East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 26, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Calling cards, wed
ding stationery, com
mercial stationery and
job printing to , order
at the East Oregonlan.
Occasional rain to
night and Wednes
day; cooler tonight.
NO. 1-221
Follow Closely Upon Walkout
By Clerks of Memphis
Labor Loaders Predict Thut llarrl
nuiii Lines Shopmen - Will Follow
Suit -May Decide on General Strike
Today Changes In Officers.
Memphis, Tcnn., Sept. 26. Follow
ing the action of the Illinois Central
clerks, who yesterday evening declar
ed a strike und walked out, fifteen
hundred shopmen, members of the
Illinois Central .Shopmen's federation
at this place today laid down their
tools and struck.
A large force of armed guards has
been provided by the railroad com
pany and today are patrolling the
company's property, to prevent any
damage being done.
Harriiiuiii Meu to Follow.
Chicago, 111., Sept. 26. It Is the
general belief, among labor leaders
in tlii.H city, that the strike of the
Illinois Central shopmen ut Memphis
Is the beginning of a strike of the
federation of shopmen on the Harrl
man System of Railroad lines. Pres
ident Kline of the Blacksmiths' union,
today said that the men cannot be
held back and thut they demand rec
ognition of the federation by the rail
road companies.
Davenport, la., Sept. 26. -The In
ternational machinist.:' eonvent-on to
day unanimously voted strike bene
fits for the federation of tmopmcn of
the Illinois Central anil Harriman
system, generally. It is believed
that this, coupled wl'h the action ol
the Illinois Central clerks and shop
men who are already out. may be a
signal for a general strike.
May Decide Today.
San Francisco, Calif.. Sept. 26.
President Ueguin, of the Harriman
System Federation of Shopmen, to
day stated that it would probably bo
decided before nightfall, whether
the Harriman meiwould walk out,
to aid the Illinois Central men who
went out this morning at Memphis.
llarriman Official Changes.
New York, Sept. 26. According to
plans which were announced a year
ago, Judge Lovctt Is expected to re
tire this week from the presidency
of the Harriman Railroad system and
will be succeeded by Julius Kruttsch
jiltt, at present vice-president and
general mannger of the Harriman
lines. Jude Lovctt will become
chairman of the board of directors.
New York, Sept. 21. A flat denial
that Judge Lovett Is to retire in fa
vor of Julius Kruttschnltt was made
today at the llarriman offices, al
though it was admitted that certain
changes are to be mde. Lovctt i to
stay on his job Is the claim.
May Secure Coiminitntloii.
Richmond, Va., Sept. 2ti. An ef
fort Is being made to obtain a com
mutation of the death sentence im
posed upon Henry Clay Reattle, Jr.,
for the murder of his wife on the
Midlothian turnpike on tho nlftht of
July IS, If the appeal to the supreme
court for a new trial should not be
Friends of Judge Stephen A. Lowell
In this city are Inclined to resent the
intimations contained In a Portland
Oregonlan story yesterday to tho ef
fect that he Is not seriously contem
plating making the race to beat Jon
athan Bourne, Jr., for the senatorshlp
at the primaries next April, for they
declare he Is one of the two men who
have openly avowed their Intentions
thus far.
The Intimation Is contained In a
boom article for Circuit Judge Law
rence T. Harris of Eugene as a rival
for the senior toga wearer from Ore
gon. In the course of the story, It Is
stated that to date Bourne Is the only
avowed candidate to succeed himself
but that Judge Lowell some time ago
let If become known that he would
like the nomination but "recently had
not had anything to say of his candi
dacy." Lowell's friends, who would like to
see him occupying a seat In the upper
national houso, point out that he has
not only publicly announced his can
didacy but has circulated literature
containing this announcement and his
broad, general platform throughout
Armor Plates Being Melted
With Gas to Reach
Toulon, France, Sept. 26. Desper
ate efforts are being made to rescue
several members of the Ulfated crui
ser IJberte's crew from that pare of
the broken hull which Is above tho
water line, following the fire and ex
plosion yesterday, which wrecked th?
vessel. ;
There are several men still alive and
Imprisoned In this "par, of the vessel.
In an effort to reach them before It
Is too late, the steel plates of armor
are being burned with high power gas
Jets, so as an entrance into the pris
on of tho men can be made.
Dry docks are also being hastily
prepared today for the Vehlte, Repub
llque and Democratic, which were al
so badly damaged by the frce of the
explosion and flying parts of broken
armor from the Liberie.'
An official count of the victims of
the explosion will bring the total num
ber of dead and Injured to 4 35, Is the
announcement made today by naval
Twenty-five Injured soilors who ha J
been placed in hospitals here, have
succumbed to their injuries and it Is
probable that many more will die as
a result of their wounds.
There Is a growing suspelon that
the destruction of the Liberte, was a
part of a plot to destroy the entire
French navy. There have been sev
eral mysterious fires In arsenals and
accidents to war ships, recently.
A fire which was last night discov
ered near the ammunition magazines
of the battleship I.-ihatrla, has ar
oused all secret service men to pn In
vestigation, TAFT EULOGIZES
Hutchinson, Kas., Sept. 26. An
eulogy of the late Congressman Mad
ison, who died at his home in this
c ty last week, and a complete avoid
ance of anything political were the
features of an addre delivered by
President Taft here today.
The president paid a high tribute
to pioneers of the ve-tern country
and said that their wresting of a new
country from 'ts remoteness had un
doubtedly impressed their s--ns. tho
courage and character of which
marked the westerners.
In speaking of Congrc sman Mad
ison, the pre -blent sa'd:
"Without knowing h!m :nti:n;'te'y.
I knew him well enough to appre
e ate his strong epualitlcs of mind and
heart, it's judicial instinct, In'Vnse
fairness and his level headedne s as
a legislator.
Meets Insurgent.
Hutch'!'? in. Kas., S"pl. 2fi li was
necessary for a troop of the Thir
teenth cavalry to dear the way for
President Taft's auto h"ve today, the
people surged Bo close'y around his
machine. Ten thou and were in the
crowd and cheered much on the way
to the fair grounds. Governor
Stubbs and Senator Bristow, both In
surgents, met Mr. Taft here.
tho state. They declare Harris Is be
ing pushed forward by the reactionary
element of the party, of which the
Oregonlan is the mouthpiece.
Judge Lowell bases his candidacy
upon the fact that he has been an ac
tive worker in tho republican party
for many years, hna a clean record
and is a citizen of eastern Oregon
which has been represented in the na
tional senate by only one representa
tive since the state was admitted to
the union.
In his announcement he declares
himself as follows:
I am a Lincoln republican and hold
fast to the principles of equality in
privilege and opportunity upon which
and for which the republican party
was founded. It Is still the party of
tho plain people, and is Justly reflec
tive of national confidence and na
t.onal conscience. The forces of spe
cial privilege are retiring from its
councils, and thus relieved, it dedi
cates Itself anew to equal rights, to
divorcement of business from politics,
to legislation which shall consider hu
manity as well as property,, and to the
enthronement of common honesty and
common justice.
McNamaras' Attorneys May
Swear Judge From Bench
in Trial.
Samuel Gompers Alarmed at Defense
Fund Shortage, Says Money Must
be Raised to Combat Vnliinitcd
Money of ITosetntlon.
Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 26. At
terneys for the defense In the etise of
James and John McNamara, alleged
dynamiters of the Times building, to
day admitted that they are seriously
considering asking for a change In
judges, to preside over the triaW of
the men, which begins early next
It Is understood that the defending
attorneys will allege that Judge liord
well, of the superior court, Is bias and
will not be able to preside over the
trial in an impartial manner.
Attorney Le Compte? Davis, of the
defense's staff, stated that the an
nouncement of Judge Bordwell, that
he had ordered the grand Jury to
Interrogate Attorney Harrington, also
of the defense staff, regarding the
money which It alleged ' he paid to
Witness Ingersoil, a witness for the
prosecution in San Francisco, Indi
cated that the judge regarded the at
torneys for the defense with sus
pcion. Goinpors Altirmed.
San Francisco, Cal Sept. 26.
Money Is badly needed for the Mc
Namara defense ftip-l," said Samuel
Gompers todiy, regard ng the report
that the fund Is now less than $13,
otju, to defend the alleged dynamit
ers. "It's up to us to raise the mon
ey am we will do it somehow. Th?
prosecution has unlimited funds, and
the defense will need a vastly greater
amount to combat it."
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 26. Viscount
L'chida, former ambassador to the
I'nlted States, from Japan, sailed for
Toklo today to take his new post of
minister of foreign affairs. At a ban
quet list night, L'chlda said he was
leaving the Vniied States feeling that
all difficulties were settled and that
he would work hard to make the feel
ing bctjsveen the two countries even
more friendly.
Priest ltiver. Idaho. Sept. 26. Two
rohiicr early this morning entered
tbe Priest Itiv.r ! n k. blew tlit r:.'-,
and made their escape with S!.S0n in
geilj coin.
Aside from the Indications that
there were two men in the robbery,
the authorities have no clew that
would lead tbeni to establish the iden
tity of the men or the direction tliev
took in making their "escape.
The bank was not guarded during
tiie night and the robbery was not
discovered until the janitor appeared
this morning to cIeun up the build
ing. Several posses, composed of citizens
and farmers and ranchmen, residing
near the town, are today out scour
ing the woods in an effort to find some
trace of the bandits.
San Francisco, CMif., Sept. 26.
With the weather ideal to bring out
the voters, one of the heaviest votes
in the history of the city is today be
ing polled in the mayoralty election
here. The suj.j.orters of Mayor Mc
Carthy are out in full force, but
Rolph is still a heavy favorite.
Attorney Must Talk.
Los Angeles, Calif. Sept. 26. At
torney Harrington of the McNamara
defense, mustHell the grand Jury what
It wants to know concerning the Mc
Namara case. An emphatic an
nouncement was made by Judge Bord
well that no tampering with witnesses
of either side will be tolerated. Har
rington was arrested and charged with
refusal to answer n question regard
ing the alleged tampering with wit
nesses before the grand Jury.
Snow Prevents Flight.
Emigrant nap, Calif, Sept. 26.
Snow today on the summit of the Sier
ras made It impossible for Aviator
Fowler to start today in an attempt
to fly over the mountains. He w.U
try again tomorrow, ho says.
First Slashed Throat With
Knife, Later Using
a Rope. .
That the man found dangling at the
end of a rope suspended from a hay
rack on the farm of Fulydore Moens
yesterday not only was a suicide tu'.
r.ad hanged himself after first at
tempting to cut h.s thv-iat was the de
cision reached by trie author'ties af
ter an investigation -et-terday after
noon. All evidences of foul play
vanished after a physician had ex
amined the body of the deceased and
after officers had closely inspected
the scene of the tragedy.
A close, examination of the throat
of the dead man revealed a small
wound evidently made by a knife, and
this leads to the beef that the man
had first decided to cut his throat
but had lost his "nerve" after open
ing a ve in, and had secured a rope to
finish li s sc lf-destruetion. This the
ory explains the blood on the man's
body and hands and on the rope and
improvised scaffold. The discovery
of a couple c f five cent pieces near
tho sce ne ind:etes fnt the man had
thrown away whatever .belongings he
had about his person
It is practically certain that the
man's name was Kelly and that he
came here from La G rati do, follow
ing his identification yesterday after
noon by a prisoner in the- city jail,
who iloel.ires lie became acquainted
w.tli the mun while he wus an inmate
of the jail last Friday night. The
body will be interred in the Olney
cemetery this evening at the expense
of the county.
The fific eve of Xierht officer
fohn Kearney and a hole in , the
"rapping or a package was the un
fortunate combination of circum
stance which brought about the un
doing of two pe ty thieves and land
ed them in limbo last night after
they had practiced their "game" in
at least two of the stores of the city.
Their method of working was sim
ple. They would enter a sore and
while one engaged the attention of
the clerk by a tr.fling purchase, the
ether would appropriate some article
of value, secrete it aoont his nn
i V- '
I and the two would then depart. They
I tried this scheme at the Working-
men s canning store ye-terday after
noon about 5:30 but the alert eye of
the clerk saw the disappearance of
a swea er under the coat of one of
the men and it was rescued, after
which the two "customers" were
Uh.-red out of .til,, stor r.llhor fn.
I eioly.
I It so happened that H. II Wes-el
I had missed two pa.rs of corduroy
, trousers li'oni his store in the morn-
n.iuand had notified the police. They
';"" -rmi'd of the attempted
"Hu " 'he Workinginen's Clothing
Is"'1.'' an,l --uraii.cd that the same in
loiv. duals were implicated in both, but
( up until the change of siii:ts til! search
) faijed to locale them,
j N gin officer Kearney was apprais
i ed of the facts and before he had
uetm on his beat an hour, noticed a
stranger carrying u package wrapped
in a newspaper. In the wrapping was
a sniatl hole and through it the offi-
er caught, a glimpse of corduroy and
immediately arreted the- man and
us coinj.au. on, i, .ate. woro hhn
t.tied as the two who had been kick
ed out c.f the Workingnien's store
They have been transferred to the
county ja.l pending the filing'of for
mal charges against them
Hartford, Conn., Sept. 26 The
Connecticut legislature adjourned sine
die today. The progressives declare
the session made a poor record It
defeated the worklngmens' compen
sation, home rule for cities, referen
dum and recall bills. It is charged
that money was used to emasculate
the public utilities measure which
Mrs. Jeffries Dies.
" Los Angeles, Sept, 26. Mrs. Re
becca Jeffries, mother of James J.
Jeffries, died last night at her home
In this city, aged 74 years.
Is Impressed With Cltj
W. Q. Arnold, representative of the
Minion Trust Co. of Vancouver, B. C.
has been in the city for the past few
days on a bus.ness mission and has
been wonderftil'y Impressed with the
opportunities which the contiguous
territory offers, hut, like many oth
ers, h believes that the full develop
ment will not come until water Is
more generally ut.lized.
minui: TonnDc
1 " t
Sunny Nation Coaling Fled anJ Providing Equipment tor
Siege Italian Battleship Sent to Intercept
Turkish Troops in TripoK
Xew York, Sept. 26. Fearing
a boycott on refined sugar the
trust today lowered the price
from $7 to $6.25. Other sugar
men hastened to follow suit.
Brokers say the consumption of
sugar has declined considerable
since the price was advanced
recently. '
Portland, Ore , Sept. 26. Just back
from Washington, Representative Laf
f e rty today opened his campaign for
re-election, with the announcement
that his "matrimony" record had
nothing to do with his official record
which he will campaign on. He said
he favored denatur La Follette for
r'pu;'han president, and believed
Ci.ainp Cla:k would secure the dem
ocratic nomination.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 26. Secretary
Wilson, of the agricultural depart
ment, replying to the criticism for his
acceptance of the vice-presidency of
the National Brewers association,
stated today that he accepted the of
fice, because the convention discussed
the growing of hops and barley and
therefore was valuable to his position..
Heavy Voting ip Roston.
Boston, Sept. 26. Heavy voting
marks the first s'nte wide primary
of Massachusetts today. Indications
are that Louis Frothingham, the re
publican machine candidate, stands
little show of winning Other candi
dates are Norton White, insurgent,
and Joseph Walker. near-Insurgent.
Governor Fosg has been renominat
ed by the democrats.
pe .. Keoovcrs Gold.
Iditarod. Alaska, Sept. 26. Tie;
?-''! gold dust stolen frmn
George Friend and his armed guards
by it party of highwaymen last Fri
day was recovered soon after the rob
bery by a posse which shased the
thieves through the swamps. Close
pressed, they were obliged to abandon
the heavy strong box and the HO
pounds of metal which it contained.
Masked as Man 22 Years.
Albany, Ore., Sept. 26. Only at- (
tor she had been ordered committed to t
the state insane asylum by the Linn i
county court, was the discovery made!
ti.it Ray Leonard, f.2 years old. an'
old rcside-nt of L-'b annon, ha f 22 j
j.iiif oecn maseiiiera ling as a
During this time it had ri-'-er
suspected by the woman's '' :. ,.':
she was n.t a man.
: -hat
Arbitrate I.aleor I)i.tv's.
Ijondon. Sept 26. The government
has decided to appoint a board of
trade commission empowered to arbi
trate labor disputes.
"Owing to the absence from the city
of the chairman and to the fact speak
ers have not yet been secured to ex
plain the merits or faults of the com
mission plan of government the mass
meeting scheduled to be held at the
city hall tills evening has been post
poned to wait the call of the chair
man.,' 5
This statement was given this after
noon by Jack Keefe, who served a
secretary of the mass meeting held
at the Commercial club rooms last
week. In postponing the meeting Mr.
Keefe explained that he had been
urged to elo so by a number of par
ties who would be unable to be pres
ent at the meeting tonight and he
aiso called attention to the fact that
through he postponement of he ses
sion it will be possible for the meet
Rome Italy, Sept. 26. (Bulletin.)
The- Italian charge d'affaires here
today notified the Turkish govern
ment at Constantinople that any at
tempt to s.-nd Turk.jh troops to re
inforce those already at Tripoli, would
be accepted by Italy as a hostil
move. This is generally regarded as
a virtual ultimatum and should Tur
key not heed the warning war will
probably start before time is had for
a formal declaration of host.lities.
Mussing Fleet.
London, Sept. 26. The open de
fiance by the Turkish government of
the war threats made by Italy, If
Turkey persists in eteclining to sur
render the disputed territory of the
colony 'of Tripoli, has led the Italian
government to mobol.ze a strong fleet
of warships at Palmero.
It is reported that Italy ha3 pre
pared an ultimatum which will im
mediately hi sent to Constantinople,
demanding that Turkey immediately
make 'the concessions, which are de
s red by the Italian government
The situation is regarded as very
serious in official circles here and
government authorities expect that
war between the two bellgerent coun
tries will start soon.
Although Turkey is practically
without a navy to fight the excellent
fleet being' mustered by the Italian
government, the Turks believe that
they will be able to defeat the Ital
ian land forces.
That Ital's threats of using force
to secure Iter demands are not idle,
:s attestc-i by the fact that the fleet
at Palmero is being thoroughly
equipped with coal, provisions and
ammuniti. n for a b ng siege.
It is reported :rat two Italian battleship-
are now crui-.ng off the
coast of Tripoli. If tne report is true,
it probably means that any Turkish
vessels carrying troops' to Tripoli will
be intercepted by the Italians, which,
would tentatively be a declaration ot
Establishes New Record.
Detroit, Sept. 26. Driving his 110
horsepower Benz car. Bob Burman
established a new world's recprd of
20 miles over a circular dirt track at
the Michigan state fair grounds yes
terday afternoon. His time was 15:51
2-5. an average of 53 S7 seconds per
mile. The former record was 13:04
held by Oldfield.
Ordered to Strike.
East St. Louis, 111., Sept. 26. All
yard and office clerks of the south
ern freight division of the Illinois
Central extending from East St. Louis
t Xew Orleans, were ordered to strike,
today, according to a telegram receiv
ed here from President J. J. Carrigaa
of th' International Brotherhood ot
Railway Clerks.
Another Murder Charge.
Tort orchard, Wash., Sept. 26.
Amended informati-m. against Mrs.
Hazzard. the fast cure special, st. has
been filed, charg.ng her with tha
murder of Miss C!ai-e Williamson, a
wealthy young English woman, who
it is a'leged. died tinder her treat-,
15 Mngonlstas Killed. "
Brownsville, Texas. Sept. 26. Fif
teen Magonist.is wnv killed and four
w ore caj-tured in a battle with a Ma
derista force which began Saturday
at the Santa Rita ranch near Colum
brus, Mexico,
ing to act with more satisfaction and
deliberation when it is held.
However, it is evident that the post
ponement of the mass meeting does
not mean that the proposition of sub
mitting the plan to the people in De
cember is to be dropped. On the con
trary sentiment In favor of the com
mission plan appears to be growing
rapidly as the plan becomes more and
more understood.
Among friends of commission gov
ernment there Is a strong desire to
have tho peoj.le vote on the subject
at the coming election and It seems,
inevitable that the matter will go up
on the ballot. It U possible a com
mission government league or some
similar organization may be formed
for the purpose of conducting a cam
paign In behalf of the new plun.