pagb aht katt orxgotoax, pexdletox, oregox. Friday, septembfji 22, 1011. EIGHT PAGES tars Pendleton's Busiest GROCERY Invites you to phone in your order for Fruits and Vegetables Prompt attention piven every order and jrreat eare taken to fill them just right. It must be good to leave this store. P1IOXE MAIX 96. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. Newsy Notes of Pendleton I'aptlst son-lew Tonight. Rev. II. B. Foskett, will conduct services at the Paptlst church to night, beginning promptly at 7:30 o'clock. WHERE ALL, ARE PLEASED. FRANK O'GARA, Pres. BERNARD O'GARA. Sec-Treas. SB Small Flro This Morning. ' About 8:30 this morning, the fire i alarm was sounded when It was dis- . covered that a tra-h fire had spread to a little outbuilding back of the ; Hos-ton Store. A few buckets of water 1 kept it In control vntil the firemen ' responded ,nnd quenched the blaze with a stream from their hose. Well Known Cab Driver Arrested. Monroe Jurivs, the well known cab driver of the city, was last night ar rested by Patrolman Myers for vio lating the ordinance prohibiting tho standing of vehicles on the main i streets of the city. A warrant was made out against him and he pleaded not guilty to the charge and will be tried in the police court this afternoon. MALITIA AGAIN STARTS DRILLS VACATION OF SIX WEEKS COMES TO AN END Pendleton and I taker City Companies to Engage In Rlfl- Shoot on Local Target Grounds One Week From Tomorrow. m. Assembly 8:00 d. m. recall, 9:30 p. m.. Enlisted men leaving the city for 30 days or more will be granted further furloughs upon request. 4. Acting Sergeants Roy E. Wis sler, John S. Carroll, Acting Corpor als Clarence V. Badger. Herbert H. Brown. Lysle Wilkinson will report at the armory Monday, September 25, S p. m. for non-commissioned of ficers' examination. CHARLES C. VIXIER. 1st Lieut. 3rd Inf., O. N. G. 1JROTIIE11S FLOG A SUITOR. Southern Woman Dies of Shock as Result or Fnmlly Row. ir.-,n i ...! ,.. x-cuse air. ana Airs Z B "r ,1" . .r.: A. I. Holstein could not break uo their encampment. the militiamen of com- t?" "1 engagement and prevent Pany L will again commence their T T n n c? , Columb "Spradley. weekly drills next Tuesday evening ! t ?"y T" & Ho1 with an inspection and muster by ?.f ' and, Rb,ert Cockrell are in Ai either Captain Kern or First Lieu-1 kC" 1l0U"t1ftl3aiL , , tenant Vinier. according to an order1 . ' , n sPradIey is dead from issued this morning by the latter On ! nervous fright, Ben Spradley Is not Sunday, October 1 will occur ' the ! ePocte(1 recover from the effects regimental rifle shoot with the Pen- , a mereiIess flowing and Columbus dleton and Baker companies using ! &rIad!e',, la .te",n the local range and the other nine I h fami,ies are fairly well-to-do companies with the staff and non-! and prominent ,n the section. commissioned officers usine the e Parents of the young lady Clackamas range. The following are the orders issued this morning by Lieutenant Vinier: Armory Co. L, 3rd Inf. O. N. G., Pendleton, Ore, Sept. 22, 1911. 1. In compliance with G. O. No. 12, Headquarters Third Infantry. Ore gon National Guard, Co. L, 3rd Inf., O. X. G., will assemble in the Ar mory, Pendleton, Ore, Tuesday, Sep tember 26. 1911, in sen-ice uniform, rifle and side arms, for inspection and muster First call 7:15t assembly 8 P. m. -luster rolls showing all changes since last quarterly returns will be maae up 10 and including date of! muster, one copy of which will be handed to the mustering officer at the time of muster. 2. Sergt Eugene Blanchet will as sume the duties of quartermaster, sergeant upon receipt of this order. Acting Q. M. Sgt. Roy Reeves will immediately upon receipt of this or Cer turn over to Q M Sgt. Eugene Blanchet all United States, stato and company property for which he Is accountable. 3. On Tuesday, Sept. 26. ar.d each' Whatever happened to Doc Cook Tuesday thereafter the following calls j while up north, he didn't lose his will be observed. First call,' 7:45 p. '"gall." found that they could not break up the love match, members of the Hol stein family went to the Spradley home and calling Columbus Spradley from the house took him to a field and flogged him unmercifully, telling him meanwhile that he would have to leave the community. Ben Spradley followed the Holstelns and Cockrell to the field and when he attempted to Interfere was so severe ly flogged physicians believe he has little chance of recovery. " 1 Mrs. SnrflllW tha mntVic n C.I weeks-old baby, hearing the screams of the flogged men and seeing the flogging, succumbed to nervous fright. She was found dead the following morning. Sniytho Witness Before Commission Dan P. Smythe, secretary of the Oregon Woolgrowers" association, lias been subpoenaed by the commerce commission in Its investigation of the wool rates case. He will leave here Tuesday night and appear before the commission on Wednesday. Six of the Same. Police Judge FHz Gerald this morn ing had a sextette of drunks brought before him and all of the convivial ones entered pleas o guilty. Molem Bell. George Kelly, John Skehan, Robert John-on and Dan Mileny all took three days in Jail as a result of being without the necessary lucre to liquidate their fines while C. K. Blan chet gained h'.s liberty by turning over $5 to the city. Foreigners light niul Pay. Nick Papos and John Rosamos. two foreigners, became involved in a dispute yesterday afternoon which resulted in a pugilistic encounter. Both were arrested and brought into police court. Because he was un fortunate enough to be the aggressor .and the least to suffer, the former was required to pay a $10 fine, while the latter got off by paying a V note. PERSONAL MENTION Seliool Attendance Over 8tM). According to figures compiled by City Superintendent J. S. Landers, the public schools of Pendleton had an attendance yesterday of 818. The Washington school leads with 275 pupils enrolled in its eight grade.-, while the Hawthorne is a close sec ond with 270. The high school has 135, the Lincoln school 104 and the Field school 34. Free Lecture. "Topics of Mutual Interest to the Public as Well as the Profession," by Dr. J. X. McCormack, lecturer for the American Medical association. First Christain church, Saturday, Sept. 23, at 8:09 o'clock p. m. The public cor dially Invited. Wo Are After Your Business. Xew, Clean, Serviceable, liiiilit Priced Merchandise will prove to you that we' are entitled to your confidence and your business. Xew line of D. 31. C. Embroidery Cotton3 in all colors, 2 skeins for o Ladies' Outine Gowns 59, 73 9S, 1.23 Ladies' Coat from $3.00 to 15.00 Outing Flannel, Flannelette and Kimona Goods. All Wool Senres. all colors, yard . 60 School Dnv Plaids .'. 20c nnd 30 Those Children's Shoes at 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 are wearers. THE WONDER STORE lens Sa mpls sr Union Suit; We have a pood bip line of drummers sample union suits. A pood heavy cotton suit, regular $1.50 seller for 1.00. A pood heavy wool suit, regular $3.25 seller for 2.25. An extra fine wool union suit, pood weight, regular re- tail price $4.00, this sample suit we sell at 2.65 and 2.75 A lighter weight wool, regular $3.50 seller at 2.50. The new INTERLOCK FABRIC sold at $2.25 every where, our sample suits 1.65. THE . HUB The Drummers Sample Store Between Taylor Hardware and Pendleton Drug Co. PENDLETON, OREGON. Alleges Wife fs Prostitute. Jacob Kaufman has commenced suit against his wife, Pearl Kaufman, alleging that in December, 1908, she deserted him without cause or provo cation and entered into a house of ill fame against his will and wishes As a result of her action, he com plains that he has suffered great mental anguish and has been made sick and sad and he, therefore, prys for a decree of divorce. The couple was married on Christmas. 1905, at Silverton, Ore., according to the com pla'nt. Judge Jamis A. Fee is at torney for the plaintiff. Corloy Imrpovcs at Sunitoriuni. The East Oregonlan is in receipt of a letter from E. V. Corley who re cently entered the Modern Woodmen sanitorium for tuberculosis patients at Colorado Springs. He states that he is improving there but complains of the management of the Institution. There are about 180 patients there now, he says, in all stages of the dread disease, some of whom are getting better and some growing wor-e. A man is not considered in good society there unless he is pronounced to have the "bus" as the tuberculosis germs are called and hi popularity with the nurses varies with his tempera ture, Mr. Corley states. Several Teachers Change. As the result of th. addition of one more room at the Lincoln school and the resignation of Miss Florence Har ris, there has been a change in the faculties of the different school. Miss Mary Zurcher, who has had the sixth grade In tho Hawthorne school, has taken the place made va cant by Miss Harris in tho Lincoln school, and Ml:-s Anita Kirkpatrick of Weston, a graduate of the old Wes ton normal, and who has done post graduate work at the University of Washington, has been elected to Miss Zurcher's position. Mr. Au gusta Motile has been transferred from the Washington school to the Lincoln and Miss Elder from the Field school to the Washington school. Mrs. Mary Harvey has been named ns principal of the Lincoln school. Roy Ktrkley left on the local this morning for points west. It. C. Sommers of Prosser, Wash., Ir registered at the Bowman. D. P. Bailey of Waitsburg, was a guest at. the St. George last night. Bert Kirby, mercantile man of Ad ams, is a visitor in the city today. II. J. Longley, well known HermU tonian, was a visitor in the city last evening. Fred Xelson has returned from Walla Walla, .where he took In the races. Asa B. Thomson, well known prop erty holder of Echo, was in tho city last night. J. W. Lynch of Pilot Rock, came in from that town last evening and re mained over night. James Aicuovern or Nolln, was among the out of to'vn visitors in the city yesterday. Senator C. A. Barrett of Athena was ,an Incoming passenger on the local this morning. Charles Baxter. Jr. of Boise. Is here today In the interest of the firm for which he is traveling. S. F. Wilson, the attorney-bnnker of Athena, came down from his home on the local this morning. Deputy District Attorney W. C. E. Pruitt returned today from a busi ness trip to points eastward. Miss Ethel Chapman has gone to Buena Vista, Va., where she will at tend the Southern seminary. Mr. and Mrs. D. Turner were among the Pendletonlans visiting In Walla Wa'la during fair week. Alfred Fit:'. Gerald returned last night from Walla Walla, where he spent a couple of days at the fair. Bob Llverrtiore, who has been vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lot Livermore, returned to Portland to day. Attorney Homer I. Watts rnme down from Athena on the local this morning and is transacting business here today. "Uncle George" Webbf fornierlv state treasurer, accompanied his son Arthur, who visited here during the Rousd-Up. back to Wallace. Idaho for a visit. District Attorney Van Vactor ot Heppner, c:ne over from the Mor row county seat last night to resume hi.s duties as chief prosecutor for the state at the term of the circuit court. K. W. Fletcher, circulation man ager of the Fast Oivgonian, who has been : pending the past few days in the west end of the county, returned hoiuL. on the local this morning. Swi Gives l p Wenlih. .Seattle, Wash., Sept. 22. Word was received here today that divers have recovered the strong box con taining 1 150.000 in gold bullion, which went down with the steamship Ra mona, off Spanish Island. Alaska. The treasure will be sent to this city. Strayed or Stolen. A gray horse, branded A in circle on left shoulder and also H over bar on left stifle. Has been wire cut on bith front feet. Reward will be given U any per.son giving Information lead ing to the whereabouts of the horse. Jacob Rohde, Box 64, Echo, Ore. NEW - 19.11 - NEW FALL S USTS just arrived and must be CLOSED OUT at once. We quote you QUIT BUSINESS Prices on one and all. New Overcoats the same way 'and Slip-On S at Closing Out prices. w pnemm ctim cimioe UUUIUII Ul UIIL Business Out Her Deadly Weapon. The Teacher (reading) "Then the girl warrior faced the mocking fie and unsheathed her deadly weapon." What does that mean, children? Well, Elsie? Elsie Please ma'am, I thing It means' she stuck out her tongue.-Tit-Bits. Representative Lafferty Is observ ed to be doing considerable newspaper advertising. Probably he is wasting money. Four Killed by KxphMon, Youngstown. i .. ,;t. r2.--Fur persons were killed rn 1 twelve . 1 burned today when an eighteen- , Inch gas main exploded caught from a k'trr, ii boarding house, which wrecked. WHERE TO ? Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland ? I Arrive Seattle 8:15 A. M. Arrive Spokane....9 :55 P. M. Arrive Portland 8 :10 A. M. Northern Pacific Railway The Pioneer Line. First class trains. Close connectioqs. Good leaving time. Good arriving time. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Through -.Tickets to all Points East or West Secure tickets and full information from ?ClO W- ADAMS, AGENT N. P. RY., 52X5 I'JSMJLKTOX. Ask about EXCUTiSIOX FAKES for these events: Washington State Fair, North Yakima, Sept. 25-30. Interstate Fair; Spokane, Oct. 2-8. Xational Apple Show, Spi.kane. November 23-30. 4 T!io g.'S - :::nr'. .vu'j also Xoar Dieppe oysters lie In regular row) like the tiles of houses, and are always ready to be taken from the beds and sent to market IS YOUR mum poor I.s the tongue coated or does your head ache? You really should try HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS nt once. It does the work. The East End Grocery Headquarters In Pendleton for FINE POULTRY : Phone In your order and it will receive our prompt attention. Main 636. J. W. DYER, Prop. en 1SRYP LENSES Committee Moots. Salem, Ore., Sept. 22. A Bpeclal meeting of the comm.ttee of the Ore Kon conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, -vhioh considered the charges preferred against Rev. John W. Parsons, former superin tendent of Missions In Alaska, wai held last night, three of the five members of the committee being pres ent. The members of the commit tee absolutely declined to say what the meeting was for, or whether they will recommend that Parsons be tried when they report. Only one of the committee would make any comment whatever. This member declared that there Is "nothing in the charges." lire Dentroya Winery. Fresno. Cal., Sept. 22. Fire late yesterday afternoon destroyed the Elsen winery, located six miles east of this city, causing a loss of $160, 000. The distilling and engine rooms were saved. The fre started from an explosion caused by the flame of a lamp coming in contact with sherry fumes when a Chinese employe was engaged in racking nberry. KRYPTOKS embody two pieces of glastof different re fraction, coalesced with intense heat into one, and ground into a lens having: two distinct focal points. Without 'seam 'or ce ment, no edges to catch dust or to, become cracked and jagged in cleaning." Ak your optician to show you KRYPTOKS. Si DALE ROTH WELL State Registered Optometrist at. Wm HANSCOM TIJ.E Jeweler, Pendleton, Oregon, i Temple Building Next to Gosy Theatre Fresh shipments daily of fancy and staple groceries an cash prices make this store the Peoples Popular Place to 1 Trade. Prices lower and our lines fresher. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 '612 Mam Street smmXSXSGXSSXSGXBSw