IA1LY EAST otlKCSOMAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT EM UER, 29, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. WESTON STUDENT BODY HOLDS MEET Cheerfulness pays and cheerfulness replaces grouch when stomach, livir, kidneys and bowels are helped naturally to do their duty by No other store in Eastern Oregon can offer such a splendid variety of mgn-ciass mercnanatse at such wonderfully low prices as found here. PAGK TWO. $B 000 Our Cash Cu tjwtii Free to stomers - ' We have set aside a large sum for premiums for this fall's business. With every cash sale we give trading coupons y by cash we mean that we will not give stamps on a bill that runs more than thirty days. ThoM t radius: coupons mean an actual savinir of exactly 5 Vor cent of your purchase. You'll be surprised 'to seo how tpiiekly you can save enough in this way to secure that Ions wanted set of china, silverware, clock, ru, cut jrlass. hrassware i;- any one of a hundred other useful and beautiful household ..nicies i:-.t are at the same time decorative and useful. - We Have Just Received a Large Shipment of New Premiums. NEW P.KASSWARE in which are many novel and beautiful designs, platters, vases, pitchers, umbrella lujlders, coal scuttles, desk sets, etc. '- '.' NEW ELECTRIC LAMPS in beautiful desi-ns, extra -tod makes. ' V ; - KW 1LVYILAXD CHINA in every conceivable shape, dinner sets, complete, and many xtra pieces that are always so handy. Stop and consider where else can you save 5 per cent of your actual expenses, aud where can you fret such nice premiums, and where can you find such an extensive stock from which to choose, iyul what other store will offer you such economical prices on necessities; is there another jrroecry. store in ()reon as clean as ours? Think all these things over, then bciiin saving your coupons, you'll be more than pleased with the result. - . ' 91.50 WOMEN'S FLAXXELETTEKIMOXAS?1.13 10 AX1) 12 12? PERCALES 9. Just the thine: for these crisp morninjrs and cold evenings. One lot of these goods in all colors of blue, red, gray, lights, Colors are navy, red, tan. light blue and pink. etc., with neat stripes, figures, etc., worth 10c aud ij l-2c. Vor CHOICE SATURDAY $1.13. todies' house dresses and children's school dresses,' good heavy weight and fait colors. CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTE KIMONAS. SPECIAL TOMORROW 9?. What could le nicer for the little girl in the nfbming be- . fore school than a nice warm flannelette kimona. Handy, ser-. SATURDAY SPECIAL OX ALL BOYS'" CLOTHING, viceable and inexpensive. eo o v.TTTc tv on- For tllis Satlir,toj only we will give all shrewd mothers a Albfcb OK frl.lo. (.hanoe to gave on taelr h (iothw Wp are golfi ontg for ?ATLltDAY SPECIAL OX LADIES OUTING FLAX t'lt 2?j2r XEL XIGHT GOWNS. JT ' . S3.t(J Boys' Suits will go for $2.95 Extra quahtv outing well made, good assortment of colors, n n , ,, . inn go.xl full size. An especially good value at the regular 1k'8 Smts wlU - for $3-95 price of $1.75. $5.00 Boys' Suits will go for $4.60 SATURDAY ONLY 98. $6.50 Boys' Suits will go for ; $5.85 $7.50 Boys' Suits will go for 1. $6.65 LADIES WHITE SWEATER COATS ONE-THIRD OFF. $9.00 Boys' Suits will go for $7.75 This bargain you should not miss, good quality yarns are $10.00 Boys' Suits will go for $8.60 used in the making of these coats, style is right CHOICE OXE-TIIIRD OFF. ?i:25 WOMEN'S GLOVES 95. Dents $1.25 washable fabric gloves, just the right weight 1-2 PRICE WOOL REMNANTS 1-2 PRICK for winter, look like kid. Come in white, gray, brown and A good lot of WOOL REMNANTS in lengths for waists lia,nols mon- and dress. Some of our best wool dress goods represented. All SATURDAY FOR 95. going in this special FOR TOMORROW AT 1-2 PRTCE. WINTER UNDERWEAR 1-2 PRICE. $1.50 AND $1.00 CORSETS 85. have a lot of odds and' ends in underwear, some good numk'rs which are soiled. Women's pants, vests and union Do you wear a light weight corset? If so yon can get a suits and some children's underwear; perhaps just the gar Royal Worcester No. 210 or a No. 400; good line of sizes ment you need, prices range from 2"c garment to $1.25. SATURDAY FOR 85. SATURDAY" 1-2 PRICE. The Quickwork Cleaner DISCARD THE BROOM, ALLAY THE DUST ANDURIFY THE AIR. When you use the broom or carpet sweeper you get only a small percentage of the dirt and a large percentage of the dust germs is either breathed into your lungs or'settles on the tops of picture frames and furniture all over the house. THIS IS AN AGE WHEN PURE AIR IS BEING RECOXIZED AS ONE OF THE GREAT FACTORS OF HEALTH. By the use of the QUICKWORK you draw the fresh air up through the carpets, so you not only take out ALL THE DIRT, but you also air them. Only in the last decade has science 'dis f.vered that all di-ease cymes from germs, and, as "nece-sitv 'u the mother of invention," the QI'IKWORK VACUUM CLEANER IS THE NECESSITY. Follow me for a minute. Think alout the peo ple who walk m dirty sidewalks, and other folks have to walk in still worse' places, and then com home io track this dirt and germs in the caqiets and rug, wln-ie it dries up and sticks to the small fabric so tightly that it is impossible for the broom to get it off. Nothing but the force of Our QUIK WORK has proven a success in removing these germs and dirt, so if von want a sanitary home secure a QUI K WORK VACUUM CLEANER. $3.05 cadi and $25 worth of Quikwork coupons will give you a $10.00 Quikwork Vacuum Clean er. Coupons given in Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Fancy and Ready-to-Wear Department Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery in Our Model Sanitary Basement. Phone Main 17 Order your needs for Sunday at this Model. Sanitary Store. Order early for liest service. Fresh Eastern Oysters, Sealsftipt brand, pint 50 T. P. W. Special Syrup, delicious on hot cakes, 1-2 gallon 50; 1 gallon $1.00. India Relish, pint 25 Use Our Ehman'n Olive Oil, bottles 35, 60 and $1.00 Orange Marmalade, small jars 45; large G lb. jars $1.65 Strained Honey, Fancy, jars 35 i New Mince Meat, jars .65 and $1.25 Fig Pudding", cans 15 and 25 T. P. W. Special the Iiest 30 coffee on earth. T. P. W. Sjocial Teas Pure that's sure 1-2 pound pack ages 30 ; 1 K)und 60. New Pack, Fancy Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, cans 25 Apple Butter, Jars r 35 Everything the market affords in fresh fruits and vegetables. Rernemler our Crockery Department in connection with our Grocery. ..THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE:. SAVE YOUR COUPONS WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., Sept. 29. WedneHilny the regular meeting of the student body was called and the following officers v.eie elected: President, Misj Ina llloniKren, vice president, Mr. ftarl LJeuallen, secretary and treas urer. Miss M. Bulflnch. Other bus iness, as the -appointing , of commit tees was attended to and the meeting adjourned until October 4th. The high school enrollment is about 42 and a number more arc expected. The work on the acadamlzed road has been taken up since harvest is over and this offers Work for many men. Mrs. I). J. MeOraw of Weston has been in Walla Walla for several lays visiting her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Ijarson. Mr. 0. B. Jarman left Monday eve ning for a brief visit in Spokane. Mr. (ieorge Ferguson of Pendleton was in Weston Tuesday on his way to visit relatives on the mountain. Mr. J. J. , Hlomgren spent Wed nesday In Pendleton on business. Miss Minnie Walker of Weston vis ited the Garden city during the week Mr. E. O. DeMoss, received u new supply of furniture Wednesday and he is now well settled in his new store building. Mr. Edgar L. Smith of Walla Wal la is in the city instructing the Ladies' Band. Mr. James Lieuallen who has been suffering from a slight attack of pneumonia is much improved after two trips to Walla Walla where lie was attended by Dr. Blalock. Mr. Lane Lansdale who has been working at the Weston Mountain mill was in town Wednesday visiting his mother Mrs. Lizzie Lansdale. jJeecmm'4 In doim Ida. mm4 lit, buildings In White Bluffs, was ex tinguished after destroying part of a building, the work being done largely by women and children In their night clothes. . Two new teachers at Wblte Bluffs, Miss Helen Parsons from Che. ney and Miss Eva Shotwell from El lensburg headed a volunteer brigade which ssaved thousands of dollar worth of property. A rtrfmtfnl SUrht to II. J. Barnum of Freevllle. N. T.. vas the fever sore that had plagued his life for years in spite rof many remedies he tried. At last he use! I'ucklen'g Arnica Salve and wrote: "It has entirely healed with scarcely a scar left." Heals, burns, boils, ecze inn, cuts, bruises, swellings, corns and plies like magic. Only 25c at Koep-I-ena. When you want i THE IAUTO C'ABj PI ION F. MAIN' IBS. I The OREGON MOTOR GO. j NEWS OF THE PIU the Downfall of Bruin. Troy, Mont. G. W. Savage, a far mer, east of here, killed a large black bear. The bear was discovered while trying to steal a small pig. Three Convicts Yet Io. Salem. Ore. Determined to appre hend all the convicts who have es caped from the penitentiary within the last few months, the authorities of the Institution have succeeded in arresting all but three. 315 E. COCUT ST. Elklieiul Storo Bums. Yonealla,, Ore. The general mer chandise store of Mr. Wilson at Elk head, eight miles east of thla city. I was burned. Mr. Wilson had Just fin ished putting In his stock of goods for the winter. The fire Is supposed to be of incendiary origin. The loss is partly covered by Insurance. IyogKr Dies When Hoot Sinks. Hoqulam, Wash. Alfred Peterson, employed at Poison logging camp No. 8, on the Hoqulam river above this city, lost his life in, the river while attempting to cross the stream In a small boat that sank. Xohlenian Found Slain. Tacoma. With a bullet hole through his head, the body of Eric Norstrom, thought to be connected wun a nonie Swedish ramlly, was found in a vacant lot. Although a re volver was lying under the man's left hnnd, the wound and powder stains were such as to cause doubt as to whether the case was one of suicide or foul play. , Kvli(xI Mu'mis Suvo Projcrty. White Bluffs, Wash. A fire which threatened to destroy the Howlett steam saw mill, ice house, lumber yard, residence, bnrns and other CASTOR 3 A For Inmnt .ud Oul&& Ita M You Ha re Always fcilgnnrot of 1 HELPFUL WORDS. From a Pendleton Cltlien. Is your back lame and painful T Does it ache especially after exer tion T - Is there a soreness In the kidney region T These symptoms indicate weak kidneys; There Is danger in delay. Weak kidneys fast get weaker. Give your trouble prompt attention. Doan's Kidney Pills'act quickly, They strengthen weak kidneys. Read this Pendleton testimony. S. P, Hutchinson, proprietor of feed store, 1610 W. Webb street. Pendle ton, Oregon, says: "I was annoyed by a dull pain below my kidneys and the secret.ons from my kidneys were retarded Since learned of Doan's Kidney Pills, I have used them and they have always brought relief. I am pleased to give thla preparaUon my endorsement" For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foter-Mllburn Co., BufHUo, New York, sole agents for the United State. take no othr. Remember the name Doan's and "Take this dog to the baggage' car." Drink Hires The Genuine Rootbeer Absolutely pure. Refreshes you when thirsty. Invigorates you when tired, delights you at any time. Order a case from the exclusive bottlers Pendleton Soda Works Phone Main 469. RE -OPENED We have re-opened the Farmers' Meat Market on cast Court street and will carry a fine and fresh line of FKESII AND CUTIED MEATS, SAUSAGES AND LARD. POULTRY EVERY SATURDAY. KURRLE & SON Phone Main 445. Prompt Delivery. "Born with the Republic" TjAMES. E. PEPPER WHISKEY 1 Oldest distillery in America and the best Whiskey ever rnudo in Kentucky. , Eetabliaheif in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Solo distributors in Pendleton. . nERMAN PETERS, Prop. i