. 5 PAGE THREE. PAIIiY KAST ORKGOXIAN, PEXDIiETOX'OUEGOX, 1 HI DAY, REPTEMIIER, 29, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. ATM PICTURE SHOWS . Orplienm. Prfgr".m uf Interest .for .Friday and Saturday. 1. "Tho Prince and the Pumps." Vitagraph. A bright, dazzling com edy, wherein a young fellow steals a young lady's pump, and has a hard time to find the owner. History re peats Itself. The "Prince Charming of our dear pld. fairyland days reap pears and llvee m this twentieth cen tury. It Jb funny and amusing we might say a blessing that human nature retains Its ideals and life its fancies. v m nil rnoiiflu lllll 2. "The Call of the Wilderness." Idellea. A wealthy young Londoner, tired of cUy life, Journeyed to Colo rado, married a pretty Indian girl anJ had settled down to a peaceful western life when word reached him to return at once ao London to claim an e tale. He went alone, and tried iho society life, but the yearning for I he woods was too great, lie heard the call of his little bride and re turned, but too late. A broken heart hail been given eternal rest. 3. "Jimmle's Trick." Gaumont. The famous boy actor amuses the guests at his parents' home by feats of conjuring that mystify and amu them greatly. 4. "An Oasis In tho Sahara desert and the Village of Gabes, Tunis." Gabes .s an t important village of Sud,. Tunisia, in the Gulf of Gabes. It possessed a very good harbor and makes an Important export of dates, the chief production of the oasis. This film shows the country, the plant, the Nomad Redouins, their life and cus toms and how the dates are gathered. "The Promoter." Knlem. A Plunge In high finance. A comedy In real life. Hertie and his boarding house friends furnish most of the fun In this breezy comedy. In it grim truth "Is seen peeping over humor's Bhoulder now and then. remarkable Interesting drama, rich In fine detail, splendidly played. It tells of the struggle of a young play wright against adversity and of his ultimate success. After having hla manuscript rejected by different managers until he is In despair and falls in a faint on the street. It is then he is rescued by a young lady and her mother, who give him a room In their home. The daughter and dore Schley, In an erfort to show that at h's command, his flagship, the Brooklyn, turned to run. away and then thout?ht better of it when In tater waters and tb tide of battle had turned against the Spanish fleet The other charges, largely techni cal, were never serious'y regarded by the public, but Rear Admiral Den- ham and Kanway fond a report un favorable to S.hley AT THE OREGON THEATRE the playwright fall in love and a few! the following: t i i I t Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated Bongs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and 6ce the next change. T Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c m m m v Tlo Pastime. Where you see- the. best in motion pictures. Program for Friday and Saturday: "The Playwright." Essanay. A STOP THAT DANDItCFF. before it kills your hair. . You know dandruff is a germ disease and it leads slowly and surely to baldness and there Is only one way to cure dandruff and that Is to kill, the germ that causes the trouble. Greasy salves will never do this. ZEMO an ZEMO SOAP kill the germ and are guaranteed to cure uamirurr. itching scalp and all other germ dis eases of the skin and scalp. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP are the true scientific remedies for these af flictions. To show our faith in ZE MO and ZEMO SOAP we have in structed the druggists selling.them to refund your money if you are not satisfied with the results from the very first bottle and the first cake of soap. We can afford to make this offer because one bottle of Zemo and one enke of soap are sufficient to show their healing qualities and if used ac cording to directions, they will effect a permanent cure. Sold by druggists everywhere and In Pendleton by Pendleton Drug Co. days later they read a personal in the paper advertising for Frank Rieh mond, author of "The Golden Age," whose play is to be, produced. This story has a heart tug. that pleases. "The Cheyenne's Bride " American drama. There Is an exciting race. In this picture which will give many a thr'll before It ends. There Is eriem Ity between the Sioux and the Chey enne tribes and when a ''Cheyenne woos a Sioux maiden he Is promptly taken prisoner and condemned.", to death, but he girl saves him. The girl's incensed father binds her on a horse and provides a hone for the Sioux brave and the Cheyenne. The race to save the girl is exciting. "Mrs. Johns' Harem Skirt." Me lies. Texas John and his wife were elected to the city she went shopping and wore back a "Harem Skarem Skirt." At 1 home he remained and treated the boys. The mlxup that took place on their meeting forms a clever comedy. "The Local Bully." Melies. "Roar ing B.ll" was the terror of Black Bear Gulch, and everyone held him In fear until John Grey came to town and took the bully down a peg or two. It was a case of a westerner's brute strength overcome by an east erner's wit. "Villagi; Gossip." A strong por trayal of life as It Is.' The turn of the Krooklyn tr ttar- b ard wan niacin to aiol l getting In to dimgei 'Us proxim ty to the Span ish vessel.'!. The turn' was made to ward the Texas and caused that vessel to stop and back Its engines to avoid possible colli, sion." Xow comes Admiral Chadw.ck, whb was Commodore Sampson's chief aide, and by the documents drives home the impression that the "loop" by the Brooklyn, instead of being a d'scredltable fart, wa-, In fact, a br'lllant and praiseworthy military manaeuver, for which Commodore Schley and Captain Cook rhould have been given great praise. What the Walla Walla Union of Thurtday, September 21. says of one of the be.-t musical offerings of the season. This Is good news to local which contained l theater goers, for this delightful mu- sical comedy is booked for the Ore gon theater Sunday night, October 1. In "The Flower of the Ranch," Le Comte & Flesher have sent out the.r best mu ileal show of the year, as far as Walla Walla knows. The play last night was good, very good, and the audience was well pleased, and a good advertisement for tonight's perform ance. Tho music of the play Is nothing out of the ordinary, but It .s catchy .-tra'ght through, and it balances well St'JII.KY VINDICATED IX MAKING THE LOOP' Orpheum Theatr J. P. MEDKllJiACil, rropneior. - HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION : PICTURES : For Men, Women and Children SEK ritOGRAM IN TODAV8 PAPER. 2 rrouraiii Change on Sunday'. Tuesday's and Friday's. 9 PENDLETON'S POPULAR PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort. FUN, PATHOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Snn., Mon., Wed., Fri Next Door to St. Ocorge Hotel Admission 5 and 10 riir.i; book ox ph.es. Toll Hoiv C'urcH Ar Made Wit lAn Internal Medicine. Do you know the cause of piles? Is It nward or external? Is It a skin disease Will salves or tutting cure for good? Do you know how Dr. J. S. Leon h,irdt found tho long-sought Internal cure These quepfons fully an wered In a bookie ma Jed free by Dr. Leon hardt Co., Station p. Buffalo, N. Y-, or by Pi-nd'eton Drug Co., who sell HKM-IiOilJ, ths successful remedy at $1 per l-.u-g? bottle, under guaran tee. At :'! drug stores.. t'u plain I'mlcr Crrra Says Brooklyn prevenuxl the Esea;x of the Span ish Ships. New York. The controversy fol lowing the battle of Santiago, which developed Into a court of inquiry to consider charges that practically amounted to an accusation of cow ardice against Admiral, then Com modore, WInfield Schley, has been Re opened by the publication of a his tory of the Spanish-American war from the len of Adm.ral F. E. Chad wick, commander of th flagship New York undijr Admiral William T. Sampson, chief of staff at the time of the battle. To settle the matter of charges of "reprehensible conduct," 'and other misdemeanors made against Commo dore Schley, the court of inquiry was appointed, with Admiral Dewey at its head. All during the Inquiry the "ioop" of the Brooklyn during the flghf was made the most of by "the naval cabal Nn Need to Step Work. V!ioi. jour doctor orders you to stop work, it staggers you. "I can't" you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing In health, day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need Is Electric BXters to give tone, strength und vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don't ba weak, sickly or ailing when Elec tric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them foi their glor.ous health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 60c at Koeppens. There are no particularly strong songs, but they are a!l good. "Just Say You Care," "In the Days of '49," "Watching the Blue Smoke Curl," "Worried," "Wishes," "The Pajama and . the Nightie," were all excellent, and took well w.th the audience It Is a western play, but It Is a good one. It hinges about "Flower," a delectable little person otherwise known as Betty Caldwell, who Is as pe0ple. clever as need be. "Jack tarnum i by Tom Arnold, Is also good; ana James Baber as "Bob Brandon," the sheriff, was well cast, singing his lone song In good style. The choruses are without doubt the best that have been in Walla Walla this season, better than have been here in many moons. As far as beau ty goes, the girls, big and little, were there. The.r costumes were new and fresh their work snappy and fast; and the success of the show Is due ,in no sma'l measure to their work. Their singing is not to be forgotten in that summing up, e-tier. Many novelties are Introduced, mainly about "Skivers." who Is in or dinary streef wear Jess Harris, a most capabia comefian and whose laughs are put over in no uncertain s;yie. He did his part well, and the comedj part was fully equal to the music, ATHENA LAND SOLD ' . FOR FANCY PRICE (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Sept. 29. David H. Sand ers this week sold his home farm which consisted of a half section oT choice wheat hinds in this vicinity to A. H. Mclntyre for a consideration of more than $25,000. Mr. Sander Is one of Umatilla county's pioneer farmers. He homesteaded one quar ter of tho land which he has Just sold. Mrs. Delilah Hill of this city sold her half secuon of land to Mrs. Dora Lockwood for a consideration of more than $25,000. In this case also, Mrs Hill held the original patents from the government. These lands have made the owners rich In le-s than one generation. Again revolution Is Imminent ' In Spain. The revolutionary cry might be, "Remember Ferrer." . Senator Bailey rejoices In the defeat of reciprocity in Canada. Bailey re joices In any thing that Is bad for th DYSPEPSIA IN FEW flUIES Let Goorire Haul It. Phone George Stangier at Gritman Bros.' Main 511, for light or heavy haul ng i f all kinds. Trunks, furnl ture or pianos moved promptly and with care to any part of the city. Municipal expenses constantly out grow population and wealth. Official dom, like the horse leech, is never WON COUPEE WED IN PORTLAND GAS, INDIGESTION AXD ALL STOMACH MISERY GOES Heartburn and Headache from Stom ach and Oilier Distress Is Emled Forever A Little Diapepsln Xow Will Certainly Make You Eee! Fine Before You Itealixs It. in Washington oppose! to " Commo- satisfied; always wants more. DANCING GIIU.S. '. l'r.M - '.-.(. v ., '. - " ... ..' 'U'-Vi, ".v .- ' fx : , ". -,-, . "-v (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., Sept. 29. Earl D Dickey and Miss Elna Hull were mar ried last week in Portland. Both young people are well and favorably known in this city where they were raised, and have a large circle of friends who wish them happiness. Mrs. Roy Samuels was a visitor in Walla Walla today. Week of prayer is being held this week by the ladies of the Methodist church! Mr. and Mrs. Holly. Groom have rented the Itobt. Vancil cottage in There yould not be a case of Indi gestion here if readers who are sub ject to stomach trouble knew the tre mendous' anti-ferment and digetrve virtue contained in Diapepsln. This harmless preparation will digest a heavy meal without the slightest fuss or discomfort, and relieve tne sonreu acid stomach in five minutes, bec:des overcoming all foul, nauseous odors from the breath. Ask your druggist to show you tho formula, plainly printed on each 50 cent case of Pape's Diapepsln, then you w;il readily understand why this promptly cures indigestion and re noves'such svmptoms as heartburn, a feeling ljke a lump of lead in the stomach, belching of gas and eructa tions of undigested food, water brash, nausea, headache, biliousness and many' other bad symptoms; and, be sides, you will not need laxatives to keep your stomach, liver and intes tines clean an'J fre-h. If your stomach is sour and full of pas. or your food doesn't digest. V....II. Tll... ' Frank Steen was in the city from I and y0ur m!"ls dr;n't seem.to fit' why St'ene from "The Flower of tho Ran eh." Night. at the Oregon Theater, Sunday Ills Fine creek home this afternoon. ! . Tillor wns a husiness visitor at Walla Walla today. F. W. Tracy has rented the George Edwards c"tt?e on George street and is moving lis family in. Mrs. W. A. Bacon and children are preparing for a visit east to Mrs. Ba con's parents where they will spend the winter." Mrs. Ruth Swain and children will spend Saturday in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and daughter, Mrs. Cha.s. Hobbs, Mrs. Dorsey Nichols and children of Port- i.inu L ' 'in l'i 'i'u tin uui'- jxniy iwui.li visited Walla Walla Friday. i William Retzer is having a chick on house built and will put into it jne hundred fowls this fall. not get a ol'-cent case from your drugg'st and make life worth living? Absolute relief from tomach. misery and perfect digestion of anything yoi eat is sure to follow five minutes af ter, and besides, one 50-cent case fea suff'cient to ture a whole family of such trouble. Sunly, a harmless Inexpensive1 preparation yke Pape's Diapepsfrr which will always, either at daytime or during night, relieve your stom ach misery and digest your meals, is about as handy and valuable a :hins as you could have in the house. Special rates lo horses Doarded by 'he week or month at the commercial Barn, S20 Aura street. Phone Main 13 Check a cough or cold In the lungs "before It develaps a serious case. BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP Is an effective remedy for all ooreness or congestion in the lungs or air pas sages. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen &. Bros. 000000000000O00000O0000O0O00O0C0000000CQC000000000000005000000O090000000O00000O o o o ,o 'o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 0 regop Theatre, Sunday Night, Octoper THE REAL OFFERING OF THE SEASON Joseph E. Howard's Fascinating Musical Comedy Success E FLOWER A singing, dancing, laughing, merry musical whirl, over flowing with song hits, lively with1 dances and pretty girls. 41 JESSE HARRIS Excellent Cast with BETTY CALDWELL Beauty Show Girls and Dancing Ponies. None so pretty as the Western Girl Show BsasBsa Feature Numbers-"SWEETHEART TIES". "CALIFORNIA", "WATCHING THE BLUE SMOKE CURL", and Chicago's greatest song hit "OCEANA ROLL". Presented exactly as produced in Chicago. TWO SPECIAL CARS. First Time at These Prices 7 uG. fill r-. FEHDLETGiJ DRUG GO. Q 0 o e o o o G O a a o o o 6 o o o a Q C o o c o o o a c ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoeoooooioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo