sept. 29. Italy's "robbery" as the Tripoli invasion Is character ized here. Is denounced by most news papers. The German foreign office admits that serious trouble may be precipitated in Europe by the war. Cabinet Unanimously Rejects. Constantinople, Turkey, Sept. 29. A semi-official announcement was made today that the Turkish cabinet was unanimous In its decision to reject the demands of the Italian govern ment over the Tripoli dispute, which resulted in Italy declaring war. Turks Will Fight. Rome, Sept. 29. It is expected that all troops will be landed in Tripoli by Sunday. It is believed that the Turks in Tripoli will fight and then withdraw to the desert. Seattle ? Leave Pendleton WHERE TO ? Spokane ? Portland Arrive Seattle 8 :15 A. 1L P. M. Northern Arrive Spokane 9 :55 P. M. Arrive Portland 8:10 A. M. Pacific Railway First class trains. The Pioneer Line. Close connections. Good arriving time. Good leaving time, SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Through Tickets to all Points East or West Secure tickets and full information from W. ADAMS, AGEXT X. P. RY., PEXDLETOX. Ask about EXCURSION FARES for these events : Washington State Fair, Xorth Yakima, Sept. 25-30. Interstate Fair Spokane, Oct. 2-8. Nation Apple Show, Spokane, XoVcmber 23-30. 0 4 Cruisers Demonstrating. Washington, Sept. 29. A dispatch to the state department today con firms the reports of serious situa tions existing at Tripoli and Con stantinople. The American minister at Constantinople says the populace is aroused and determined to fight. Trlpollan cables state that the Ital ian cruisers are making a demonstration. Parliament Convened. Constantinople, Sept. 29. A de cree was issued here today, conven ing parliament. Everywhere the feeling is that Turkey should resist Italy. FEARS DEATH TOOK lttS LOST FAMILY TAKE THIRTY-FOOT SHARK. Re- No Vacationist. "Rather a backward summer." "What makes you think soT" "So far none of the neighbors have been over to borrow my suitcase." Hugo Fish of Rnsklnp Variety, , comes Tangled in Nets. Santa Cruz. A 30-foot basking shark, the largest ever caught in Mon terey bay, was brought in by fisher men from below Aptos, where It had become entangled In the nets. It was tho big attraction at the wharm all day. Dlsnpenrel En Route to Oregon: Charred Remain May be Theirs. Aurora, Ore. Fred Allington, of Salt Lake City, is in Aurora trying to secure information about Joseph Swanner, his brother-in-law, who last year purchased land near Needy and who left his home in Utah with his fi'.mlly for this phioe, traveling by wa gon, over a year ago, but of whom no definite news has been since heard. Allington traced the, family as far as Emmett. Idaho, but lost all trace of them there. He was informed however, that tho charred and burned remains of sev eral bodies, of wnpons, etc., had been found in one of the burned districts near Wardner, but could not verify the report. He was told of a ring found on the finger of one of the'bod Ive that he Identified (by description only) as belonging to his brother. But the story seemed so improbable that Allington could not credit it, and came on here where he found tho land pur chased bv Swanner unoccupied and taxes unpaid. This leads him back to the Idaho story. No one here knows any thing of the ill-fated family, and it is believed they never arrived here. Another Big Underwear Special For Saturday and Monday Worcester Derby Ribbed Underwear A great val. sold reg. for $1.25 gar ment, comes in blue only, for the above days we will give you your fit for 75c Garment SEE OUR RIG CORXER WINDOW. Workingmen's Clothing Co. MAIN AXD WEBB STREETS, PEXDLETOX, ORE Summons Juror; Finds Him Suicide. Reno. Under Sheriff Nichols of Washoe county called to serve G. M. Smith with aummona for Jury duty in Hie Pelizzari murder trial and found the man had Just committed suicide n his workshed In Sparks. Smith clamped a shotgun tn a vise, sawed the legs off of a chair so as to make a low seat, and facing the firearm, pushed on the trigger with a stick. Read today's want ads. HOWS' Tnis. is THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER, Prop. PENDLETON, ORE Fan)ily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 7 1 1 Main Street. We offer One nundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cur ed by nail's Catarrh Cure. P. J CHENEY & Co., Toledo ,0. We. the underslened. nave known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe ) Dim perreotiy nmwraDie in an ousinnw transaction and financially able to carrj out any obligations made by his firm. WAI.DINQ. RINNAN ft MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and tnncoui surfaces of tbe system. Testimonials sent tree. Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by all Drngxlsts. Take Halt's Family Villa for constlpa I "Better Goods at Right Prices" IS OCR MOTTO. W'c keep everything that's cntnble. cannot bo exoelUxl. Our gnwrled and meats MF, IS A'TRIAT, AXD IiF, CONVINCED. Pendleton Ccsh Market Cor E. Court and Johnson Sts. Phone Main 101 ft