AAILT EAST ORXCeOanAK, HVMWIOy, OHDGOSr, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1011 nan r.ai 1AGB SIX AT THE PICTURE SHOWS; Extraordinary feature production by the Edison Co. in two ret-ls for Fri day anil fat unlay. 1. "The Three Muskateors." Fart I. Edison. This sumptuously mount ed production is taken from Alexan der Dumas' famous story of the time of liuis XI 11 of France, showing the celebrated Three Muskateers and their dashing young comrade, D'Arta gnan. 2. "The Three Muskateers," Part II. P'Artapnr.n, the famous young musketeer, is entrusted by the Queen's attendant, with whom he is in love, on a confidential mission. Though many perils he is successful. The whole story is full of adventure and is splendidly presented. 3. "When Two Hearts are Won," Kalem. Featuring Mr. Sidney Drew in the part he Vuvs made famous on two continents. Alclbldes Phamley marries Cassandra, a beautiful girl with a temper and a determination to have her own way with things In general, also she is devoted to a pet dog of diminutive proportions, called Cara. After the wedding the pup Is prepared for the bridal tour with great ceremony, but the rules of the Pullman car company forbid dogs be ing carried on their coaches, so the Shamley's arc put oft the train. They can not get accommodations at the hotel because of the rule against dogs, but they manage to find a resting place In the railroad hotel by bribing , the clerk. Here the pup makes trouble by chewing up the maid's hat. During these events Alcy has been getting telegrams from his wife's folks warning him against her violent temper, the last one being from Uncle David, which advises Alcy to give her some of her own medicine. So he takes Uncle David's advice and starts in to mix things up on the pretense that the pup has swallowed his col lar button. By the time he has wrecked the place Cassandra is com pletely subdued and asks his forgive ness. 4. "There's a Woman in Town." Here Is a good comedy by the Ameri can Pathe Co., with the scenes laid in the West. It is extremely well act ed, fresh and amusing. A charming young lady arrives in town and all the cowboys fall in love with her. One cowboy steals a march on the others with the result that the rest propose marriage in a joint note. Just what the outcome is of this affair is too funny to be spoiled by telling before hand. 5. "A Hippopotamus Hunt." Pathe. Showing a series of fascinating views of a good hunt. w ait 'til you get home. It's rich. Do not miss Jt! "The Uttle. Cripple," Kalem. A story of settlement work among the poor. An educational subject that will interest and enlighten all thoss who have at heart the well being of the unfortunate. This story repre sents parents objecting to sending tlu'ir crippled child to a hospital for treatment, but being persaaded to di so are overjoyed at her recovery. Ths storv Is well told and the happiness HSTOK STORE (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., Sept. 22. J. W. Glrst and .company have disposed of their stock of general merchandise of the family after Its reunion is al-t P Ghent of California most contagious. It seems to. affect the whole audience. Everyone wants t share In it. "Sir John Falstaff," Eclipse. Ac tion as shown in the film. Scene I At the wedding of Miss Anna Page. Falstaff is attracted by the wealth of Mrs. Page nnd Mrs. Ford. II He took possession at once and will con tinue to conduct a general mercantile business. Mr. Glrst has not completed his plans for the future, but It Is his intention to stay in Hermiston for some time, maybe later going south for his health. A petition has been circulated dur- covets their fortunes and pretends to ing the past few days for the removal love both of them. Ill He sends a j of the post oft Ice to a proposed new building to be constructed by Post- letter to each lady. IV They agree to punish him by encouraging his suit. V He visits Mrs. Ford and is forced to hide In a laundry basket. VI The basket Is thrown In the river. VII Before the inn. IX The Ford home. X Finale. Tlie Pastime. Only the best in motion pictures shown here. For Friday and Satur day. "Spike Shannon's Last Fight," Es sany. The chief interest in this film is a four round boxing bout, which seems not posed, but the real thing. A love story, and the fact that Spike entered the ring to get money to pay for an operation for his sick wife give it heart interest, but the mill is the thing. Spike wins and he leaves the ring never to enter it again. If you want a thrill witness the battle la the ring, and don't forget that this is one of the best attractions in months. "A Gay Time in Washington," Lu bin. Mrs. Clayton U delighter. Her George Is to dine with President Taft. George goes off in high glee, and he and his pal proceed to do Washing ton as it should be done. But Taft Isn't In Washington and Mrs. Clayton finds it out "duped:" Oh, George, Practical Home Helps An Excellent Broth Invalid's Evening Repast To t cup of cood beof. Iamb, real or chicken broth, add a tabiespoonlul of Dufly's pure malt liisk'-y. Srre verr hot with, a teaspoonful or two of whipped cr. am on top, if desired. A few aa'tines may be 8 rred with this. Tbia makes a vi-rr inviuoratina drink: as well as beiDKof sreat benefit and nourishing to the patient, it is wonderful! refreshing to the healthy. 101 YEARS OLIX HALE AM) HEARTY COSY. Extra Fine Rill nt the Cosy for Fri day nnft Saturday. That all question of what consti tutes good entertainment Is answered to the complete satisfaction of all who attendetl the Cosy motion pic ture show to witness the new bill this afternoon. First and foremost is the beautiful picture play. "Won by Wireless." Thanhouser. Is a story of the "wireless" that is accurate and true wnere everything is real from the clickrng of the key to the flashing of the transmitting coll. Likely there lias never been another Thanhouser story that car ried so much thrill as this does from the time the wealthy broker and his daughter set foot on the schemer's yacht until the police boat arrives with rescuers the reel is a constant round of excitement. When the po lice tug, summoned by wireless by the plucky daughter, finally overtakes the runaway yacht, a snarp climax )s reached and you will feel very hap py over the outcome. "Tony Would Be a Cowboy." Champ. A western comedy of the Tony Series, showing the most laugh able pranks, facial expressions and actions of dime nover reading. This comedy is calculated to crack a laugh from an Egyptian mummy. "The Gun." Bison. Sensational riding. Eluding the posse galloping madly on his trail the bandit seeks refuge in the cabin of Bates & Con noly. Connoly steps out side to wash his hands and Bates enters and is covered by the bandit's gun. Conolly looking through the window takes in the situation. Entering from behind him he grabs u shotgun and orders the bandit to throw up his hands. The latter complies. Bate 'hen goes for the sheriff, who rides back and takes charge of the bandit. After all is over Connoly breaks open the gun and finds it empty. They then realize what a close call thev had and the humor of the situation causes them to break into laughter. "Charley Has a Manuscript to Sell." Eclair. Many amusing incidents fol low in rapid succession through this picture. A rattling good comedy. Teddy's Three Duels." There Is a wealth of real comedy throughout this story and many ludicious situa tions are revealed. Extra fine comedy. Mr. V. IS. Yolin is a Remarkable Man 11c Has Lived a Very Active Life, But at this Advanced Age Still Retains His Health and Strength. William B Yohn of 128 North Sev enth street, Reading Penn., celebrated the one hundredth and first anniver sary of his birth on May i. Mr. Yohn was born In 1810, and recalls many of his country's early struggles along the frontier. In 1837 he went to Reading, and has resided there with his family ever since. Since 1864 he has resided in the same house, which he built for his ownw use. He has always been actively en gaged in business, following pursuits that called for physical endurance and bravery, being at various times a miller, constable .deputy sheriff and auctioneer. Notwithstanding this vigorous life, he looks and feels fine. Mr. John attributes a considerable part of the wonderful length of his life to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, which has been consistently used by him whenever he felt the need of a tonic stimulant. In a letter to a friend recently he said. In part: "I wwas 101 years of age May 4th, having been born in 1810. For a good many years I have used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, with very fine results. I have always felt much better and stronger after using it. I attribute my long life to the use of pure li quors taken moderately all my life As a medh-Ine I could recommend nothing better than Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey." When men and women pass the; age of sixty they need a remedy that will aulcken the circulation, brln restful sleep. Invigorate the brain and pre vent decay. Duffy's Pure Malt Whis key l the onlv agent that will pro duce these happy results. It improves the digestion and assimilation of the food and gives tone and vltant to ?v try organ In the body. master J. H. Williams and E. B. Aid rich of the East Oregonian. The pro posed new building will be located directly across Main street from the present location of the post office and adjoining the Hotel Oregon. The new building will have a frontage of 50 feet and according to the plans now proposed will be the most modern and up-to-date building in Hermiston. A great many different business firms have already applied for the lease on the east 25 foot room. A. C. Crawford Is spending several days In Spokane and other Washing ton points. Rev. E. Grady is here from Ft. Wayne, Indiana, looking over the pro ject. Rev. Grandy recently purchas ed a tract of fruit land from the Maxwell Land and Irrigation com pany through their representative, Otis Sprague. E. N. Wheeler, one of the eastern representatives of the Orchard com pany of w hich Dr. Henry Coe is pres ident, has returned from a campaign in Ohio and reports good work. He. says many Ohio people will locate here during the fall and winter. Otis Sprague one of the Maxwell Land and Irrigation company's east ern representatives will return to In diana the first of the week. The stock of the Project Durg com pany is arriving daily and is being put on display. Dr. Monkman says that he will have everything ready to open Saturday. This company will have one of the neatest stores In Umatilla county. C. E. Wood and family have arrived from Boon, Iowa. They are the owners of a tract of land and come here for the purpose of Improving same as well as looking after some of the otoher Iowa people's land. H. R. Newport is spending most of his time superintending the work on the asylum contract recently obtain ecl by the Newport Land and Con struction company. E. P. Dood has returned from Pen- Mr. Ghent H HI : ,IK. L iai U "v WtotMmmmMnLfiWnZlJZ. xS m WH -1& U 1 m JM Wmmswfim SOUL-MATE IS DISCHARGED. Frederick Noble Told Ills Services Are Xo Longer Required. New York. That Mrs. Grundy lays a relentless hand upon those who re fuse to recognize her code of ethics was brought home sharply to young Frederick Noble, "protector" and soul-mate of Mrs. Walter L. Suydam, Jr , when his employers notified him that he was out of a job. A few days ago the boy eloper had figured that by a little pinchng and squeezing he could support the run away wife of the Blue Point million aire in comparative comfort. Today the props of his hopeful computations were knocked out from under him. The heads of the Boston manufactur ing f.rm that employed him sent word that his services were no longer re quired. He received this ultimatum after he had admitted the elopement and that his love was bo overpowering that he could not. bring himself to break the affinity bonds that had drawn him and Mrs. Suydam togeth er. Th's second severe reminder of the existence of Mrs. Grifndy followed a swiftly upon the heels of the fir-t jolt received when Landlord Serviss of the Kegina apartments notified the cou ple on Saturday that they would have to vacate their three-room flat. After much pleading Mrs. Suydam prevailed upon Mr Serviss to permit her to maintain the flat by herself. Fred would get a r rn somewhere In Brooklyn, possibly at his father'--home. The tars and pleadings of the young woman prevailed and her boy companion packed his little grip and hastener! acioss the bridge. There was a rurnor that he had gone to stay and that the romance had come to an unhappy end. He dis proved this gossip today w-nen he turn ed up at the little apartment on West Tweifth street, his features long with gloom, to tell Mrs. Suydam the sad news fo how he lost hi3 job. Siz'ng up their fortunes at the time of taking present Invorce. young No ble and his affinity admitted that their love, would be tested to the limit with in the next few weeks. "But," they announced, "we are go ing to stick 't out." Attempt to Save Cat Causes Death. Detroit. An attempt to rescue a pet cat from a bucket of boiling cat sup resulted in the I-uth of John Ba ralla, three and one half year old son of Martell Baralla The accident hap pened wh.lo Jlri. B.iralla was pouring a quantity ,of hot catsup from the stove into a bucket on the noor. A kitten fell Into the bucket and In trying to pull it out the child was scalded about the head and arms. Fa tal convulsions developed. Threshing machine breaks down? Need more help? Cook wagon out of coffee or groceries? Don't leave the farm. Can't spare a hand to go to town. Need everyone on the job. The answer INSTALL A KELLOGG FARM TELEPHONE LINE During harvest time a farmer never knows what moment a costly break-down may happen and tie up the work. Someone will have to take a team that is working in the field, drive to town and back again in the meantime all hands are idle. TKADB MARK It may be a derrick fork a fly wheel a belt or only a small bolt that stops work for several hours. How simple it would be to go to your telephone, call up the implement house in town and have him send it out, It doesn't cost much to own a tele phone. You can install it yourself. OUR FREE BOOKS TELL EVERYTHING Our book of instructions explains In a clear manner every detail for a farmer's telephone line. Any man who can use a screw driver can install a Kellogg telephone. A Kellogg Telephone is "Standard", you can attach it to a "Bell Exchange'' or to an "Independent Exchange" it makes no difference. The time to lock ths stable is before the horse is gone the time to install a Kellogg Farm Telephone is before you have a breakdown, a serious acci dentor need the doctor in the middle of the night. Write for our free illustrated books today. Ask for Bulletin N" PACrFIC COAST OFFICES 90 Seventh Street, Portland 225 South Wall Street, Spokane 324 So. Loa Angeles St., Lot Angeles KELLOGG SWITCHBOARD & SUPPLY CO. Complete Line Carried in Stock 88 FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL OFFICB CHICAGO two of the world's ships in course of American yards. greatest battle construction In Check a cough or cold In the lun.sjf before It develops a serious case. BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP l an effective remedy for all soreness or congestion in the lungs or air pas sages. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. wanted mainly because it was such a bargain. She counted the coins sev eral times and then decided that she could ntt afford to spend so many dollars for one rug. FINDS KEY TO ECONOMY. dlcton where he has been for the past r.xtniva; Read today's want ads. ten days looking after business inter ests as well as taking in the Round Up. Members of the board of director. of the Hermiston Commercial club will hold a luncheon at the Hotel Hermlstbn today for the purpose of discussing plans for fall work. 7HU Wifo Cured by Hypno tism of Pile of Money Greeley, Colo. How to Inspire, his wife with the spirit of economy wa.s the problem successfully solved by a Greely man, when he sent her $200 In silver dollars to purchase a rug, A Dreadful SUrtit to H. J. Harnum of Frcevllle. N. T., vas the fever sore that had plagued ha life for years in spite of many remedies he tried. At last he used I'ucklen's Arnica Salve and wrote: "It has entirely healed with scarcely a scar left." Heals, burns, boils, ecze ma, cuts, bruises, swellings, corns and piles like magic. Only 25c at Koep-iena. Dogs Guard Dead Financier. Cutasaciuu, Pa. When Jeremiah L:izarus, horseman and dog fancier, fell dead on the street, his tow faith ful cocker spaniels, which were his lnseperable companions, not only guarded his body, but drove away Undertaker Frederick, who came to remove the remains to his homo Not until Frank McCarthy, his employer, was gotten from bed and taken to the scene would the dogs leave the body. Yellow complexion, plmpltet and disfiguring blemishes on the face or body can. be gotten rid of by doctor ing tho liver, which is torpid. HER BINE !s a powerful liver eorreotant. It purifies the system, stimulates the vital organs and puts the body In fine vigorous condition. Price 60c. Sold b7 A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Read the want ads. NO CLOTHING FOR CI YEARS. Mountaineer in Thoroughly Happy in Nature's Garb. Savannah, Ga. Word comes via the North Georgia mountains of. a strange man named John Castellow, who has grown to be 61 years of age, hale, hearty and happy, without ever wearing a stitch of clothing and with out ever using a single word but the , g monosyllable 'Gee!" Says a traveler . 5f from Harris, describing the marvelous person: "He lives four miles east of Wind sor, In Bertie county. North Carolina, and his health is perfect. He has not missed a meal In fifty years. "When I visited htm he was en tirely nude. He is the strongest man I ever saw. His body is normal and well shaped, but his strength is pro digious. He can break a double plowline as easily as if It were a cot ton cord. He is gentle and has never been known to hurt a living soul In tentionally. He cannot speak a word except the one monosyllable 'Gee,' which he uses In various Intonations to express all his desires and emotions." 1$ I The 19 fU 5 vrs , sa rfi,V V S to ( V ceooji Has sounded. Is your boy properly outfitted? 7 i ii PEHC ORDERS 7 SUBMARINES. American Shipbuilders Get Contract Through "Dollar Diplomacy." Washington, D. C. Another victory for the policy of "dollar diplomacy" now being followed by the state de partment was made known when it was announced that the. government o.' Peru had placed an order for seven submarine boats for her Navy with an American shipbuilding concern. In placing her order In the United States Peru has followed the lead of Argentina which country now has READ for PROFIT Use fot Reaulta FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS They worS directly on the KIDNEYS, BLADDER and URINARY PASSAGES, and their beneficial effect 13 fcit from the start. Fcr BACKACHE, KIDNEY and ELADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM CONGESTION of tho KIDNEYS, IN FLAMMATION of the BLADDER and annoyingURINARY IRREGULARITIES they exercise a permanent benefit. TONIC IN ACTION QUICK IN RESULTS J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., Steu benvllle, O., says: "For years I suf fered from weak kidneys and a se vere bladder trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and their wonder ful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good results as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, ex pressman, that alone Is a great ad vantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It In now a pleasure to work where It used to bo a misery. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o " Tlicro isn't a tnotlior in IVii'lN'toit wlio docs not t;i V, priilo in Pf tiding licr ltov to liis ytiulios looking fit. Tlir IH'oldom nsnnllv i- tvlicro licst to fit liim out nnd at lon-t expenso. Wo havo nUvnvs inndo it. possildo to dross tlio little (Imps witli good sorvicoahlo clotlios at vorv fin all 001'. c o o o o o o o o o o o c Q s o c o o o Q e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A WKSSKL SKIT is always Inmost 1y made tlirongli nini tlirongli. Tliov'ro niado on linos 1 lint fcinnek nnd snap of good stylo. Tlio lioy onjoyn tlio fooling of olotlioa fit tiosh Fiieli suits givo liim. You oan sond liim out. fooling lio is n orodit. to liis upbringing and lionio onvironinonts. Boys School Suits, knee pants, Boys School Suits, long pants, Boys School Shoes, . . . Boys School Hats Boys School Caps Boys School Shirts $2.50 to $6.00 . . . $5.00 to $14.00 . . . $1.50 to $3.00 Boys School Sweater Coats Boys School Hosiery Boys School Underwear school Here you'll find every needed article to dress tlio boy spic and span and start him ' looking and feeling RIGHT. to H. M o a ao Judd Building, Main and Court Streets. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o