) EIGHT PAUES DAILY BAST OREfiONIAW. rTSNPLETON. OiUDGOBT. I'JtinAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911. PAGE SEVE7C. If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, trained, varnished or fin ished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. amting is Like l3 -HTV 3 isisorance You insure your home against fire. Why not insure it against decay caused by sunshine, rain, snow and sleet? They destroy as certainly as fire, unless the surface is protected with good paint. CATTLE MARKET SHOWS WEAKNESS HEAVY IUN ADDS TO I KILLERS' OVERSTOCK ' Classified Directory Hog Receipt I.lmitod iuid Market Un steadyNo Slioep or J.amls Jiccclv ll and Market Is I inn Wheat Trurio Again on Nomiiml Busis. r-j ACME QiM!TY HOUSE PAINT gives the greatest durability and beauty, and best resists rain and shine. It costs less because it takes less and lasts longer. Let us show you the latest fashionable color combinations. HALE McATEE Pendleton, Oregon DOUBT CAXXOT EXIST. Investigation Will Onry Strcnjrtlicn the Proof We Give In Pendleton. How can doubt exist In the face of such evidence? Read hero the en dorsement of a representative citizen of Pendleton. Mrs. William McGregor, 711 Lilleth street. Pendleton, Oregon, says: "I was troubled from childhood by kid ney complaint. My hands and feet swelled. In fact my whote body bloat ed and I had a great deal of trouble from the kidney secretions. There was a dull pain In my back and sides and often after stooping, I found It difficult to straighten. Dizzy spells and headaches were frequent and my nerves were all unstrung. I rested poorly, and on arising In the morn ing was tired and devoid of ambition. As time passed, my condition be came worse and it would be hard to fully describe the misery I endured. I spent many dollars for doctor's treatment and I also tried various remedies but to no avail until I pro cured Dnan's Kidney Pills. This preparation restored me to good health. I do not hesitate to tell of my experience and I trust that my statement will be the means of help' ing other kidney sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take i-o other. Mexican history, according to Bras- seur de Bourbourg, French archeolo- gist, began in 965 B. C. HAIR WHITE AS SNOW Restored to Natural Color with WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY ALMOST A MIRACLE - My hair was as white as snow when I commenced using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re stored my hair to its natural dark brown color. As I am now 70 years old, I consider the result most remarkable. It is an Cgreeable and refreshing hair dressing, keeping the hair soft and glossy, without being. in the least greasy or sticky. WM. WESTLAKE, 213 West Main Street, Rochester, N. V. i 9 AN IDEAL 'Hair Tonic md Dressing! hK, WiHi PRICE 50c AND f 1.00 THt WYtTH CHEMICAL niw yokk an. ran r Why hesitate when WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producm Just such results? After years of study and analysis of the hair, we have been able to produce an ideal Hair Tonic and Restorer, which contains an actual constituent Of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized merit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases. It makes and keeps the scalp clean and healthy, gives life. oireiigui ana lustre to me nair, and Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color .No matter how long and thick your hair is. WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REM EDY will make it longer and thicker. It will re move every trace of dandruff in a few days, stop falling in one week, and start a new growth in from one to three months. Guaranteed to be as Represented or Money Refunded 50c. AND $1.00 A BOTTLE If Your Druggist Do. Not Keep It S.nd SOo. In St&mpa ( an we will Sana mu ev bars Uottlo, Express PrepeJd Wyeth Chemical Company, " FREE COHTLANDT STREET NEW YORK CITY. N. V. A Mc Cake of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Toilet Soap free to anyone who will Bend us this advertisement with 10c in stamps to cover cost o! wrapping and mailing the soap. SOLD BY TITE TEN DL'ETON DRUG CO. (From Thursday's Journal.) Toduy's heavy run of cattle in ad dition to the heavy supplies in the feed lots of killers, added materially to the weakness in the cattle trade at North Portland today. The general trade is quoting lower prices and in fact the bids are so much lower than formerly that quite a large amount of the stuff was carried over from yesterday because k-llers were unwilling tc accept the figures quot ed. The run of cattle today at North Portland included 953 head compared with 437 yesterday, 333 Tuesday, 1214 Monday and 141 head last Thursday. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the cattle trade today, with no change in prices. Cattle shippers: S. C. Oxman, Soda .Spring.-, Idaho, 5 loads; A. F. Hamp ton, Huntington, Or.. 9 loads; It. F. Dixon, Opal City, Or., 8 loads; W. H. Harris, Opal City, 3 loads; L. W. Bennett, Opal City, 3 loads; John Kennedy, Norris. Mont., 5 loads; L. V. St. Cair, McKay, Idaho, 3 loads. North Portland range: Best steers $5.405.50 Choice steers 5.40 Feeders 4.65 Common steers 4.0004.25 Fancy heifers 4. 75 Fancy cows 4.50 Feeder cows 3.25 Fancy bulls 3.00 4.00 Good ordinary bulls 2.00 2.50 Common bulls 2.002.25 Fancy light calves 7.50 Medium calves 6.50650 Ordinary calves 4.00 5.00 I logs Fractionally Kasier. While the chonge In the swine trade at North Portland was nominal to day owing to the very limited offer ings, the market was not nearly as firm as during recent days, owing to the lower prices ruling recently In the Missouri river territory. The only load of hogs tnat came for ward to the local market during the past 24 hours was from Endicott, Wash., John Branbert being the ship per. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the hog trade today with prices ruling the same as yesterday. Nominal North Port rana hog prices: Extra choice light 17.90 8.00 Medium light 7. 90 Smooth and heavy 7.00 Rough and heavy 6.50 Shoop and Lambs Finn. There were no sheep or lambs In the mutton division of the North Portland market and general expec tations are for a better market while the trade is still qu;te liberally sup plied with mutton, the holdings are much less than usual and stocks are again getting down to the danger point. In addition to the absence of sup plies in the market this morning, there was only a limited run yesterday and as a whole the late movement has been more limitd than during recent weeks. At Chicago the sheep and lamb trade was weak with a run of 30,000 head. North Portland sheep and lamb ranges: Select lambs $ 5.00 Ordinary lambs 4.35 4.50 Yearling lambs 3.00 3 65 Old wethers 3.003.50 Common lambs 2.75 3.00 Best ewes 3.00 3.20 Ordinary ewes 2.00 2.75 Grain and Hay, Wheat Producers' price: Track delivery club, 80c; bluestem, 83 85c; fortyfold, Sic; Willamette valley, 81c; red Russian, 79c; Turkey red, 81c. Barley Producers, prices 1911 Feed. $33.60; rolled, $35.60; brew ing. $36. Oats Producers' price Track No. 1 white, $282S.50; gray, $27.50 2S. Millstuffs Soiling price Bran, $25 25.50; middlings. $31; shorts, $26 26 50; middlings, $31; short, $26 2G.50; chop, $19 25. Hay Producers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy. $14 15; or dinary, $13 14; eastern Oregon, $16. 50 17; mixed, $12; clover, $9 10; wheat, $10; ehjeat, $10; alfalfa, now, 11. SOW 12; oat. $10. Wheat Trade MnrkM Time. Chicago, Sept. 22. The wheat mar ket was marking time yesterday and trade was on a nominal basis. Open ing was unchanged to l-4c lower and the. closing uiiehangeiT to 3-Sc under Wednesday. There was a slightly Improved tone at Liverpool with the closing un changed to 3-Sc higher, but- the trade on this sUe was inclined to await tho settlement of the reciprocity treaty which was being voted upon in Can ada. Cash wheat: No. 2 red. 92 1-2 93c: No. 3 red, 90 9 1-2c; Xo. 2 hard winter. 96 1-2 99c; No. 3 hard win tor, 99c' 1.02; No. 3 northern spring. 9ScW$1.01; No. 2 spring 96c $1.00; N'o. 3 spring, 85cf$1.00. Xcnriy As Good. "I thought you were going to take n day off and enjoy a Trip into the country " "Had to give it up." replied the man with a cheerful disposition. "But we did the next best thing. Wo got some hard-boiled eggs and some canned goods and ate them out in the back yard." INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKE reliable abstracts of title to al lands In Umatilla county. Loans or city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Doe a general brokerage bulnas. Pay taxes and makes Investments for non residenti. Write fire life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH. Sec. BENTLBY & LEFFINGWELL, REA1 estate, fire, life and accident lnsur aoce agent. New location, 816 Malt street Phoae Main 484. UVBHY AND FEED STABLE. CITT UTBBT STABLE. THOMPSOr. street, Caraey Bradley, Props Livery, feed and sale stable. Gooc rise at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. ENORAVXD CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding; announcements, embossed private and business satlonery, etc Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. CHOP SUET HOUSE, SUNG HOET Low, Prop. Phone Main 567, 622 Cottonwood street. Our specialties: Noodles and Chop Suey. Tray or ders promptly delivered. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. ROMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Mock Telephone: Office, black 3411; reside see, red 2618. DR. LTNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nic and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building:, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 73; residence 'phone. Main 114. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICB Main street, next to Commercial Association roams. Office 'phone. Black 8421; residence 'phone. Black 2961. DR. THOMAS V AUG HAN DENTIST, Office in Judd building. Phone, Main 72. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATR Stock Inspector. Office at Keep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 111. Residence, 916 East Court street Res. Ptfone Main 69. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V.. GRADC ate of McKJUip Veterinary College of Chicago. Office phone Main 20. Res. 616 Bush St., phone Main 27. CASTOR I A IW Inputs Xi4 CT-ikhm Ita ICW You Havre Always Baugt Kar the 'Of LET ELRCTRICITT DO TOUR work, ifs clean, reliable and con venient Blectric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $6.26. Electric Hot Water and Carting Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Pereelatera, etc. A complete stock of Cos and Blectrie fixtures. First -claw wiring ef hemes, etc. J. L Vaughan Main street ext to postofflce. LEO AX, BLANKS OF EVERT DB sortptien fer county court circuit oeurt Justice court real estate, etc. fer sale at Bast Oregenian office. . SENSORIAL HAIRDRESSING PAR lere airdre Ing, shampooing, scalp treatment massaging and French pack. Cenblngs made - p. Bjreiag and nieacliiBg. Manicuring and hand meuldiag. Phone Blaok 26 12, ReeaM 6-7. J no. Schmidt leek, Peadletoa, Oregon. FAATWUVAL ORDERS. PBNDLBTON LODGE No. 62 Ar A. V. and A. M, meets tk V first and third Mondays of each month. AU visiting brethres are invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4 --viii K. of P., meets every Mon- 1 - . , day evening in l. u. u. r hU. Vkdting brothers cor dlaillT Invited to attend D. B. Waffle, C. C; R. W. Fletcher IC R, S. PMNTHJnTTON TJRABV SCHEDULE O.-W. R. & N. Weetfcenn Oregon division Portland looni. leave. . . 9:C a. m. Ore. and Trnah. Bxpreas. 4 36 a.m. Pwttaed Limited 12:46 p. na. Feet UaM 11:46 p.m. Motor 5:34 p. n Pilot Sack Used 8:16 a. m Baataooad Oregon division Fast Mail 1-60 a. m Ore. & yfmjOx. Express.. 6:16a.m. CtOcage limited 5:16 p.m. Motor 10:46 a.m. Portland Local, arrive. . . 4:65 p.m. Pilot Rock Mixed 4:16 p.m. Wafiklagton Dlv. Leaving Pendleton. Walla Talla Local ... 2:0p. m. Peedleteo Paasenger ... 7:00a.m. Spokane Loop! 7:00 p.m. Washington Dlv. Arriving Pendleton Pendleton local 6:60 a.m. Walla Walla local 9:00 a.m. Pendleton Passenger ... 6:00p.m. NORTHETtN PACIFIC. Leaving Pendletor Passenger 1:30 p. m Mixed train 7:30 a.m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10.00 a. m. Mixed train 7:20 a.m. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms tn Eas'. Orcgonian building. Steam heat, gas range in kitchen, electric lights, hot end cold water and ba'h. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. ATTORNEYS. RALET & RALET. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAME6 A. FEE. ATTORNET AD law. Office in Deepaln building. R. J. 6 LATER, ATTORNET AT LAW. Office lr, Deepaln building. CARTER & 6MTTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Of floe in rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY ATTORNET AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company, LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNET at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Cot lections mad. Room 17, Schmidt block. PBTER60N & WILSON ATTOR aeya at law; rooms 2 and 4 Smith Crawford building. PBBLPS St STETWBR, ATTORNEYS at taw. Offtee In Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNET at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In an state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 2, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & 6KRABLE, ATTOR neys e law. Office in Despala building. ARGmTBOTS, OONTItACTOnS, ETC V?At?f, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all ideas of masonry, -cement walks, etooe waMn, etc Phone blaok 3784, r Oregenian oefiee. FVNIOtAL fIRECTOR8. JOHN . BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and Heensed embalmer. Opposite postefflee. Funeral parlor, fwo funeral ears. Calls responded to day or nlcht 'Phone main 76. AUCTfOXEHK. COl r. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Austloneer, Athena. Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank ef Athene and Farmers' Bank of Weeton. Farm sales a specialty. 8BOOXD-HAND DEALEItS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his prices. 2le E. Court street. Phone Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. . NOODLE8 and chop suey. Ung D. Goey. prop. At the old stand, Alta street In rear of Tall man Drug Co. East Oregonlan by carrier, ile month. 1 Want IT i 5. If WANTED. WANTED SALESMAN for exclusiv. territory. Big opportunities. N. experience necessary. Complete lln Yakima Valley grown fruit, shad, and ornamental stock. Cash week ly. Outfit free. Toppenlsh Nurs ery Company, Toppenish, Wash. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial care Phone Red 2621. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE Q ONI AN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sont you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST. OREGON1AN. In remitting you can deduetc ten per cont from the tub llsher's price. Address 1 OREGON IAN PUB. CO.. P ton. Ore. V A N TED ( Continuod ) COME TO MADAM KENNEDT. 607 East Court street to get your switches and all kinds of hair goods, the best' and only natural human hair ever wild m Tendletoa. Bring your combings and have them .Tiade up. -verythlng strictly guJiruntood. Phone Red 3762. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., for Sale at East Oregon Ian office. FOR RENT. FOR REjnT Unfurnished housekeep ing rooms In Bast Oregonlaa build ing. Steam heat gas range la kitchen, electric liettta, hot and d water and bath. Recently ated. Enquire at B. O. offlee.