KIGITT PAGES . DAILY KAS1 DREGOXIAN, PKNDLETOJ, OREGvV, ITtlDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911. pagk rm ar We are Breaking all For mer Records in the SECTION If tho last nine days of September continue the pace with tho first part we will smash all previous sales records sky high. There is a Reason We are told daily by our many satisfied customers that we are showing tho largest assortment of Coats, Suits and Dresses in Pendleton, and the prices are just a little lower. Let Us Show You Suits for Misses', sizes 14 to 20. Suits for Women, sizes 34 to 47. Coats in every size made for children, misses and wqmen. Dresses, sizes 14 to 20 for Misses'. Ladies 6izes 34 to 4G. WE CAN PLEASE YOU LET'S TRY. F. E. LlVENGOODCO. THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S STORE. PREPARE ESTIMATES IFOR DRAIN SYSTEM STANFIELD PROJECT IS AGAIN GIVEN IMPETUS New Project Town School Opens With Increased Attendance Llttlo Girl Fulls uikI Sustains JSroken Arm 1 tec-option to Teucliers. I LOCALS I day at 1:30 p. m., arrives In Port land 9:30. Fare 11.00. Lost Bunch of keys sometime dur ing last two weeks. Finder leave at this office. Coal and wood, phone Main E. Pastime pictures please all. Dutch Henry tor coal. Main 171. Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 3811. Private board and lodging at SOS W. Webb. Phone Black I4S1. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to see the best and the clearest pictures. Icelandic commonwealth was found by Norsmen In 877, and was soon afterward visited by Irish mariners. Dr J. A. Best nas returned from his vacation and has resumed practice. Everything that's good to eat. la meats and groceries at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. Special rates to horses ooarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 120 Aura street. Phone Main IS Wanted An experienced girl for general houswork; ood wages; no washing. Apply 115 West High street. About 80 feet of good sew garden hose for sale at cost price. Sharon ft Eddings. Lost Package containing little girl's black pumps. Flndor return to this office and receive suitable re ward. Phone Main 98 for 'Parker's au tomobile. Trips to all parts of coun try and city. Quick service. Stand at French restaurant If you want to move, call Penland Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m , arrive 9:55 p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos and all kinds of lob work, phone Malnn 41. B. A. Morton. International Corresiondence Schools Meeting. There will be an Illustrated lecture given for the benefit of Pendleton stu dents of the International Corres pondence Schools tonight at the Eagle Woodman hall. All students are cor dially Invited. I have several large tracts of Uma tilla county wheat land and stock ranches for sale. Will take in ex change property In Portland, Spokane or Pendleton. E. T. WADE. Let George nan! It. Phone George Stangler at Oritman Bros.', Main 511, for light or heavy hauling of all kinds. Trunks, furni ture or pianos moved promptly and with care to any part of tho city. Money to Loan, Five thousand dollars to loan by the City of Pendleton on approved real eataVj security. W. E. BROCK C. P. STRAIN, J. L. SHARON, Finance Committee. E (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., Sept. 22. The Wes ton public and high school started Monday mottling with a large num- ber in attendance. The high school ! teacher.'! consist of the principal, Joel If cng east, or west, or south, Davis, who teaches the sciences; Miss have tickets routed Northern Pacific Clara Hall, teacher of languages and Ry. Close connections at Pasco with mathematics, and Payne Shngle, all through trains. W. Adams, agent, teener of history and literature. The Pendleton. Mrs. C. L. Crockett will resume teaching on Thursday, September 22, pianoforte lessons. Beginners 50 cents. Advanced 75 cents a lession. Phone 3682. Lost In grandstand at the Round Up Park, lady's 17 Jewel Waltham gold watch; case number 6,045. 961. Finder return to Gray Bros.1 grocery and receive liberal reward. You can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173, for cVan screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. To Portland or California, take Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S. P. & S. Ry. Ltave 1:30 p. m , ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad ams, agent, at passenger station for on buuint ss. work will be well In progress In a few days. Mrs. R. M. O'Brien of Portland, arrived in the city Sunday and Is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Alvira Reynolds. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Snider and family were In Athena Tuesday on business. The houses that have been vacant during the summer months are now being occupied by families from the country. The families of Henry Wad dinghnm and Frank Greer have mov ed from their farms that their chil dren might attend the school. Mrs. Emiua Knox, who has been visiting relatives in Weston for the past month, left Tuesday for her homo in the east. Will Compton and George Wad ingliam went to Pendleton this week (Special Correspondence,) Stanfield, Ore., Sept. 22. The board of directors of the drainage district htld a meeting yesterday at which several matters of importance were considered. Estimates are being pre pared and it Is hoped to have data ready In a few days so that bids may bo asked for as It is the desire of the board to commence work on the sys tem at the earliest possible date. Un der the present plan' It is intended to use a covered ditch through the town and an open ditch, beyond. Recent visitors to the Furnish pro ject at StanfieM are amazed at the progress that has been made In the way of Improvements here and it is difficult for one to realize that the many thrifty young orchards to be seen at this place have been develop ed upon land that was covered with sage brush two or three years ago. At the Umatilla-Morrow county fair held recently at Pendleton the project at Stanfield was awarded 32 premiums, also a diploma tor the best showing of vegetables, and another diploma for the best showing of fruits all grown here. Peaches were on exhibit that were grown on trees that were planted two years ago last spring on the Page place. Much surprise was expressed by visitors because of the display that was made by this district and many congratulations were ex tended. Quite a number of new fam ilies are coming here this Fall from the middle west to make their homes here, several of themhaving previ ously purchased lands here. The Stanfield schools were opened last Monday morning with an enroll ment which indicates an Increased at tendance over last year. As the new stone building Is not quite completed it was necessary to make temporary arrangements In order that there should be no delay In opening the school. For a few weeks some of the classes will meet In the Webster building on Main street. New furni ture Is ready to be placed in the school on completion of the new build ing. A reception to the teachers will be given this evening. The teachers employed for the ensuing year are T. D. Carruth, principal, Miss Minnie E. Baker, Miss lone Applegate, Miss Chezik. Ruth Hurd, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hurd, while play ing yesterday, fell from a buggy and sustained a slight fracture of her arm. Dr. Reid was called and attended to the injury. C. P. Bowman of Butter Creek, wai in town yesterday and attended a meeting of the board of directors of the Bank of Stanfield. Jesse Richards returned yesterday morning from a visit to Portland and other Coast cities. R. N. Stanfield went to Pendleton yesterday after spending a few days looking after his numerous Interests here. Miss Stella McCullough, who spent last week at Pendleton during the Round-Up was a Stanfield visitor yes terday on her way to Portland where she Is now making her home. . Mrs. J. A. Bamford who has been spending the past two weeks visiting here with her sister, Mrs. E. N. Wheeler, returned to her home in Portland this morning. R. W. Fletcher, circulation man ager for the East Oregonlan, was a welcome visitor In Stanfield yester day. E. X. Wheeler returned yesterday from an extended visit to Ohio and other eastern states and reports that there is an Increasing Interest being shown by eastern people in the Pa cific coast In general and In Oregon lp particular. Dr. Henry W. Coe was transacting business in Hcrmiston today. Hon. W. J. Furnish Is spending a few days in Portland looking after business. iMjJfSlti f I You'll be pleased with our Suits You'll be pleased with You'll be pleased with You'll be pleased with which they are fitted to you. You'll be pleased with the each garment. oiir Coats our Prices .1 tne manner in g finishing of throuph tickets nnd all arrangements. Passengers to Portland can save money and at the same time have an enjoyable river ride by taking boat from The Dalles. Str. Bailey Gatiert leaves dally, xcept Friday and Sun- : Try I Rose Creamj September good to us. the pleasure business this thus far has been mighty Come and share with us of doing a record breaking month. X EG ROES PLAN TO MOVE TO AFRICA for Sun Burn and Tan If you wish to b FREE of those blemishes 25c KOEPPENS Mrs. Lilllo Miller of Athena, was In AVeston this week attending to her millinery business. Clarence Rcxroad and family went to Walla Walla Wednesday on busi ness, James Ritchie of Cornelius, Oregon, is it. Weston visiting his old friends. Miss Norma Smith left Wednesday for Walla Walla, where the will visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pinkerton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I'inkorton of Athena during the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Compton went Thursday to Walla Walla to spend a few days with relatives In the Gar den City. Mrs. Walter Pn visit Monday to the Garden City. Dave Lavender has gone to Walla Walla to employ men to work on the Athena-Weston road. The work will . begin In a short time. Ernest Blomgren left Wednesday . evening for Spokane, whore he will enter tho Northern Business College. , He was accompanied by Chris Beyler who will go to his Rome In Wallace, muicner has moved his family to town for the winter. Wash Hyatt has rented the Rey nolds house on Washington street for the winter. Itaeo Friction Causes Them to Ijook for Homes In IjiimI of Ancestors. Oklahoma City, Okla. Frenzied by continuous race troubles, most of the negro population of the southern part of Bryan county, Oklahoma, are mak ing preparations to leave the state, and a considerable number have chosen the Republic of Liberia, Afri ca, as the promised land. Race frictions have been particu larly frequent and serious rioting, fol lowing tho numerous recent attacks on while women In that part of the state and the burning of a negro nt Durnnt several weeks ago, have ar oused the whole negro population of tho state. Since then, relates Devoy Costncr, a neuro renter on a farm near the Col bert Ferry, Bryan county, tho leader of the movement, many respectable negro families In that county have been subjected to embarrassing accu sations by white men. Costner went to Denison, Texas, to organize and finance a movement to send a num ber of negro families to Liberia. fhe Drug .Store That Tea Beat. Serve Severo winter In Flanders, Belgi um, in 14BS. Frozen wine distributed among the people had to be cut with hatchets. HAVE YOU PILES. Then Hem-Rold Is What You Want A Guaranteed Internal Remedy. Here is a physician's remedy, in sugar-coated tablets tnnen Inwardly, that cures nil forms of piles und avoids painful operations, ns well a" the common odious treatments. It at tacks the very cause bad circulation. This remedy Is Dr. Leonhardt's HEM-ROID, sold by Pendleton Drug Co. and all druggists. $1 for 24 days' medline, and satisfaction guaran teed. Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station 8, Buffalo, N. Y., Prop. Write for book Perrins Gloves, .the world's best, in all wanted shades, at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Kabo Corsets, the corset of grace, ease, comfort and satisfaction, at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 up to $5.00 wlmz Soa't. Better Goods for Less Money. Uohli Stern INDIGESTION IS ENDED FOREVER XO SOURNESS. GAS OU DYSPEPSIA IN' 5 MINUTES AUCTION SALE of 50 choice Pendleton resident lots. Located in different parts of the city. Call and learn particulars. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phon Main 83. 117 E. Curt Street A Little Dlnpepsin -ow "m Your Out-of-order Stomach Feel l"ic Digests All Your Food, Leav ing Nothing to Ferment d Sour. Nothing will remain undigested or s-our on your stomach If you will take .. .. . n;.nnllv This a little Diapers. ii uw.t. ........ . rf,,i dicestlve and antacid, j-m ...... " ,w though harmless and pleasant as can- , ( dy, will digest and prepare for assim- , ft llatlon into the blood all the food you j g can eat. j Eat what your stomach craves, g) ...i i.....- tH.v,tat ivnr nf indices- S nullum me . "o"1-' - i t'on or that you will be bothered with , stur risings, belching, gas on stom- ach. heartburn, headaches from stom- ach, nausea, bad breath, water brash . WiSSvStSSX or a feeling like you had swaiiowcc. a lump of lead, or other disagreeable miseries. Should you De suffering now from any stomach disorder you j can get reuei wunin live imuuics. Tf von will cet from your pharma- 1 cist a 50-cent case of Pope's Diapep Pendleton Dye Works CUT PR.ICES FOR SEPT. LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $i.0 LADIES' SCITS PRESSED $1.01 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $2.M MEN'S SUITS PRESSED 75c Have your clothes cleaned an up-to-date place and by up-to-date method. Phone Main 169. 206 1-1 E. Alt. Sin you COUlu always iu '" i (! with a Vnrtv nnnetlto. nnd your I W meals would taste good, because you j would know there would be no indi- j gestlon or sleepless nights or headache j or stomach misery all the next day; and, besides, you would not need lax atives or liver pills to keep your stom ach and bowels clean and fresh. Pape's Diapepsin can bo obtained from your druggist, and contains more than sufficient to thoroughly cure the worst case of Indigestion or dyspep sia. There U nothing better for gas on the stomach or sour odors from the stomach or io cure a stomach "headache. You couldn't keep a handler or more useful article in the house. Why? "I'd rather have three sober men and a bottle of ink to start a move ment," says a Nebraska philosopher, "than a hall full of people nnd a keg of beer." Sound doctrine, but why bother tlje three sober men? Chicago Rec- THE CASH MARKET "IS THE BFSIEST PI.ACE IN TOWN WHY? Because people get better goods, better service and better weight than any other place In town and you'll find our prices cheaper. !H!Le CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and Johnson Sts. Phono Main 191 RE-OPENED We have rc-oponcd the Farmers' Meat Market on etui Court street ami will carry a fine and fresh line of FRESH AND CURED MEATS, SAUSAGES AND LARD. POULTRY EYERY SATURDAY. KURRLE & SON Phono Main 445. Prompt Delivery. let. ...... JrgTME ord-Herald.